A study and importance of extra curricular activity

Extra-curricular activity is a non-academic activity. It is as part of developmental modules which can make the students think from a rather plain point of view of themselves and the world around them. This can be obtained by their learning process and experiences from the activities that they had joined. Nesan D., as been mentioned in the article of Co-curricular activities in school (2009) stated that, more specifically, from joining these extra-curricular activities, students can perform better in the internal and external skills such are self acceptance, self esteem, sexual orientation, career goals and others. A.Rahman Z. Ahmaed M. (n.d) in the article of Curriculum planning, development and reform by the country’s educational goals are manifested in the Malaysian National Education Philosophy (NEP),said that, “Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort towards further developing the potential of individuals in a holistic and integrated manner so as to produce individuals who are intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically balanced and harmonious, based on a firm belief in and devotion to God. Such an effort is designed to produce Malaysian citizens who are knowledgeable and competent, who possess high moral standards, and who are responsible and capable of achieving a high level of personal well-being, as well as being able to contribute to the betterment of the family, the society and the nation at large”.

Mostly when talk about extra-curricular, what came out from our minds are activities that related to the extra-curricular that we had been forced to join during our primary, secondary school such as Cadet Police, Puteri Islam and others. Unforgettable during our university life, we have been provided with one day which was named as extra-curricular day. At that day, all activities such as hockey club, swimming club, equestrian club and many more are been carried out. But, we have to realize, because extra-curricular is not limited to the activities that are only related only to clubs and uniformed bodies. Societies such Students Representative Council, Committee of College Students and so on are also categorized as extra-curricular. Even when you are active in certain particular clubs under college you are involve in extra-curricular. Actually there are three main types of co curriculum, first is society. Society can be classified as an organization or club for students who have specifically interest in specific activity. Second is uniform bodies, as I have mentioned above, is an organization that involved same uniform that they wear as their identity. Last is sport and games, this is the most popular one which involved students to spend time for fun as can maintain a good health.

Some students like to join many extra-curricular activities, but other students do not. Therefore, their level of involvement in the extra-curricular activities limited to the desired and willingness of themselves. Then, from here, we have to remember, there are also pro’s and con’s when you are being active in extra-curricular. Benefits when you are joining this extra-curricular activities such are you get a chance being a leader, you can test how far your management skills, other than that, you can know how smooth you manage your time, the ability to handle stress, task delegation, decision making , carrying out meetings and many more. A part from that, bear in mind that, in any advantages, there are always disadvantages, there for, problem such as failure in managed time will lead to imbalance on academic. Through this research, we can know how far being active students can affect your academic performance. Whether it give negative or positive impact towards your studies performance. Because, different students give different academic performance.

1.2 Problem Statement

As a full-time student, they should focus well on their study and have a good aim on their performance. To realize this, a student should give the full effort and put the study as priority in their life compare with other things. Paying attention in class is not enough to get understand deeply about a chapter. They need more time studying independently, but many of them failed to manage their time wisely.

Other than academic classes, UTM student usually spent most of their time on extra-curricular activities. This can help them in developing soft skill and leadership skill as preparation to enter the job world. They are involved actively in many club societies, sports, and other student committee in order to fill their leisure time without knowing or realising sometime spending too much time on these extra-curricular activities will affect their performance in class. Some students are good in managing their time wisely but some are not. This is how the involvement in extra-curricular will affect their performance.

However, there are still active students who score excellent in their studying .But, how they differ from those active students who not perform well. This research carried out to finding the answer of this sort question. Being too active sometime bring the poor attention in class. Stay up and sleep late at night make a student sleepy in class and cannot pay a full attention. Besides, there are also programmes which force them to skip the classes and they have to study independently. An active student will face such problem when they are failing to manage their time well.

As a student, there should be a limit to spend their time for things other than academic so that their involvement in these activities does not affect their performance. Their involvement in many activities should not disturb their focus on studying.

1.3 Purpose of Study

Students who joining in extra-curricular activity which is not compulsory for them to participate is sometimes given the effects on their academic performance. Generally, there are the advantages and disadvantages on participating the extra-curricular activity activity. Apart from that, the students have to manage their time properly between their study and the side activities. It also depends on how frequent do they join the program. If too many side program than the time they spend on study, then they may be facing problem on managing their time thus effect their performance in study.

