Application Of Ict In Classroom Learning Education Essay

This paper synthesizes the research on teachers and students use of ICT in classrooms in Fufore Local Government area, by means of a particular importance going on improving the excellence of subject matter teaching and learning in classroom. I focus on the inner factors of power on teachers make use of, or be short of use of technology and knowledge in the classroom. My conversation attends to perceptions and values on the subject of ICT and its encouraging special effects, technological literacy and assurance levels, educational knowledge associated to technology use, and the role of ICT to learn in classrooms in Fufore. These factors are discussed in illumination of important communications and additional peripheral issues. I conclude by illustration elsewhere add up to of educational implications for primary ICT application in learning in classrooms and specialized improvement to get schooling, learning, teaching and application Of ICT within this rural area of Fufore with the aid of this technology will be well established on the increase to help the people with perfect class room learning and teachings.


In this paper, I will be focusing in the research on a rural part of Adamawa State known as Fufore Local Government Area. Fufore is a small town (a local government) located in the southern part of Adamawa State. The town is mostly dominated by the Fulani tribe of Adamawa state. Majority of them are into cattle rearing and poultry farming while a few of them are into farming. Despite their various occupation and ways of life, going to school is another priority for the people. The main aim of this research is to introduce the Application of ICT in class room learning (Ayaga 2009).

The application of IT in classrooms is very important to students in the Fufore Rural area. These benefits involve attitudes towards self and towards learning. Studies have discovered that students be aware of more flourishing in school and are motivated to gain knowledge of and have greater than before character self-belief while using ICT to achieve their goals. The Internet and advanced networking technologies are relative newcomers to the classrooms, this goes a distance limiting the way the students and teachers quickly communicate (Classroom assistant).

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The use of ICT in classroom learning is also beneficial to teachers as well; it goes a long way making them not do some of the old ways of teaching and learning. Use of computer and Information Technologies to develop their roles in the learning development; they try to see that everything is being put to record as the systems available ensure that. Some of these educational processes will increase skilled improvement studies by taking distance learning programs, accessing educational research, and improving classroom activities and resources such as lecture procedure and educational report and records. On the other hand, application of ICT in classroom learning will bring about drastic improvements in teaching and learning in classroom and the whole of Fufore community as a whole (Classroom assistant).


Mixed research method is used in this research, both quantitative and qualitative. Hence using survey data and also observations interviews and also with the aid of internet was followed to arrive. The study area is Fufore Local Government area of Adamawa State, with projected population of 1356 in the year 2010. The population consists of rural dwellers and most of its people depend on farming, crop production, and animal herding but also have the accessibility to provide their children with Good education.

Most essential data for the study were collected using structured interview guide for the people and respondents and also questionnaire. The research considered were both on education teaching and learning in the various schools in Fufore. The structured interview guide was structured into 5 sections. The first section is on educational characteristics of the people and the second is on the identification and description of schools. The third section attempted to determine the extent of people participation in learning in the community. The fourth section sought to determine the motivation of people that go to school.

Population and Sample

The population included the people of Fufore area, where the people were categorized in groups according to their age. Questionnaires were handed out to the people of the area so as to have a specific sample to use in the study. After the questionnaires were returned, out of 1356 people only 250 (18.4%) of them handed their papers complete.

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Table (1)

















This Chart shows the sample collected according to age.

The chart above shows the sample of the people who were used for the research.

This table is showing the percentage of those who know what ICT is.

Table (2)






















The result in this table is showing majority of people actually know what ICT is. As you can more than half of the first four categories know what a computer is and how it looks like, which it is a good result.

Table (3)


Yes (%)

No (%)



















The above result shows the percentage extent of people participation in learning in the total sample used for the study.

The benefits of using ICT in classroom learning in Fufore

Improved learning effectiveness

The use of ICT in learning can be characterized as increasing a person’s mental skills and intelligence. The remarkable use of computers in solving and in improvement of individual learning processes has change the thinking of the students in every order. The students get easy access to fast learning and awareness. Also getting ways in solving problems will become more effective for the students and more reliable (Global…).

Greater access to information

In this case students will have easy access to research projects and information across the whole world not only Fufore to be able to reach out for their needs and search for knowledge. The use of internet will provide them with reliable and sophisticated information on whatever information or question they come across. This will also enhance their knowledge not to local learning but further more gain more experience in every day to day activity (Global…).

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Increased productivity

For example more efficient administration, computer grading of homework and also assessment of the students records and documents will be more efficient and secured. In the research I have revealed that students feel more successful in school and are motivated to learn and have increased self confidence when using Information Technology to achieve their goals. The Internet and advanced networking technologies are relative newcomers to the classrooms; this goes a distance limiting the way the students and teachers quickly communicate.

Greater access to education via distance learning (mavcc…).

This enables new methods to deliver education, including continuing education, to open new markets and consolidate educational institutions. Information Technology in rural settings will improve learning effectively to the people of the society; it will bring greater access to education via distance learning. For example, enables new methods to deliver education, making research, and gain more useful skill includes the make use of ICT technology products and highly developed networking technologies (Basic Skills…).


It is inevitable, that using ICT in classroom learning will become much more persuasive and convincing to education in the rural area of Fufore. For better or worse, it will also affect how students learn; it might all depend on their home upbringing and the kind of friends they might associate themselves with. Its impacts must be well thought-out in provisions of usual development of a program of study to provide students with the lessons and techniques that they will need in their future ambitions. Also with the aids of these technologies to the societies, they can now with ease of access satisfy their wants which is part of the human nation. The world is changing at fast rate and the whole thing is technical, technology is being used to run our daily activities, hence, ICT remains a tool that must be used properly and the role of ICT should be well established in classrooms for learning in Fufore rural area. I can confidently say that the presence of ICT is of the better and has done less harm than good to the entire human race of people of Fufore (Classroom assistant).

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