A Case Diagram Of A Club System Information Technology Essay

Use cases: Use case describes a sequence of actions to provide some measurable value to an actor, was drawn into a horizontal oval.

Context Diagram of the system:

Data Flow Diagram:

Create use case diagram

I would like to identify as many actors as possible. You should ask how the actors interact with the system to determine the initial setting of a use case.

Then, in the chart, you connect the actors and use cases associated with them.

If an actor to provide the information, start with the cases, or receive any information, so use case,

then the relationship between them should be. I usually wear including the association arrow lines,

because my experience is that people put their signs that the flow of information, rather than the initial call. As I began to notice the similarity between the use cases, or actor,

I began to simulate the proper relationship between them . The preceding paragraph, I described the general use case modeling style,

a Jim actors first Approach. Some people like to first determine an actor, use case,

they participation, and then the evolution of the model from there. Both methods work.

The most important point is that different people take different approaches, so you need to be flexible when the following morning practice model and others.

Actor. Actor is a person, organization or external systems play a role in one or more interaction with your system. Actors come to insist on digital. Community.

Associations between the roles and use cases use case diagram is shown in solid lines.

As long as there is an association, is an actor involved in a use case interaction descriptions.

Society is modeled as a line of cases and participants to connect with each other,

the arrow on the line with an optional one end.

The direction of the arrow is usually used to indicate the relationship between the initial call,

or explain the main actors in the use case. The arrow is usually confused with the data stream,

the result I avoid its use.

System boundary boxes. You could draw a rectangle around the use cases, called the system boundary box, to show the scope of your system. Function within the box represents what is to what extent and in the outside box is not. System boundary box is rarely used, although sometimes I use this to determine which use cases will be delivered to all major version of the system. Figure 2 shows how to do so. Package (optional). Package is the construction of UML, allowing you to organize model elements group.

Package described as folders, can be used in any UML diagram, including use case diagrams and class diagrams.

I use the package, I only plan to become clumsy, which often means that they can not print a single page, organized into small, large-scale map. Figure 3 Figure 1 depicts how restructuring and packaging.

In this, depicted in 1, the Academy s may enroll in courses to help register.

Use case specifications:

Use case contains the text to further standardize the description of the use case. The usual text specification also describes the process of all possible error specified, and how to remedy the system will take action. This specification can be customized or extended to address specific issues or organization implementation.

Conclusions and commentary: This section should provide any final comments on the system design, or use the system. It should include any known problems, restrictions, or extenuating factors contribute to the decision, or may affect the future of the system.

Use Case: orders

Main Role: Customer

Abstract: This use case allows customers to create a purchase order to use / update existing customer information or data, by creating a new customer. If the customer has begun to purchase orders directly (without having to visit the online catalog), he or she can select items from a product catalog of use cases.

Objective: To allow customers to create and submit orders

Focus categories: customer, project configuration, purchase orders, standard items

Premise: The customer has valid user ID and password of the customer extranet

Activity diagrams:

Figure 1

Figure 2

Activity diagram shows flow through the system’s activities. Read the chart from top to bottom, and has branches and forks to describe the conditions and parallel activities. A fork is used when multiple activities occur at the same time. The following diagram shows a cross after the activity design. This indicates that these two activities are the design and activity3 occurred at the same time. Activities after the design has a branch. The branch describes what activities will be held on the basis of established conditions. After a certain point the branch is a merger that ultimately acts to be qualified by the branch began. After the merger of all the parallel activities must be integrated to the final by a transition to active state.

Task 2

Class diagrams:

This type of chart, also known as block diagram, class and object distribution components or modules. This is very convenient to design the system, possibly hundreds of thousands of components.

Attributes and operations:

Can also use the display options at both ends of the association operation pieces displayed inside the definition and parts diagram, internal block diagrams or the definition of UML class

Rational Rhapsody Sys ML solution to improve the binding characteristics of the connector parameters of the chart features, so you can set the properties of components. Context is a dialog box to invoke the right-click Properties, then select “bound to the context.” In addition, the three labels are added to the binding connector:

Source Context: the background of the source-side connector binding

Target Context: background, objectives at the end of the connector binding

Value: the value of sharing the source and target completion

Task 3

Sequence diagrams:

Sequence diagram is still rather inadequate development in the UML.

