Aims of education in current education

In the major sense Education is the accomplishment that has an influential impact on an individual’s character, mind and physical abilities. If discussed technically education is known to be a process by means of which a society with positive intentions transform it. Education is the procedure through which the society intentionally diffuses its amassed knowledge.

The educational system have a process that it follows: teachers and students are the primary people in an educational system. The teachers transform education to the students in various forms including reading, science, history, mathematics and writing. This process of transforming education from the teachers to students by the means of teaching is known as schooling. Education is a wide concept and is not restricted to only being taught in the schools and one can get educated in specialized areas of interests as well for example vocational skills for example training to become a pilot. The medium of educating someone is not just schools but other places like museums and libraries, and facilities like the Internet provides one of the best knowledge about everything.


As per the belief of the President of Freie University, Berlin, Dieter Lenzen, the system of education was initiated began million years ago, 1770. The traditional education system that existed in earlier days will always have a link with current education system as well. In earlier times the level of literate used to be achieved through the medium of oral communication and imitation and story telling is one basic thing that have always helped to pass on the education from one person to another. One important fact, that the evolutions of culture and human beings have always been dependent on the education transcended.

The practice of spreading knowledge started expanding its arms. Now after this the culture started expanding ahead of the basic knowledge of communicating, doing business, congregation, food, religious practices, etc., formal education, and schooling, eventually followed.

In the 19th century, the history of education began in England in the Church of England and was the one that provided schools for the children till the time there was a proper establishment of free, compulsory education towards the end of that century. This was followed by a number of universities in London and actually helped in emerging the London University.


Education is the practice by which individuals learn:

Training means provision of learning, mainly by a teacher.

Coaching means the practice of providing learning to the student by using a means of group teaching.

Knowledge means learning concepts that could be immediately applied onto for the practical knowledge and have a practical existence as well.

As per the government rules and laid down regulations the following kinds of education have been discussed in every kind of journal and article. The underneath are important part of education and need to be given to every student as it is an essential part of every one’s life:

Primary education:

Primary education consists of the initial 5-7 years of formal education. Generally it means that primary education schooling initiates from a small age that is 5 or 6 years, although it is variable,

Globally around 89% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is rising. The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat illogical, but it generally happens at about eleven or twelve years of age.

Secondary education

It is again a very important phase of schooling for any student where in the basic application based concepts are introduced to them. Every facilitator in the school is expected to instill these applications into their teaching philosophy.

Another most important thing that he discusses is that the facilitator although needs to instill all these applications into his teaching patterns but does not need to put across all the knowledge of all the areas of education but what so ever he teaches should be perfect and thorough.

The author wants to put across that the main ideas should be thrown into the child’s mind may it be very few ideas but can be the most important ones. As everything takes time to grow and sustain similarly education takes time to root itself in any child or individual. The Aim of Education is that the child should be able to accept these techniques and learn it in a playful manner wherein the child never forgets the applications being thought ever and also he could be able to apply those in the real life and also the child gets to understands the social life or the society. This helps a child in forming better understanding about the social requirements .By understanding the applications the writer meant that these are not only logical although logical analysis is included.

Higher education

Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees.

Adult education

This kind of education is becoming common to almost every country nowadays. It have many forms that varies from different age groups and are some based on formal learning and some on internet learning. Several career based courses are provided that helps an individual to become a successful person in life.

Alternative education

This kind of education is not specified to any age group and consists of varying age groups. It might be designed for students with specialized needs or people with specialized needs.

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This paper is based on a research which is being done in context of the purposes of education in the current times. The research design is based on the grounded theory methodology. This kind of research is basically a qualitative methodology of research which takes into account the historic presence of the subject matter and what are the current changes made in the same. This research covers the data that is being present from generations.

The following have been the research methodologies used to write this paper and to know the present scenario of the aims of education:

Step I: collection of Data – this includes collecting of data through various mediums that is journals, articles, advertisements, historic books and internet sources.

Step II: after the collection of data through various modes, the key points are marked with the help of codes which selected from the information.

Step III: This coded information is grouped according to concepts that are adjusted in chronological order of using the information that is starting form history to present scenario.

Step IV: these codes help in formation of categories of information

Step V: last but not the least, the categories form the base for writing the theory.

Thus this is more of a practical approach rather than theoretical approach that is also called the traditional ways.



A hypothetical authority is a division of expertise that is taught officially either in schools and universities or by other means of teaching. Every field of study usually has several sub-subjects. For instance if a student studies management then it is a wide area of study and contains several sub divisional subjects and branches.

Learning modalities

Education cannot be transformed if there is no one to accept it thus there are various teaching styles followed to make learning interesting. The environment provided to the students is such that they enjoy going to the school and the basic motive of learning is established. The individual attention given to every child or learner for developing and nourishing their skills and capabilities have proved to one of the best techniques to increase learning and grasping power of the students. The following are the current modalities used in the schools and universities to make education system simpler to be understood:

Visual: it is entirely based on observation and seeing and then learns.

