Amazons New Store And Utility Computing Information Technology Essay has morphed into a virtual superstore with product offerings in 36 categories. committed $2 billion to refine the information technology infrastructure that was largely responsible for making it the top online retailer in the world. Amazon focused heavily on modernizing its data centers and software so that it could add new features to its product pages. March 2006, Amazon introduced the first of several new services that founder Bezos hoped would transform its future business. Amazon entered the cloud computing market with Simple Storage Service (S3) and later Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) .The Company had realized that the benefit of its $2 billion investment in technology could also be valuable to other companies. Amazon had tremendous computing capacity. Moreover, the Amazon infrastructure was considered by many to be among the most robust in the world. Amazon began to sell its computing power on a per usage basis, just like a power company sells electricity.

S3 is a data storage services that is designed to make Web-scale computing easier and more affordable for developers. Using S3 does not require any client software, nor does it requires the user to set up any hardware. Amazon designed S3 to provide a fast, simple and inexpensive method for businesses to store data on a system that is scalable and reliable. S3 promises 99.99 % availability through a mechanism of fault tolerance that fixes failures without any downtime.

In conjunction with S3, EC2 enables businesses to utilize Amazon’s servers for computing tasks such as testing software. The service also includes 20 cents per GB of data traffic inbound and outbound per month as well as the standard S3 pricing for storing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) , which contains the applications, libraries, data and configuration settings that a business uses to run the processes. Bezos targeted micro-sized businesses and Web startups as customers for AWS, but the service have also attracted some mid-size businesses and potential big players e-business.

Adam Selipsky, vice president of product management and developer relations for Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon is really a technology company that can bring wealth of engineering prowess and experience to independent developers and corporations by allowing them to run their processes on Amazon’s computer system. Selipsky also emphasizes that AWS is not simply about providing great amounts of storage capacity and server time. AWS creates the opportunity for others to work at Web scale without making the mistakes that Amazon has already made learned from. Simplicity and ease-of-use are not generally terms that go along with building a Web-scale application, but they are major selling points for AWS. Users build on the services through Applications (APIs) made available by Amazon. MileMeter Inc is a Dallas-based startup that plan to sell auto insurance by the mile It initially ran its own server in a data center but moved most of its applications onto “virtual “computers in Amazon’s EC2. provides e-mail management services for thousands of companies around the sends more than a terabyte of data to Amazon to store with $3 very week. The cofounder and chief technology officers of was very pleased that his company was able to create a simple interface with which Amazon can accept the abundant small files that his company managers. Other backup systems have had difficulty handling the typical backup load and most hosting companies would require a custom application to handle such even used EC2 to develop its storage interface. According to CEO, Amazon immediately reduced his company’s data backup costs by 75%.

Powerset is an up-and-coming search engine company that wants to focus its time, and the $2.5 million it has raised, on its core businesses, natural language search technology. By using S3 and EC2, Powerset saves upfront cash expenditure and eliminates the risks that building an infrastructure will take longer than expected. Many of the traditional utility computing suppliers charge around one dollar per CPU hour or ten times what Amazon changes. Powerset’s CEO Barney says that the pay-as-you go model is very important because his company does not know how fast it will grow. With AWS in place, Powerset never has to worry about being unable to add computing power when a spike in usage occurs.

SmugMug Inc., and online photo-sharing startup, was immediately drawn to the ease with which it could back up photos in Amazon’s S3. Storing its user’s photos on Amazon’s devices prevents SmugMug from having to purchase its own additional storage and saved the company $1 million during the first years it used Amazon’s services.

There are issues for Amazon to confront before anyone can declare AWS to be a successful venture Larger businesses may be more inclined to use a more established company, especially one with more experience hosting core applications and data. Currently, Amazon’s flexible, pay-as-you go model gives the company a competitive advantage over companies that require service contract. According to Daniel Golding, vice president of Tier 1 Research, the established companies such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems, may follow Amazon’s lead and offer utility computing without service-level agreements (SLAs). Complicating the matter is that some companies are wary of using a supplier that does not offer SLAs, which guarantee the availability of services in terms of time. Golding suggests that Amazon may have launched a major shift in the industry, but others will reap the rewards while Amazon may suffer for it.

One more challenge for Amazon is the viability of AWS itself. The company’s track record with new technology projects is mixed. Amazon launched its search site with much fanfare, but the site never really caught on with users. Moreover, the growth of AWS could be harmful to Amazon’s Web services line as well as to its retail line if Amazon does not position itself to handle a dramatic increase in demand on its infrastructure. AWS customers could drop the service, and could falter. In January 2007 problem was caused by faulty hardware installed during an upgrade and it was resolved quickly. July 2008, Amazon’s S3 servers experienced significant outages with service lost for 8 hours in July. The July 2008 outage was more problematic. Amazon reported that components were unable to interact properly due to a problem with “internal system communications.” Some users were critical and questioned whether Amazon was capable of being their solution for hosted storage going forward.