The biggest difficulty is the stimulus behind the actions. These are purely textual in implementation; there is no way to contact them back to their associated operations or signals.

It hides all the communication partners located outside the communication system is not interested in the moment. They can be included in their interests. Included by clicking on the within the system boundaries. You can also use drag and drop or simply click on an object reference to include the object sequence diagram. As you can see a new sequence diagram is very fast.

Method calls the hidden outside the system boundary. If a method call appears to become visible and method parameters of the return value will be displayed, if the method returns. Exceptions can also be seen.

Sequence diagram of the layout of a complex mechanism, there is no need for time-consuming hand-arranged communication partners.

This is a fishing Sequence diagrams…

Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008 contain the firewalls that may prevent

certain types of this product communications. If these firewalls are enabled,

you might not be able to access computerized system remotely. If there are computers in your network that run these operating systems, you need to configure the firewalls to allow for these communications.

To use the Windows XP firewalls, you need to configure them to support

communications by opening ports or by specifying trusted programs. You can

enable communications by permitting rugbyclub.exe on all computers.

If you want to install client software remotely, you must permit servers to send

traffic from TCP ports 1024-5000 to TCP ports 139 and 445 on clients. Stateful

Inspection permits the return traffic automatically. You must also permit clients

to receive traffic from server TCP ports 1024-5000 on TCP port 139. And you must

permit clients to send traffic from TCP port 139 to TCP ports 1024-5000 on servers.

Legacy communications also require that UDP port 2967 be open on all computers

State machines:

I cannot seem to get over my brain state machine this week, unfortunately is not it…

I find I rarely use them so, but I have a nagging feeling that they can be so incredibly useful. I think this is because they finally allow me to separate concerns.

Today, for instance, I run the facilities for building, plant ASP.NET wizard form roughly the following steps. The workflow GUI is to achieve a simple online survey, people can submit.

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I started not even think of a state machine. I just use case document in my desk, and hackers along with a number of ASP.NET pages. This is a fast growing chaos.

I really want to use some of the state’s model. However, a complaint is to achieve national model tend to take so much code to represent the channel state transitions. This article demonstrates my point, I just have no time invested in so many things not trying to Disc the author, and many look very beautiful, I just want a convenient things. Even draw a state diagram need too much time with respect.

I would like to dream of a simple way to express this state machine kind of thing in the code, it has been the following. Please note that

Run down:

Start -> [Introduction || AlreadyDone] Introduction -> Terms -> Scores <-> Nomination <-> Confirm -> Thanks [Terms, Scores, Nomination] -> Saved for Later

Communication diagrams:

Each complex or major functional requirements will show a sequence diagram or a communication plan…

A behavioral model is used to define the functional requirements to implement a system. Implementation of each component in the logic model illustrates how interactions to achieve this requirement. Integrated into the technical design of a behavioral model helps to define the responsibilities (functions) and interface in the component level.

In the UML, the sequence or communication diagrams to illustrate patterns of behavior.


Regulations and best practice:

Although a lot of attention is given to protect the company .Electronic assets from outside threats – from intrusion prevention system Firewall, vulnerability management – organizations must now put their Note that an equally dangerous situation: the problem of data loss from Inside.

In fact, many organizations have a big hole in the control .Create a safe environment, to protect electronic assets. This hole is now common business and personal communication with the Other – on the Internet.

Whether email, instant messaging, e-mail, web site form, or File transfer, electronic communications out of the company continues to a large extent Uncontrolled and unsupervised on the road, their destination – and there is always the potential of confidential information falling into the wrong Hand. Should be sensitive information is exposed, it can wreak havoc .Organization’s bottom line through fines, bad publicity, loss of strategic Customers, loss of competitive intelligence and legal action.

Given today’s strict regulatory and super-competitive environment, data loss Protection is one of the most critical issues facing the CIO who, civil society organizations and CISO’s. For the establishment and implementation of the DLP strategy, the task can be Seem daunting. Fortunately, effective technology solutions available. This Report on best practices, organizations can use as they seek to prevent leakage of the solution, implementation and observance and protection the company’s brand value and reputation.