In response to this concern, we set up a committee to investigate the issue further. The purpose of the study described in this research report was to discover on how frequent the students join the extra-curricular and their ways on managing time and also the effects to their academic performance.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are:

1.4.1 To discover how an active student managing their time between studying and joining extra-curricular activities.

1.4.2 To investigate how far being an active affects their academic performance.

1.4.3 To find out how frequent the students joining in the side activity

1.5 Research Questions

Objective 1:

To discover student’s time management in extra-curricular activity and study.

Research Question 1:

How an active student manage their time on extra-curricular activity and study?

Objective 2:

To investigate how far being an active affects the performance in academic.

Research Question 2:

How far being active affects the performance in academic?

Objective 3:

To find out how frequent student join the activities.

Research Question 3:

How many hour students spent his/her time a week by joining extra-curricular


1.6 Significance of the Study

Being active students is very good rather than passive. In this scope it give meaning that active student is the person that always join as participant or committee in extra-curricular. However not every student that join the activities or programs can manage their students life. The findings of this study are useful to know how far the extra-curricular is important to the students, awareness on the advantage and disadvantage of being active in co-curriculum and help discover how to manage time between extra-curricular and curriculum. With the information at hand, several precautions could be taken when being an active student.

1.7 Scope of the Study

In this research, our respondents are the UTM students who are active in extra-curricular activity which is include people who are joining MPM, JKM, clubs, sports, etc. The data collected via questionnaires among the students. An interview is also conducted from a lecturer to validate this research.


2.1 The frequency of students joins the extracurricular activities.

In school and university there are extra-curricular activities that student can join beside study. The activities such as sport, organizations, clubs, community services and volunteer projects. In these activities, the students can get many advantages. But not all of them volunteer to join the program. According to research done by Institutional Analysis and Student Affair of University of Buffalo majority of the student are active in extra-curricular activities but the student who are not involve in these activity have their own reason. The students join the activities because they want to develop their skills in leadership and communication. In addition, during the study week and midterm the number of student join this activity decreased.

2.2 Time management of students involving in extra-curricular

A proper time management can help students in managing their time of studies, involve in extracurricular and others stuff. According to Gail Walfrod in the article a title Time management crucial for student-athletes stated that people did not know and alert that they have additional duty and it hard to realize them. In a week, students mostly spend their time on extra-curricular including during weekend. The administration should guide the student’s academic progress and it helps to find the solution and make plans if the achievement of the students in academics is drop and provide activities that can gain experiences so they can apply to community. From the article of Organise Your Life a title Time management for student’s athletes, it stated that, a proper time management may help students in academic performance as they may also solve the problem about missed classes. In the article also mentioned that, students should be more aggressive and one step earlier towards their time schedule and planning. Furthermore, the most important thing is, students should be alert about the trend of their time schedule and proper used it.

2.3 Effects of students when involved in extra-curricular.

Research indicated that participation in extra-curricular activities affects students’ academic performance. Numerous studies have examined that factors influencing students’ academic achievement and many activities were found to have a significance influence. According to the Undergraduate Research Journal for the Human Science, which title of ‘The Effect of Extra Curricular Activities on the Academic Performance of Junior High Students’, it is highlighted that Broh (2002) state in his report that extracurricular activities in high school bring many advantage in term of grade point average and discipline. This point is supported by a research which found that the students who participate in extracurricular activities had achieved better grades compare to whom are not (Reeves, 2008). In addition, one of the articles in The Brunei Times (2009) stated that participation in extra-curricular activities generate soft skills that will be evaluated before hired into the job world. The extra-curricular programming exposes the students to experience the things that related to their career soon. Indirectly they learn about professionalism and many others life skills. A pilot study done by Danielle Tower (2008) shown that the students athletes acknowledge their sports competitiveness gives motivation on their academic endeavours.

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2.4 Case Study

According to Ismat and Rakshi, they analyzed that most of teachers encourage student in involving co- curriculum and they admit that it is helpful on student’s academics. Only several neglect that it give positive impact. Though, all teachers admit that it physically and mentally helpful for students. Moreover, the article reported that most of the active students do their assignment appropriately and routinely as it was admit by many teachers. In this article it also informed that, most of teachers said that students who are avoiding and didn’t participating in extracurricular activities tend to involve in bad habit compared to active students who are involving in many activities. It is supported when in this article it stated that most of teachers agreed that active student more easily to adapt in many situations and handle the problem as they have more experience. It also proved that by managing the time suitably in academics and co-curricular activities, the time for study is not affected as declared by most of the students. Lastly from this article, it state that the students do excellently in the final even they frequently involve in co-curricular activities as it proved by many students.

