A Research Paper on the use of technology in task-based language learning





It is well known that our life is extremely affected by technology, and technology plays an important role in language learning. With the spread and development of English around the world, English is used as a second language. This paper studies on the use of technology in task-based for learning English as a foreign language (EFL).

A task is defined by Jane Willis (1996) an activity where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative goal so as to succeed a result. The learners start with the task. Task is used as a symbol for different activities including grammar exercises, practice activities and role plays. Tasks may involve solving a word problem, creating a crossword puzzle, making a video, preparing a presentation or drawing a plan. According to Rod Ellis (2007), ‘Task’ which has four main characteristics: ï‚¢ Task involves a primary focus on (pragmatic) meaning.ï‚¢ Task has some kind of ‘gap’.ï‚¢ The participants choose the linguistic resources needed to complete the task.ï‚¢ Task has a clearly defined outcome.

Task based learning is a different method to learn languages. Task-based learning emphasizes the main role of meaning in language use. Skehan (1998) implies that meaning is primary in task-based learning …the assessment of the task is in terms of result and that TBL is not ‘concerned with language display’ (98). In the task-based learning, the tasks show basic the learning activity. As cited by Prabhu (1987), students can learn more efficiently when their minds are headed towards on the task, sooner than on the language they are using. Doughty, Long (2003) and Willis (1996) assert that Task-based language learning (TBLL) method supports discussion of meaning using ‘meaning-focused’ and ‘communicative’ task completed activities and gives students the chance to practice language extensively within a meaningful context, attractive students in the ‘authentic,’ ‘pragmatic, and contextual production of language’, where language production is not the aim but ‘the vehicle for attending task goals’ (p.25). In other words, TBL has the advantage of getting student to use his/her skills and can help the students learn language easily and effectively.

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Willis (1996) explains that the main events of the three phases in task-based learning:

Pre-task can include brainstorming;

‘Introduction to topic and task:Teacher explores the topic with the class, highlights useful words and phrases, helps students understand task instructions and prepare.’

Task cycle shows us;

‘Task:Students do the task, in pairs or small groups. Teacher monitors from a distance.

Planning:Students prepare to report to the whole class (orally or in writing) how they did the task, what they decided or discovered.

Report:Some groups present their reports to the class, or exchange written reports and compares results.’

Language focus shows form and ask questions about language features;

‘Analysis:Students examine and discuss specific features of the text or transcript of the recording.

Practice:Teacher conducts practice or new words, phrases and patterns occurring in the data, either during or after the analysis (p.38).’

TBLL provides some important benefits. Task based language learning (TBLL) has the benefit of getting the student to use her/his skills at her current level. Krahne (1987) said that ‘During the task the learners are allowed to use whatever language they want, focus entirely on the meaning of their message. This makes it closer to real life communicative situation, which is a way of bringing the real world into classroom TBL that involves real communication is necessary for language learning.’ Moreover, task-based language learning which helps to realize the language in context and to use it in condition in real life. Willis (1996) has also emphasised the importance of a real world for tasks. The aim of the task is to create a real goal for language use and provide a natural context for language study. It provides the language learner with an active role in participating and creating the events. TBLL offers more chances for the students to show their thinking through their movements so it contributes to progress by encouraging students to lesson. Furthermore, students are more success in the language they use. It presents cooperative support. Students can work together, so task-based increases students’ motivation for learning. Task-based learning can be very successful at intermediate levels. It is difficult to primary levels students. In spite of benefits of task-based learning, there are many disadvantages of task-based learning, such as:

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According to Skehan (1996), task-based learning comprehends some risks if fulfilled carelessly. Task-based learning requires a high level of creativity on the part of the teacher. For instance, If the teachers are limited to more traditional roles or do not have time and resources to device task-based learning this type of teaching maybe difficult. Evaluation of task-based learning can be difficult. ‘The nature of task-based learning prevents it from being measurable by some of the more restricted and traditional tests (Krahne 1987).’

The use of technology suggestions important advantages for task-based language learning and it plays a positive role in TBLL. Chapelle (2001), Gonzolez-Lloret (2003) said that ‘The arrival of information technology has improved the quality of many scientific disciplines, including some language education and learning through technology has become a real life’ (p.84). Technology has enormous effect in task-based language learning, as a resource for EFL and as a means for communication between the EFL students. In addition, TBLL provides the basic technology for supporting learners to obtain major communication skills in the English language. Each technological tool has its specific benefits and application with important of four language parts. These are speaking, listening, reading and writing. That is to say, Ybarra and Green (2003) indicate that students trying to learn English as a second language need additional language support. They need to practice in hearing language, reading language, speaking language, and writing language so as to develop their experience and skills.

I believe that students can learn easily and effectively with use of technology in task-based language learning. Technological tools which can be taken advantage of the task-based language learning. Task based learning is useful for moving the motivation of the learning process from the teach­er to the student. It gives a different way of understanding language for the students. Because of this, the students can be a better learner. When the students are a better learner, they can motivate themselves and solve their problems. Thus, motivational factor is significant in one’s achievement.

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1-How can we explore the benefits of task-based language learning in EFL students?

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