Advantages And Disadvantages Of Multimedia Computer Science Essay

Multimedia is a combination of text, graphics, sound, animation, and video, interactive electronic or digital means of manipulation delivered to the user. Multimedia elements, including text, video, sound, graphics and animation. Used in the multimedia elements are present. Multimedia is only these elements are combined into a powerful new tool. The media elements in the world’s leading business and multi-platform multimedia services, video games and digital entertainment. Our work with our customers to provide the best solutions, while also providing the multimedia services they need to do this in order to achieve its market. We can create a very exciting and interesting and innovative and cost-effective technology, and then sell the item. Therefore, multimedia continues to play a huge role in keeping the attention and interest of the online advertising. . Interactive multimedia animation mode converted into a static image, therefore, to attract and encourage people to click on ads.

Today there are thousands of sites on the Internet, the competition for customers in an unprecedented height. What ideal can be separated from your site depends on the nature of competition has been registered on your site any multimedia elements. Multimedia elements, such as through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. So I would like to discuss about the multimedia elements in Twitter. Video is one of the multimedia elements that can be promote through by Twitter. . Promoting videos involves embedding your links into several highly trafficked websites. People can easily watch your company or product videos. Music helps your company or brand to easily connect emotionally with its consumers. Animated images can be used to provide product demonstrations and presentations of the award-winning. You can easily demonstrate the features and benefits of your product and, therefore, to encourage consumers to try them out. Interactive video or image, but also to help your business build relationships with consumers can watch your company’s product commercials and respond by posting their views or comments. If you provide useful feedback, then you can easily establish long-term lasting relationships with consumers. When shooting video ads, graphics, or composer, you need to pay a lot of attention. You must produce the quality of work, not only interesting, but also cited the induced action. If you can not be delivered or the production quality of the multimedia elements, and then hire a professional multimedia experts, should be your next best choice. Multimedia marketing to produce amazing results, if it is a correct implementation. Conversely, if you produce a substandard video or graphics, then your company’s image or reputation will be severely damaged. Therefore, you need to carry out a thorough study, so that you can come up with creative multimedia concepts, the interest of many consumers. Employ a creative multimedia agency or corporate guarantee, provide you with high-quality multimedia concepts, it is possible to improve your website traffic or sales.

Element in Twitter

Out of all the elements, the most influential text on the quality of interactive multimedia. In general, the text provides important information. The text as a cornerstone of the tying of other media elements.


The sound is used to provide emphasis or highlight the transition from one page to another. Sound synchronization screen, so that teachers can submit a lot of information. Creative use of sounds to become imaginative stimulus; improper use, it has become an obstacle or an annoyance. The distance between the two properties amount – the acoustic frequency in each peak height of these wave patterns – (sometimes referred to as pitch) peaks. The greater the distance, low voice.Representatives, through video visualization capabilities can be direct and powerful. While this is no doubt, it is how we see and the ability to interact with digital video content to the use of digital video education to provide a new and exciting possibilities. The video can stimulate interest and if it is relevant information on the other pages, and not too far. Video of one of the most compelling reasons, may be its dramatic ability to induce emotional responses from individuals.


The animation is used to display status changes over time, slowly, to provide students with information to make them in smaller blocks, it is absorbed. Animation, when a user enters a combination, so that students can view the different versions over time change, according to different variables. Animation is used to prove an idea or to explain a concept. Video is usually yes taken from the life, while the animation is based on the drawings on the. 2-D animation there are two types of animation cell animation – based on 3-D animation of moving objects on the screen along a predetermined path – on the changes, one to the next path animation: 3D animation- the structure of a wide range of contour and 3D objects and scenes animation – defines the motion of the object rendering – to an object, such as color, surface texture properties involves three steps modeling of three-dimensional animation, and transparency3-ð animation amount: 3D animation image: from the multimedia concept scanning – the James Schuman3 3D animation special effects: – the two images together a series of image warping – 3D animation effects deformation distort a single image of the virtual reality – Create a user the surrounding environment, therefore, he or she becomes part of the experience.

