Being A Passive Listener English Language Essay

Listening is a prerequisite of learning. It involves hearing, attending, understanding, remembering, evaluating and responding to spoken messages. We cannot understand , learn or remember something unless we pay attention. A passive listener is one who pays low concentration and effort into what is been communicated, which may be attentive or supportive but occurs without further conscious engagement from the listener, this unresponsiveness may represent a failure on the part of effective listening skills with school,family ,friends and co-workers. There are numerous disadvantages of passive listening. Being a passive listener is an unresponsive act, it may affect an individual’s academic progress, social and official interactions.

In class participation may be highly important but being a passive listener deprives one the opportunity of staying focused. it brings about low intake during lectures and study hours. More concentration could have been made within the time spent on mopping or interacting with other folks. The passive listener tends to hear words but does not really listening to the words nor the deep meaning of them. The listener is known for staying at a surface communication level and never understands the deeper significance of what was being said. Being a passive listener is a very bad skill for students because they tend to loose a lot during lectures and classes. A passive listener might be present in class but isn’t paying total attention to what is been taught . They could be easily distracted when been spoken to because they tend not to have their minds on what is being taught and because of this they tend to loose the most vital information during lectures ; instead of taking down important notes in class, their minds wander so they only collect little or no points and information which is not really important. Hence, they do not get most out of a lecture can affect a student during exactly because they tend to be lost.

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It is a largely inactive process which leaves the individual clueless. They do hear the words but find it extremely difficult to understand or to empathize with the speaker’s intention. The listener tends to listen logically and is more concerned for content than for feeling ; this makes the listener emotionally detached from the conversations, by this attitude friendships may be ruined as well.

Passive listeners tend to destroy their short or long term relationships and friendships, it also gives an unpleasant impression about people, it sends around the idea that the listener isn’t interested in paying attention to what is been said, due to the fact that they do not take in a lot from the sender’s messages , this could be either personally or professionally informations. Personal information could include social relationship , marriage complains , school issue , break ups, unwanted pregnancy and so on. If sender could find confidence in an individual.

Being a passive listener can also affect ones communication with friends and family or even in work places due to the fact that passive listener makes one not to communicate properly because the passive listener cannot give inputs, opinions and supportive words but instead waits for a speaker to response what the individual has to say . being a passive listener also makes one not to react while listening or even give verbal dues to show they are listening e.g. nodding , blinking of eyes , questioning etc. Hence, if you care for someone you would pay attention to their lives too, thats what good friendships are made of. Being a passive listener does not motivate one to be active student because passive listeners tend to be dull and not responsive in class because they tend not to understand the speakers pattern of organization. i.e. what the speaker is ariving at and how the speaker is getting there. passive listening can also make one to be an unmotivated listener because a passive listener may not know why listening is important because they do not even have the time to determine why what the speaker is saying is important to them. Low motivation to examine the text critically or at an in-depth level. other factors may include ; low motivation to study , poor reflection skills and unprogressive reading. Important pieces of data and assumptions may be missed. Data and assumptions that are perceived by the passive reader are accepted at face value or are examined superficially, with little thought.

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Being a passive listener can also affect ones communication with friends and family or even in work places due to the fact that passive listener makes one not to communicate properly because he/she cannot give supportive words but instead waits for a speaker to response what he/she has to say . being a passive listener also makes one not to react while listening or even give verbal dues to show they are listening e.g. nodding , blinking of eyes , questioning etc. They receive information has though bing talked to rather than as being an equal partner in the communication process.

A passive listener is a big assumer. they believe the communication is the responsibility of the speaker. Little do they know such listening habit can lead to dangerous misunderstandings because there is insufficient communication. Being a passive listener can make one not to have high grades during tests or exams , which have happened due to the fact that the listener did not develop organized notes for study time and has less knowledge when it comes taking in good ideas from class topics. Getting low grades is an end factor of being a passive listener , not only does it reduce the performance of the passive listener but it may also decrease the individuals self confidence academically and socially. They tend to tune in and tune out unexpectedly. They are somewhat aware of others but mainly pays attention to self thoughts. They follow the discussion only enough to get a chance to talk. Their listening is quiet and unresponsive, such a listener will often fake attention while thinking about unrelated matters , forming rebuttals or preparing what he wants to say next. According to the english writer Chesterton G.K “there is a lot of difference between listening and learning”. Listening is when an individual puts full concentration or is consciously aware of the communication from the speaker while learning is perfectly likewise to listening but the big difference is the response and features of the listener when questions are being asked. The passive listener tends to misunderstand the of actually relating with each sentences that comes from the speaker; and writing it down on paper for more understanding

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However, every individual should master good listening skills as it is important in every aspect of our lives. Poor listening skills brings about nothing but no preparation and unawareness for an individual. A good listener will defiantly learn and progress more with academics and social interactions with friends and family. It takes a great individual to be a good listener

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