A Personal Development Plan And Career Development English Language Essay

1. Introduction

To do personal development plan, a person should know what career development is. By career development, a person can understand personal development plan and how to achieve his career development plan. To achieve something in this life we must to listen itself. Having chosen the way even if everyone criticizes, your choice is important. Simply believing others who says it is impossible will never help you choose the right career. It’s important just to believe and never give up. Career development basically is more or less a lifelong process; it is an ongoing method of gaining knowledge and improvement skills which will help in establishing career plan. It’s also important in knowing what direction a person is heading in, what a plan to do, what the goals are, what a person wants to accomplish when they walk out of institution.

Essentially, development planning transfers to the strategic measurable purposes which the person, the community or organizations plan to satisfy within time certain amount. More often the plan for development involves the reference points based on time. It commonly also involves criteria, which will be used to estimate, whether have satisfied to the purposes actually. (EHow, 1999-2010.)

In this essay I’m going to write about my personal development plan, my aspiration, goals, future occupation etc and how or by which ways I’m going to achieve that. What I really need to know and have.

2. The PDP

A personal development plan basically means generating opportunities to think through a controlled way. It answers to what people want to achieve from their life, what kind of person they wants to be, what goals and ambitions they have, what kind of knowledge a person got or going to get it.

2.1 Career aspiration.

All we know our self, idealistically we would all like to make a billion dollars but it is not going to happen. Everyone wants to have a job that they want to enjoy. If the job is not enjoyable, that’s a miserable feeling where that person doesn’t feel motivated. So I want to have a job that I like it, which I feel passionate about that I enjoy going to. Everyone wants to have that self satisfaction at the end of the day that we or I’ve done something worthwhile. All of us need to think about own personality, jobs that suit us, that we’re well suited for, jobs that play up our strengths, jobs that are challenging to us also jobs that look at things that we enjoy. After my graduation I would like to work in an international oil company for a long term aspiration if I can get that opportunity. However, my chosen occupation and desired job role in long-term is to be an executive director of finance in international oil company probably in UAE, Saudi Arabia, England or in USA and certainly to have shares of a company maybe more than that, I’m planning to all this happened after 5 years or maybe a little bit later. It is impossible to become an executive director at once, but all begins with beginning posts and I’m going to do that, as with a junior manager perhaps and it can be short-term. Why am I interested in an oil company? For the reason that, oil it’s like a black gold now days. My interest to work in this field is because one significant person in my life works in this field and I like the work and I find this especially interesting and serious enough. This occupation is always necessary for any serious company in the world. To work in this filed I should have the necessary skills for example, decision making skills, etc. But in this generation, at this time with globalization, many specialists and young graduators from different universities in the world have appeared. This situation makes it hard to get the career position, but I trust myself and I trust that, in years 5 I will be in international oil company as executive director of finance. Also by oil I can get a very good and high salary. And probably oil not going to finish until we die and people still need oil. I’m planning to have a salary more than $ 30,000 or $50,000 (USD) per month after 5 years. It’s possible now days in a lot of countries. For instance: in UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA, England etc. An example from job researchers show that salary in England; location is London; position is “Director of finance” have salary from £130,000-160,000 per month. Another example is in USA, AMICAS salary of executive director of finance is from $119k – $130k. (Glassdoor.com, 2008-2010).

Essentially, an executive director of finance consist it working leads behind itself management of all money resources of the company. To manage resources and profit of a company this is a same thing that you manage with a whole company. The essence of these works, occupation consists in that supervise all arrivals and expenses of the company and how to increase the income. With what suppliers to work, conclude and solve all partnerships, well in the beginning you show to the most important director and after its decision produce all further actions and etc. An executive director has very big responsibility for that what he is doing and for his decisions. He must have good attitude and to know how to deal with customers etc.

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Function of the position is all director of finance are responsible for planning, directing and managing the financial, human resources and organizational roles for the municipality through following the municipal policies and actions and in agreement with federal and territorial legislation. (Job Description Director of Finance, 2005)

The director of finance will organise traffic control of financial resources of the enterprise and regulation of financial relations with a view of most effective utilisation of all kinds of resources in the course of manufacture and production realisation (the goods, works, services) and receptions of the maximum profit still defines financing sources is industrial-economic activities the enterprises (budgetary financing, short-term and long-term crediting, release and acquisition of securities, leasing financing, attraction extra and use of own means). With a view of definition of an external source of financing will organise activity of workers of financial division in following directions: search of sources, estimation of cost of sources, a mark of financial risk, a parity of own and involved sources of financing. Directly carries on negotiations with commercial banks, other credit institutions and other external organisations. Besides that he is responsible for financial questions on a level with the director and has the right of the second signature. That kind of person who works in high positions, they have quite enough knowledge, skills, and competences especially in that particularly position or occupation where I want to be in the future. From my view, to work in that position I should have to be very qualified and have a degree or MBA knowledge or competences. Most important in this occupation we must have knowledge in economic, financial, accountant, HRM and etc. Also we should have skills which are important to know skills of presentation, communication (listening, writing, and verbal), research, leadership, problem-solving and technical skills.