2.5 Previous Research

Cico, B. D,. Viscomi, J, (n.d) in the article Exploring the Association between Campus Co-Curricular Involment and Academic Success: Student Life Studies, reported about exploring the association between extra-curricular involvement and academic success. This research was conducted base on the GPAs of students who involved in extra-curricular activities and the GPAs of non-participatory students. Form this research; they concluded that, students who are always involved in the extra-curricular activities have higher GPAs than the students who not participating the extra-curricular activities or less participated

From the research conducted by Juan Antonio Moriana, Fransisco Alos, Rocio Alcala, Maria Jose Pino, Javier Herruzo and Rosario Ruiz on extra-curricular activities and academic performance in secondary students, the results show that the performances of students involved in both academic-type and extra-curricular activity have better performances. It stated that the after school activities give benefits to the students.


3.1 Introduction

The main focus of the research is to investigate how being active in extra-curricular activities give effect to the UTM student performance in class and studying. This research conducted to study how active they are and how much they spent their time on extra-curricular activities per week. To asses and evaluated this, 50 students which hold position in Student Representative Councils, club society and sports student are chosen. They are given the questionnaire on how frequent they join programmed per month or per week whether inside or outside the campus. A lecturer also was interview for his opinion upon this topic.

3.2 Research Procedure

Before the actual data collection period, a pilot study was conducted to assess the validity of the research instrument. A total of 10 students will involve in the pilot study chosen at random.

During the actual study, the questionnaires were distributed to those who hold position in student representative, club society and sports. Respondent were approached with the initial question of whether they hold any position on the extra-curricular activity. A lecturer was asked to attend the interview session. Appointments will be set for the interview at a later date. Agreement from the respondent were sought the validity and to enable the researcher to observe the effect of extra-curricular activity of the respondent towards their performance in study.

3.3 Research Instruments

This research utilized both the quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The instruments that we used were questionnaire and interview. We had prepared a set of questionnaire containing 20 questions. The questionnaire had been divided into 4 sections. The different section in the questionnaire are; i) demographic information ii) how they manage their time iii) effects on the performance iv) how frequent. In the questionnaire different questionnaire-types is use such as ranking, yes-no, listing, open-ended and scales. Then the questionnaire prepared was piloted to a group of 10 students to assess its validity before it was distributed to the respondents.

The qualitative data for the research is come from interview. One respondent was involved in the interview. A set of question was prepared for the interview. Respondent for this interview was picked from different carrier. The interview was utilized to confirm the finding from the questionnaire distributed as well as to triangulate the data collection method.

The qualitative data for the research come from interview. The interview was utilized to confirm the finding from the questionnaire as well as to triangulate the data collection method. One respondent which is a lecturer will be involved in the interview.

3.4 Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were from diffrent year undergraduates from different courses at University Teknologi Malaysia. They are students who active in the extra-curricular such as to have a post in a particular organization, social clubs, programs, and others. Other than that, taking part in the student’s representative council whether in the college, faculty or university. Not only that, our respondents also students who are active in sports or represent in any kind type extra-curricular for university, faculty or college. In March 2011, a total of 40 questionnaires were distributed to students who are active in the university at different faculties of the university. A total of 40 students from various faculties at University Teknologi Malaysia returned the questionnaires. Of these numbers, 20 were male students while the rest were female. One senior student and one fellow assistant were selected to provide in-depths information about the topic through interview sessions.

3.5 Data Analysis

Data were entered to into the computer using Microsoft Office Excel software. Results were presented through frequency counts and graphs. Interview data would provide a way to validate the data from the questionnaire. The data were transcribed. The analysis of the interview data were re-noted and transcribed into cd.

4.0 Findings and Discussion

This section discusses the results on the research of the effects of extracurricular activities on UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM) students performance. The findings were being divided into several parts as in the questionnaire givens to the respondents. The results were received from 40 respondents who answering the questionnaire.