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Graphics to provide a learning session, the most creative possibility. They can from the photographs, drawings, charts, spreadsheet, photo from the CD-ROM, or from the Internet to pull something. Scanners, hand-painted work can be included. Standing commented that the “picture recognition memory is almost unlimited. The reason for this is that the images use a lot of range of cortical skills: color, shape, line, size, texture, visual rhythm, especially the imagination.

The advantages and disadvantages of Multimedia

There are a couple of advantages and disadvantages to using multimedia in communication. I’m only going to a list a few important ones below. If you are interested to know more, visit one of the given websites by just following the links.


This is a very user-friendly. It does not need the number of energy users, in this sense, you can sit down to watch the demo, you can read the text and hear the sound.

It is a multi-sensory. It uses the senses of many users, while the use of multimedia, such as hearings, see and talk.

It is a comprehensive and interactive. Through different media in the process of digital integration. The possibility of interaction easy feedback are greatly increased.

It is flexible. Digitalization, this media can easily be changed to adapt to different situations and audiences.

It can be used for a variety of audiences, ranging from one person to the whole group.

Creative Industries: the creative industries, including advertising, media and news, they use multimedia fun and interactive way to express their thoughts. Organization of advertising agencies and other creative work across a creative way of information, ideas and news. Path information in an interactive visualization of these ideas, multimedia plays a vital role.

The latest developments in the enterprise: technology and multimedia environment has made it possible for entrepreneurs to come up with an attractive company website or presentation, including information about their products and services to the interpretation of text, audio and video.

Marketing: construction in the site text, images, video shows the general idea of ​​the product is very popular. To explain the links with the media, social networking sites to promote our ideas is inevitable. Customers can easily visualization and link to website, in a good way to understand the message.

Telecommunications industry: Today, everyone is clear Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). This service makes it possible to audio and video content from our mobile phones to send text. Previously, it was limited to only a certain number of text messages. In the phone’s multimedia applications area in 2012 will only increase with the daily development of the function, such as playing music, games, watching movies, and our mobile news.

It can be seen in the entertainment industry entertainment: multimedia use one. With the latest technology research and invention, the annual multimedia range has been expanded. We like to see a 3D movie in the cinema theaters and on television – and enjoy the movie special effects would not have been no multimedia possible.

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Running on a multimedia platform for video games. Multimedia range is the frequent introduction of a wide range of new video game every other day. In short, it can be said that increased consumer support and positive feedback from the range of digital multimedia, and only increase in 2012. Has become more technology-friendly in the world. Network marketing, the popularity of the use of computers, mobile phones and video games is expanding its door in 2012 of multimedia opportunities.



Information overload. Because it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information only once. Information overload. Because it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information only once.

It takes time to compile. Even if it is flexible, it needs time with the original draft.

It can be expensive. As one of my previous post mentioned, and multimedia using a wide range of resources, you can spend a lot of money.

Too unrealistic. Large files such as video and audio effects, the time it takes to load your presentation. By adding too much may mean that you must use a larger computer storage files. If you want to upload to the Internet, there are several factors, such as bandwidth and the user’s ability to keep in mind.


Each browser can display at least some subset of HTML. The broad support of multimedia elements. The best example is the case of Apple’s mobile devices, Flash multimedia. As of mid-2012, the device still does not support Flash, resulting in the dependence of Flash iPad and iPhone, the website displays an error. This problem applies to other types of multimedia, as well. Use the Windows Media format, multimedia content website will often fail to work properly correct the user’s computer, the lack of the Windows Media plug-in.

It takes time to compile. Even if it is flexible, it needs time with the original draft.

It can be expensive. As one of my previous post mentioned, and multimedia using a wide range of resources, you can spend a lot of money.

Too unrealistic. Large files such as video and audio effects, the time it takes to load your presentation. By adding too much may mean that you must use a larger computer storage files. If you want to upload to the Internet, there are several factors, such as bandwidth and the user’s ability to keep in mind.


Each browser can display at least some subset of HTML. The broad support of multimedia elements. The best example is the case of Apple’s mobile devices, Flash multimedia. As of mid-2012, the device still does not support Flash, resulting in the dependence of Flash iPad and iPhone, the website displays an error. This problem applies to other types of multimedia, as well. Use the Windows Media format, multimedia content website will often fail to work properly correct the user’s computer, the lack of the Windows Media plug-in.

