Analyzing Realistic Fiction Stories English Literature Essay

Have you ever wondered what a realistic fiction story is? They are stories that children of all ages enjoy! Many children enjoy these stories because they can read about what the characters do and can see themselves doing the same thing. While reading these stories, a person can be learning about someone that is way around the world. Although they are not true, they can actually happen. Some events, people and places may even be real. Also, it is possible that in the future these events could physically happen.

Realistic fiction was first produced in Europe and the United States in 1840 until the 1890s. It was represented in plays and short stories about Anton Chekhov in Russia. There were many well-known authors that wrote realistic fiction novels and short stories. George Eliot, Henry James, Mark Twain, David Defoe, Anna Sewell and William Dean Howells are just a few of the great realistic fiction writers. Some of the stories such as “Holes” by Louis Sachar, “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, and “The Catcher in the Rye” by J. D. Salinger are a few that are very popular used by schools in English classes throughout the world.

One of the realistic fiction novels that I have enjoyed was “Hatchet” by Gary Paulsen. It is about a thirteen-year-old boy named Brian Robeson who is going to spend the summer with his father in Canada when the pilot of the single engine plane in which he is flying has a heart attack. The plane crashes into a lake in the wilderness, leaving Brian alone in the woods with nothing but the clothes that he has on and a hatchet that his mother gave him before he left. During the fifty-four days that he is in the wilderness, he learns to read nature, face his fears, rely on his own skills, and deal with the secret that caused his parents to get a divorce. He faces many dangers including hunger, animal attacks, and even a tornado. He seems to grow up in ways that he never expected. He is no longer angry at his parents and realizes that self-pity does not have a positive effect on his life. He is a survivor.

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Even though I knew that the story wasn’t real, I realized that it could happen to someone. It made me realize that we need to be prepared for anything in life even when you least expect it. Brian never dreamed that he would be in a plane crash and would have to survive by himself in the wilderness for a long time, but he used his knowledge and skills that he was taught to survive long enough to be rescued. He conquered all his fears and kept his cool during situations that were very dangerous such as an attack by a moose and being sprayed by a skunk. When I was reading this novel, it made me feel that I was actually right there with Brian and experiencing everything that he was experiencing. It seemed very real and believable and that is what a realistic fiction novel is supposed to do. This novel gave me a better understanding of what it is like to survive in an untamed land.

There are also some short stories that were written as realistic fiction. The three that I read were “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, “The Ransom of Red Chief” by William Snyder Porter, better known as O. Henry, and “End of the Line” by Alison L. Randall. All three of these short stories were very real, believable and possible. The characters actions in each of these short stories showed how to deal with situations that they were put in such as danger, poverty, and friendship. In the short story “The Gift of the Magi”, it shows the way that we should live our lives, with love first, giving second, and possession last and below everything else. In this real setting, there is humor and a surprise ending while including realistic details. The characters of Della and Jim show self-sacrifice and generosity by Della for cutting her hair so that she can buy Jim a present and by Jim for selling his watch to buy her combs for her long hair. This story not only seemed realistic but could happen to anyone who doesn’t have enough money to get things for someone that they care about.

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“The Ransom of Red Chief” is about two con men Bill Driscoll and Sam Porter, who decide to kidnap someone for a ransom. They decide to take the son of Ebenezer Dorset, a prominent citizen, who is very well respected. They soon find out that their choice of victim, who assumes the name Red Chief, believes that he is actually on a camping adventure and he takes control over the situation. He causes so much trouble for the two con men that they eventually in the end beg his father to take him back. His father wants them to pay him to take him back so they accept their defeat at the hands of the nine-year-old, but welcome the opportunity to finally be rid of him. This story not only had humor, but was very interesting to read. It made me want to continue to read it just to find out what other mischief the boy could create. It took me into the story and realized that there are some children like this boy in the world today that would act like this if they were kidnapped.

The final short story that I read was “End of the Line”. It is a story about twins, Frank and Liza that is set in the Wild West. Liza wants to try a new invention in her town, the telephone, but it costs 5 cents to use. They go to an old mine to find some shimmery rocks that they can sell to get money. While they are in the mine, they run into the two bank robbers, Zedekiah Smith and Caleb, who they saw on a wanted poster at the post office. They get tied up but after the robbers leave, Frank gets loose and unties Liza. As they are going out of the mine, Zedekiah returns and grabs them. He tells them to be quiet and they want to know why he came back. He tells them that he came back to let them go because he doesn’t have the stomach for hurting people and they have a duty to report them to get the reward money. He also gives them a shimmery rock in case it takes too long for them to get the reward money so Liza can make her call. Then he leaves. They eventually do go to the Sheriff’s office and get the money, but when Liza uses her money to use the telephone, she realizes that she has nobody to call. Her twin brother tells her that it is exactly what he was trying to tell her in the first place. If she would have just listened to him then, they wouldn’t have gotten into all the trouble that they did and that maybe the next time, she should just try to listen a little harder. This story seemed very realistic because children don’t listen to one another once they have their mind set on something and this could really happen. Liza never heard what Frank said because she was too busy trying to figure out how to get some money.

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Realistic fiction novels and short stories copy life as some people experience it. It is about people, their problems, and their challenges. As a reader, you can learn a lesson or a value or just immense yourself into it. It can also challenge a reader to learn the importance of moral and ethical behavior by drawing their own conclusions after they consider all the events and facts. Realistic fiction is a newcomer to the long list of literary genres which is primarily aimed at children and teens. Kids like to read about other kids (real or imaginary) going through typical young people situations and how they deal with them. Some realistic fiction can be sad and gloomy, but they can also be humorous, adventurous and loving. Everything in the stories could happen to real people in real life.

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