AWS has charmed some high- profile clients. Microsoft uses S3 to increase software download speeds for its users. Linden Lab, creator of the online virtual world Second Life, uses the service to alleviate the pounding its servers take when the company releases its frequent software upgrades. The Nasdaq stock exchange uses S3 to host data for Nasdaq Market Replay, an application that lets companies play back historical market data in real time. However, Nasdaq is reluctant to use an online service for transactional or highly secure data. To better support large accounts, Amazon started round-the-clock phone support and credits if S3 availability falls below 99.99 % in a single month. The potential of AWS is being converted into performance mostly by tech savvy developers with financial backing. More than 370,000 developers, ranging from individuals to large companies, have signed up. Amazons hopes one day to make it possible for anyone with an idea and an Internet connection to begin to put together the next


What technology services does Amazon provide? What are the business advantages to Amazon and to subscribers of these services? What are the disadvantages to each? What kinds of businesses are likely to benefit from these services?

The technology services does Amazon provide are Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). S3 is data storage service that is designed to make Web-scale computing easier and more affordable for developers. Customers pays 15 cents per gigabyte of data stored per month on Amazon’s network of disk drivers. Also, a change of 20 cents per gigabyte of data transferred. Data maybe stored as objects ranging in size from 1 byte to 5 gigabytes with an unlimited number of objects permitted. Amazon designed S3 to provide a fast, simple and inexpensive method for businesses to store data on a system that is scalable and reliable. S3 promises 99.99% availability through a mechanism of fault tolerance that fixes failures without any downtime. In conjunction with S3, EC2 enables businesses to utilize Amazon’s servers for computing tasks such as testing software. Using EC2 incurs changes of 10 cents per instance-hour consumed. The service also includes 20 cents per GB of data traffic inbound and outbound per month, as well as the standard S3 pricing for storing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which contains the applications, libraries, data and configuration settings that a business uses to run its processes. Amazon Web Service (AWS) create the opportunity for others to work at Web scale without making the mistakes that Amazon has already made and learned from. Simplicity and ease-of-use are not generally terms that go along with building a Web-scale application, but they are major selling points for AWS. User build on the services through Application Programming Interface (APIs) made available by Amazon. The founder, Bezos targeted micro-sized businesses and Web startups as customers for AWS, but the services have also attracted some mid-size businesses and potential big players in e-business. The kinds of businesses are likely to benefit from these service are sell auto insurance by the mile, email management services, an up-and-coming search engine, and an online photo sharing startup. The disadvantages for this service are, the growth of AWS could be harmful to Amazon’s Web service line as well, and faulty hardware and that component were unable to interact properly due to a problem “internal system communication”.

How do the concepts of capacity planning, scalability and TCO apply to this case? Apply these concepts both to Amazon and to subscribes of its cost opportunities

The total cost ownerships model can be used to analyze these direct and indirect costs to help firms determine the actual cost of specific technology implementations. When all these costs components are considered, the TCO for Amazon might run up to three times the original price of the equipments. Hidden costs for support staff, downtime and additional network management can make distributed client / server architecture especially those incorporating mobile wireless devices and more expensive than centralized mainframe architecture. Amazon committed $2 billion to refine the information technology infrastructure that was largely responsible for making it the top online retailer. Amazon Web Service ( AWS) has charmed some high profile clients. Microsoft uses S3 to increases software download speed for its users and Second Life, use the service to alleviate the pounding its server take when the company releases its frequent software upgrades. Also that, Amazon started round-the-clock phone support and credits if S3 availability falls below 99.99% in a single month. More than 370,000 developers, ranging from individuals to large companies signed up. The company remains profitable: net income was $35 million in 2003, $588 million in 2004, $359 million in 2005, and $190 million (including a $662 million charge for R&D) in 2006. Retained earnings were negative $1.8 billion in 2006, negative $1.4 billion in 2007, and negative $730 million in 2008, and $172 million in 2009.Annual revenues, aided by product line expansion and rapid growth in international sales, grew from $3.9 billion in 2002 to $10.7 billion by 2006.On November 21, 2005, Amazon entered the S&P 500 index, and, on December 31, 2008, the S&P 100 index. On March 26, 2010, Amazon had a higher market cap than Target Corporation, Home Depot, Costco, Barnes and Noble, and Best Buy, only lagging that of Walmart among American brick and mortar retailers. The domain attracted at least 615 million visitors annually by 2008, twice the numbers of Amazon attracts approximately 65 million customers to its U.S. website per month. Amazon derives about 40 percent of its sales from affiliate marketing called Amazon Associates and third-party sellers who sell products on Amazon[citation needed]. Associates receive a commission for referring customers to Amazon by placing links on their websites to Amazon, if the referral results in a sale. Worldwide, Amazon has “over 900,000 members” in its affiliate programs.Amazon reported over 1.3 million sellers sold products through Amazon’s World Wide Web sites in 2007. Unlike eBay, Amazon sellers do not have to maintain separate payment accounts; all payments are handled by Amazon. In September 2000, price discrimination was found on Amazon offered to sell a buyer a DVD for one price, but after the buyer deleted cookies that identified him as a regular Amazon customer, he was offered the same DVD for a substantially lower price. Jeffrey P. Bezos subsequently apologized for the differential pricing and vowed that Amazon “never will test prices based on customer demographics”. The company said the difference was the result of a random price test and offered to refund customers who paid the higher prices. Amazon had also experimented with random price tests in 2000 as customers comparing prices on a “bargain-hunter” Web site discovered that Amazon was randomly offering the Diamond Rio MP3 player for substantially less than its regular price. In April 2009, BusinessWeek magazine reported that was one of 25 US companies that paid the least US taxes. paid a 4.1 percent annual tax rate, far less than the standard 35 percent corporate rate, based on an analysis of the company’s financial figures for 2005-2008. According to SEC filings, this rate was caused in part by lower tax rates for’s international subsidiaries.