Description of the Findings

Demographic Information (Part A)

The percentage range of CGPA of students who active in extracurricular activities are show in pie chart below

Figure 1: The percentage of students according to their CGPA

The Frequency of Students Joins the Extracurricular Activity (Part B)

Figure 2: Organization that students in UTM join

Figure 2 shows that the organization that most of the students in UTM join. The organizations such as Student Representative Council (MPM), JKM, clubs or society, sports etc. As the results, 42.5 percent of the students choose to join activity that organized by the clubs or society. This is followed by 25 percent of the students join the sports activity. Next, the students who join MPM is 15 percent while the students join JKM is 12.5 percent. Only 5 percent students joined other programs. From this question we know which organization most of the UTM students involved.

Figure 3: Position in that organization

The results from the analysis of student’s position in a organization are presented in the Figure 3 above. In general, it can be seen in the figure2, we know that the students who are active in extracurricular activities mostly are the executive council (ME) or members of the organization. This followed by students who are supreme council (MT) which is eight students and the rest is committee council.

Figure 4: Days students spent to join program per week

Figure 4 shows the days(s) that the students spent to join program in a week. In this research, there are 40 students involved. It reveals that 52 percent of the students spent 1 to 3 days per week to join extracurricular activities. While 25 percent students spent 4 to 5 days of their week by joining program. There are also 20 percent students who involve in a program almost every day and 3 percent others.

Figure 5: Hour(s) per day that students spend for that organization

From Figure 5, it shows how many hour(s) students spent their time a day by doing work for the organization that they involved.

The result is mostly 47 percent of the students spent only 1 to 2 hours per day to do works for the organization that they involve. While 43 percent of the student spent 3 to 5 hours in a day for the organization and the rest of the student spent more than 5 hours for their extracurricular activity.

Figure 6: The factors students join extracurricular activities

As can be seen in figure 6, it shows the factors why students join the extracurricular activities. From the result of the questionnaire, most of the student (30 percent) join the extracurricular activities because of their own interest. This is followed by students who join the program to gain new experience, 27.5 percent. Only 20 percent of the student join s program because of influence by their friends. While 6 percent of the students want to improve their soft skill by join extracurricular activity and the rest (3 percent) join a program just to fulfil their free time.

4.1.3 Time Management of Students Involving in Extracurricular Activities (Part C)

Figure 7: Students who having time table according their CGPA

Figure 7 shows the proportion of yes no question about students who are having study time-table according to their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of less than 2.5, 2.51-3.00, 3.01-3.50 and 3.51-4.00. There are differences in their answers. For students CGPA who are always in the range of 3.51-4.00 have no study time-table, compared to students who are having their CGPA in the range of 2.51-3.00 with the percentage of 17.5 percent. In contrary, the necessary of study time-table is 7.5 percent higher for students that have their CGPA in the range of less than 2.5. On the next question, it is focusing on how they really used their own study time-table.

Figure 8 : Students used their study time-table according to CGPA

The purpose of this part is to know how useful time-table for students who own study time-table. Form the Figure 8 above, shows the result from the survey for students who using their time-table when involving extra-curricular activities according to their range of CGPA.

From the bar chart, it can be seen that, students who with CGPA in the range 3.01-3.50 dominating the result by having the highest percentage with the same value for both yes and no answer. it shows that, students who are good in academic performance still have time to study as shown in the graph for students that have 3.5 above CGPA. The uses of study time-table lead to the proper time management for every student when involving extra-curricular activities.

Figure 9 : Judgement on time management

Figure A shows the proportion of agree and disagree of respondents on the statement given in the questionnaire referring to question number 3 in part C as shown in appendix 1. The purpose of this part is to investigate the judgments of active students on time management in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

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Based on the findings there is differences and similarities in the judgment on time management. The similarities result between yes and no is corresponding to the statement of it is important for every students and they should have right skill to do it. There are 92.5 percent of respondents disagreeing with both statements and the rest are agreed. From this graph, the more significance result is for the statement of an active students should have a proper time management. Only 5 percent of the respondents agreed with the statement whereas the rest are disagreed. However for the statements of successful time management needs to be monitored, there is increasing number of agreed respondents which give 22.5 percent and the rest are disagreed.

Figure 10 : The ability to send assignment on time

The purpose of this part is to know the ability of the students in different year of studies which are year 1, 2 and 3 whether they have ability to send the assignment on time or not even they are active in extracurricular.

Further analyses of data revealed that majority of respondents have ability to send the assignment on time. It obvious shows from this graph that the number of second year students that could not submit the assignment on time is greater which are 11 students. Interestingly, the first year and third year seemed to have a similarity when there are no students that could not send the assignment on time. From this graph it shows that there is increasing in number of students which are able to send the assignment on time. For first year student, the number of students that could send the assignment on time is 6. It is slightly lower than second year students which have 8 students. For this aspects a greater number of third year student were found have ability to submit the assignment on time with 15 numbers of students.

