Argumentative Essay On Matilda Based On Characters English Literature Essay

The desire of every writer is to have some work that is associated with him such work expressing his ideas and beliefs. This could range from novels, poems, plays or whatever other works that may be associated with him. This is a work that he will be remembered by and at the mention of it such work will be connected to him. For instance the mention of Othello or Romeo and Julliet immediately makes you think of William Shakespeare. Even writers who are new in the field have aspirations that some day they will have a signature novel or whichever work associated to them whether or not they have started realizing that dream or even merely working towards it.

In the field of writing, literary fiction is particularly one of those types of writing considered most serious and any successful writers in this genre are held in very high esteem. This is a term commonly used to make a distinction between works that may be considered serious enough for literature from those that are merely famous written pieces. (Roald Dahl pp 98) Those works within this category are considered to hold some Literary merit and are more detailed in terms of the art in which they tell the story, the extent with which they personalize their characters and the combination of all the other elements that make up the story as a whole. On the other hand, popular literature pieces focus more on the story and the plot so as to captivate the reader more. This way, they have more entertainment very high value and it is for this reason they said to be commercially. They have therefore acquired the name commercial fiction because they are aimed at generating money for the publisher.

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Argumentative Essay on Matilda based on the characters

Matilda is a childrens book Written by a British Roald Dahl . It was published in 1988. The story is about Matilda Wormwood, an extraordinary child with ordinary and rather unpleasant parents, who are contemptuous of their daughter’s prodigious talents. Matilda being very intelligent and with great zeal to read manages to do so at age 3, by reading a cook book and magazines. (Roald Dahl pp 102) She then manages to access the local library and acquires cards that she can use to borrow books. Even later she manages to get to school where she meets the head teacher who often picks on her and she decides to make her pay by using her magical powers to make has believed she was being haunted. The book has severally been adapted into films and musicals. The story of Matilda is itself very interesting and intriguing especially for a childrens book.

A girl who is genius. Is what the author refers to the main character in the story Wormwood? At the very beginning of the story Matilda is introduced to us as a child who is in possession of a level of intellect way above her age. Further the author contrasts the manner in which she is treated I relation to her brother Michael Wormwood who the author says is does not possess the same level of intellect or ability as his sister, he is clearly the favorite in the Wormwood household.

Large woman whose hair was dyed platinum blonde except where you could see the mousy-brown bits growing out from the roots. Does the author to describe Matildas mother Mrs. Wormwood use the words. Further the author says that, she wore heavy make-up and had one of those unfortunate bulging figures where the flesh appears to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out.” She did not give much attention to the abilities of her daughter and most of her time was spent watching soap operas as well as playing bingo. (Roald Dahl pp 45)

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The author has clearly used this character to build the story as well as help the author to develop the character of other authors through her.

The book Matilda depicts a story of a very intelligent child whose parents are not concerned about her. Her principal hates her for being intelligent. The child uses her special abilities at them for she is hurt for nothing that she does is ever appreciated. Her class teacher loves her, she appreciates her special abilities, and she agrees o take hr in and stays with her something that angers Matilda¿½s parents.

As part of building the plot, the author also exposes us to other character that the author meets with Miss Jennifer Honey who describes Matilda as possessed that rare gift for being adored by every small child under her care.”This character like every other seems to be inclines on developing Matilda¿½s character as well as build the story. Unlike her parents, she believes in Matilda¿½s psychokinetic abilities and she also a good friend to her.

Another character is the head teacher in Matilda¿½s school Miss Truchbull who is said to serve as the ¿½”head teacher, the boss and the supreme commander” The author further describes her as “gigantic holy terror, a fierce tyrannical monster who frightened the life out of the pupils and teachers alike” Everyone , teachers included is terribly terrified of her.

Other character are like Amanda thripp, Lavender, Nigel, Ruper, Eric, Wilfred and Hortensia, Bruce Bogtrotter, Mr. Trilby, Miss Plimsoll who help in building the plot of the story as well as developing the role of the main character Matilda.

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The manner in which the author has portrayed the characters helps the reader identify with them as well as relate them to real life experiences and persons that one may have met in their own lives. This is a characteristic mainly associated with serious works of literatures as opposed to commercial fiction. The plot, the character combined together makes the story good one not to mention its entertainment value something that most literary works is not associated with.

Literary fiction is particularly one of those types of writing considered most serious and any successful writers in this genre are held in very high esteem. This is a term commonly used to make a distinction between works that may be considered serious enough for literature from those that are merely famous written pieces. Those works within this category are considered to hold some Literary merit and are more detailed in terms of the art in which they tell the story, the extent with which they personalize their characters and the combination of all the other elements that make up the story as a whole.

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