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Search the Internet for companies that supply utility computing. Select two or three such as companies and compare them to Amazon. What services do these companies provide? What promises do they make about availability? What is their payment model? Who is their target client? If you were launching a Web startup business, would you choose one of these companies over Amazon for Web services? Why or why not? Would your answer change if you were working for a larger company and had to make recommendations to the CTO?

We have chosen a newScale Service Catalog and IQMS, IT can offer a Web-based self-service menu of standard service packages and options. Easy-to-use service request forms can be configured to record everything you need for the virtual machine build sheet. Once a build has been selected, an automated approval process ensures all the right policies and procedures are in place.

The approved virtual machine is then automatically deployed based on the selected build, together with other components for the service package. You can then track the entire service lifecycle, identify who’s using what, de-commission unused resources, and ensure capacity to meet demand. Moreover, by tracking consumption and costs, IT management has complete visibility into usage and a detailed bill of services. There are many virtualization solutions that focus on the back-office tasks of systems management and the machine aspects of provisioning. Some of them even cover virtual as well as physical environments. newScale integrates with the most common virtualization management systems and other data center automation systems to complement this existing infrastructure investment.

However, these tools do little to improve the front-office processes of defining standard server build configurations, providing a self-service shopping experience, linking server requests to the underlying business justification, speeding the requirements gathering and approval cycle time, and managing the lifecycle of the end-to-end service. They don’t address other silos such as network and middleware – nor do they provide governance.

Only newScale offers a Service Catalog solution to provide self-service and control in managing physical, virtual and cloud resources for today’s multi-vendor, cross-platform infrastructure spanning from the data center to the desktop. The result is reduced cost and increased agility – enforcing standards to streamline the request to delivery cycle time, and providing governance to prevent virtual sprawl.

They are three Services practice areas: Professional Services, Knowledge Services and Customer Services focus on delivering world-class resources for your Service Catalog initiative so you can deliver on time and on budget, with minimal risk, and effective knowledge transfer to achieve true self sufficiency.

  NewScale Professional Services practice is staffed with an experienced team ready to help implement and optimize newScale Service Catalog solutions. Look to Professional Services for the following services and expertise:

Process Consulting

Technology Consulting

Strategic Front Office Consulting

Process Consulting

Our project managers help you organize your implementation and upgrade projects based on our proven Universal Delivery Model (UDM) methodology. The experts in designing and configuring your newScale solutions, our service designers and application specialists coach you through important design and configuration considerations and share implementation best practices, tools and templates from our other successful deployments. Working along side your project team, our specialists will share design, configuration and testing knowledge that will allow you to manage and expand your newScale solution over time.

Technology Consulting

newScale’s technical team provides technical assistance for initial newScale solution implementations and subsequent integrations, upgrades or other customizations. Highly skilled technicians with experience in a variety of database products, web technologies and third-party application systems, the technical team provides professional services to help:

Establish the infrastructure architecture for the newScale solution environment

Create an integration roadmap and architecture

Install newScale software

Design, develop and test integrations, utilities, reports and other customizations

Provide knowledge transfer for customers’ technical resources

Strategic Front Office Consulting

newScale’s Front Office ServiceFormation Strategy practice works with our customers to formulate and execute their Service Catalog journey. Using newScale’s Front Office ServiceFormationâ„¢ Model, an ITIL-based Service Catalog transformation model for running IT like a business, our strategy consultants will guide you through the activities required to plan, source and deliver a service oriented Front Office for IT.