4.1.4 Effects on academic performance


Mean Total Addition

Self discipline


New experience


Improve soft skills


Having network


For leisure


Table 1: Impacts of extracurricular activities on students

Table 1 shows the proportion of the ranking of the impact of extracurricular activities on the 40 students according to the effects to self discipline, improved soft skills, gain new experience, having network and also beneficial for leisure time.

Based on the questionnaire, the effects are based on ranking from one to five. The data is calculated according to the sum of the number noted by the respondents as the additional point and then the mean is determined. Therefore it can be assume that the lower the mean total addition, the more likely the impact of extracurricular activities on the students and vice versa. Based on the total additional result, majority of the students agreed that the extracurricular activity give impact on self discipline at the first place with mean 0.16. This is followed by impact of gaining new experience with 0.17 at the second ranking. Next is the third place with mean 0.18, joining such program makes them improve their soft skills. For the effects of having network and beneficial for leisure time is at the fourth and fifth ranking instead of the lower ranking with mean 0.24 and 0.25. The significant shows that these two effects give the least impact to the student when joining the extracurricular activities.

Figure 11 : Students who ever skipped classes

From the graph above, we can see the proportion of male and female students who ever skipped the classes or not when handling or joining the extracurricular activities. There is a big difference between the two gender answers. Majority of the male students confess that they had skipped the classes which are 13 over 20. On the contrary, only a quarter of the female students had skipped classes. However, the trend was reverse when it comes to the students who never skip the lectures. The numbers of female students is 15 which is higher than male students where there is only 7 of them do not ever skip classes.

Figure 12: Students sleep time when handling program

Graph above shows that the range of sleep time stated by the students when they handling the program. Here, a large percentage of the students sleep for two to four hours with 57.5 percent, whereas 30 percent of the students sleep at range of four to six hours. Further analysis of data show that only 12.5 percent of the students sleep less than two hours. In contrast, none of them sleep more than 6 hours when handling the program.

Figure 13:Number of students repeat subject

The bar chart above shows the number of students who’s ever repeat the subject based on their CGPA.

Out of forty students surveyed, only nine of them ever repeat the subject. From the chart above, it is clearly shows no students having pointer below than 2.5 had repeat the subject. In pointer range of 2.51 to 3.0,there is about 11 percent which is one student who ever repeat the subject. While in pointer range between 3.01 to 3.51 have highest percentage which is 55 percent and 5 students. Lastly, in pointer range of 3.51 to 4.0, about 34 percent of students had repeat the subject.

Figure 14 : Opinion about extracurricular activities

The charts show the opinion of active students about how extracurricular activities give effect to them.

It is clearly shows that most of active students agreed that extracurricular activities give them positive effect instead of negative effect. Out of forty respondent, only one of them do not agree that being active in extracurricular activities give the benefit.

Discussion/ Analysis of Findings

4.2.1 The Frequency of Students Join the Extracurricular Activity

In this research, we distributed 40 questionnaires to 20 male and 20 female students. They are undergraduate students from first year until forth year.

From the results, we find out that most of male students like to join sports activity but the female students like to join the program that their clubs or society organized. This was similar to the research at Ireland which is conducted by Prof. Sheila Greene (2010). She stated that 84 percent boys are more active involve in sports than girls. Besides that, the number of female students joining MPM and JKM is smaller than male students. There are also other extra-curricular activity that student can join during free time such as PALAPES and SUKSIS. When a research about to examine students’ motivations for participating extracurricular activities at University at Buffalo, a large proportion of respondents engage in co-curricular activities (83.7%), while a much smaller proportion engages in community service and volunteering (63.3%).

We can determine the activeness of the students by knowing how much time they spent their time for the organization or program that they involved. If they spent their time more than 5 hours in a day for the program and join a program every day, this person is the most active students. From the questionnaire, the students that involve in MPM and JKM will spent 3 to 4 hours a day and almost every day of their time in that organization. Mostly the students taking part in both organization is male and they become supreme council or executive council in the organization. While for the female students, they prefer more to become members of club or society. They only spent 1 to 2 hours per day and 1 to 3 days for the organization. There are also a student that join a program depends on the activity of the program. Based on research at University at Buffalo (2008) just over half (55.6%) of web survey respondents report that they have 5 or fewer hours per week to devote to co-curricular activities. An additional 29.6 percent indicate that they have 10 or fewer hours per week.

