A Private School And A Public School Education Essay


We all know that there are two types of schools; first type is the Private school which means a school that is established, conducted, and primarily supported by a nongovernmental agency. Second type is the public school which means a free tax-supported school controlled by a local governmental authority. So in other words a private school is school that controlled by nongovernmental agency, and a public school is a school that controlled by the local government itself. Of course there is a big difference between the two types. In this research we have figured out a number of the most important differences between the two types of schools in UAE (Abu Dhabi) that we will mention later on this research.


We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages for both private school and public school, and we have a used a certain of recourses to do or to collect some information for our research like we have used some electronic reports about both private and public school, electronic newspapers, and we have asked around 20 students in ADU about their opinion in that topic (Questionnaire). First of all, we will talk first about the private school and start by the advantages side. There are several advantages for students who choose to study in private schools. One of the advantages is that private schools got small classes and small community atmosphere that allow for a lower students-to-teacher ratio; private schools got a rule that to put just 20 to 25 students in each class so no crowd will happen. Small classes will allow the teacher to know the students more and to make every one of them contribute with the lesson and to less student will make it easier to teach than 50 students in one class also the teacher will feel less pressure on himself when he mark the test because he got less papers to mark. And another advantage private school is that it got better punctuality. For example, ” (Holetzky, 2003-2012)”. Private schools known with their better education level than government schools and with their English language for instance there whole Curriculum is in English and that will help the students to be ready for the university and to communicate property with people. Private schools got an advantage with the technology that they use and improve in the classes or in the labs wither for chemistry labs or physics labs and some schools you can see that they bring school tablets or laptops connected together so the teacher can make the students keep following him. For example, teachers can use it to show pictures, graphs and even videos to help them to understand and the teacher got the ability to control all the tablets in class and to turn them off, also the mangers always work and think of new ways to improve their teaching system, teaching skills and the schools to make green for the environment. Since we are moving on with our life a new idea that came to the mind that we use touch screen boards in private schools in the next couple of years, but it’s already exist in some schools and the advantage of it is that it can replace the projector by showing graphs and diagrams to lectures and its clean if we used smart pin rather than white board marker. Finally, in today’s statics shows that sending your kids to private school is a better way to ensure that your students will get in collage, but after all its all upon the student wither you put him in private school or government schools.

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As the private school has a lot of advantages which convince parents to enroll their children in a private school, yet it has a several disadvantages which would make them think about enrolling their children again. For example, we all know that the private school gives more services inside the school than a public school, so most of private schools are highly expensive. Some parents don’t have the ability to register their kids in a public school due to some issues; thus, they have to register their kids in a private school and pay around 15,000 AED for each kid each per year. Therefore, the expensiveness in a private school is one of its weakness’s points.

Second, most of private schools depends or concentrate more on other languages like English (British or American), French…etc than any other course. We find that the student who has spent his elementary period in a private school is much stronger in other languages like English than a student who did spent his elementary period in a public school, but we also find that a public school student is stronger in other fields like Math, Physics than a private school student, so as any private school consider that other languages are more important than the other courses then it will reduce a student skills in other courses which he/she needs them more than another language to do well in college.

In addition, some of private schools have sets of conditions for a student who needs to enroll in a private school which would roughly increase the inequality between students as long as a private school has the ability to refuse or accept any of students each year.

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Most of private schools in UAE have a bias to a religion than any other religion; like in some schools the number of Christian students is larger than the Muslim students which tell us that some private schools don’t feel comfortable with a Muslim student. Like those biases that decreases the unity between a school and its students.

Public school

Due to rapid increase in United Arab Emirates population in the last 30 years, there is an urgent need to increase the number of public schools in the state in order to keep pace with need of the people, and this what United Arab Emirates government really do, where it’s always seeking to raises the level of education for its citizenship.

There are several advantages and disadvantages of public schools. One advantage is that public schools are funded by the government, where everybody has the right get the benefit of public education or zero cost tuition. Parents seek to offer their children a public education to get rid of tuition fees. Public schools are founded in rural area where it’s hard for public schools to be available there. It also offers to their student’s many chances to accomplish their studies abroad where they can extend their knowledge. In addition, public schools hire teachers and administrators who are highly qualified.

At the same time public school has many disadvantages. Usually Governments depend on taxes revenue to cover the cost and expenses of tuition. Public school have higher student to teacher ratio compared to private school, where public school classes seems to be much larger that it is in private one. Behavioral problems can be noticed clearly in public school.

To sum up, the demand or the willingness to get enroll in public school is mainly affected by certain factors such as parents income, tastes, and availability of public school. If parents have high annually income, they may enroll their children in public schools. For example, United Arab Emirates Citizen enjoys a high per capita income, which can be reflected directly on people desire to choose private school instead of public one to their children. Availability of public school one of the factors that may impact on parent decision, in where they seek to enroll their children in the nearest school to reduce the expenses of transportation.

*Graphs/ Statistics part:

We have asked around 20 students in Abu Dhabi University (survey) a several questions about the private schools and public schools, and we gotten the answers as shown in graphs below.

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*Question 1:

– In your years of elementary school, were you enrolled in public or private school?

– 13 Students out of 20 have chosen Private school.

– 7 out 20 students have chosen Public school.

*Question 2:

– Which type of school would you prefer to attend?

– 5 out 20 students have chosen Public school.

– 14 out of 20 students have chosen Private school.

*Question 3:

– Which school does help students to do better in college?

– 11 out of 20 Students have chosen Public school.

– 9 students have chosen Private school.

*Question 4:

– Which school provides the best possible education for children?

– 17 out of students have chosen Private school.

– ONLY 3 out of 20 students have chosen Public school.

– So as we see that most of the 20 students have spent their education in a private school rather than public school. In question two we see that also the number of students who preferred to study in a private school is bigger than the number of students who chose the public school. However, in question three the number of students who chose the private school and the students who chose the public school is almost the same. And again in question five the number of students who chose private schools is much larger than the public schools. At the end we can cover that most of ADU student do prefer the private school.


To Sum Up, There are some differences between public schools and private schools. Parents choose between those schools depending wither they can afford it or not in the first place. Public schools is ran by the government itself, it’s normally cheap and got big classes, However , private schools is very expansive and got small classes and organized plus the subjects is in English. In addition, private school is more secure and save, on the other hand, public schools is less secure and a lot of problems could happen between the students every single day. We know that private schools are much advanced than any public school, but now days we can see a real improvement in public schools like they are hiring English teachers from Canada, America, UK, etc. to improve the student’s accent in English. At the end a good student can pass at any school if he worked hard, but in the future we will see more improvement in the schools and more technology to use, not just notebooks.

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