Solution combines the best varieties:

Data loss prevention solutions are still developing, not a single offer most organizations need all the depth capacity. For example, In both data management campaigns and static data carrier, is a

Challenges – and vulnerability, need a different set of features. Recalling the entire data stream, companies need to address data loss. Problem by creating an end-to-end solutions using the best of similar products. The best answer is to use specialized supplier of solutions, from the data

Motion and at rest, data obtained the most comprehensive and effective prevention

Across the board. the best sign is the same solution can be extended and strengthened

By integrating the best of its effectiveness and other similar tools. Companies should avoid selected DLP solution from their inhibition Integration in the future. With the development of the industry, it will be essential to have Full advantage of the flexibility and future third party support

Solutions through connectivity and data sharing.

B. Computer system being developed:

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard Decision Support System for PCI, a comprehensive set of regulations to enhance payment account data security, is by American Express, Discover Financial Services Card, JCB, MasterCard International and Visa International, to help promote the widespread adoption of consistent data security measures in a global basis.

Data loss problems ranging from confidential information about a customer is exposed thousands of source code files

Send to a rival company’s products. Whether deliberate or accidental data loss occurs any time an employee, consultant or other sensitive data are released on the customer, financial, intellectual property, or

Other confidential information (violation of company policy and regulatory requirements).

Consider the following two striking examples: the U.S. online job search engine data

Contain personal information, members, employees of DuPont’s 400 million U.S. dollars leakage of intellectual property, CEO of the whole food industry competition Bashes blog by a former Ceridian employee accident job number and bank account information, 150 people The advertising on the site. The list goes on example.

With all of the channels available to employees electronically disclose today

Sensitive data, the extent of the data loss problem is an order of magnitude

Greater than the protection from outside threats.

Consider the level of effort required to cover all losses carrier

An organization may experience:

• motion data – any data, is through the network to the outside via the Internet

• Data break – the data resides in file systems, databases and

Other storage methods

• Data in the end – the data in the network endpoint (such as data of the USB devices, external drives, MP3 players, notebook computers, and other highly mobile devices) in order to avoid the sake of delayed receipt of a data loss, businesses must assess The vulnerability of each specific carrier, and take appropriate loss.

C. Data protection in the new system

Access to data at any time, any place, is an integral part of most business

Organization. A powerful, user-friendly solutions for personal and corporate data services area for a rest encryption is a must have for companies in many industries.

New system to provide tools to organizations of all sizes to fully control and protection of the key as the FileVault for the adequate protection and management of all access to the user’s home directory, encrypted disk image processing to enable users to sensitive data without any form additional costs often associated with additional encryption solution.

Based on the hardware:

Time has proven that changes in security solutions, from software to embedded hardware

They mature, and its implementation. The same trend is occurring already available from Seagate FDE drive technology, or “self-encryption” hard drive. In this way change the encryption / decryption process from a software module A real-time, embedded hardware chip hard disk storage module. The organization is considering hardware-based full disk encryption, some solution providers have expanded enterprise management solution was FDE technology management software in addition to providing key technologies emerging FDE hard drive. The FDE technology transition to the hard drive or continue to use the software to split the environment and Hardware FDE technology. This continuity can provide additional assurance, organizations can continue to use familiar solutions.

With the critical nature of the data, the protection of the rest, this is not part of the organization’s most important philosophical or political quagmire. The best approach is to focus on the appropriate data protection. If the FDE drive technology is the ideal solution, but the current

Vendors do not support Apple’s product line, however, it would be best to take critical look at other players available in this area. If there is no competition, no improvement in security products, they have. Deprive an organization of FDE hard drives on the basis of technology solutions provider may be weakened, if not eliminate, the necessary level solutions, hardware-based solutions may also be an obstacle to the current best practice of two-factor authentication, may adding complexity to the user.

Task 5

2.Indiana University and IU Varsity Sports Council is pleased to announce an exciting new tool that allows season ticket holders to choose their own seats, giving them views of online interactive sites to see the two in international units largest music facilities.

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In the implementation of the new online seat system is to drive the Varsity Club board of directors in collaboration with national and international athletic ticket office units and the Varsity Club staff. In recent years, each group has collected the views of donors on how to make it easier for season ticket renewal process. The results of their research focused on an online system that allows season ticket holders choose their own seats.