The Front Office ServiceFormationâ„¢ Model leverages a Business Integration approach to address the Strategy, Process, Technology and People aspects of the transformation in each phase of the Service Catalog journey. Typical activities our consultants work with you on include:

Strategy & Planning

Identify your business’ service requirements

Rationalize and standardize your service portfolio

Develop key IT business models:

service level objectives

financial models

governance models

Develop/revise key IT business processes:

service level management




MSP payment/penalty process

Create the transformation (rollout) plan

Design and Develop the organizational structure and change management plan for ongoing Service Portfolio Management

Implement the technology needed to manage and support your Service Portfolio Transformation Plan


Budgeting Process



Chargeback/Visibility & MSP Payment/Penalty Process

Consumption Tracking/Escalation Process

Reporting/Analytics Requirements


Organizational Change Plan

Organizational Design and Development:

Centralized vs. Decentralized delivery teams

Internal vs. External service providers

Shared Services function

Define key roles and responsibilities:

Relationship Manager

Service Level Manager

Service Owner


Technology Architecture

Implementation of Service Portfolio Management tool

Implementation of Service Request management tool

Integration Architecture

Service Management integration

Service Operations integration

Our Knowledge Services practice builds processes, tools, technical publications and training programs to support newScale’s Service Catalog initiatives and the successful deployment of newScale solutions. Knowledge Services delivers the following services:

Training and YES! Program

Methodology and Best Practice Development

Technical Publications

Training and YES! Program

newScale training designs and delivers experiential courses for both business and technical users. Our trainers combine deep institutionalized Service Catalog knowledge with the latest training practices to produce courses that help guide customers’ Service Catalog strategy and related processes, initiate rapid deployment of newScale solutions and form a foundation for customer self-reliance. Training courses are delivered in a classroom setting or via the web and are available in a variety of locations, including on-site at customer facilities.

The newScale YES! (Your Education Services) program provides on-demand education services and access to knowledge services for customers and partners who need to have questions answered quickly and easily as they expand their newScale IT Service Catalog solution. newScale YES! is an additional offering to help customers configure and deploy services better and faster and supplements our on-site training and consulting services.

newScale YES! program is staffed with Service Catalog and newScale solution experts and provides practical how-to advice to subscribing customers and partners. newScale YES! experts manage:

A newScale YES! Web Forum

A newScale YES! Knowledgebase

Regular newScale YES! publications and case studies illustrating Service Catalog best practices

On-demand education

Telephone, email and instant messenger consulting

Methodology and Best Practice Development

The Methodology and Best Practice Development team is chartered with the creation and maintenance of newScale’s methodologies and best practices. Our experience with hundreds of solution deployment projects has created an iterative, proven methodology for successfully deploying newScale RequestCenter and newScale AlignmentCenter as the foundation for Service Catalog initiatives.

Our methodology, the Universal Delivery Model (UDM), is based on the lessons learned and successes gained from each deployment. The Methodology and Best Practice Development team continually tunes and extends the methodology, tools, templates and best practices based on real world deployment experiences to ensure that we save customers and partners’ time, reduce costs and mitigate risk throughout the solution deployment process.

Technical Publications

newScale Technical Publications produces the technical documentation and online Help for the products released by newScale’s Product Development team. The installation guides, release notes, development kits, and user guides are published and maintained for customer use.

With more than 100 customers and over 2 million users in production worldwide, newScale is the leading provider of self-service, service catalog, and lifecycle management software for enterprise IT and private/hybrid cloud computing. Our solutions are so widely adopted that every twenty seconds another user turns to a newScale Service Catalog for their IT service delivery needs.

Many of the most well-respected Fortune 500 and Global 2000 corporations – and some of the most widely regarded public sector organizations – rely on newScale solutions for their IT Service Catalog.

In fact, 20 percent of the Fortune 50 are newScale customers – and 84 percent of newScale’s U.S.-based customers are on the Fortune magazine “Most Admired Companies List.”

With broad adoption and usage at leading IT organizations around the world, newScale customers represent many different industries including:




Consumer Goods



Financial Services



IT Outsourcing


Oil & Gas


Public Sector

Retail & Hospitality



Transportation & Logistics

newScale has developed strategic relationships with industry leaders to provide our customers with end-to-end solutions and ensure success in their self-service, service catalog, and lifecycle management initiatives for enterprise IT and private/hybrid cloud computing.

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newScale partners include:

Channel Partners – organizations supporting our clients’

Service Catalog initiatives through advisory, consulting, systems integration, and outsourcing services with specific industry expertise, and best practice process consulting

Technology Alliances – organizations providing complementary technologies that enhance and extend the range of our capabilities

“A critical and indispensible component of a private cloud is the Service Catalog, providing a menu of standard cloud service offerings and a self-service “storefront”

for IT.”

