Benefits and Issues in using Learning Logs

A learning log is an learning tool which is designed to improve the learning experience, while facilitating exchanges between students and teachers. Learning logs are used in schools all over the world, and there are a number of different approaches to them. In addition to being used in predictable school environments, learning logs can also be very beneficial to homeschoolers and other students pursuing non-tradition education.

A learning assessment refers to the measurement of a student’s capabilities, progress and academic outcome. Learning assessments are important because both students and teachers can get a clear picture of what a student can do academically rather than what he or she can’t do. When conducting a learning assessment, instructors consider past and present academic performances as well as the student’s values, behaviors and attitudes toward learning




A Learning Logbook is basically a log or record or journal of your own learning. It is not necessarily a formal ‘academic’ piece of work. It is a personal record of your own learning. As such it is a document which is unique to you and cannot be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. A Learning Log helps you to record, structure, thinks about and reflects upon, plan, develop and evidence your own learning

I prompted to use my Learning Logbook from time to time in my Study Guide, but I didn’t limit my entries to just these occasions. It could also be useful to explore ideas in a Discussion Forum. If I could keep my log electronically, I might even copy sections from my log for insertion into the discussion forum or vice versa.

Using the logbook in this way helped me to reflect on all of the information presented in the Class and to come to my own understanding of it.

Managing Study Time

There are only so many hours in a day, a week, and a term. I cannot change the number of hours, but I can decide how to best use them. To be successful in Class, I must be carefully managing my study time. Here is a strategy for doing this.

Term Calendar

At the beginning of a module, I prepared a Term Calendar. Update it as the term goes on. Here is what I did to prepare a Term Calendar.

Record my class assignments with their due dates and my scheduled tests. Record

My planned Class activities.

Record my planned module activities.

Record my known out-of-Class activities.

Weekly Schedule

Each Sunday before a Class week, I prepared a Weekly Schedule. Update it as the week goes on. Here is what I did to prepare a Weekly Schedule.

Record my daily classes.

Entered things to be done for the coming week from my Term Calendar.

Review my class notes from the previous week to see if I need to add any Class activities.

Add any out-of-school activities in which I would be involved during the week.

Be sure to include times for completing assignments, working on projects, and studying for tests. These times may be during the Class day, right after Class, evenings, and weekends.

Daily Time Table

Each evening before a Class day, I prepared a Daily time table for the next day. Place a next to each thing to do as my accomplish it. Here is what to did to prepare a Daily time table.

Entered the things to do for the coming day from my Weekly Schedule.

Entered the things that still needed to be accomplished from my Daily time table from the previous day.

Review my class notes for the day just completed to see if I need to add any school activities.

Add any out-of-school activities in which I will be involved the next day.

My Weekly Schedule had more detail than my Term Calendar. My Daily time table had more detail than my Weekly Schedule. Using a Term Calendar, a Weekly Schedule, and a Daily time table helped to make the best use of my time.

I developed my own ideas on using the log but the following points helped me initially:

Date each entry

Clearly distinguish entries about myself and my life from information about my study.

Separate my summaries and notes of readings and lectures from my opinions, comments and reflections on these, working on a computer, use a different font or format to distinguish each.

My Learning Log I used is:

plan my study and make revisions as needed;

write down questions for my tutor as they arise;

make notes that help me to carry out my study, e.g. on essay writing, preparing for examinations, previewing and reading texts in depth;

document my reading and viewing so that notes can be readily accessed for assignments and examinations;

Document my reflections on my progress, problems encountered and ways that I might resolve them.


Attended regularly the lectures and try to make detailed notices, but if some reasons I could not attend a lecture, I tried to get notes from a friends ( class mate) and if I could not understand some parts of lecture, I contacted the lecture during the office hours for more clarification.

The field notes were written by hand on lined paper. They consisted of jotted notes and mental triggers (personal notes that would remind me of specific things when it came to writing the notes up). I took some direct observational notes recording what I saw where this was relevant to the research questions and, as I was aiming to get a sense of the culture and working environment, I also made researcher inference notes

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I found the notes taking process itself helpful, as it ensured that I listened carefully and decoded information. Not all the information I recorded was relevant, but noting what I found informative contributed to my ability to form an overview on re-reading. However, the reliability of jotted notes alone can be questionable. For example, the notes were not a direct transcription of what the subjects said but consisted of pertinent or interesting information.

Firstly, the most obvious thing that I discovered was the advantage of working as part of a group. I learned that good teamwork is the key to success in class activities when time and resources are limited. As everyone had their own point of view, many different ideas could be produced and I found the energy of group participation made me feel more energetic about contributing something

Secondly I discovered that even the simplest things on earth could be turned into something amazing if we put enough creativity and effort into working on them.

Learning Journal

Last week’s lecture presented the idea that RIT is the most useful module as a student studying Research in Information Technology module makes this an important issue for me and one I was thinking about while reading journal, texts, and other material is to gain more confidence while I was doing my assignment

The first thing I tried in order to read and summarized a journal article is to understand the author and kept in mind e.g. Author of journal always have an argument they are trying to convince something but Also can be good or bad, but I didn’t take what author said on blind faith, I questioned them

When I read journal articles always remember that I did to write a paper based on what I read e.g. focus on the information in the article that is relevant to my research, think critically about what I read and tried to build my own argument based on it.

