Apples Ios And Googles Android Computer Science Essay

Here we wanted to check which mobile operating system is preferred more among people. There are many mobile operating systems but out of them Apples IOS and Googles Android are on top in the present market world with a cutting edge operating systems. So we choose these two operating systems to survey on different platforms like, looks, brand, cost, applications, user friendly, security and find out which operating system stands on the top as people’s choice. To find out which mobile operating system is popular in the market, we need to take a survey and prepare the questionnaire and ask the questions to the mobile phone users. Also we have to attend the local mobile stores to gather the information about the sales of the different mobile phone brands. After collecting all the data, the data has to be analyzed carefully and the report has to be generated. From the data collected, we developed the statistical reports, placing all the data on the graphs and various diagrams. This data collected through this survey helps us to find most popular mobile operating system in the market. Other than this, we have gone through many books and websites to learn more about the mobile operating systems i.e., IOS and Android and referenced them in this project. We have gone through all the data gathered from the survey we developed a project which tells us which is the better mobile operating system.


In today’s world we have a lot of competition among technology development and among them mobile technologies are challenging. Mobile phone usage has become very often and they are part of our lives. Mobile phone contains hardware and software. These days there are many mobile companies and they develop their own operating systems for mobiles to function. Since the usage of phones has become mundane, many companies are trying to develop the product innovatively to stand in the competition. Though we have many mobile phone and operation system respectively, Out of all the mobile operating systems, Android and IOS are used in a large scale. Google develops android and Apple develops IOS. Google and Apple are the leading companies in the present marketing world.


The Aim of the project is to check whether people buy mobile phones because of its brand or looks or its operating system, which are popular among different category of people. Different people have different views on their mobile phones and their operating systems. Some buy because of the brand name, some buy because of the operating system and some buy because of the looks. In this project we also want to check which operating system is being used by people in our survey. In this project we get an idea that on what basis people buy their mobile phones.


Choose which mobile phones with operating system (Android or IOS) are popular among people.

Prepare a questionnaire through which we get information, useful for our study.

Conduct a survey with the questionnaire and collect the data given.

Make a visit to a nearby mobile store and gather information.

Gather the obtained information and conclude with the result.


To make a questionnaire, we need to take care of some important issues related to the topic selected that it should not affect the participants either personally or socially.

The participation of the participants should be of their own will and we don’t force anyone to take part in, and also we make sure that this questionnaire takes place in the leisure time of the participants.

If we ever had to take the participation of the patients or children’s, we will definitely take the permissions of the authorized persons, who belong to the participants.

We need to make sure that the questionnaire should be simple rather than augmentable.

Here all the opinions collected will be respected and equally valued.

We need to question the locals to know their personnel and public opinion on the product and what a particular product makes to grab their interests.

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Our main focus is on the college students and university graduates so the questionnaire should be in a formal manner.

By keeping in mind the reputations of the STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY and the product, we are involving in this questionnaire we ensure that it does not fall under any social consequences and the gathered information will be treated confidentially.

In this questionnaire, our intensions are fair and by keeping the reputations and private policies of the products (Android & IOS) in mind, we clearly mention that our assessment doesn’t affect their brand names in any manner.

Literature Review:

“A mobile phone operating system (OS) is a type of software that performs the basic operations required by a modern phone” (

“Innovation is the fundamental challenge for operating systems designers”(H.M. Deitel, P.J. Deitel, D.R. Choffnes, Operating Systems, 2004 by Pearson education, Inc.)

“Operating system, whose job is to provide user programs with a better, simpler, cleaner models of the operating system and to handle manage all the resources mentioned”(Andrew S. Tanenbaum, modern operating systems, 2009 Pearson education, Inc.)

Since our project is about finding which operating system is better and what are the reasons revealing the consumers to choose certain brand product?

In the process of our research work we compared these two platforms in many ways such as.

User friendly


Platform openness

Web based Apps

Security issues

By this research, it will allow us to know the people choice about choosing mobile and it will also allow us to know how the consumers are influenced by the brands and their advertisements. For example: Apple and Samsung mobile advertisements.

“IOS operating system is developed by, in the year 2007, which is one of the leading companies in the present market world. Apple products only support this operating system. IOS is released for IPhone and IPod Touch” (

On the other hand, we have android OS, “which is developed by Google and in 2008 Android is installed on a mobile phone” (, which is another leading company in the market.

“Android is an open source mobile device platform created by Google and the open set handset alliance. Android powers smartphones, tablets, set-top boxes, TV’s and more”(C. Collins, M. Gaplin, M. kappler, Android in Practice, 2011 Manning Publications Co.)

Google licensed Android installation on different mobiles unlike Apple’s IOS. Though “IOS and Android have same number of App’s which are around seven hundred thousand” ( but the different between IOS and Android is that IOS charges for its Apps downloading whereas in Android downloading Application is of free of cost.

“The Android OS feature model was developed by identifying essential features from the Android OS” (Android 3.0 User’s Guide, February 23, 2011).

“IOS is the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, continually redefining what people can do with a mobile device. Together, the ios SDK (software development kit) and Xcode IDE make it easy for developers to create revolutionary mobile applications” (

“Android is a Linux based operating system and it applications are developed through java programming.

IOS is a Mac based operating system and its applications are developed through c, c++ and extended java” (

These two operating systems are widely used in the present mobile world. For example, “410 million mobile phones with the operating system IOS has been activated. Whereas, 500 million mobile phones with Android Operating system has been activated” (

Mobile phone operating systems are designed in such a way that they work for certain models or a certain range of phones

There are many operating systems in the world for different mobile companies and they always upgrade and make sure that their mobile devices adopt the up gradation.