The Building Blocks for Private Cloud: Automation, Virtualization, and Cloud Service Management, Enterprise Management Associates

“Organizations considering self-service IT – for virtualization, data center automation, or a private cloud – should place newScale high on their short list of companies and products to evaluate.”

The Building Blocks for Private Cloud: Automation, Virtualization, and Cloud Service Management, Enterprise Management Associates

“newScale delivers a self-service “front-end storefront” that offers prospective consumers the IT services available to them based on pre-defined policies. Throughout the selection and provisioning process, newScale acts as an orchestration engine that sequences and tracks service workflows from start to finish.”

Cloud Coalition: rPath, newScale, and Eucalyptus Systems Partner on Self-Service Public and Private Cloud, Julie Craig, Enterprise Management Associates

Example company:

Fujitsu is a leader in information technology and communication solutions for the global marketplace, with more than 150,000 employees worldwide. Fujitsu operations in North America include ten major subsidiaries with approximately 8,000 employees.


As Fujitsu North America centralized its shared services operations, they found that they had many different mechanisms for employees to request IT services – whether sending emails, making phone calls, filling out forms, or inputting data into several homegrown systems – across each of its subsidiary companies.


To bring consistent processes and procedures to all North American companies – and to improve end user satisfaction with IT services – Fujitsu selected the Web-based Service Catalog and request management solution from newScale.


A single, easy-to-use, Web-based interface for requesting services – resulting in greater customer satisfaction with IT – for Fujitsu employees throughout North America.

Standardized and repeatable request management, enabling more efficient use of existing resources and consolidation of back-end fulfillment systems.

Greater visibility and control over IT service delivery, with improved performance measurement, SLA tracking and IT billing.

Another one website, we choose are IQMS is committed to providing advanced and a feature-rich Manufacturing ERP Software System that is designed to be the last ERP software you will ever buy.

IQMS, a leader in ERP and Manufacturing Software Systems.IQMS, an innovator in Manufacturing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software and creator of a truly single-source software solution, provides manufacturers with all the functionality to efficiently manage and improve business processes. The company’s flagship product, EnterpriseIQ, intuitively combines real-time manufacturing software , enterprise software, accounting software, and supply chain management into one database. IQMS provides business and plant management software that allows manufacturers to run more effectively and more profitably.

IQMS has been in the design and development of ERP software systems for repetitive, process and discrete manufacturing industries since 1989. IQMS provides complete product development, support, implementation and training without utilizing third party vendors or applications. EnterpriseIQ also offers features such as a full Quality suite, CRM, WMS and eBusiness solutions designed for manufacturing environments that include automotive, medical, appliance, construction, consumer products and other industries.

Customer Focus

The IQMS customer mission is to form partnerships with customers based on trust, support and bottom-line, measurable results. Our customers trust IQMS to develop products that meet their needs in a rapidly changing global manufacturing environment.

IQMS customers enjoy superior performance, reliability, scalability, reduced implementation times, lower maintenance fees and the ability to adapt to changing business conditions.

IQMS proudly boasts one of the highest customer retention rates of any ERP provider. Customers are supported through free software upgrades, award-winning customer support, both phone and internet support, and active users meetings. IQMS customers are among the most innovative and adaptive manufacturers in the world. With offices across North America, Europe, and Asia, IQMS serves manufacturers around the world.

Vision for the Future

As technology evolves, so does IQMS software. From wireless, mesh network capabilities to the ever increasing need for instantaneous communication, IQMS and EnterpriseIQ will continue to secure a strategic place in manufacturing as the only single-source enterprise-wide communication tools.

IQMS takes pride in the relationships that have helped EnterpriseIQ to become a leading provider of ERP and Manufacturing Software for manufacturers. Here are example for this partner:

Actify Inc. creates client-server design visualization and collaboration solutions for the high technology, automotive industrial automation and discrete manufacturing industries. Actify’s family of products enable access, communication and distribution of multiple 2D and 3D CAD formats throughout the enterprise and supply chain.

BIO-key provides biometric identification solutions that can scale to any size application. This superior technology is compatible with EVERY major fingerprint reader manufacturer and operating system platform. NIST (The National Institute of Standards & Technology) ranks BIO-key in the top tier of MINEX and SDK performers.

IQMS delivers innovative Manufacturing ERP software solutions that help manufacturing enterprises stay lean, agile and competitive. We provide manufacturing software that meet the unique and varied requirements of industry specific manufacturers.

Active memberships in organizations such as APICS and AIAG helps IQMS keep current with the latest manufacturing issues facing its customers and their industry requirements.