Basically I look the structure of the article; most research articles follow the same specific format. First I red abstract and conclusion because this have got the main point and if I find anything in the abstract or conclusion that is important for my paper then I search for the information but if I need more information then I read the whole sections.

Take notes on the Article Journal

There are a few major ways to take notes, but this is a personal style choice I have taken.

Pay attention to what each section is about; usually have the most important information.

Take notes while I am reading (that way I don’t have to go back and re-read it when am doing my assignment)

Write summarizing notes for main points ( in the margin, or on a separate pieces of paper )

Highlight only very important quotes or terms.


I sometimes read journal articles which seem to need references to assert this module.

Nevertheless, I do expect to see adequate reference for assertions. It may take the form of reference to previous writers, or it may be the reference of my own experience or my own arguments, but if it is needed, it will be cited in such a way as to enable me to find it if I wish.

More to the point, I expected theory to be used to answer some questions and to pose others, rather than simply regurgitated for its own sake.

I’m really going to stick my neck out now for what it is worth, I expect a dozen or more references for a module assignment.

But I do not expect such reference to be cited uncritically, on the basis that, ‘if someone else has already said it and manage to get it published, it must be true


I know this is unfashionable and probably politically incorrect, but in practice I find it difficult to get past it. Literacy is not a sufficient condition to meet PGD level requirements, but in my book it is a necessary one. By literacy I mean:

No spelling mistakes

No (or very few) grammatical solecisms. No sentences without verbs like this one

Punctuation which helps me to make sense of the text.

No misused words or malapropisms.





Critical Reflection in my context is a process of considering what I have learned, how useful it is, and how it may affect my future personal and career development. Critical reflection helps me to give some coherence to my learning by relating it to what I have already known, and to my plans for the future. The nature of reflection is very varied. Reflection may encompass

The module is extremely well organized, when I first came into this Module, I really didn’t know what to expect. I thought it would be just the same as other module. I was wrong. What we learned on this module is more detailed, I feel like I have become better in researching and presentation. I know this will help me in future.

This module did meet my expectations. So many students told me it wasn’t an easy module and that it was demanding compared to other module. I am not very satisfied at my progress but I think it wasn’t bad at all I gave the module almost all the attention it required. Learned so many new things and I’m glad that I did. Things were explained over and over again in this module until I really felt I fully understood. Overall, this course was good.

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During my studies in Post Graduate Diploma in Strategic Business IT – Research in Information Technology I’ve had to use a multi case study system especially for the research and know how, Due to my quest for information by this system, I’ve come about the following draw backs:

Lack of appropriate material, appropriate text books for additional research at the learning centre has proved to be a major drawback.

However I’ve been able to resort of other ways for gaining excess to the appropriate material. Purchasing the books, however being in a 3rd world country, such text books and write ups aren’t always freely available, which would cause me to have to order these from abroad but given the short time this isn’t the best way not to mention the shipping cost.

The Internet has been a great resource, however again, some of the best information has to be paid for or ordered using a credit card, something again which isn’t freely available to all in a 3rd world country. However, I’ve been able to work my way around this obstacle by trying to dig persistently and deeper in to the internet to seek out the appropriate material.

Another cause of concern was that during the Tutorials, not all were effectively reviewed and detailed constructive criticism wasn’t freely given so as to en-better the students work.

This left the student(s) to reflect on ones work and at times get their fellow students to review the work and comment.

Learning Outcome – Topic

Managing Time

In this topic I learn how to manage my time during my studies, deciding what am suppose to do, analysing what am doing and categorized my goals e.g.:- Work goals, family goals, community goals and self goals.

Planning my activities performed during the day, how long is spent on each activities, listing all the things I must do including schedule activities. To identify what am currently doing and determine whether am spending my time efficiently, categorized the time identified according to time table, activities performed during the day.


It’s an academic essay demonstrates both knowledge of topic related to academic writing.

A report is a structured document written for a particular purpose and aimed at a specific audience. It should provide clear and concise information written in a formal, academic style.

Written Coursework

Basically in his topic I have learned how to write a coursework by following three stages.

i. Essay Structure

ii. Essay type

iii. Report structure

Before that read the assignment carefully and start working on it reasonably and asked the lecture questions if not clear about anything relating to the assignment.


Do understand how to plan Assignment analyzing question asked, reflection on the issue raised and gathering raw material. Draw up a plan of the assignment.

Writing Up

Understand how to write assignment

Sustained Review

Do revision of what I have done in the class text book and during my revision I make notice, summarized my notice divide material into topic.


Clarity of oral communication and well developed inter personal skills when interacting in a group or one to one are attributes that makes more successful student, professionals and all round communicator.

Listening skills

Really key in to what the person is saying and not saying, to look for the meaning and the feelings behind what is being said, to think about and mentally process what I hear eg. Pay attention, show that am listening.