The students that are active in the extracurricular activity is second year student. Only a few first year student are active and usually they active joining club or society. This trend is same for both gender. The main factor male students join this extracurricular activity is to gain new experience while for the female students they join the activity because of their own interest. There are some male students join program by influence of their friends and they are also because of their own interest. For the female students, another factor they want to join the extracurricular activity because they want to improve their soft skills. According to the research that University at Buffalo (2008), the most common motivation relates to the social aspects of participation: students want to form networks, meet people, and make friends, and they view participation in co-curricular activities as an avenue to help them begin relationships.

4.2.2 Time Management of Students Involving in Extracurricular Activity

This study set out with the aim of accessing the importance of time management for students who active in the extra-curricular activities. From the Figure 5 shows that, students still using study time-table for helping them in managing their time between study, extra-curricular activities and others. Which popularly believe that, a time management is a must in order to have a good way of life as an active student. Different with students that have low CGPA, students that having CGPA in the range of 3.00 above shows the less used of study time-table, this may because the factors of their study, for example, a 100 percent focus in class lectures and tutorials. Overall, the result shows the need of a study time-table even though in vary of percentage values. It can therefore be assumed that, study time-table is likely chosen for time management for a better a way of life in order to get a good academic performance. The present findings seem to be consistent with the literature review, Tekrider S. (2008) in the article title of How to Make a Study Timetable – Academic Success Through Study that stated, study time-table is important to make sure that you are on the right track, where it will organize all the stuff and activities that should be done by student on the right time.

In contrast to earlier findings, however, no evidence in literature review about the question of the used of study time-table when involving in a particular extra-curricular was discovered. Based on the previous result, it shows the necessary of study time-table for students to lead a better academic performance. Ones who have study time-table usually would use their time table even when they involve in extra-curriculum activities. This mostly because, the pattern that they have been doing even when not involve in any activities, other than that, the determination for success that made them always follow their study time-table. From the results, it can be concluded that, the study time-table is very useful tools of time management for make students on track for better academic performance. This statement agreed with the literature review that stated, a proper time management and a good time management skills is important for maintain a good performance in students life.

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Besides that from the findings, most of the students agree with all of the statement which are time management is important for every students, students should have skill to do it, an active student should have it and it need to be monitored to get successful time management. Its shows that this finding has prove that time management is important and every student should have. These findings have similarities with the literature review by Ismat and Rakshi Saleem (n.d). In literature review it state that students should alert about the trend of their time schedule and proper used it. Besides that, it shows that most of the students could have send the assignments on time. These findings support the case study based on the time management. From the case study, Ismat and Rakshi (n.d) reported that most of the teachers admit that active students have do their assignment appropriately and routinely.

In addition, 7 females disagreed that its need to be monitored to get a successful time management and majority of the males agreed. It is because female will know what to do after one work has done without missing anything by only remembering by their own self. As in the literature review, Anne Moir and David Jessel (1992) they reported that girls or females have great skill in memorizing and they can stored in their mind better about something compared to males. That is why some females disagree with the statement of a successful time management is a schedule that need to be monitored always.

4.2.3 Effects on Academics Performance

Based on Table 1, the result clearly show that extracurricular activities give most impact on self discipline and followed by improvement of gaining new experiences and soft skills. As the respondents were all teenagers, they tend to make self improvement and learn new experience from the activities that they joined. This is supported by statement of the Minister of Education in The Brunei Times (2009) which he mentioned that students cannot just be educate limits on the syllabus in class, but also should realise the importance of extracurricular activities in providing quality education. The result also show that effect of having more network and beneficial for leisure time are place at the least ranking. It is probable that those effects are just the side effect of the extracurricular activities.

For the question on whether the active students ever skip classes when handling or joining the program, this study is set with the aim to see the disadvantages side on participating in extracurricular activities. From the data analysis, we can probably conclude that joining the programs sometimes make them skipped classes. However, the percentage is lower than the students who do not skipped classes. And in this case, data show that mostly male students are tends to skipped classes rather than females. However, a study conducted by Nicola (2009) found that female students are much less likely to find attendance monitoring useful than male students. She also agreed that there is a link between student attendance at classes and academic success. In contrast, based on the result, it is recorded that students who ever skipped classes has a better result compared to those who do not ever skip lectures. This may be because although they skipped classes but they still can catch up on their study. The findings of the current study do not support the study conducted by Enamiroro (2010) which found that the relationship between attendance and academic performance of students in secondary schools is fairly and positively correlated that is attendance influences academic performances.