EnterpriseIQ provides manufacturers the first choice for reliable, real-time Manufacturing ERP Software, with lean and agile functionality developed especially for process and repetitive manufacturers. Whether you are a small, single plant manufacturer or a large multi-plant, multi-national manufacturer, IQMS has a Manufacturing ERP Software Solution to fit your needs. The scalable architecture of EnterpriseIQ provides manufacturers the flexibility to move to more advanced Manufacturing Software and ERP software features and functionality when needed.

EnterpriseIQ Manufacturing ERP Software solution is the backbone for manufacturers to monitor, track, trace and communicate manufacturing and business data throughout the supply chain faster than any other software on the market today.  As a result manufacturers can be assured of:

Demand driven, on-time delivery

Eliminating unnecessary downtime

Expedited order/shipping processing and accuracy with eCommerce and EDI

Accurate and timely scheduling and planning

Compliance to industry, government and customer standards

Minimized inventory costs

Maximized plant floor throughput

Complete Tracking and Traceability throughout the supply chain

Efficient and Timely communication

Competitive Pricing

A World class strategy for managing growth and changes to your business

Quicker ROI

Simplify and improve manufacturing inventory management with the wireless Warehouse Management System (WMS) within EnterpriseIQ Manufacturing ERP Software System. Eliminate hundreds, maybe thousands of keystrokes daily as inventory data is collected from either dedicated handheld scanners or RF-enabled personal digital assistants (PDAs). Transactions are entered in real time, right where it happens; on the manufacturing plant floor, on the fork lift, at receiving, at shipping, and anywhere in between. No Batch updates!

Effectively, EnterpriseIQ Warehouse Management Software has the potential to drastically improve the manufacturing inventory management process and lower the cost of inventory data collection. The net effect is faster recognition of production and inventory changes within EnterpriseIQ, reduction of time spent at dedicated workstations, and dramatically improve accuracy of data input.

Handles ALL inventory transactions including; Receiving, Adjustments, Physical Inventory, Cycle Counting, Production and Manufactury entry, Material Backflush, Pick Tickets, Packing Slips, Bills of Lading, Inter-Company Transfers, KanBan Cards

A single database containing all inventory transactions, made by any user within EnterpriseIQ ERP Software provides for maximum accountability and improves shipping and order fulfillment rates.

RealTime integration with scheduling, manufacturing production, and sales, eliminates batch/data update postings and reconciliation of multiple inventory tables.

Improved customer service with 100% real-time update to inventory information, available to all departments – customer service, accounting, and manufacturing, shipping and receiving.

Non-Serialized and Serialized transactions including “foreign” serial number tracking.

Automatic label generation including AIAG compliant and customer specific labels.

Supports Packaging and Distribution requirements for EDI-based shipments including ASN generation at time of shipment.

Individual User Defined Profiles allows for custom system functionality based on the individual user’s needs and responsibilities.

EnterpriseIQ does not rely on third party interfaces to achieve the broad range of functionality. Instead, IQMS single source solutions live in an easy-to-manage, cost effective environment.

Single Database

Managing multiple databases adds costs to your organization that manifest themselves in the form of development time when creating the interfaces between separate systems, downtime when the interface fails, and management and rebuilding of the interfaces when vendors upgrade their products.

Eliminate those non-value added activities by centralizing your business management system on a single, powerful, centralized data engine.

Powerful, Centralized Data Engine

EnterpriseIQ is powered by Oracle®, the worlds #1 database. The two-tiered, Oracle Based System is a reliable, scalable, and secure platform that is trusted by large enterprises and small-to-midsize businesses alike. Because the Oracle®-powered database is embedded in EnterpriseIQ, it delivers a seamless solution. This translates into a cost-effective and easily managed computing environment.

EnterpriseIQ Mobile ERP – Freedom to conduct business anywhere, anytime.

EnterpriseIQ, was designed and developed with the understanding that your factory and business responsibilities extend beyond a cubicle, into the factory, and even past your four walls. EnterpriseIQ mobile technology offers real-time Manufacturing and ERP information on the go via BlackBerries, PDAs, iPads, Forklift Mounted monitors, etc…. available whenever and where ever the user needs it.

Powerful Accessible Technology

IQMS designs its powerful EnterpriseIQ modules for those who use it most: employees. WIth user interface independence, employees can access they system using a variety of protocols including, .Net, .Net Mobile, Web interface, or TelNet (for hand held scanning). The familiar Windows® environment and consistent, intuitive interfaces are so simple to learn that training costs are typically a fraction of most competitors’ fees. The user-defined alert system, reporting and workflow functionality ensure that actions are taken and critical information reaches the right personnel.

