Bay Of Pigs Historiography

March 1960 marked the future of international relations between the United States and Cuba. The epic battle at the Bay of Pigs defined irrationalities between the two nations. U.S. President of the time, Dwight D. Eisenhower, ordered the central intelligence agency, otherwise known as the CIA, to use their special activities division to train, equip, and lead Cuban exiles in an invasion of Cuba. This was elaborately planned to overthrow the new communist government led by Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz. Eisenhower justified his cooperation for his opposing position stating “it was the policy of the United States to aid the anti-Castro guerrilla forces”. The original CIA plan called for a ship-borne invasion at the old colonial city of Trinidad, Cuba. Trinidad had good port facilities, and arguably was close to much existing counter-revolutionary activities. The CIA later proposed alternative plans, and on March 11, 1961 President Kennedy and his cabinet selected the Bay of Pigs option. During the invasion Kennedy decided not to send the air support to Cuba, for it would cause Soviet Russia to believe the United States was only a vicious world leader, giving them liable reason to attack America. However troops did not respond well to Kennedy’s decision since Castro took that moment to capture U.S. Military officials. The catastrophe was solely blamed on the president at the time.

Like several times in history, the United States claimed it was their duty to set democratic policies in the small but important country; spreading a peaceful and efficient government gave people equal rights and laws all the while separating the elite government officials from the common population. Furthermore Castro would be unable to harm the people of Cuba if he were no longer in power, thus decreasing the illegal immigration from Cuba to America. As far as the United States was concerned it was necessary for the invasion to set some standards of living in the troubled country.

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However like all wars or arguments there is an opposing side and Cuba was not concerned with the same matter. Castro was furious his own people were invading their homeland. Unfortunately because he was the highest authority at the time, he initially ordered those few individuals to be exiled. The people of Cuba wanted freedom and support from a government that was anything but just. The communist country made no attempts to help it’s people , when concerned with gaining higher power. Castro was looked down upon as a dictator of the time despite his disapproval of dictatorships. The Cuban government order of battle is unclear and subject to dispute, although most sources generally credit Fidel Castro with centrally directing the overall strategy from Havana.

Today the Bay of Pigs invasion is once again looked through two different perspectives. The United States is content in believing their decision to invade was correct and history has obviously repeated itself with the recent war in Irag and the decision to invade Pakistan. However there are several controversial theories claiming President Kennedy did not in fact order the cease of the air support. Many historians believe the CIA went against official government orders and took it upon themselves to delay the message to aircraft transporters. John F. Kennedy may simply be the innocent by-standard that issued a command that small, tangent groups refused to follow.

The argument once again has an opposition, and Castro-followers believe Kennedy and Castro might have been in a secret society together; somewhat of a masonic cult of their own. Conspiracies continue to arise throughout our modern historical perspectives yet our history cannot be rerecorded. Of course relations between the United States and Cuba only became worse with the Cuban Missile Crisis and extend to sour interactions into present day history.

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Today Cuba and America are far from cooperating neighbors and the battle continues. Until Castro’s recent exit from the Cuban government office in 2008 and the reelection of the United States President, both nations have constantly vowed to fight until the end. We ceased trade with Cuba while they released all of their fugitive prisoners to contribute to the illegal immigration overload in America. They have waged vengeance upon each other like angry siblings without parental supervision. Even as a leading world power the American government has done little to compromise and solve the international affairs. With the hope of a new government in control of both countries, the history is at chance to change for the better and one day prosper as an ally.

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