Adaptation And Motivation In Health Care Organizations

This paper will cover the concepts of adaptation and motivation in health care organizations. Healthcare organization needs managers that are motivated and have the skills necessary to motivate their employees. The healthcare industry is a rapid pace environment and requires employees that are motivated and responsive to patient’s medical needs. The art of motivating is built on the recognition of human needs. Motivation can be defined as the degree of readiness or the desire within an individual to pursue some goal. Managers must lead workers and ensure they have a clear understanding of the organizations mission and organizational goals. The main goal of having a motivated manager is to enhance the employees individual will to work. Employees that are motivated will provide patients will excellent customer service.

Case: A Matter of Motivation: The Delayed Promotion

In todays health care environment managers must be motivated if they are going to succeed at accomplishing the organizations mission. The accomplishment of the organizations mission can be a determining factor as to whether the organizations receive funding for additional programs and employees. Motivation is an important tool that each manager should posses. It is critical that managers as well as employees communicate to their chain of command if there is a problem or a delay in their promotion. Effective communication and leadership skills will play an important factor while managers are developing ways to motivate their employees. When there is a lack of communication and managers are unaware of ways to motivate employees, the department will suffer and the organizational productivity level will decline.

Managers must be motivated in order to motivate their employees. When a manager receives a promotion the manager must maintain the same level of motivation they had in their last position. Motivating employees is an important skill for supervisors in the healthcare industry to have. When developing motivation plans, it is important to recognize the individual differences among employees and realize that not all motivation techniques will work for everyone. Each employee must be evaluated to determine what motivates them the most.

Motivation is an important tool that is often under-utilized by managers in today’s workplace. It is critical that managers do not use the same techniques in motivating their employees. Techniques in motivation can be taught through workshops and leadership conferences. Managers use motivation in the workplace to inspire people to work, both individually and in groups, to produce the best results for business in the most efficient and effective manner. It was once assumed that motivation had to be generated from the outside, but it is now understood that each individual has their own set of motivating forces. Healthcare organizations provide their employees and managers with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors. It is the duty of the manager to carefully identify and address these motivating forces. Motivational forces can range from an employee receiving a bonus, promotion, or certificate of excellence.

Below I have listed ten questions that managers can ask to determine how they can motivate their department (Bessell, Dicks, Wysocki, & Kepner, 2009).

Do you personally thank staff for a job well done?

Is feedback timely and specific?

Do you make time to meet with-and listen to-staff on a regular basis?

Is your workplace open, trusting, and fun?

Do you encourage and reward initiative and new ideas?

Do you share information about your organization with staff on a regular basis?

Do you involve staff in decisions, especially those that will affect them?

Do you provide staff with a sense of ownership of their jobs and the unit as a whole?

Do you give associates the chance to succeed?

Do you reward staff based on their performance?

Managers may lack knowledge in implementing successful motivational programs that increase production and create a positive work environment. It is critical that employees are aware of motivation programs so that they can learn new motivational skills. Although there are many types of motivation, management must identify with their associates (employees) on an individual level for successful programs. Managers can create a suggestion box so that employees can provide them with ideas on different motivational ideas. The goal of every manager is to increase production and efficiency to reach maximum results for the organization. Motivation for better performance depends on job satisfaction, achievement, recognition, and professional growth. Providing a positive motivational work environment is a challenging managerial activity. Therefore, managers must understand associates and their professional needs.

A study, published in 1999 by Kenneth Kovach of George Mason University, compared associates’ ranking of what they wanted from their jobs with what their bosses thought was important to the associates. The results of the study were somewhat surprising. At the top of the associates’ list was interesting work, followed by appreciation of work, a feeling of being “in on things”, job security, and good wages (Bessell, Dicks, Wysocki, & Kepner, 2009). Employers thought good wages, job security, promotion/growth, good working conditions, and interesting work were most important to their staff. Another easily overlooked and important factor is attitude. It is important that mangers have a positive attitude and reflect that attitude in the work environment. Supervisors can talk to their human resource department to find out ways in which they can motivate employees. In many cases employees will appreciate the recognition the manager is giving them. Employees will then increase their level of productivity in the organization. For example, some associates may not appreciate public forms of recognition, while others will (Bessell, Dicks, Wysocki, & Kepner, 2009).

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Healthcare manager are consistently looking to shape the organization to their employees. Managers must know the basic needs of their employees so that they can obtain the necessary resources to meet those needs. The art of motivating is built on this recognition of human need. Abraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of Needs model in 1940-50’s USA, and the Hierarchy of Needs theory remains valid today for understanding human motivation, management training, and personal development (Businessballs, 2009). Below I have provided a graphical representation of Maslows Hierarchy of needs.

Case; Discipline and documentation – Here she goes again.

Describe the ways in which the employee might be able to give the organization a “real hard time” if she is terminated now.