In the essay, what kind of job description should have the director of finance says that the official should show following skills as excellent skills of leadership, excellent skill to interpersonal, skills of building a team , well developed accounting skills, analytical and the decision of problems skills, skills of making a decision, the effective impersonal form of a verb and listening communications skills, attention to details and high level from accuracy, effective skills of organization, effective written messages skills, computer skills involving the ability to work and consult computerised financial, the payroll and the information on human resource systems, spreadsheet the table and programs of processing of texts and e-mails at a quite skilled level, stress management skills and skills of time management. (Job Description Director of Finance, 2005)

All those skills are absolutely necessary, by those skills it is possible to win any contract and to influence new customers or partners if obviously they would like. When I read the book of Dale Carnegie, from my opinion he was trying to say that to deal with any important clients or customers, or to solve some problems or maybe increase popularity within a company and how to make your company very profitable. So, to make all this we must know skills of communication. With this all skills we can increase our influence, our prestige, our ability to get things done. In addition it’ll help to handle complaints, avoid arguments and keep our human contacts smooth and pleasant. Perhaps all this skills cannot be quite enough but we always can develop and improve our skills by training, professional development, or gaining mentoring or coaching from someone who already understands these skills.

One of my strengths is communication skill, for an example, I’ve applied my communication skill in my past job. I was working in marketing company before I’ve started my degree, I was very much involved the customers of that company and I believe that I can even develop this skill by time. As a human being I have weaknesses and one of my weaknesses is decision making skill. Because, I’ve done a lot of mistakes by making the wrong decisions in my past for instance, once I saved an amount of money at one of my primary school holidays then I wasted that money on buying a motorbike without asking permission from my family and obviously my parents were surprised plus they didn’t agree because in that age its quite dangerous then I couldn’t even find anyone who wanted to buy, at last I sold it with the really cheap price and I became disappointed and now I’m afraid to make right decisions sometimes, but this skill fortunately is changeable by time. It’s not because of lack of confidence, it’s probably for the reason that I need more knowledge to make right decisions in difficult questions. I believe that I will improve this skill very soon, since I’ve made so many mistakes and I learnt them on my mistakes and I’ll don’t make them again.

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2.2 Reflection on skills development;

Within the last 12 month I’ve learn presentation skill, this skill I learnt in the university by presenting lots of case studies etc. Last week I’ve presented in the class, but I presented not good, cause, I wasn’t prepared very well. So, I was disappointed and I learn from that event that I should improve it by doing more prepared presentations. Presentation skills include it body language, the way how I dress, the eyes are said to be the key to the soul and are therefore the first and most effective weapon in convincing the audience of my honesty, openness and confidence in the objectives of presentation, after the eyes comes the clear voice, and the two most important public speaker voice projection and variation, The average audience is very busy: they have family, schedules, cars, mortgages and although they will be trying very hard to concentrate on speech, their minds will inevitably stray, the job is to do something, anything, which captures their attention and makes a lasting impression upon them., be confidence , if forgot the speech no need to stop, presenter should talk maybe make some joke and make it more interesting perhaps at that time he can remember his speech and the final impression I have to make on the audience is the one they will remember. Furthermore, I’m very glad to the lecturer who taught me that and I believe this skill will help me in my future chosen occupation also. I can use this skill when I present some business plans, projects to clients or both to director.

I’ve done once interview as I passed the interview when I went on my vacation probably five months ago to Kazakhstan, there I tried to applied to a job in a petrol company, as I passed the interview in that company they started to ask me too many questions which I may even don `t know, and I began to forgetting something and began to get nervous and then I have rejected. Now I know my mistakes, and I think the way to improve them. It’s very important to know how to pass interviews. Knowing as much as possible about the company it can make interview more interactive and could be just what I need to get ahead in a competitive job market. So I have to make a good first impression, dress properly so that I feel confident and comfortable, then I should sit up straight and look at the interviewer, speak clearly and don’t fidget, be more myself, the interviewer wants to find out about me, also need to be friendly, polite and enthusiastic, I need to let the interviewer know that I really want that job, as well I should learn as much as I can about the company, there have some quick answers to interview questions at the ready, moreover impressions are incredibly important, one important thing is to be honest, always should to feel myself comfortable, smile, and be clever.

