Arab And Israel Conflicts In The Middle East History Essay

The Arab-Israeli conflict refers to the political tensions between the Arab people of the Middle-East and the Jewish community of present-day Israel that has lasted for over a century.


. Ancient Israel and Judea defeated by roman in 135CE. Romans made them as there slave from Jerusalem. And after Arab attack on Romans in 7th century and conquered Palestine. Then after Palestine became a Muslim country Christian and Jews became minority in their own nation. After that Palestine became the part of Ottoman (Turkish) empire in 1516 this is past thing which is somehow responsible for Arab- Israel conflicts.


Then Zionism came to existence in Europe in 19th century. Zionism was a nationalist and political movement. Inspiring by Zionism ten thousand Jews from Eastern Europe and Yemen went to Palestine. They started to buy land from individual landholder known as Effendis. They start to make their agricultural settlements in Judea and Israel.


In world- war I Great Britain won Palestine. But after revolt in 1920-1930 in Balfour Britain make one declaration according to this declaration government viewed favorably “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for Jewish people” but “that nothing shall be done which may chauvinism the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. The Declaration was issued as a result due to belief of key members of the government, including Prime Minister Lloyd George, that Jewish hold up was essential to winning the warfare; the declaration creates great unrest in the Arab world after the war, the part which comes under British law as the British mandate of Palestine. It shaped tension between mandate Palestine and Jews. After that in January, Faisal- Wien Mann agreement was done. According to this agreement, Palestine was regarded as national homeland for Jews.

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The beginning of conflicts

Jewish immigration to Palestine increased. In 1931, 17% of the population of Palestine was Jews, an increase of 6% since 1922. Jewish immigration increased soon after the Nazis came to preeminence in Germany, causing the Jewish inhabitants in Palestine to double. Palestinian Arabs saw this rapid influx of Jewish immigrants as a threat to their homeland and their identity as a people. Furthermore, Jewish policy of purchasing land and reducing the employment of Arabs in Jewish-owned industries and farms greatly angered the Palestinian Arab communities. Demonstrations were held as early as 1920, protesting what the Arabs felt were inequitable preferences for the Jewish immigrants set by the British mandate that governed Palestine at the time. This detestation led to outbreaks of antagonism. In March 1920, a first aggressive incident occurred in Tel hai, later on that year riots broke out in Jerusalem. Winston Churchill’s1922 White paper tried to reassure the Arab population, denying that the formation of a Jewish state was the point of the Balfour Declaration. In 1929, after a demonstration by Vladimir Jabotinsky’s political group Betar, at Western wall, riots started in Jerusalem and expanded throughout Palestine; Arabs killed 67 Jews in the city of Hebron, in what became known as the Hebron Massacre.

ISRAEL’S Independence

On May 14, 1948, one the day before the end of the British Mandate of Palestine, Israel affirmed its independence by UNSCOP for the Jewish state. The next day, the Arab League reiterates officially their disagreement to the “two-state solution” in a letter to the UN. That day, the armies of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq invaded the territory partitioned for the Arab state, thus starting the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. The emerging Israeli Defense Force repulsed the Arab nations from part of the occupied territories, then they extend its borders beyond the real UNSCOP partition.

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Four major wars are as follow

1.1948 War of Independence

2.1956 Sinai War

3.1967 Six Day War

4.1973 Yom Kippur War

Israel defended all wars and won them but after war Israel withdraws its forces from the won area this indicates that Israel wants peace. Till now also conflicts between them are not stopped small wars always happen between two countries. Economy of both nations will be in better condition if they don’t fight with each other all their economy is used for war. Many people die due to this wars, many become homeless, and many lose their own land.

Ways to stop conflicts

Peace is the most efficient way to stop the conflicts Arab countries should accept Israel as a country and they must concentrate on people who are living in Gaza strip and all the Palestine people who are homeless.

The whole world should help the people who are affected by war rather than making it a political issue .life of common civilization should be most important agenda.

Third party peace process should accepted by both countries.

UN should try to bring peace in Palestine.

Attacks on Israel should be stopped by Arab nations.

6. People in Palestine and Gaza strip should be

Educated so that they can understand that war and

Violence is not the only solution of conflict.

Arab nations should immigrate the people of

Gaza in their countries.

Religious sentiments of both Jews and Muslim should be respected in both countries.

Arab nations should accept Israel as country.

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Peace talks should arranged and accept by both countries.

Gaza strip people should get proper home, cloths medical services etc.

Finally the people of both countries should understand that peace in their country will bring development in the region.

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