An Spanish American War History Essay

This paper discusses about the war between Spain and United States and the summaries the causes of Spanish and American war. It also details the significant events during the Spanish-American war. This paper describes the important terms, people and events of Spanish -American war. It examines the Spanish-Cuban Tensions and the Yellow Journalism of Spanish -American war. This paper also provides the American Imperialism and Treaty of Paris. It states the effects of the Treaty of Paris during the Spanish-American war. This paper concludes this concept by providing the essential concept of Spanish-American war.

Spanish- American War

Summary of Spanish- American war

The Spanish-American war was a conflict between America and Spain in 1898 effectively due to the intervention of US in the ongoing Cuban War of Independence. United States was attacked Pacific possessions of Spain led to the involvement in the case of Philippine Revolution as well as to Philippine- American war. The public opinion of America was grown at reports of Spanish Atrocities in Cuba. United States tariff had put restrictions on sugar imports to America and severely hurt the economy of Cuba that was dependent on the producing and selling sugar.

The main issue was that Cuban independence, the ten-week war was fought in the case of both Caribbean and Pacific. United States had many business men with the investment interests in the case of Cuba that became concerned. The public of United States was stirred into anti- Spain frenzy due to the Yellow journalism of men including Hearst and Pulitzer. In 1898, America was dispatched the USS Maine on a friendly mission to Cuba. American fought the war in the case of fronts such as Cuba after the declaration. In 1898, the Treaty of Paris was signed in order to ending the Spanish- American war.

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After the Spanish-American war, America was improved Cuba in the case of infrastructure and educational systems and United States had also decided to move from their places. In 1901, America was forced Cuba for inserting the Platt Amendment in the case of their constitution that have given the US military base. America was also kept the Island countries for ships in Cuba. This is the summary of Spanish-American war.

Increasing Spanish-Cuban Tensions (19th century)

Cuba had been a colony of Spain and this Spain was dependent upon sugar production. In 19th century, many people in Cuba were dissatisfied with the ruling Spanish regime. The government of Spanish was also riddled with the inefficient, corruption and unwilling for granting Cuban populations. As a result, nationalist of Cuban people wanted for ending Spanish rule for the protection of Cuban. After the war, Spanish promised reforms and but the nationalists assumed this too late. The Spanish would leave for US intervention and because of American had significant economic investment in Cuba.

In 1896, the Spanish was sent the general to Cuba in order to putting down the insurrection and the general was built the camps in order to prevent the insurrectos from leading population against Spanish rule. In Cuba, the segments of US public were outraged by the reports of atrocities. In 1895, Cuban revolt included a general opposition to a long history of Spanish control. The tariff raised prices in the sugar products that were imported from Cuba in the case of protecting US sugar growers.

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American Imperialism (1898)

The imperialist behaviour of United States was occurred in 1898 that has been a great historical attention. America had commonly claimed for standing in opposition for the practising of taking of colonies to be democracy for all. During this war, the German and British were the famous countries and those countries were not involved in Spanish- American war. This war was required the help of these two countries in the event of serious fighting. United Kingdom required for offsetting German intimidation in order to foster better relation between Britain and America.

The ground troops of America were arrived in the Philippines and the US troops allied with the Filipino for fighting against Spain. This Spanish and American war proved the importance of Pacific Islands among to these countries. The Pacific cross road was used for supplying the US Navy in future operations in Pacific Islands. In 1898, Hawaii could be easily performed as a coaling station without formal annexation and because American businessmen had also controlled the Island anyway. The imperialism of American was anti-colonialism of the early republic and but conscious options dependent upon the economic motivations and that held true before 1898. This was the imperialism of United States.

Treaty of Paris (1898)

The Treaty of Paris was the agreement that was signed on 1898 at the end of Spanish- American war. The Treaty of Paris also indicated the concluded stage of Spanish Empire and the Pacific Ocean. The Treaty of Paris granted to United States the rights of Ownership to Guam and Puerto Rico. After the agreement, Cuba region was given to Cuban in the case of Treaty of Paris of 1989 and the Spain was considered the tremendous financial debt Cuba owed towards United States. America agreed in order to paying twenty million dollars for the Philippines according to their agreement.

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The Treaty of Paris was also eliminated the presence of Spanish Empire with the America and in the case of Islands of the Pacific region. The Treaty of Paris was also made several privileges to Cuba and the Cuban people were satisfied with this agreement. After the agreement, America decided to replace from Cuban’s place and they constructed many elements for the enhancement of Cuban people.



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