Because Of Winn Dixie English Literature Essay

A1: I choose this novel particularly because it is one of my favorite books and I have read it many of times before, and think that it is a heartwarming story about a girl finding a dog, and struggling to fit-in, in a new town with new home. I also haven’t read it in a while and wanted an easy book to start me off.

Q2a: How was the lead of this novel?

A2a: It was informative and talked about the situation of the second protagonist and the new home in which she lived. It was very funny and introduced the main character, to which all events were happening, Winn-Dixie.

Q2b: Did the author successfully draw you in?

A2b: Yes! Defiantly.

Q2c: Why or why not?

A2c: Because I like books with hummer and feeling, both of which this book had in the very beginning.

Q3: What is the setting of this novel?

A3: Around the 1960’s in Naomi, Florida, a quite little town were everybody thinks there somebody and everybody thinks they know everyone.

Reader Response Journal #2 – Rebekah Plawman

Q1&2: How did the different points of view affect your understanding of each of the Stories? How was the first person point of view of “Beware the Ides of November” different from the third person point of view from “Fairy Tail”?

A1&2: The first story was a little easier to “grasp” because of the First person view. I knew how Nikki, (“Beware of Ides of November” ), felt about every little thing that happened to her and if that would have been in a third person point of view, then it would have been confusing. You wouldn’t really be able to relate to the person on what he/she is going through. With the other story, (“Fairy Tale”), in third person view, it was hard to tell how the protagonist, Cynthia really felt inside. And part of it I didn’t understand till I read it over twice! The points of view are very different.

Reader Response Journal #3 – Rebekah Plawman

The third book I am reading is “Black Beauty” by Anna Sewell. It’s a Two hundred eighty-five page, forty-nine chapter book about a horse, his life and the troubles he goes through.

One of the main conflicts of this novel was the fact that man is not always nice to horses. Not that he shouldn’t own them, but that he should treat them better and use kind loving words instead of harsh mean words. Another was that Black Beauty (the protagonist, a horse) was sold a many of times most of the owners good but he wanted to stay with his mother and at his first home. At his third home he didn’t miss the first so much because there were other horses to play with and he quite enjoyed himself there. But he wished that he stayed in one place for his whole life, but being a horse he couldn’t control that and as long as he got a good home and caring master, he was alright. The resolution of that problem was in the end of the story, one of the old groomers finds Black Beauty, buys him, and takes him home. This groom was his best manly friend and had the other horses that Beauty was fond of such as Ginger and Maryleggs.

Reader Response Journal #4 – Rebekah Plawman

There really is no way to summarize what I read but I’ll try.

Ginger is a gorgeous chestnut mare in the story that I am reading. There are two chapters in the story all about Ginger and how she was broken. It was not pleasant so to tell what she was going thorough I visualized what was happening as I read on. She was being forcedly put into her bridle and bit and had a saddle slapped on her hard and that’s how she learned. She never had the right bit and it always hurt. Many of times her master’s hard-headed son would ride and try to break her while he was intoxicated and being that were not horses I had no idea how much pain that must be. Never being let to come over to my breaker and cooperate with him in putting tack on and being forced too! So visualizing help a great deal!!

Rebekah Plawman – Book Review #1: Because of Winn-Dixie

The book I just got done reading was called “Because of Winn-Dixie” by Kate DiCamillo. It’s not too long, only one hundred and eighty-two pages long.

The story takes place in a quite little town in Naomi, Florida. Everybody thinks there somebody and every person thinks they know everybody and all about them.

