Arguments in Favour of Single-Sex Schools

The topic on single sex schools has drawn wide and different opinions in the public domain for a long time. Individuals, groups, institutions and authorities have so far presented different thoughts regarding the topic. By definition, the phrase, “single sex school” means a form of a school where by boys and girls attend different schools. To be precise, single schools implies, girls attending a school that is specifically for girls while boys attending a schools that is specifically for boys. Thus, single school unlike the conventional or rather traditional schools (mixed schools) is an ideology that even though has been in existed for a long time, some people in the community feels it is a good idea that need to be embraced. Meanwhile, there are some people too who feel that girls and boys should learn together in the same school as it will help them develop together as one. Regardless of the many thoughts that have been presented opposing the view, single sex schools when implemented, they are good for education.

One of the reasons why single sex schools are good for education is that; they create a feeling of safety, encourages students to embrace their lifestyle as well as discouraging any form of distraction in the course of pursuing their dreams through education. There are a number of students whose education has been affected due lack of concentration in class. This is because some students find it so hard to focus when they are in a conventional class. This is a problem that is very common with boys as opposed to girls. Boys tend to lose focus in a class of mixed gender because they will be trying to act different in order to attract their female class mates. Worse still, it is really hard for boys to focus on learning while there are a stream of cute ladies to admire in the same class. Nevertheless, it is important to note also that, this problem does not affect all boys but then the percentage of boys who get distracted from learning because of beautiful girls in class is higher as opposed to the percentage that does not get affected (The Many Advantages of Single-Sex Schools, n.p). Meanwhile, there are a number of girls who get affected too when in a conventional school. This arises on matters concerning safety. Psychologically, young girls fear being touched physically. This creates fear among them and as such they are not in a position of undertaking their studies in a normal way. On the other hand, female students will feel free and safe if they are enrolled in a female school where by they are encountering fellow girls. This creates confidence and thus s boosts their academic performance, a clear indication that same sex schools are good for education. On top of that, it is also factual that both boys and girls develop different in the process of growing up. This is evident given the fact that, girls develop faster as compared to boys. Moreover, the thinking capacity of ladies grows exponential faster as opposed to that of boys. This indicates that the needs of girls are to some extent different from that of boys. Thus, there is need to encourage single sex schools that will help girls and boys understand the needs of their bodies’ well which eventually can be translated to good performance (Single-Gender Classes, n.p).

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According to Gilbert (par. 5 and 6), the education system has been stormed by females as opposed to males. Gilbert presents his finding that, the number of female administrators in most schools is higher as compared to males in many schools. He also states that, the number of female teachers in mixed schools is higher than those of male teachers. Gilbert also observes that, female students have the ability to observe their emotions well as opposed to students. On top of that girls are also known to be better readers as opposed to boys. Worse still, the current education system tend to emphasize more on cooperation. This leaves boys stranded in their studies, because they prefer more physical actions and competition. In fact, Gilbert asserts that, this type of system favors girls who excel while the performance of boys keep on deteriorating. In his conclusion, Gilbert thus argues that, mixed schools only favors girls as opposed to boys. In his justification, he asserts that, co-ed schools affects boys in that they lose attention in learning, as well as ending up suffering from developmental disorders. Thus, Gilbert suggests that, the best way to promote equality in education for both boys and girls is to adopt singe sex schools given that co-ed schools tend to favor girls as opposed to boys.

Another view as to why single sex schools are good for education as opposed to co-ed schools is from the point of teachers. Given that the behavior and needs of both boys and girls are different, teachers’ performance is also affected in the process of delivery in class. This sis because, there is no uniformity in terms of approaching different issues in the same class. As such, a teacher must treat a boy different as well as a girl in a unique way too. This affects teachers’ precision. However, embracing singe sex schools, teachers will be able to link their instructions methodology to the behavior of their students and thus good for education (The Many Advantages of Single-Sex Schools, n.p). Meanwhile, an environment plays a great role in student performance. A favorable learning environment contributes to high performance of students as opposed to an unfavorable environment. A relaxed environment is good for a learning set up as opposed to a chaotic environment. This works for both boys and girls. However, one thing that need to be clear is that in co-ed schools, boys and girls try as much as possible to impress one another. In so doing they feel fixed in that they are supposed to act in a manner that attracts one another. In the process, a girl or a boy may fear asking a question because she/he may think it will not impress their opposite sex counterparts. This affects the students in expressing themselves openly and if continues for a long time, it becomes a habit that cannot and will never be erased. Actually it becomes part of their life and accompanies them in the rest of their live. In comparison to single sex schools, students have nobody to impress and as such, they fear less in asking questions, that is an important element in learning. Moreover, the ability to engage with others without feeling intimidated by the gender of the opposite sex spark debates and conversation that enhances education in a positive manner (Kennedy, n.p).

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Indeed, education is one important gift to both boys and girls. It is through education that boys and girls can be able to achieve their various dreams in life. Thus, there is need to adapt a model that works for both of them. Over time, there has been a debate as to whether single sex schools improve student performance. This debate has drawn a lot of views from the students themselves, parents/guardians, teachers, human support groups as well as the legal authority. Even though there are opposing views concerning the encouragement of single sex schools on the premise that; they tend to separate girls and boys making them fear one another and thus leading to isolation as well as contributing to high level of divorce in the long run, single sex schools are good for education for various reason. One of them is that they encourage a feeling of safety, promotes a feeling of safety as well as avoiding any form of distractions. Another reason is the fact that boys and girls develop differently as well the undeniable truth that schools are stormed by females as opposed to males, which makes boys uncomfortable. On top of that, teachers are also more productive in single sex schools as opposed to co-ed schools due to uniformity. Moreover, single sex schools enables students to engage in debates and conversation without any form of gender based intimidation.

Works Cited

Gilbert, Michael. “Single-sex Schools Help Children Thrive.” The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor. Web. 4 May 2015.

Kennedy, Robert. “What Are the Advantages of Single Sex Education?” Web. 4 May 2015.

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“Single-Gender Classes: Are They Better?” Education World:. Web. 4 May 2015.

“The Many Advantages of Single-Sex Schools.” CRC Health Group. Web. 4 May 2015.

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