IU music:

IU Memorial Stadium

This has traditionally been done in the ticketing office staff based on individual priorities, and asked to write any special ticket for the seat.

Companies’ Seats3D products allow users to see a virtual rendering and line of any section of Memorial Stadium and City Hall. Music fans can rotate the view that in all directions and zoom in and from that location. See Seats3D product by looking at the international unit of Memorial Stadium, City Hall virtual tour or virtual tour.

Season ticket holders will be able to use advanced management system, view seating season seats, and to select the seat. According to their priority points, ticket holders will be assigned a specific date and time recorded in the system to choose their own seat selection you want – all from the convenience of their home or office. Specially trained staff will provide assistance to season ticket holders without Internet access who are willing to call or personally visit the Memorial Stadium, choose to select their own seats on the specified date.

The new honor system, complete seat selection, while giving priority points system ticket holders to better control their designated seat location, Varsity Club president’s left-wing coalition, said director of the National Committee.” Indiana fans can view Real-time availability and choose the best seats according to their personal preferences location. “

. In order to adapt to the new online seat selection system, closing date for applications for 2010 season tickets has been moved to March this year. Select seats will be online in June occurred 5 .

Through this new online seat allocation system resulted in two years of hard work by the IU Varsity Club, its Board of Directors and staff of athletic ticket office, said: “Fred Glass, vice president and director of intercollegiate athletics . They have done a great job to listen and to seek donations of new technologies, so that our fans first to choose their own seats.

online tools, greatly improved customer service and purchasing experience in ticket holders in sports venues and the United States. More than 200 university students and professional venues and facilities have been used online product range.

In addition to streamlining our seat allocation process, this online tool to strengthen our commitment to improve the fan experience, added: “deputy director of the æ-¯ç‘特多尔森 competitive. With this innovative technology, fans will be able to easily select the seat in a similar manner, they choose airline seat today – all from the comfort of your computer. “

Ticket holders and fans encouraged to view the virtual heat Hu visit the Memorial Stadium and City Hall and testing the new international unit of the system before the online seat selection, their choice of time allocation.

Technology provides a unique sales and marketing tool for Member, venue owners / operators, and Internet-based ticketing solutions. Seats3D products are market leaders in complex three-dimensional visualization. seat technology to create realistic visual effects to improve the online booking experience, familiar with the potential customers of the facility, creating excitement, sales and customer satisfaction levels. The current site on the use of facilities, including on-site national, NBA, and American football, Major League Baseball, Major League, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the National Collegiate Athletic Association, and NASCAR. innovative seat relocation management system .

print media available for printing:

Print a broader audience access to knowledge, so that future generations of intelligence based on the results earlier. Print, according to Acton in his teaching of history (1895), to the “guarantee of the Renaissance will continue this work, it will be what is written all access, so occultation of knowledge and ideas suppressed the Middle Ages will never be repeated, this is not a concept will disappear. “[8]

Print a help change the social nature of reading range.

As a Briggs and Bideboke identify five to read, the developed countries on the introduction of printing:

1.Critical read: Because of the fact that the text finally entered into the general population, appear critical reading, because people choose to form their own views on the text.

2.Dangerous reading: reading is seen as a dangerous pursuit, because it was seen as rebellious and withdrawn. This is particularly the case of women, because it may lead to dangerous emotions like love of reading. Some people worry that if women can read, they can read a love letter.

3.Creative read: get people to read printed text and to explain their creativity, in very different ways, more often than not the author’s intent.

4.Extensive read: print allows a wide range of text becomes available, therefore, the previous method of intensive reading text, from beginning to end, began to change. With the existing text, people began to read about a specific topic or section, to allow a wider range of reading a wider range of topics.

5.Private read: This is the rise of individualism. Print before, often mass incidents, including one reading to a group of people. With print, the text also provided literacy up to become a solitary pursuit of reading.

“Although discussions have been invented printing in the spread of traditional values, its greater contribution to promoting the long-term development is that it changes the relationship between space and discourse

Wang is the proliferation of the media to discuss the introduction of the printing press, the oral culture of death, and this new culture more seriously, instead of hearing in the visual medium. So press had a more convenient and popular source of knowledge, because it broke the boundaries of knowledge and between the masses. Narrative discourse or what now exists will be indirect, when the global village.

