American Imperialism In USA

American Imperialism in the United States expanded its role in the 19th century for economic advantages. European nation has already taken control over large area of Africa and Asia transferring them into colonies in the later portion of the 19th century. Imperialism by definition is the acquisition of control over government and the economy of another nations, usually by conquest. (Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff, 2008, G-4) American became an imperialistic world power in the late nineteenth century by gaining control over Hawaiian Islands and, after the Spanish American War 1898, Guam, the Philippines, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. (Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff, 2008, G-4) America sought to grow globally through forceful policy that included expanding its economic, political, and military objective.

Furthermore, America was looking for areas to take over for colonizing. They were also looking for a cheap labor force a plenty of raw natural resources with which to fuel the United States economy. “America tried to justify imperial control in the name of such values, social, economic, and political forces” (Davidson, Delay, Heyrman, Lytle, Stoff, 2008, p.612)

During the United States era of adopting imperialism, the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 played a major role in shaping its foreign policy in the 19th century. Imperialism genesis derived from the expansion of new mechanical application and industry. The Monroe Doctrine increased the ideas of imperialism by “declaring it objection against and prevent Europe Colonization and intrusion in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere.” (Davidson, 2008, et al, p.613)

The expansion of countries was getting larger and the need for resources was growing quickly. The Imperialists wanted more than just control of other countries; they were looking for supremacy over other nations. The Imperialists wanted to expand its control, Cuba, Philippine Islands, and Puerto Rico. They recognize the raw material that these areas had and it was the United State right spread it influences to them.

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The United States begin to embrace the idea of “manifest destiny” to possess the entire North American continent. “Manifest Destiny by definition is the belief the United States has the right to was to possess the continent allotted by providence.” Manifest Destiny is rooted in doctrine of political and Religion. Manifest destiny was also one the rationalization for imperialism in America. The Manifest destiny idea later was overtaken by dreams of expanding America’s power in the entire world. During the later part of the nineteenth century, the United States was producing more good than it could consume due to the expanding industrial economy. This increase of goods led America to focus on new markets over seas.

Although many American supported expanding over seas, the anti- imperialist views of imperialism was not positive. The anti-imperialist believes the policy of “imperialism was hostile to liberty and tends toward militarism, and evil form which it has been our glory to be free.” (American Anti-imperialist League) They felt that imperialism would deprive the citizen of their freedoms. It was their belief that anytime people was “overcome by other it was “criminal aggression” and it was the same as been disloyalty to the government.” (American Anti-imperialist League)

The anti- imperialist thought that it was wrong obligation it citizen to support their government. They stated that it was wrong for the government to start wars for the purpose of expanding its influence in other countries. The finally statement made by the anti-imperialist was a quote from Abraham Lincoln, that “no man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent. When the white man governs himself, that is self government, but when he governs himself and also another man, that is more than self-government- that despotism.” (Lincoln, p.77) They believe that liberty was a heritage for all men. Furthermore, they believe not anyone who would deny a man freedom do not deserved it themselves. However, Imperialism had benefit that perhaps out weighed the negative aspects that the anti-imperialist voiced. In fact, the nineteenth century imperialism had positive effect that going into the twenty century.

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In the early 20th century, America was seen as intervening in the undeveloped countries business to protect the American corporation. Nevertheless, it was a policy that helps develop America growth into a superpower in the twenty century. Imperialism seems to have benefited the Unites states while at the same time harming other countries. It’s debated whether imperialism benefits the countries that use this type policy. Some theorists argued that imperialism is natural result of struggling people attempting to survive. Countries now use imperialism as an excuse asserted that it is important for ones national security. In conclusion, regardless of what is stated the by critics and supporters of imperialism. America adopted the policy of imperialism as a mean to grow financial and to spread it power abroad. They also wanted to ensure that the European countries would not overtake the western hemisphere. Imperialism had been good for the United States because we are not the most power country in the world. Imperialism, has allow the United States to be able to help other countries because we have the resources and wealth to assist other countries.

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