IQMS Technical Support and Consulting Services

Exceptional support and training programs are vital to the success of any system implementation. IQMS is committed to ensuring our customers’ ongoing success. With a full-featured ERP and Manufacturing system such as EnterpriseIQ, the opportunities are endless. As a result, IQMS has put into place several programs that ensure optimal, successful and profitable implementation specific to your organization.

From the time you make IQMS your technology partner, and through the entire relationship, an IQMS specialist is available to assist you where you are, in what ever language you speak. Delivering innovated ERP solutions extends far beyond providing software. IQMS is proud to offer its customers the following:

Professional Services

IQMS takes a proactive approach to ensuring an effective and successful implementation. Whether installing EnterpriseIQ for the first time, an in-depth analysis of an existing implementation or assistance installing an upgrade, IQMS has a program to help.

Technical Support

IQMS offers various means of support to keep your system running smoothly– unlimited “live” phone support, On-site consultation, and Internet and e-mail support.

Hands On Training Programs

Whether you’re new to the system or an experienced user, the diverse and flexible training programs will teach you not only program functionality but more importantly, how to USE the system and the data to benefit your organization.

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Self – Serve Web Support

Through the web, customers have 24 x 7 access to the latest product news, training, update and support knowledge.

User Group Meetings

The User Group Meetings provide an opportunity to receive additional training, learn future development plans, interact with other customers and – most importantly – get involved in discussion groups that shape present and future products.

Maintenance Program

The annual maintenance program provides IQMS customers with upgrades and enhancements to the current modules they have purchased that provide expanded system functionality.

Think of an idea for Web-based startup business. Explain how this business could utilize Amazon’s S3 and EC2 services

Internet platforms overlap with and must relate to, the firms general networking infrastructure and hardware and software platforms. A web hosting service maintains a large Web server or series of servers and provides fee-paying subscribers with space to maintain their Web sites. Software integration means ensuring the new infrastructure works with the firm’s older, so-called legacy systems and ensuring the new elements of the infrastructure work with one another. Legacy systems are generally older transaction processing systems created for mainframe computers that continue to be used to avoid the high cost of replacing or redesigning them. Cloud computing is more immediately appealing to small and medium-size businesses that lack resources to purchase and own their own hardware and software. Cloud computing will gradually shift firms from having a fixed infrastructure capacity toward a more flexible infrastructure, some of it owned by the firm and some of it rented from giant computer centers owned by computer hardware vendors. Web services refer to a set of loosely coupled software components that exchange information with each other using universal Web communication standard and language. Web services are not tied to any one operating system or programming language and different applications can use them to communicate with each other in a standard way without time-consuming custom coding. S3 is a data storage services that is designed to make Web-scale computing easier and more affordable for developers and using EC2 incurs changes of 10 cents per instance-hour consumed. The service also includes 20 cents per GB of data traffic inbound and outbound per month, as well as the standard S3 pricing for storing an Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

Facebook’s Dilemma



Facebook (Fb) is one of the largest social networking sites in the world. Facebook allows users to create a profile and join various types of self-contained networks, including college-wide, workplace and regional networks. Facebook is now one of the most recognizable sites on the Web. Facebook represents a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach highly targeted audiences based on their criteria. Meanwhile, for advertisers, Facebook present unique and exciting opportunities. It represents a gold mine of opportunity because of the information the site has gathered and because of the social networking. Despite these advantages, Facebook’s path to profitability has not been smooth. Though users contribute most of their information to Facebook willingly, the privacy and user controls over the information granted to Facebook are the biggest concerns most user have with the site.

Facebook’s dilemma is finding a way to turn a profit and to continue to increase revenues using the information its users voluntarily provide without violating the privacy of these users. To truly, capitalize on the massive audience and immersive environment of the site, Facebook needs to innovate and find new ways to grow revenue that do not alienate the very users that the company is depending on to spur its growth. The company’s Bacon advertising service was an example of Facebook grossly miscalculating the privacy demands of its users. The trouble with the service is that it shared information about users that they had not explicitly intended or agreed to share. As Facebook soon found out, this assumption was often mistake.The civic action group MoveOn.orf created a Fb group to protest Beacon and grew to over 50,000 members in 10 days.Beacon represented Fb’s hopes to expand its sources of revenue by offering advertisers access to its user’s information, but the company utterly failed to grasp the extent to which the service violated its user privacy as well as the uproar such a service was likely to cause. Facebook has subsequently changed the privacy controls for the service, as well as for the rest of its site, to be more transparent.

News Feed is a feature which provides updates to friends when perform actions via Fb, such as updating profile, adding new friends or adding new application. But, when this feature was introduced, it was met with significant resistance from Fb users, who considered the feature to be overly invasive. As with Beacon, users protected the features through Group features of the site, forming over 500 groups to protest it. In an open letter, Zuckerbeg apologized for the abrupt introduction of the feature, but defended the feature itself as a positive thing, nothing that users could control which types of items appeared on the News and who could view those items. On other hand, News Feed is one of the most popular features on the site and has been imitated by MySpace and other competing social networking sites.