Healthcare organizations have employees that work to exceed standards and employees that work and barely meet established standards. Managers must communicate performance standards to employees. When communicating performance standards to employees, this provides employees a chance to question managers on performance measure they may or may not understand. Performance standards are ways in which the manager can measure the employee’s performance against pre-defined standards that were created for the employee’s current position. Establishing clear and logical rules, along with an atmosphere of trust between management and labor, will minimize disciplinary confrontations with employees (Liebler & McConnell, 2008). Disciplinary problems can severely affect the organization and the performance of other employees. When managers do not discipline employees and document their actions other employees may feel that they can get away with the same behavior. Often it’s the manner in which rules are established and enforced that makes the difference between a smooth-running operation and a company plagued by employee-related disruptions (Liebler & McConnell, 2008).

The attitudes, emotions, and motivations of each employee within an organization not only affect the degree to which goals and objectives are attained but also influence the behavior of other employees (Liebler & McConnell, 2008). There are a series of steps managers can follow to ensure that employees are provided with rules on disciplinary actions. The first step is for management to meet with labor relations and review current policies and guidelines on disciplining employees. After the rules and guidelines are discussed with labor relations, mangers must discuss these guidelines with their employees and ensure employees understand what will happen if they fail to perform to established standards. Manager must ensure that there is constant communication between them and their employees. Communications channels should also remain open so that employees feel free to question rules they feel are unreasonable (Entrepreneur, 2010).

Roberta Weston can file an unfair labor practice or sue the organization if she is terminated without proper cause. Managers must ensure that they have clear policies in place so that employees understand what is expected of them. It is critical that managers conduct performance appraisals in a timely manner. The performance appraisal must clearly explain the employees’ current performance level. This feedback will be critical because employees can help managers understand ways in which they can motivate them to improve their performance.

Develop a plan of action that you would recommend Sam Best to follow in dealing with employee Roberta Weston.

The plan of action for Roberta Weston will consist of the following. First her manager will need to sit the employee down and find out what problem she may be having at work and in her personal life. This will provide the manager with a clear understanding of how he can help Roberta improve her performance. The second step is to assure the employee that he as faith in her ability to succeed. Sometimes supportive words from a supervisor or manager are the first she’s received in years. The third step is to help the employee set several short-term, achievable goals. These should be time based and have clear outcomes about which you agree. Some of these goals can address employee “attitude” in behavioral terms (Heathfield, 2010). The final step is to follow up with the employee so that you can let them know how they are performing.

Case: With friends like this

What should be you immediate response to Millie Norman? Why?

The immediate response to Millie Norman should be that work place gossip can destroy the workplace environment and de-motivate employees. Also patient may hear inappropriate gossip about the department where they are receiving services. Gossip is rampant in most workplaces. Sometimes, it seems as if people have nothing better to do than gossip about each other. They gossip about the company, their coworkers, and their managers (Heathfield, 2010). They frequently take a partial truth and turn it into a whole speculative truth. It is critical that managers inform employees that gossip will not be tolerated and that is something they can do on their own personal time. Managers must also explain to employees that they want the work environment to be positive and not a negative one. A negative work environment will create the possibility of employees not performing to the standards.

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Do you believe you have the basis on which to proceed with disciplinary action against someone? Why or why not?

In this case I do not believe that disciplinary action will be necessary. The manager will need to explain to staff that established schedules are not to be changed without their approval. Millie Norman did not provide specific facts, she merely provided “she saids” and “he saids”. Disciplinary action should only be pursued if there are specific facts that will hinder the daily operation of the department. The manager must also inform employees that the environment in which they work must remain professional at all times.

How can the human resource department help you in your present concern?

Human resources can help by providing me with information as to what can be done about negative gossip within the department. Managers must have a clear understanding of how to manage different situation that may occur under their direct supervision. You can manage gossip exactly as you would manage any other negative behavior from an employee in your work place. Use a coaching approach, when possible, to help the employee improve his or her behavior. But, when needed, gossip management starts with a serious talk between the employee and the manager or supervisor. If the discussion of the negative impacts of the employee’s gossip has no effect on subsequent behavior, begin the process of progressive discipline with a verbal warning, then a formal written verbal warning for the employee’s personnel file (Heathfield, 2010).

Manager can also contact their labor relation department for guidance on what disciplinary measure they can pursue. It is important that managers do not blame employees for gossip rumors where the facts have not been substantiated. When managers are dealing with cases such as the gossiping employee they must research the situation and make a decision on the appropriate action that will need to be taken.

Case: Your word against his

Describe in detail any options you believe you can pursue in an effort to set the matter straight for all parties who receive the wrong information as well as with the vice president, while incurring the minimum possible public disfavor by the vice president.

