A Book Analysis Of Robinson Crusoe English Literature Essay

Life is a wonderful gift but it is also challenging and sometimes heart-wrenching. We can all use a little motivation and inspiration from time to time to help us navigate the small and large hurdles we encounter on our journey. In the book, Robinson’s life is quite a story which you can catch principles and proficiencies that can be used in our daily lifestyle. You can observe different perspectives and from this concepts we can say actually grab something that can help us in our day-to-day chores.

As described in the story, Robinson has this great eagerness to pursue his dream yet this plan of him is at stake because his cognitive dissonance is preventing him from fulfilling his goals in life whether he will sail or leave his parents alone. At first it is quite blurred because the thoughts that are enclosing him from doing the things that he like is very heavy to the extent he almost lost it still because of his enormous sense of competence, he decided to follow his own will. From then, Robinson speaks for himself and himself alone. However, his decision was questioned by his own self due to his initial encounter with the life in the sea. The momentum of his eagerness becomes low in quite sometime Robinson’s impressionable youth is apparent in this inability to stay rooted to one emotion or decision. His refusal to go home because he does not want to suffer embarrassment and laughter from the neighbors gives new meaning to the clichéd cutting off the nose to spite the face. Robinson is all too willing to take on roles such as sailor and trader with which he has no experience. Clearly he does not know who he is, or who he is supposed to be. We cannot ever be sure that he has faith in himself. This lack of confidence paints a very timid picture of the character. It is a picture, though, of who Robinson used to be. At many moments we cannot help thinking that Robinson has truly made a mistake in leaving; but it appears that the narrator agrees with us sometimes.

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One of the most prominent features in the story is the contradictory sense of Robinson’s behavior–civilization meets the wild. Essentially he oscillates between the roles of civilized, middle-class businessman and primitive nature lover. By this, the author (Defoe) means for us to view the island as a completely distinct world, of which Crusoe is the colonizer. In many ways he is stunned initially, having been suddenly thrust into a very unfamiliar situation. Still, he is level-headed and calculating enough to realize that he must ransack the wrecked ship for provisions. This demonstrates his ingenuity. He did everything in order to survive in that particular distinct world that he is into. Now, we can observe the beginning of Crusoe’s struggle to come to terms with his fate. The list of pros and cons that he draws up indicate his desperate need to believe that Providence has designed his shipwreck for the best. Religion becomes a psychological crutch for him. Therefore he thanks God profusely for his deliverance. When he reads the Bible, he becomes less sick. Christianity is a metaphorical healer of body and spirit. To begin his evolution towards fulfillment, he must begin ill. He seems to identify with his father at these moments.

If we examine the first part of the story, we can say that Robinson is living quite well because they are in the middle class of the social status. However, as he describes his life in the island, we can say that he is no longer a middle-class but a powerful ruler therefore is already executing a social role in the world which he dominates. Thinking and executing this role indirectly, it helps Robinson to not feel so alone and that his existence has at least the purpose of maintaining all things that surrounds him. Crusoe also learned to accept life as it comes, without trying to interfere and take too much control over his fate. The discovery of a footprint is the strongest test of his fortitude. As soon as there is the possibility of other humans, there is a loss of peace with nature, a loss of faith. This place is no different from the real world that he from which he has enjoyed an escape. Robinson suspiciously watches every step he takes, and runs without reason. His homes are called “castles,” sturdy places of protection. We might see this as a subtle comment on the theme of colonization, that humans ruin the natural serenity of uninhabited places. Religiously, Crusoe believes he might be facing the Devil. His unbreakable strength is evident as he says that he will leave the Devil to Providence.

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Saving Friday is something that makes Robinson’s power extend because it is the time that he also test his social dominance in terms of power. Friday is exceedingly devoted to his master, and very eager to be like him. Robinson is so happy living with Friday because he now has someone whom he can teach; specifically, he teaches religious doctrine. Friday is a justification for slavery–the institution exists so that savages might become good Christians. Ironically, Friday poses difficult questions to his master about why the Devil even exists. Yet, Robinson does not fully answer the questions. Comically enough, however, he prides himself after lecturing Friday, because he now feels that his beliefs are more solid than they were. The banishment of Friday’s religious beliefs is akin to the colonization theme. We might see Robinson as performing a moral colonization on his dedicated servant. Whether this is good or bad, we cannot say. It is certain, however, that Robinson and Friday have a mutual need for one another. The excessive need for power demonstrates just how much Robinson’s motivations and sense of agency have been altered during his life on the island.

the most touching moment in the novel is the reunion of Friday and his father. It is the only scene in which affectionate emotions are unrestrained and expressed freely. The tone of the passage, which entails Robinson observing the two men embracing, betrays a bit of wistfulness. Crusoe is observing the reunion/reconciliation that will never be able to take place between his own father and himself. He seems to realize that this is his own fault–the beginning of deeper maturity. Still, Friday does not return with his father. He is devoted to Crusoe above everyone in the world it is because one way or another, the willingness of Friday to continue his adventure and the friendship that he establish with Crusoe pushed him to decide.

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After crossing a myriad number of obstacles, Crusoe reaches wealth and security. He treats generously those who have helped him, and in short lives a model life. In short, there is a justification of returning to middle-class life. The role of Crusoe will depend on how he will dominate and execute his power over people that surround him. Robinson’s pioneer dream world must reach fruition and he must fully conquer the dangerous forces that are present on the island, thereby safeguarding his religious sensibilities. Robinson is more fully in the role of leader than ever before. The manner in which he is constantly observing before acting illustrates learned patience–the impulsive tendencies are gone. He choreographs strategies but never loses consciousness of his position. All of his experiences are still lacking for him, he still wants adventure and do something else and perhaps continue what he started many years ago. The adventuresome spirit is still in him and it is the persuading reason why he still hopes for a new adventure in life.

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