The calibration of the mobile operating system depends on its application design for its respective mobile phone and it’s functioning in a wide range of devices. There are many Operating Systems but only few out of them are used in a very large scale market and out of them Apple’s IOS and Google’s Android are two operating systems which are used in a very large scale.

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These days costumers buy their mobile phones based on different platforms out of those operating system is one of the platform. So we decided to survey which platform catches the costumer’s sight while buying a mobile phone product.

Conducting survey:

After setting up all the requirements now we need to make an appropriate questionnaire, which should contain different types of questions through which we could get the required answer in order to complete the survey. Then we prepared the questionnaire and we needed to choose the place for the survey to be conducted and we decided to make it in STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY’s LOUNGE, here we can find the students who can answer our questions. We distributed the entire questionnaire among the students around the LOUNGE and have taken their feedbacks we also arrived to the local mobile phone stores and taken their views on the most selling mobile phones.

Problems encountered:

Since, we know that mobiles phones are very popular among the university students. So, we made a survey on them at our university. Here, we encountered some problems while conducting survey.

Some participants were only familiar with either Android or with IOS.

Some students were not willing to participate in the survey.

While conducting survey, we were not sure about the participants who are having a mobile phone with IOS or Android Operating System.

It was time taken to find the participants in the leisure time they have.

Sales person in the mobile phones store refused to give some data, which was confidential in his view.

Quantitative data:

After collecting quantitative data through our survey we do the analysis. We make sure that all the factors are mentioned in our Questioner to compare Apple’s IOS Vs. Google’s Android.

The data we get is later analyzed and then the result is concluded but there is a problem that sometimes the data we get might varies, it depends on the people whom we survey. Some may take the survey seriously and some may not.

Human mind is very fascinating, because people change, the way they think and their interest’s keeps on varying. So by conducting a re-survey you may won’t get the same result but for the time being the survey, which we conducted, gives us quantitative data, which is very useful in comparing to analysis and produce the results.

Analysis and Results:

The above pie chart explains about the ‘mostly OS being used among Android, IOS and other Operating systems in the market. In the survey, we made, we have got the interesting information about the usage of the OS in the mobile phones. It can be clearly observed from the chart that IOS, which is the operating system of the prestigious mobile phones making company “Apple” stood on the top with 59% of the total market and people show interest in buying Apple phones when it comes about operating system in a mobile phone. When it comes to Android OS, it is in the second place next to IOS, and having sales of about 33% and has the second largest users after IOS. There are other operating systems in the market other than IOS and Android, and they occupy around 8% of the market and have no effects on the other two operating systems.

Here the questionnaire is on the Preferences based on Looks, Price, OS, Brand and other things of the product. And the results we got has been placed on the bar diagram which is mentioned above. In this questionnaire we tried to find the reason that while buying a mobile phone what are the major things people prefers to look at. When comes to looks, sales of the product doesn’t really depends on the outfit of the product, only 20% of the people prefer to have great looks to their mobiles, irrespective of other features.

Price is the next important observation in the diagram; it says that around 39% of the sales are due to the price of the mobile phones.

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But, in the survey we made, we concluded that price is not the barrier to the product when it is very popular in the market, people feel proud to be the owner of costly mobile phones.

In the bar diagram, OS and Brand are the important subjects to be considered while buying a mobile. They are major things to have in a mobile.

In our survey 60% of the mobile users prefer the cost and the brand of the mobile when they use a mobile phone.

The above bubble diagram shows us about which Mobile Operating System is convenient to use. In the questioner, we asked a question that which MOS is user friendly and we got the answers saying that Apple’s IOS is the user friendly MOS for the 50% of the participants and 33.33% participants like Android’s interface whereas, 16% participants likes both IOS and Android.

The Above Exploded Doughnut chart shows information about the security platform of each mobile operating system. Since Security is one of the major concerns in the mobile operating system. So we in our Questioner made a Question asking which operating system you feel is secured. As a result we found that out of one hundred percent, fifty eight percent gave their vote to Apple’s IOS showing us that apple holds the position of high secured mobile operating system. On the other hand android, it got the least number when compared with IOS, android got twenty five percentage of votes and this leaves us with the remaining seventeen percentage which people voted showing that both the operating systems are secured. But eventually apple’s IOS scored high percentage when compared to Android and apple takes the lead in Security Platform.

Applications are the software’s, which makes the operating system desirable. We all know application plays an important role in an MOS (mobile operating system). So we asked a question that which Mobile Operating System have best applications, its support and functioning in their respective mobile devices. The above-exploded 3D Pie Chart represents the percentage of the applications, which are best on mobile operating systems. Here out of cent percentage apple’s IOS applications are in the first place with a percentage of fifty. Androids applications are in the second place with a percentage of forty-two. The rest eight percentage, people from this region agreed saying that both Apple’s and Android’s applications are best. The final conclusion in this part is that apple’s IOS is in the lead but Android, which is eight percentages in difference with IOS, is giving a tough competition. The reason behind this difference is may be androids OS is used in multiple devices, which are not supporting the operating system to its mark but apple builds their own devices, which makes the apple’s IOS to work perfectly.

The above clustered column figure is about peoples priority to an operating system while buying a mobile device. In our survey, which we have conducted, it shows that most of the people give priority in buying IOS based device when compared to Android based device. In our hundred percent result sixty percent of the people gave priority to Apple’s IOS and the remaining which is forty percent is given to Android. By considering the above data we can say few things like Apple devices sales are more when compared to Android based devices and people give priority to IOS when compared to Android.


Even though these both operating systems ios and android, each got their own specifications, but, after analysing all the data which was received from the survey we made, it is clear that the Apple’s IOS is better than Google’s Android in the factors we conducted. When comes to Android, Android mobile phones has more activations when compared to IOS but, Apple made more money than Android by selling more number of devices.

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