Auditory: it is entirely establish on snoop to commands.

Although it is believed that every means of teaching have different techniques and preferences and also there impact are different if one means helps to increase the observation level of the student the other helps to increase the cognitive thinking abilities of the child.

One important fact that is connected to this is that teaching patterns should keep getting change as per the changes in the teaching techniques because if one keeps on repeating the same modules to the children and present it in the same manner it becomes monotonous and thus its influence start demolishing and it is of no use. Thus using varieties of techniques and making the class interesting is integral part of teaching and learning process.


A student teacher relation is an integral part of a better education, if discussed about society as a whole. Education is considered to be a vehicle that brings about change in the society to such an extent that it can make an undeveloped country a developed one. The current aim of education is driven by the curriculum or the syllabus. Every facilitator in the school is expected to instill these applications into their teaching philosophy. Schools have always been held responsible for the knowledge, and customs that are inculcated in any individual. According to the writers the purpose of education is divided into 4 basic parts that are:





According to the given theories the basic aim of providing understanding and comprehensive knowledge to the children to survive in this competitive world. They continue by saying the education not only provide the learner a scope of surviving well in the society but also it can remove and eradicate problems of racism, poverty, sexual discrimination, and other environmental and social issues. The schools provide education to the children so that in future they can be successful in their life and grow as a better citizen. Another point that is being put forward is that there should be a social interaction between students and teachers so that they form a better relation and the students get to learn new things from their teachers.


Source: Educational technology

Technology is an increasingly influential factor in education.

The knowledge is important to be given in the form of both practical and theoretical. The theoretical knowledge should be kept short and simpler but should be strict and rigid. It should not be too long because that could make learning process a little sluggish and lingering and to attain accuracy it should be simple. The theory should not be messed up with the practical knowledge. The student should not come across any doubts and errors while using the theoretical information in practice. The author’s point of view is that the erudition that have that can be proved should be utilized as well and vice-versa. Thus according to him there is no difference between proof and utilization and thus are the same things.

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The technologies such as computers and mobile phones both goes hand in hand with the current education system and also helps in establishing new ways of teaching methodologies and also encourages internet or online education that is even helpful for students that they can work along with their higher studies by perusing their studies through the medium of online education. This gives students the prospects to decide on their areas of. Not just this technology offers powerful learning tools that demand new skills and understandings of students, including Multimedia, and provides new ways to engage students, such as Virtual learning environments.

When discussing about knowledge and learning media plays an important role in the current times because media is mixed with communication. As said that every individual wants a secret to be happy, popular, attractive, understanding, satisfied and most importantly in control. The skill that provides all these qualities is effective communication. In fact, the benefits of communication and education are so much that they cannot be listed here because this enhances so many aspects of our life. Thus technology is a medium through which an individual can polish their eminence and traits and also it nourishes the capabilities of an individual in his areas of advocacy that is advertising, marketing, public relation etc. and also enriches the education level.

Basically, the aim of the education is that it should be such that it can transform and emancipate an individual and can be easily adjusted in the present social structure. From past times and even in the current times have been to provide a person or individual who is merely well informed about his surrounding is considered to be of no use in present times. The need for the current times is that a person should possess both cultural and expertise knowledge in at least one particular area of his choice. Because this knowledge and expertise will help them to make a base for a good start.


Education has become international nowadays. Not only the materialistic pleasures are being influenced by international countries but now also the education patterns provided by various countries to their students in every field of study. Some scholars argue that, every individual should have an exposure to different styles of education and should not be bounded in just one form. The exchange programs recently started by every country aims that every individual should not only get a chance study in their country and the subjects offered in their homeland but also experience various different styles of technologies and methodologies used by other countries as well. Every place has their own ways of transcending knowledge, therefore every school or university is different. Thus internationalization of education will always help in better development of any country.


My research is completely based on the education and its aim. In the entire case study I have discussed the history and background of education, that when the need for education was felt and it initiated. Also the earlier means of education and the current means and technologies being used for the betterment of the education structure.

The following were the questions that I came across during my case study and that I have tried to answer through the same medium as well. These are:

What is the real meaning of education?

Ans: Education is the practice by which individuals learn:

Training means provision of learning, mainly by a teacher.

Coaching means the practice of providing learning to the student by using a means of group teaching.

Knowledge means learning concepts that could be immediately applied onto for the practical knowledge and have a practical existence as well.

Is education only related school learning?

Ans: Educations have always been associated with learning at school at one point of time is vibrant with turmoil of genius and the cause behind this is that these are overloaded with static and sluggish ideas. The education with stagnant thoughts is useless and not only this but above all these are harmful. Education is not only bookish and learning subjects but education is religious education as well. It instills duty and responsibility in an individual. These come from within a sense of obligation in a person towards society and other people around him.

