Bahrain Petroleum Company Bapco Commerce Essay

The company has a massive capacity of up to 250,000 barrel of refinery per day. Not only is the gigantic storage capacity of more than 14 million barrels available with the company. Not only that the company owns a marine terminal for marketing and sales of its petroleum products.

The new areas of oil and gas reserves are monitored and it is calculated that if the reserves is good enough for exploration that is if the output will exceed the cost that might be input on it. Thus there is a continuous search of oil fields that can help the company to increase its output and sales.

Drilling and Production:

BAPCO uses advanced drilling techniques and methods to pull out the maximum oil output from its reserves. The company is also working hard to foster more gas as per the rising demand of gas around the world for the vehicle operations. The following diagram shows how the drilling process.

Company output:

BAPCO has the largest refinery in the Middle East. Its refinery gives an output of 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day. The company gets 1/6th of its crude oil output from Bahrain and the rest from the Saudi Arabia through a fixed pipeline which is 27 kms on land and the other 27kms under the sea. The following diagram shows the refining process.

Marketing by BAPCO:

As stated earlier only 5% of the BAPCO output is sold in the domestic market and the rest 95% is exported to other countries of the world. These include the countries in the Middle East, Far East, South East Asia and India. BAPCO also sells aviation fuel to Bahrain International Airport through its affiliate. The company holds 60% of the shareholding in BAFCO or Bahrain Aviation Fuelling Company.

Purpose, Mission, Vision and Value statement of BAPCO:

Purpose of the BAPCO includes collaboration and growth in its field of business that is petroleum and related industries. The company aims at maximizing its contribution to the national income of Bahrain by earning more foreign currency and bringing full employment to its own country citizens.

Mission of the company is to create value for money for its customers in the domestic and international market by improving its present operation and quality of integrated oil and gas business.

Vision of the company is to achieve excellence in its field and push back its competitors.

Values of the company include the innovation, integrity, teamwork, respect and personal accountability to its customers and the kingdom of Bahrain.

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Sustainability Report:

Sustainability report contains the information about the economic health of the company, its working internal and external environment, social and legal position of the company. Mostly the sustainability report can be found out in the operations part of the financial report of the company. In this article we will take a look at the financial report of the company in year 2010. The sustainability report of BAPCO can be figured out as follows.

Economic factors.

The economic factors of the company signify the development and progress of the company in the coming years. The key figures of the company economic factors include the followings.

The company refinery processed 265,200 barrels per day of crude oil, which is highest ever production by the company.

A new plant of the refinery worth US$151 million is inaugurated in 2010.

The company has issued a number of plans which are discussed and planned to be followed in the coming years.

Thus the company has a lot more to develop growth plans which are expected to come in action in following years.


The environment of the company is conducive for making expansion and progress of the company in the coming years. The features of the company environment are as follows.

In the challenging environment of global slowdown the company has achieved a satisfactory gross refinery margin of US$ 6.87 per barrel.

The sale of 85.6 million barrel of refined oil was sold in 36 countries in the fiscal year of 2010.

The company started its export to Singapore and Egypt in May. It consisted the first consignment of 62,000 tonnes of ultra low sulphur gas oil or ULSD.

Thus with the global slowdown around the world, the company is still expanding its operations and earning good profits from the foreign market.

Social activities.

The social activities of the company include the development of awareness of key issues related to the environment, health and safety of the employees in the company premises. For this purpose the following steps are taken.

An annual EHS day is celebrated by the company. In year 2010, the day was celebrated by 20,000 employees of the company with their families.

The 404 Bahraini university and college’s student got on the job industrial training at BAPCO in 2010.

A new scheme has been introduced by BAPCO, which consisted of awarding bursaries to cover the higher education fees of nearly 400 children of company employees studying in local universities and colleges.

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The company also supported the student’s enrollment in Jaz Bahrain wherein the youth is equipped with the personal and professional life skills.

Thus with the improvement in the economic conditions on the target, the company also indulges in various social activities for the development and growth of its employees as well.

Employees support.

The employees support means the company employees participation in various activities initiated by the company to bring a sense of belongingness among the employees and their families. For this purpose the following steps are taken by the company in year 2010.

Nearly 2,256 employees of BAPCO are given access to the training and development programs of the company.

An agreement was reached between the employees and the managers of the BAPCO trade union on a performance based bonus delivering schemes. This bonus amount has been increased up to two months salary in 2010.

To help the employees get ease of mind from work during the break, a park namely Princess Sabeeka Park has been developed in the BAPCO premises, where the employees of the company can come and relax.

Thus the employees are also make participated in the various company extracurricular activities.

Local and Overseas Communities.

Local and Overseas communities sees BAPCO with respect and attempts are made by the company itself to get popular in the local and overseas communities.

A major review of the corporate strategies has been developed which is entrusted with the task of reviewing the future path of development and growth of the company in the local and overseas areas.

The company officially organized the Bahrain International Air show in year 2010.

The company has contributed a total sum of US $ 2 million to more than 200 organizations inside and outside the country for financing the social support programs started by various government and nonprofit organizations.

Safety records.

A number of safety regulations has been followed by the company in the workplace. Due to this reason the company has been appreciated with the following awards.

BAPCO was awarded The Emirates Energy Award in Dubai for following health and safety measures in the organization work area.

Det Norske Veritas certified BAPCO as the best company for following the occupational health and safety assessment series standard or OHSAS.

BAPCO passed ISO 14001 certification without any problem.

Thus by getting the above mentioned certificates the company confirms to the have followed all the requirements of health and safety in the organization.

Government compliances.

BAPCO has been following all the resolutions passed by the government agencies in Bahrain. A number of resolutions have been passed in Bahrain to safeguard the health and safety of workers in factory. The security legislations and regulations consist of long list of set of rules and regulations that are required to be followed by the employer and the employee both. The latest resolutions passed and followed by BAPCO include the followings.

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Resolution number 3 of year 2005, which concerns the environmental requirements and standards in the work place. It basically consists of the lighting arrangements, safety from machines, proper risk assessment and education to the employees about safeguard measures.

Municipal by law number 1 of 2005 concerned organizing of working hours at the work place in a residential area which can prove harmful to the life of the workforce and people living around. Thus by limiting the work place and hours near the risky machinery would not only make the work force cautious but ensure their safety for longer period.

Occupational safety and health decree number 2 of 1994 helped in the accession of the state of Bahrain to Arab labor conventions number 7 of 1977 which ensures employee safety at the work place.

Comments of Board of Directors on Sustainability report:

The Board of Directors on Sustainability report confirms the followings.

The growth and expansion plans working well in motion and on the right track.

The company is fully indulging itself in social welfare practices by giving millions in donations.

The social conditions of the company are healthy and employee’s interest has been taken care of.

The company has followed all government compliances.

The economic condition of the company and the environment of the company was conducive in giving the company new opportunities around the globe.

Financial outlook based on sustainability report:

The financial of the sustainability report are as follows.

The company is earning good profits in the present fiscal year.

The company is opening new refineries by investing millions of dollars as part of its expansion plans.

The employees are feeling financial secure by working with the company.

The growth prospects are rising and the company is getting more business in Asia and Africa, specifically Singapore and Egypt.


In the end, the company has been on the right track by taking care of the human resource as well as the economic environment of the company. This is helping the company to grow and prosper and formulate the development plans which will help the customer base expansion in other countries.

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