That summer Opal and her father, the preacher, move to Naomi, Florida, Opal goes into the Winn-Dixie supermarket and comes out with a dog. A big, ugly, suffering dog with a sterling sense of humor. A dog she dubs Winn-Dixie. Because of Winn-Dixie, the preacher tells Opal ten things about her absent mother, one for each year Opal has been alive. Winn-Dixie is better at making friends than anyone Opal has ever known, and together they meet the local librarian, Miss Franny Block, who once fought off a bear with a copy of War and Peace. They meet Gloria Dump, who is nearly blind but sees with her heart, and Otis, an ex-con who sets the animals in his pet shop loose after hours, then lulls them with his guitar. Opal spends all that sweet summer collecting stories about her new friends, and thinking about her mother. But because of Winn-Dixie or perhaps because she has grown, Opal learns to let go, just a little, and that friendship-and forgiveness-can sneak up on you like a sudden summer storm.

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This book was truly a heartwarming story and I have recommended it to most of my friends (the ones who read like crazy). I will love this story forever and always think it to be a Suspensing, Dramatic, Action book with loads of laughs.

In a few ways I am like Opal. She spends a lot of time thinking about her mother, why she left and where she went. I also think about a parent of mine from time to time. My real dad and why he left us, on our own and with only one parent to raise a set of rambunctious Twins. Some of my questions will never be answered and some I could care less about, to be honest. Were also different. Winn-Dixie, a dog, is her life long friend where as I have a horse to love and would rather have Greta than a dog. But I also have a dog and even though I often wage war with him, I still love him! In all, this was a great book and I want everybody who has access to books to read it! It’s a life changer.

Some information was taken from

Rebekah Plawman – Book Review #2: “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry

The second book I read was called “Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry. It’s a one hundred thirty-seven page book about truth, courage, and hardship. And it’s based on a true to life experience! It was great!

Number the Stars tells the tale of Annemarie Johansen, a young girl living in Denmark during World War II. The book opens in 1943, three years after German soldiers first arrived to occupy the small country. After three years of living uneasily with this occupying force, the gloves finally come off as the German Nazis begin their campaign to “relocate” all the Jews of Denmark. The Danish Resistance, made up of ordinary citizens like the Johansen family, works steadily to smuggle the Jews out of Denmark and over the sea to nearby Sweden. Annemarie, only ten years old, must find courage and maturity beyond her years within herself in order to help her best friend, Ellen Rosen, escape from the Nazis.

Mr. Johansen calls his brother-in-law, Henrik, and makes encoded arrangements to bring Ellen to him. Later, Annemarie, Ellen, Mrs. Johansen, and Kirsti leave by train for Uncle Henrik’s home in Gilleleje. One peaceful day goes by at Henrik’s, and then Mrs. Johansen tells the girls that Great-aunt Birte has died and they will be having a funeral. However, Annemarie knows that Great-aunt Birte doesn’t exist, and confronts Uncle Henrik. He explains to her that she is right. But it is easier to be brave when you don’t know the full truth.

Many strangers arrive at Uncle Henrik’s house for the funeral, among them a rabbi and several Jewish families. A group of Nazi soldiers arrive and interrupt the funeral, and Ellen’s parents and Peter Nielsen arrive shortly after. A soldier questions Annemarie about the funeral and asks her mother to open the casket. Her mother told the soldier that she would love to do so, since country doctors were not reliable, ant it was only the country doctor who told them that opening the casket would spread germs because Great-aunt Birte had died from typhus. The soldier slaps her face and leaves, putting out the candles with a gloved hand. Peter reads the beginning of Psalm 147 to the group from the Bible, recounting the Lord God numbering the stars. Annemarie thinks that it is impossible to number the stars in the sky, and that the world is cold and very cruel.

Peter opens the casket and distributes warm clothing and blankets to the Jewish families who then depart, splitting up to be less conspicuous. Peter leads the first group, while Annemarie’s mother leaves with the second. Annemarie says goodbye to Ellen and goes to sleep for the night. In the morning, she finds that her mother has not returned. Annemarie looks out the window to see her lying on the grass below. She frantically runs outside and finds, to her relief, that her mother has only broken her ankle. Her mother realizes that a package important to the Resistance was accidentally dropped by Mr. Rosen when he tripped on a stair. Mrs. Johansen, knowing the importance of the package, gives Annemarie a basket filled with cheese, bread and an apple (presumably lunch for her uncle) and hides the package inside. Annemarie runs off, onto a wooded path towards her uncle’s boat.