I also notice that within the last 12 month I became more responsible, it happened when I have just arrived to Malaysia for the first time, because I came here alone and to make decision I suppose to do without anyone and I’ll be the responsible for my mistakes and for any decisions. For example when I came here I even didn’t know how to cook, wash, etc. but now I know how to cook some foods even know how to wash my clothes. Sometimes when I did mistakes I was responsible for all that, I need to count my money, save it and manage all my money, I was responsible for everything what I do and I still do that. In my country I was too much nervous when somebody told me bad or dirty words I immediately started to fight, but here I should control myself and keep it myself, otherwise I’ll disappoint my family and will be departed. So, through all these I got one more skill which calls reasonability skill. It’ll help in my part of working life to make right decision and be more responsible, confidence for every single thing what I’ll do and I have done it.

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2.3 Career management action plan;

2.3.1 SWOT analysis:



Presentation skills;

Communication skills;

Good in sport, particularly in Judo;

Know 3 languages fluently;

Became more responsible;

If I decided something, I’m going till the end and never give up to achieve that;

Making decision skills;

Not enough knowledge;

Spend lots of time in internet (chatting, etc)

Sometimes lazy;

Time management skills;




Support from parents;

Internet resources;

Global competition;



2.3.2 Career development plan:

Performance targets:

After my graduation degree my three main objectives and goals in career development over the next twelve month are:

finish my degree with first class certificate;

to get experience while do internship in the workplace;

develop my communication skill;

Career goal (s):

My short term career goal is to be hired in international oil company as a junior manager.

Areas of Strength and weaknesses (Knowledge, skills, and competencies)

Areas for Development

I have knowledge in base fiancé (diploma), and Business & management (degree). I think my general strengths are my communicational skills (listening, attention, smile, language, etc.) and also I’m good at presentation skills (body language, clear voice, etc.)And also If I decided something I’m going until the end and never give up. My weaknesses are, not enough knowledge in my future job field, making decision skills ( to decide to make right decision, etc)

To accomplish my short term as well as long term development goals of the race, I need to gain further experience and knowledge in the area of business and administration. Currently I have very limited business and management knowledge. If I want to be able to move in the field of business and maybe finance, which will be able to manage a series of questions cover all effectively. I would also like to develop my communication skills, presentation skills, and fix it all my weaknesses.

Development Goals

Action steps



To finish my degree with a first class certificate. And also to get more knowledge.

Read books “Financial and business books” at least to finish 5 books within twelve month.

Meet regularly with my mentor, for coaching

regarding impact and influence competency.

Ask classmates feedback, after all classes and meetings.

To do more presentations in the class,





Successfully finish books at 2012.

Get positive feedback from my mentor.

Get positive feedback from my classmates;

Get positive feedback from lectures and classmates,

To get experience while do internship in the workplace, I’m planning to defer next semester and I have some health problems I’m going back to my country next month. And I’m planning to get a job. With this practise in a workplace I’ll communicate with more people and ask they help and to analyse ways how they’re working. Later on I’ll get some view about my future job and be easy into the milieu work also most important thing is that I’ll get more practice.

To find a job.

Find some mentors, who will be training me in that job.

Analyse the job market better.

Communicate and be a friend with whole colleagues.





Successfully be hired.

To get experience.

To get more knowledge about the job market.

To be prepared for the future job.

Develop my communication skills, through that I can easily communicate in the job field with presidents of that company, etc. and not only there.

Reading psychological books, at least 3.

Attend some communication skills trainings and seminars.



Successfully finish all books, and get knowledge.

Get feedback from seminars.


Importance of PDP in achieving my objectives are that I should know myself, I should know my weaknesses, by that I can later work smarter in the job, be more clever and all the time improve myself. Through all this I can recognize my need skills, also develop them and by doing that I’ll get the skills that will qualify me to get me in my dreaming position. PDP helps me to achieve my goals, cause I have a future plans for the long-term and short-term time. I need to be honest person and having acknowledgment about what is happening in the company about any complains and issues. So I’ll be able to resolve it and I have to protect any problems which is may happen during getting this job. And as I mentioned before, by doing that I’ll be able to identify my personal strength and weaknesses and be able after sometimes to fix it them.

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