In an effort to set the matter straight for all parties the manager can use written communication in the form of an email to solve the issue at hand. Written communications are essential to the conduct of business in any organization. Managers must understand that communication will solve many of their problems that their organization may be facing. Communication is defined as a process by which we assign and convey meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process requires a vast repertoire of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating. Use of these processes is developmental and transfers to all areas of life: home, school, community, work, and beyond. It is through communication that collaboration and cooperation occur (K12, 2010). Written communication is usually in the form of an electronic or paper message.

When managers are using written communication they must ensure that there is a specific audience in which they want to address. It is important to also avoid unneeded words. The message should be clear and concise so that they receiver and understand the intended message. During the process of writing the message, managers must edit and rewrite the message as needed. Communication between two people is very important and can resolve issue that managers are unable to resolve face to face. In this case a face to face will not work due to the stubborn attitude of the manager. An email will be created that contains specific guidelines on the topic that the vice president was discussing. This email will be sent out to the vice president and department heads so that everyone has the same information.

Case: Delegation difficulties the ineffective subordinate

Although Susan’s performance is obviously lacking in a number of ways, Kate might best begin by examining some elements of her own performance and her own leadership style. What are the elements of the case that may have prompted this statement, and what are the implications of those elements regarding Kate’s style and performance?

The elements of the case that have prompted this statement is that Kate has not provided effective leadership to Susan. Kate may need to communicate with Susan and find out why her performance has declined. Susan may be having personal problems at home. Kate seems to be an ineffective leader. She displays a laissez faire leadership style. This leadership style is when the manager has a hand off approach and does not participate in managing their employees. When this style of leadership occurs in a work environment, the employees will select an informal leader to help them guide and inform them. This approach to leadership quite often happens when the supervisor is merely putting their time into the office waiting for their retirement (Bizcovering, 2008). It is critical that managers provide effective leadership and communication to their subordinates.

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What appears to be the weakest element in kate’s style? Why are they weak?

The first weakest element in Kate style is her communicating skills. Communication is critical if managers are going to effectively manage their departments. People are not born with great communication skills. These skills can be learned throughout a person’s lifetime. Managers are usually offered management courses that help them develop these skills. Kate communication skills are weak because she has not communicated with Susan and find out how she can improve the employee’s performance. Managers must ensure that they are hearing and listening to employee’s problems. Hearing and listening are not the same thing. Hearing is the act of perceiving sound. It is involuntary and simply refers to the reception of aural stimuli. Listening is a selective activity which involves the reception and the interpretation of aural stimuli. It involves decoding the sound into meaning (Liebler & McConnell, 2008).

The second weakest element in Kate style is her delegating skills. Kate has shown that she cannot properly delegate to her subordinates. When a manager delegates a task to a subordinate they must ensure that they follow up with that task. Delegation is defined as to entrust to another or to assign responsibility. A key part of the definition is contained in the word “entrust”; for delegation to occur, trust must be present. The trust that the RN has in the other staff member will determine what and how much he or she is willing to delegate. Also, those who delegate must also have trust in their own decision-making ability (Anderson, 2009). The reason why is so that they can ensure the subordinate understand how to accomplish the task. Managers must also inform their employees if there is a time frame that they expect the task to be completed. When manager’s follow-up with their employees it shows the employee that the manager cares about them.

Assuming that Kate is able to successfully address the deficiencies in her own approach to management, where should she begin in trying to determine if Susan has the potential to become a truly effective nurse manager?

Kate can begin in trying to determine if Susan has the potential to become an effective nurse manager after she provides guidance to Susan on how to further develop her communication skills. Kate can enroll Susan in a leadership course so that she can be taught leadership and communications skills by experts with the nurse career field. Managers must also have advanced skill and knowledge so that they can effectively train their employees. Susan currently does not have the necessary skills to perform her job effectively. It is critical that senior managers look after the junior leader and provide them with the guidance and motivation they need, so that they can accomplish the organization’s mission. The second important quality is focus. A manager should be focused to the goal of the company and his/her every action should go in that direction. All such sub skills as Time management, Human resources management, Marketing, Production and purchases are part of the larger goal. Each of these has to be made more effective and efficient (Mohatta, 2010).

In conclusion leadership and communication is critical skills that each leader should posses. Nurse Managers play an important role within the health care industry. These are the individuals that ensure physicians provide patients with quality care. Nurses are trained that patient care is the number one priority for them to achieve. In today’s health care industry there is a major need for good managers. Good managers are those individuals that know their jobs and have the traits and skills necessary to interact with employees. Health care organizations are constantly expanding and are always looking for leaders to lead their workforce. With ‘flatter’ organizations and self-directed teams becoming common; with personal computers and networks making information available to more people more quickly; the raw number of managers needed is decreasing. However, the need for good managers, people who can manage themselves and others in a high stress environment, is increasing (Liebler & McConnell, 2008).

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