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When she nears the harbor, she is stopped by German soldiers on patrol, and lies that she is merely delivering lunch to her uncle. The soldiers toss some of the food onto the ground and eventually reach the package, which they tear open, finding only a handkerchief. The German soldiers laugh, toss the cheese and handkerchief to the ground, and walk away. Annemarie continues onward to Uncle Henrik and gives him the package. He boards his fishing boat and leaves for Sweden.

Uncle Henrik returns to Denmark later that evening and while teaching Annemarie how to milk a cow, explains that the Rosen’s were hiding in his boat and the handkerchief contained the sent of rabbit blood and cocaine, to attract the dogs so when they sniffed it it would temporarily numb the German dogs’ sense of smell.

Two years later, the war ends, and all of Denmark celebrates. Several revelations are made: Peter was captured and executed by the Germans. The Jews who were forced to leave Denmark return and find that their friends and neighbors have kept up their apartments in anticipation of their return. Before the Rosen’s come back, Annemarie asks her father to repair Ellen’s Star of David necklace (which had been broken off the night the Nazis broke into the apartment in order to conceal her identity), wanting to wear it herself in honor of her.

I would totally tell my friends to read this book and I already have and one loved it the same that I did!! It is a suspenseful book full of bravery and courage. And the fact that it is a true story makes it even better.

I am similar, in ways, to Annemarie. I have courage to do what is needed and to help when needed. Considering her circumstances and how young she was, I am proud to be Danish!!!

A lot of information was taken from because I had no Idea how to explain such a detailed story in three pages! lol

Rebekah Plawman – Book Review #3: “Black Beauty” by Anna Sewell (My Most Favorite)

Black Beauty opens with its main character describing his first memory as that of a “pleasant meadow.” The reader is told about his life as a colt, his mother’s advice on how to behave as a well-bred horse, and his master’s kind care. When Black Beauty is two, he witnesses the brutality of a hunt for a hare and the tragedy of one of the riders being killed in a fall from his horse. At age four, Black Beauty is broken in to the use of the saddle, bridle, and carriage harness. He describes how bad the bit feels as well as getting his first shoes. Then he is sent to a neighbor’s pasture near a railroad to get used to the sounds he might hear when out on the road and is thus prepared to start work. He is sold to Squire Gordon and is named by Mrs. Gordon. Birtwick Hall becomes his pleasant home for more than three years. Here he meets the horses Maryleggs, Ginger, and Sir Oliver, and the grooms James Howard and John Manly. He learns that Ginger got her ill-tempered nature from a hard life with previous owners, and that Sir Oliver got a shortened tail when a thoughtless fashion dictated that it be cut. Sir Oliver also reveals the painful practices of bobbing tails and ears on dogs. Merry legs, a pony, are a trusted playmate of the Gordon and Blomefield children. Squire Gordon and John Manly are both known to take issue with those who mistreat horses. Stable hand James gets an opportunity for a better position elsewhere and leaves Birtwick, but before he goes, he drives the Gordon’s on a trip to see friends. At a stop on the way, the stable catches on fire, but James calmly and valiantly manages to save Beauty and Ginger. Little Joe Green replaces James. Joe does not know how to properly put up the hot and tired Beauty after an emergency run to get the doctor for Mrs. Gordon, and as a result, Beauty becomes very sick. Joe grieves over his mistake and thereafter devotes himself to learning horse care. He even testifies against a man he sees flogging two horses. Life changes, though, when the Gordon’s must move to a warmer climate for Mrs. Gordon’s health. Joe and Maryleggs go to the Vicar Blomefield’s, and Beauty and Ginger are sold to Earlshall Park.