Sleeping time also related to the impacts to the students when handling the students. Mostly, the students sleep times are between two to four hours. It seems possible that these results are due to handling the program or managing the related matters with the programs make them to stay until late night. Thus, this interfere their sleeping time. However, this result has not been described in other studies.

Based on CGPA range, we find out the number of student had repeat their subject.It seems that these active students still maintain their good result. We find out most of the student repeat the subject having the pointer range between 3.0 to 4.0.After analyzing, we find out the reason of these student repeat the subject. Most of them repeating their subject because they failed. But, there is still excellent student with the pointer range between 3.51 to 4.0 do the same thing. This is because they are not satisfied with their performance. As the research of quick study on the relationship between sports and study conducted, they reach the conclusion that these active students are self motivated and help in discipline themselves and they give more effort on study.

Finally, we ask the opinion of the active students on how extracurricular activities give benefit to them.From these students pont of view,most of them agree that extracurricular activities give them many advantage instead of disadvantage. This support by the longitudinal study conducted by Darlig, Caldwel and Smith (2005) that recover that the students who participate in extracurricular activities are having good behaviors and more motivated. This study reached the same conclusion with our research that the students who participated in extracurricular activities are more quality in academic performance and also self motivated. Most of the respondent agreed that involvement in extracurricular activities help them to improve their soft skills, getting more experience and also for their leisure.


This research to investigate effects of extracurricular activities among University Technology Malaysia (UTM) student’s performance. Primary data were collected by randomly distributing questionnaire to 40 students. 40 students include 20 male and 20 female UTM students. As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the objectives of this study are to discover how an active student managing their time between studying and joining extra-curricular activities, to investigate how far being an active affects their academic performance and to find out how frequent the students joining in the side activities.

The following conclusion can be drawn from the study, to begin with this study have shown most students active in joining clubs or society. From the research also, we know that most students spend their time about 1-3 days per week. In the next section, the useful of study time-table shows that all students agree time management is important for every students and it need to be monitored in order to get a successful time management. Although students busy with their extra-curricular festivities, they still manage to send their assignments on time. Majority of respondents agrees that extra-curricular activities give more advantages where they can improve their soft skills and discipline.

The results of this study indicate that for an active student it is important to have a proper time management and do active in extracurricular will give more advantages rather than disadvantages. However, these findings are only valid for only UTM students and cannot be generalized to other universities students. The same study needs to be conducted with students from other universities to see if there are similarities with the effects of extracurricular activities on UTM student’s performance.


6.1 Recommendation Based on Findings

From this research, we recommended an organization that can observe the academic performance of students who are active in co-curricular activities. This organization also will organize the time-table for the active students and will make sure this student on the right track. Other than that, each student who is active in extra-curricular activities should have basic skill in managing time to make sure all things including assignments, practice, classes, programs and others are on the right place and time. This will lead to a better academic performance if all the stuff in the right order of arrangement.

6.2 Recommendation for Future Research

From the research that we have been conducted, there are few recommendations that we want to point out for future study. One of the recommendations that we want to voice out is to expand the scope of study in order to get better result. We are recommending by increasing the number of students that participating this research, which means that include students not only who are active in extra-curricular activities but also students who not involve and have average involving in extra-curricular activities. By doing this, we can see the clear different in academic performance between students who are involve and not involved in the extra-curricular activities. This will lead to an accurate outcome in order to achieve the objectives of this research.

Last recommendation that we want to stress out is by changing the research methodology for the interview. We are recommended to choose the right interviewer for the secondary data of research methodology. The right interviewer such as lecturer, counselor or friends of the active students of extra-curricular activities. From this, the validation can be more easier and convincing in conjunction to support the research conducted.


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Part C

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Time management is important for every student.

Students should have proper/ right skill to do time management.

Students who are active in extra-curricular should have proper time management.

For active students, a successful time management is a schedule that needs every minute to be monitored (by parent, special services, personal advisor, etc.)

SD: Strongly Disagree D: Disagree A: Agree SA: Strongly Agree

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