But we cannot deny the fact that schooling is important as well. The schools provide education to the children so that in future they can be successful in their life and grow as a better citizen. Another point that is being put forward is that there should be a social interaction between students and teachers so that they form a better relation and the students get to learn new things from their teachers. Basically the aim of the education according to this article is that education should be such that it can transform and emancipate an individual and can be easily adjusted in the present social structure. From past times and even in the current times have been to provide a person or individual who is merely well informed about his surrounding is considered to be of no use in present times.

Is a literate person be called educated and an illiterate person be called uneducated?

Ans: literate person is the one who have all the knowledge of in and around his vicinity and country and possess the capabilities of not just reading and writing but also understanding the current developments in the technology and an illiterate person cannot be called uneducated only because he do not possess the abilities of reading and writing. For example a farmer is not literate but have all the knowledge and education about his farm and he knows that at what point of time the crops should be sown and when should be reaped. Thus he is educated. Therefore education is a wider term.

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In the current scenario is the emphasis given on education and learning, more than bookish knowledge?

Ans: as we have discussed that introduction of technology in the educational structure has been done to make teaching and learning process easier and understandable. Thus books are a part of transcending education from teachers to students but it is only one medium and education is something beyond books.

What are the benefits of education?

Ans: the following are the benefits of education:

Awareness is Supremacy.

Education can only be achieved through the means of learning

Educated person always get jobs with good pays

Also not just a good pay it also helps individual to get paid over and above the minimum set criteria of salaries.

Formal education


The education is aimed at preparing students to have an excess to all kind of things in life. This will ensure well-rounded and balanced individuals. The following are the listed aims of education:

To give off not well-read, but learning individuals Finding the hidden self

Mounting intelligence & furnishing it to compact with realism

Making certain the complete growth, not definite development

Fostering HU-MAN ethics and principles

Providing an ideal blend of Moral Modification and Cerebral growth

Most prominently, making people THINK

Facilitators of knowledge through the medium of education and learning should work hard to create an education system that is beneficial for both the individuals and the society as a whole.


Establishment of schools on the lines economic and social background (corporate schools for the rich, English Medium schools for the Middle class families and government schools for the people of lower standards).

Linear thinking assuming that engineering an medicine courses are the ultimate.

Disappearance of childhood rote memory replaces joyful learning.

Exam oriented study.

Schools have turned into agencies that provide guidance only for exams.

Commercialization of Education.

Disparity between aims and methodology.

Vagueness on expectations and abilities.

Assumption of confining education to classroom.

Repulsion towards new methods.

Lack of coordination between society, school and administration, not catering to the needs of the society.

Development of passivity.

No scope for the enrichment of cognitive resources of the child such as questioning, observation, inquisitiveness and expression.

Diminishing of values, cooperation collaboration patience, self-confidence, discretion and rational thinking.

Absence of human values, individual values and social values.

Mechanization of the child’s mind by the current education system.

Focus only on enrollment.

No stress on quality education.

Inequality, lack of freedom, negligence and irresponsibility.

Inferior training programmed, monotonous teaching training, training institutes and universities far away from the real world and lack of psychological element in education.

School is just information centre and exam centre.

Laborious Learning and intolerable schools.

Dumping of monotonous syllabus into lower levels in the name of curriculum revision.

Education promoting dependability, not self-confidence.

Gulf between labor and intelligence.

Children of the poor engaged in physical work whereas children of the rich capture power and administration.

Teacher-centered classes and only text books provide true knowledge.

Satisfying the officials and lack of decision making.

Disbelief among the teachers, the management and the society.

Lack of resources and lack of utilizing the resources available.

Completing the syllabus in time is the ultimate goal.

No idea of the aims and objectives of present education.

Lack of awareness of the aims of education.

The consequences of the present system.

The role of the school, the teachers and the society.


Education should provide foresight and proper guidance.

Thoughtfulness and independent work with values.

School should promote social awareness and human relations.

Teacher as social volunteer.

Professional and vocational trainings.

There are already existing seven cardinal principles of education that explains that what we teach in schools but the current education aims at how we teach in schools

Learn to use the information appropriately and in a proper sense.

After learning try to develop your own concepts and present it in a innovative way so that what ever is learned is implied practically as well

Every individual should have the capability to find solution to their problems and be able to analyze them.


This research paper explains that through the medium of this research it contributes to the present knowledge. That is this paper mentions the historic information of the education how it started and who started. While reading this research one gets to know that what have been the changes in imparting education in olden days and in present days. There is a vast difference, today everyone is getting so many facilities when they are going for education but earlier the scenario was different as there was only one place that used to give free and compulsory education and no every could have afford that. But today there are endless number of place all across the world that provides education and that affordable. Thus we get to know the importance and purposes of the education through the medium of this research paper.


Ethical Character: the belief that schools should address issues of “right or wrong” and “moral” concerns. Recently, a national debate has arisen over the teaching of religion in schools and the proper role that schools should play in moral/ethical education.

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