Facebook has also come under fire for its handling of the personal information of people who attempt to remove their profiles from the site. Facebook offers users the ability to deactivate their accounts, but the company’s servers maintain copies of the information contained in those accounts indefinitely. Users that attempted to delete their accounts were met with resistance and often required outside assistance from watchdog groups. Nipon Das, a business consultant in Manhattan, spent 2 months attempting to delete his profile unsuccessfully while still receiving updates and messages through the site. Facebook has joined MySpace, Friendster and other social networking sites in offering a simpler process to permanently delete accounts and the personal information it contains.

Currently, Facebook’s most promising prospects to become more profitable involve the development of applications for use via Facebook Platform which was an effort by the company to open up its site to third party developers to become a platform for their applications. These applications, sometimes also referred to as widget, consist of games, plug-in features for user profiles and other programs which are fully integrated with the Fb site. They are independently developed and their result, more than 24,000 applications had been created. Facebook Platform has been beneficial for both because Facebook’s environment has become even more engaging and self-sufficient and the developers gain unparalleled exposure for their applications. Companies attracting large numbers of users to their applications in Facebook are able to sell goods, services or advertising. All of the application earns advertising revenue. Others are using the exposure on Fb to raise their business visibility. Flixter , an online community for movies fan was reported that this applications, with about 482,000 daily users has hugely expanded its customer base and business opportunities.

In 2007, Microsoft purchased a small stake in Facebook, buying 1.6% of the company for $246 million. That investment put the Facebook’s valuation at approximately $15billion.The initial furor and subsequent acceptance of the News Feed feature shown that Facebook user’s stances on their privacy may be subject to change or persuasion and many users may not even be aware or care about the dissemination of their personal information. But it appears that enough Facebook users are concerned and aware if their privacy to prevent services as invasive as Beacon’s initial incarnation from becoming realities. It’s currently unclear as to whether there is significant revenue to be made through the development of these applications. Others believe Facebook’s own popularity will injure its chances to attract advertiser to its site, claiming that the engaging and immersive environment that draws visitors to the sites makes user less likely to click on ads. So far, only 200 Facebook applications have attracted more than 10,000 users per day and 60% failed to attract even 100 daily users. There is little doubt that Facebook applications will make Facebook a stickier destination for its users. However, that may not necessarily translate to increased profitablility.

Apart from that, Facebook has launched a new series of privacy controls, including a feature that allows user to sort friends into groups and grant access to photo album or parts of their profiles only to specific groups of friends. This is a step in the right direction, but the toughest tasks for Facebook will be to continue to preserve the privacy of its members while monetizing the user data it has collected. Only time will tell whether Facebook is able to make a good on its tremendous potential for revenue growth but for sure, the privacy concerns of its user will play a central role in its efforts to become profitable.


What concepts in this chapter are illustrated in this case?

E-commerce involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. Unique features of e-commerce technology include ubiquity, global reach, universal technology standards, richness, interactivity, and information density, capabilities for personalization and customization, and social technology. Digital markets are said to be more “transparent” than traditional markets with reduced information asymmetry, search costs, transaction costs and menu costs, along with the ability to change price dynamically based on market conditions. Digital goods such as music, video, software and books can be delivered over a digital network. The internet can help companies add extra value to existing products and services or create new products and services. Many different business models for electronic commerce on the Internet have emerged, including virtual storefronts, information brokers, transaction brokers, online marketplaces, content providers, social networks, service providers and portals. Business models that take advantage of the Internet capabilities for communication, community building and digital distribution have become especially prominent. The principal e-commerce payment systems are digital credit card payment systems, digital wallets, accumulated balance digital payment systems, stored value payment systems, digital checking and electronic billing presentment and payment system. Social networking sites are a type of online community that has become extremely popular. Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one’s business or social contacts by making connections through individuals. The most popular of these sites attract so many visitor and are so “sticky” that they have become very powerful marketing tools.

What is the role of e-commerce and Web 2.0 technologies in Facebook’s widespread popularity.

The three major types of electronic commerce are business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B) and consumer-to-consumer (C2C). B2B e-commerce generates efficiencies by enabling companies to locate suppliers, solicit bids, place orders and track shipments in transit electronically. Net marketplaces provide a single, digital marketplace for many buyer and sellers. Private industrial networks link a firm with its suppliers and other strategic business partners to develop highly efficient and responsive supply chains.B2C involves retailing products and services to individual shoppers and C2C is electronic commerce involves consumers selling directly to consumer. For example, eBay, the giant Web auction site, enables people to sell their goods to other consumers by auctioning the merchandise off to the highest bidder.

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