Part 2

The mistress at Earlshall insists on using the bearing rein, which is very painful for the horses, but the stable manager, Mr. York cannot object. One day Ginger rebels and goes wild. She is then used as a hunter. When the Earl and some of the family go to London, the Lady Anne takes to riding Beauty, calling him Black Auster. When she tries another horse on one ride and is thrown, Beauty races for help and is much praised. He thinks he has settled into a good home, but then the stable hand Reuben Smith gets drunk and takes Beauty on a dangerous ride that results in Smith’s death and ruined knees for Beauty. Ginger is also ruined by hard riding, but is given a chance to recover. Beauty, however, is sold to a livery stable. As a job horse, Beauty is subjected to being hired by people with poor driving skills and little knowledge of the care of horses. One customer, though, recognizes Beauty’s value and arranges for him to be sold to Mr. Barry, a gentleman who hires a groom for Beauty. The groom steals Beauty’s feed and has to be arrested. The next groom is too lazy to take care of Beauty and causes him to get thrush. Disgusted by all the trouble of keeping a horse, Mr. Barry sells Beauty.

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Part 3

Beauty is sold at a horse fair to Jerry Barker, a London cab driver, and is called Jack. His stable mate is Captain, a former cavalry horse. Beauty learns the ropes of pulling a cab in the busy streets of London. The hard life is made bearable by Jerry’s skillful and kind treatment. Jerry has a loving family with his wife Polly and children Harry and Dolly. He is a very ethical man who will not drink and will not work on Sundays or take fares that will needlessly overwork his horses. He will, however, take pains to do a charitable act. One of Jerry’s friends is a sensible and good-hearted cab driver called Governor Grant who serves as the elder advisor for the other drivers. While many customers are thoughtless, some are considerate of the horses. Similarly, some cab drivers are negligent of their horses because they do not own the horses, but work for shares. For these men, life is nearly as hard as it is for the horses. By chance, one day Black Beauty sees Ginger, who has become one of these leased cab horses and very mistreated. She is in such pain that she yearns for death. Later, Beauty happens to see Ginger’s body being carted away. Shortly afterwards, Jerry and Captain are involved in a carriage accident that causes Captain to be put down and replaced by Hotspur. At New Year’s, a couple of customers keep Jerry waiting in the bitter cold while they party. As a result, Jerry becomes very ill with bronchitis and cannot work. Grant helps out by giving the energetic Hotspur a half-day’s work each day and giving half the fares to Polly. When Jerry recovers, the doctor says that he can no longer work as a cab driver. However, Mrs. Fowler, Polly’s former employer, hires Jerry to be her coachman in the country and provides a cottage for the family. They go on to a wonderful new life, but the horses have to be sold. Grant buys Hotspur, and promises Jerry to find a good place for Beauty.

Part 4

Beauty is sold to a corn dealer who is good to him, but the dealer’s foreman, Jakes, overworks the horses and uses the bearing rein. However, he takes the advice of a lady who advises that Beauty could work better if the bearing rein is removed. Jakes is so impressed by the lady’s concern that he is easier on Beauty after that. However, the dark stables nearly make Beauty blind, and he is sold to a cab business again. This time his owner, Nicholas Skinner, has several shabby cabs and a group of overworked drivers who take out their frustration over their hardships by abusing the horses. When a customer insists on the cab carrying a load too heavy for Beauty, the horse collapses. He is saved from being put down by a farrier who finds that Beauty’s wind is not broken. Beauty is taken to auction where he is bought by Farmer Thorough good and his compassionate grandson who believe that they can rehabilitate Beauty in their country meadow. They are successful and sell Beauty to Ellen and Lavonia Blomefield. Joe Green is still working for the Blomefield family and recognizes Black Beauty, who then settles into a long, happy life in his last home.

I have been recommending this book to all my friends and I love it and the ones who have seen the movie are dying to read the book! It is full of action, romance, drama, and truth. It’s such a great book, I felt as if I was the character, Black Beauty!

I am very different from a horse because I am a human but we both have kindness and courage. And I have a horse so I learned a lot from this book!

Some information was used from

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