The invention of printing has changed the occupational structure of European cities. Printer into a new group of craftsmen for their literacy is necessary, but more labor-intensive occupation of the scribe falls. Proofreading to correct a new career there, and the rise of booksellers and librarians to follow the number of natural explosion of digital books.

Stefano graphic anti-counterfeiting (secret) marks

. For example, small yellow spots on white paper, producing a color laser printer. Main article: Secret printer

Many modern color laser printer to print mark by an almost invisible point grid, for identification purposes. This is yellow, the size of about 0.1 mm, and the grating is about 1 mm. Allegedly, this is the result of a deal between the U.S. government and the printer manufacturer to help track fraud.

The point code data, such as printing date, time and printer’s serial number in binary coded decimal print every piece of paper, allowing pieces of paper, trace the purchase by the manufacturer to determine location, sometimes the buyer. Digital rights advocacy organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation, concerned about the erosion of privacy and anonymity of those who print.

Use device

Dedicated room for 20 peoples

Whiteboard and markers

Notepads and pens


LAN cables 24 ports 100 MB network switch

Computer for demonstration with following specification:

Processor Core2Due 2GHz or above


Hard disk 160GB

CD ROM drive

card reader

Task 6

a. A set of fully normalised tables showing the normalisation process for each table

First Normalization

Member(MemberID, MemberName, MemberAddress, Telephone number, …, MemberID)

Member(MemberID, MemberName, Description, Captain, Vice-captain, …, )

Match(MatchID, MemberID, OpponentMemberID, Date, Venue, OpponentMemberName, MemberScore, OpponentMemberScore)

Training(TrainingID, TrainingDate, TrainingTime, Venue, TrainerID, TrainerName)

2nd Normalization


Match(MatchID, MemberID, OpponentMemberID, Date, Venue, MemberScore, OpponentMemberScore)

OpponentMember(OpponentMemberID, OpponentMemberName, …, )


Training(TrainingID, TrainingDate, TrainingTime, Venue, TrainerID, TrainerName)

3rd Normalization

Training(TrainingID, TrainingDate, TrainingTime, Venue, TrainerID)

Trainer(TrainerID, TrainerName)

Data Dictionary entries for all items included in the database design

Table: Training

Attribute: TrainingID: number(10) , the value is unique and cannot be null

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TrainingDate: Date

TrainingTime: Time

Venue: Char(20)

TrainerID: number(10) cannot be null

TrainerID references to Trainer

Description: If the trainerID is null, it means that there is a training without any trainer… what is the meaning behind the restrictions?

TrainingDate, TrainingTime and Venue with the same value cannot appears twice in the Training Table.

TrainerID cannot appears twice in Training with the same TrainingDate and TrainingTime.

b. database design


Field Name



Typical Value


Member ID




Member Name


“Peter Law”


Member Birthday

Date String



Gender of member




Contact Number




Contact Address



Email Address




Member Type




Member Join Date

Date String



Member Status


‘A’ctive, ‘S’uspend


Blood Type


“O+”, “A+”, “AB+”, “B+”


Medical History



Emergency ID – refers to Em Table




Field Name



Typical Value


It refers to Table ClubMember



Paymemt Date

Date String



Payment Amount



Primary Key = MID + PDate


Field Name



Typical Value


Emergency ID




Emergency Contact Name


“Mary Law”


Emergency Contact Number




Field Name



Typical Value


Match ID


‘YYS’ (2 digit year + Session Number)


First Member ID




Second Member ID




Member Type




Date of the match

Date String



Place of match



Result of First Member




Result of Second Member



Validation Rule

Check length of Member name it must not null.

Check Contact number numeric only.

Check length of address, it must not null.

Check validation of birthday value.

After finish input birthday of member, system will generate Member type for this member.

Medical History can be null.

No default value for blood type, so user must select blood type from combo list.

Emergency Contact Name can be selected from combo list, or enter new one. Check length of Contact Name must not null.

Check Emergency contact number numeric only.

Validation Rule

Session is selected from combo list, only current session can be selected.

System retrieves existing Member ID from database and allows user to select it from combo list.