Question 2


A, multimedia production team may require as many as 18 discrete roles, including:

Executive Producer

Producer/Project Manager

Creative Director/Multimedia Designer

Art Director/Visual Designer


Interface Designer

Game Designer 

Subject Matter Expert

Instructional Designer/Training Specialist



Sound Producer

Music Composer

Video Producer 

Multimedia Programmer

HTML Coder

Lawyer/Media Acquisition

Marketing Director

Game Designer

The work of game designers, video and computer game design and development team. Game designers usually have a game design, computer engineering or computer science degree. The game designers can enjoy the professional level designer, production assistant, programmer, junior game designers and quality assurance testing. Work with a team of game designers to develop and design video games. The game designer is a comprehensive, coordinated complex task to create a new team of designers and developers of video games is an important part. Game designers, such as character, multi-level, puzzles, art and animation design responsibilities. They can also write code using a different computer programming languages​​. According to their professional duties, may also be responsible for project management tasks and test an earlier version of the video game.

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Responsibility of Game Designer

The game designers have created the basic structure of the computer game, from story and setting, rules, characters, and a variety of objects in the game, including vehicles, buildings and weapons responsible for the design. They need to develop the game how to play to test and train games, to play it in some tests, everything is normal.


An Animator is produce a multiple image frames sequenced together to quickly create an animation is called the illusion of movement. The images can be digital or hand-drawn pictures, models or puppets.

The animation is often in the two-dimensional animation, 3D modeling animation, stop frame or computer-generated animation. Computer-generated animation has a strong film (to create special effects or animation movies in their own right), as well as the work of television, the Internet and computer games industry in all aspects of.

The art of animation, the animation of the basic skills are still dependent to a large extent, but the growth of a cartoonist need to be familiar with technical computer packages.

Responsibility of Animator

An Animator is responsible for leading and coordinating the animation team. Team participation, they may also be recruited to ensure that the selected artists the production of animation and drawing skills. They explained that, from the director, and other relevant departments of the short, animation, and the exchange of information.

Marketing Director

Marketing Director, responsible for the company’s marketing efforts and strategies. The focus of the work may be mainly related to market segmentation, the definition of the consumer the common interests of the whole, income, age, race, or other factors. Director of marketing ultimately seek to find these market segments, which will purchase the products or services of their organization, as well as how best to present these products and services to selected target markets.

Responsibility of Marketing Director

Director of marketing, responsible for marketing, marketing plan, marketing budget, marketing, supplier management, business development and corporate communication activities related to monitoring the activities of management, marketing department, marketing database management and development and the development of the various functions of business the units of the organization’s requirements of his or her work.

Art Director/Visual Designer

Art Director is responsible for art and design, advertising and shooting print and television advertising. They are policy makers, who are responsible for the quality of the finished product. The artistic director of a photographer, illustrator, model, advertising any props. Artistic director, to create a rough layout, the use of computers. The layout of the display copy and will use the fonts and colors, pictures look like. At this stage, the layout must be approved by the customer. Once approved as a rough layout of the ads, Artistic Director of the use of all resources to produce the finished ad.

Responsibility of Art Director/Visual Designer

The Art Director is responsible for printing or on-screen project, all the visual aspects. Artistic director, the process responsible for the development of visualization solutions for a variety of communication problems. He or she is helping to build corporate identity, promotional products and services; to improve the books, magazines, newsletters and other publications, and the establishment of the TV commercials, film and video production, website.

Specializes in packaging, exhibition, or some specific areas of knowledge and experience in areas such as the Internet or art director. All directors, even those with a professional background, must be skilled not only design and illustration, and photography, computer, research, writing, and with the knowledge and supervision of graphic artists, photographers, writers, text editing, and other staff.


18 discrete roles are important job that were in multimedia in our society today’s. Therefore, responsibility of each 18 discrete roles is also useful and important in multimedia and our life when we were having which a job that inside of 18 discrete roles .

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