Taking notes

Basically in this topic I learned how to take notes e.g.: listen and note key points and supporting details. But in this topic we didn’t learned how to record lectures, may be because of its involve more time and resources.

Working in team

Firstly, the most obvious thing that I discovered was the advantage of working as part of a group. I learned that good teamwork is the key to success in class activities when time and resources are limited. As everyone had their own point of view, many different ideas could be produced and I found the energy of group participation made me feel more energetic about contributing something.

Background of Critical Reflection

By June 2010 it was the end of the Module RIT, I began to realize how demanding this module is, but fortunately, I also realized that I learnt a lot from it.

I think my choice to take this course was a good idea. I enjoyed it although it was difficult, this course was the most challenging course, I took this module RIT and I have struggled with it up till the final.

As a whole it was a good learning experience, but not an easy one. This is a free elective for me and my performance hasn’t been even close to that of other major module. The grade that I get in this module is the lowest compared to other module this semester that is why I re- sit for the second time

On successful completion of this module I will be able to identify the broad context of ICT problems, including the problems condition, identifying possible contributing factors, and generating alternative solution strategies. Exhibit good teamwork skills and serve as effective members of multidisciplinary project teams. To critically valuate alternate assumptions, approaches, procedures and result related to IT problems.

To create something to integrate ideas into solution, to propose an action plan, to formulate a new classification scheme.

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To apply knowledge to new situations to solve problems using required knowledge or skills

I believe I have benefited a lot from this module. Completion of this module is considered by me to be one of the greatest and proudest accomplishments and for me the next logical step is to

take Master of Science in Strategy Business Information Technology

Many students become frustrated and find this module difficult because they do not have the cognitive skills required to process information properly, this include ability to analyze, evaluate, retain information, recall experiences, make comparisons and determine action

I feel this module has helped me in many ways.  The exercises and moments of frustration in class when I did not understand something or could not get something to work, suddenly became clearer as I tried to apply some of my knowledge to the actual situation.  I was amazed at how much information I had picked up in class and how quickly the lingo became familiar to me.  Without the instructional techniques used in this module, the course portion would not be very beneficial.  Sure, anyone can learn procedures and how to make a research, but the understanding of how, what, when, where and why are never very clear.  This is appreciated more than you will ever know.

I do not feel there are any significant areas in which the program should be altered.  Everyone has their own weak area and mine is probably in the math portion of the program.  Concepts relating to module are sometimes hard for me to grasp, but I eventually get a handle on them and comprehend their meaning.  Many of the students relate that they have a hard time following the instructional methods in some of the classes, but in my opinion, this is simply a lack of attention, desire, and dedication.  You cannot learn if you do not come to class.  I am amazed at the low attendance in some of the classes. 

I really appreciate the support and guidance I got from IMIT especially our lecture Mr. Japhet and Ms. Priti Punatar not only to me but all PGD students. They wanted us to pass with flying colors. They had time for us whether during or outside the lectures, they wanted us to be the best and made every effort to ensure that we achieved that. They went out of our way to help us and hopefully, our results will show that their efforts were not wasted!

I believe that the skills that they taught us in this module will be really helpful in the future, Also, I learned a lot about the right way of making presentations and project

The Analysis

The forming – during the early stages of the course. This occurred during Lectures 1 and 2 ( managing time to Peer assessment) whereby a few topics were discussed, such as how to handle a full day’s work with the extra studying we’d now had and trying to understand the syllabus

As a result the students were able to participate more fully knowing we had to give our best as the group depended on each one.

The forming was highly successful and showed the students had learnt to depend not only on the Lecturer but also on each other.

The storming Stage – The storming stage was made up of various factors which would include interpersonal issues and reactions due to the answers or responses that we as students received from the lectures.

Another case was the delay in starting classes as at times the lecture would wait for all students to arrive, or him-self was late.

The students were able to address this in a prompt and professional way by having a group meeting with the Lecturer and address the matter.

One thing which was a drawback was the short of one of the students who postpone the course, which in effect broke up one group (which had two students) and cause the remaining student to join the remaining group (of two students), hence the result was that the entire study sessions were now made up of one group having 3 students.


In conclusion I think this module and specially the module were very beneficial. Module (RIT) skills are invaluable in many different situations. There are some thing that I have done within a group that fits in with the RIT as discussed in the Peppard Book, whether I realized it or not, many of specific reports ,however, I think are often for granted. They are beneficial to realizing the scope and keeping it in focus.

In conclusion, I have come to learn that what did I read for this module apart from notes, and what grabbed my attention………………..

Reflective thinking demands that I have recognized that I bring the valuable knowledge to very experience. It helps; therefore to recognize and clarify the important connections between what I have already known and what I have leant. It is a way of helping to become active, aware and critical.


Accredited Partner (IMIT) and NCC should commit to the intentional review and strengthening of every Accredited Partner structure and resource that can support transformative learning.

NCC should establish routine ways to hear students’ voices, consult with them, explore their opinions, and document the nature and quality of their experience as a student


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