After selected Member ID, system will retrieve Member type from database and display on screen.

System retrieves existing Member ID, remove Member ID from other Member type and also remove Member ID on above combo list. It avoids user to select same Member ID.

The Member result and VS Member result must positive integer.

Task 7

raining Session

Events Secretary organise a open training session for non members from the public.

Secretary will need to contact the trainer and discussion about the date and time for the training session. Trainers are all is international players.

After a conformation has made by the trainer, secretary will need to arrange advertisement, such as post the training detail in the City Hall, making advertisement from TV or Newspaper. Promote the training via flyers by door to door, or pervious attendee

People who wants to attend the training session can make reservation by post or phone, once secretary has received a phone or post about training session she will make it down on a daily schedule.

All training fee payment need to pay a week before the training start, as secretary will a weeks to for do the registration on the training. Secretary need to send an reminder to all the people who has made reservation.

Secretary once received the payment for the attendee will issue an invoice to the attendee, and make registration for the attendee to the training.

Attendee will need to fill in a sample registration form, after received the registration form, secretary will assigned the seat for them and given ticket to the attendee. Secretary may

The registration form is for keep reference, when the training is running some of the attendee may be forget to bring their ticket, secretary can find the right seat for them from the registration form after valid they are the right person. When there has another training is running will sent to information to the according attendees.

Fill in all the detail in the dialog box.

Team ID The system will auto create this id

Team Name: 1st Team

2nd Team

Junior Team under 16 yrs

Junior Team under 14 yrs

Junior Team under 12 yrs

Select either one the team is been record to the record

Player: Who is playing in the team

Location: Match Location

Match Name: Name of the match

Match Status: Away/Home

Start Date: Match date

Start Time: Match time

After fill up all those details, click to the “Register” button, the team information will showed on the “Fixture List”

The fixture list can be create by the system, after all the detail of the match has been input to the system

A fixture list has to be created for planning and better arrangement in the nearly future.

Coach is based on the fixture list to plan the most suitable training plan.

All the travelling schedule is based on all the match has been record on the fixture list.

Task 8

System configuration:

Database server and application server

CPU: Intel Core2Due 2.8GHz or above


HD: 2 x 80 GB mirror

CDROM drive

20GB/40GB DDS4 tape backup with USB port

OS: MS windows 2003 Server Standard Edition

Database software: MS SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with 25 client license

CA ARCserve Backup r12

CA ARCserve backup MS SQL Agent

Client PC requirement:

CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz or above

RAM: 1G (for WinXP) 2G (for Vista)

Hard disk space: at least 20GB

OS: Ms Windows XP or Ms Windows Vista

License calculation

There are total 25 licenses for MS SQL Server.

4 client license for build connect pool for Web server

1 client license for Tape backup

20 client for user use

The computerised system is database centric system. The system needs to stored membership information, Member allocation, fixture list, match result and training session information. All users must use computer to access the system and any remote access allowed. The has own web server for publishing all fixture lists, all match result and other club events to member and public. So it is a typical client server model computing system.

Backup and recovery:

It’s important to protect. The data backup is an insurance plan. It helps system admin to recovery the system in a shorten time. Due to data is important for the business, and the size of data is not large. And reduces complexity of system recovery and shorten recovery time. The recommend method is full backup mode with 7 tape rotation schedule.

Day of Week

Tape Set


Tape 1


Tape 2


Tape 3


Tape 4


Tape 5


Tape 6


Tape 7

Optionally, the media of database backup can be disk. i.e. target destination of backup is a file that can be network share drive. The most suitable destination is Operation and maintenance PC. Then the backup become more security, because duplicate backup file (one inside tape, one inside the hard disk).

The recovery procedure

Due to use full backup method to backup data, so the recovery is very simple and fast. It only needs restore one backup image from tape or disk. The procedure is simple. It can reduce recovery time and shorten the down time.

Disaster Recovery and Preparation

Backups are only one part of a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, so disk image backup should be carry out regulator (e.g. one month). The purpose of disk image backup is target for hard disk and server failure. It is the fastest way to rebuild server.

The disadvantage of this method is disk image is hardware dependant. If server replaced by different model machine, the disk image is useless. It must reinstall the server instead of rebuild hard disk image.

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