Bentley Motors Limited Maintain a constant effective communication

Project Responsibilities:

To work in tandem with the Bill of Materials (BoM) department in successfully generating and structuring the part numbers for BY831 (Bentley Mulsanne) and BY624 vehicle configuration with the help of SAP based environment called TIsyncro.

Maintain a constant effective communication between designers of different department to meet up with the deadlines.

Organise training to the relative department’s employees to inform and trained on the changing policies and methodologies of the department and project respectively.

To provide an interface between functional managers, BoM, Digital Mock-Up (DMU) department and the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Department to ascertain that the flow of information if unambiguous and accurate.

Organise a product review meetings with the customers and the managers of relative departments.

To mitigate the issues escalated from the BoM and different functional departments.

To provide support in creating Client’s requirement based reports.

5. Competencies demonstrated: (please refer to the APM Body of Knowledge, Competence Framework)

The purpose of this assessment is to identify where my competence lies just now in relation to skills and professional studies. This assessment will reflect on previous/current work and courses and should help to identify my current level of skill. It is a detailed analysis of how I feel about my skills and competencies in relation to project management.

Technical competence:

The technical competence involved learning of 3D modelling software CATIA, LCA (Life Cycle Application) tool to structure the parts of BY831 (Mulsanne) and BY624 vehicle configuration.

Context of Project Management (PM):

In the context of Project Management, the technical competence involved developing skills on PM tools like MS Project and MS Visio. This has enhanced my skills on resource planning and appropriate scheduling of Projects.

Behavioural competence:

Behavioural competence involved developing robust behavioural skills by working for two managers with two leadership styles, strong communication skills ensuring details and expectations of the project are met to the highest standard, and constant interaction with functional managers of different departments catered to the enhancement of behavioural and interpersonal skills.

Context of Project Management:

Behavioural competence in the context of Project Management involved developing team building and leadership skills, time management skills by working on team placement project that involved working in a synergistic manner in order to avoid antagonistic behaviour as an individual.

Section 3: CPD Self- Assessment Form

This assessment addresses the experiences and knowledge gained/ shared by studying MSc Project Management at The Robert Gordon University (RGU).

K= knowledge; E = experience



Happy with my current level of

For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my

For my future career I need to increase my







Project management




Programme management




Portfolio management




Project control




Project sponsorship




Project office




Project success and benefits management




Stakeholder management




Value management




Project management plan





Happy with my current level of

For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my

For my future career I need to increase my







Project risk management




Project quality management




Health, safety and environmental management




Scope management








Resource management




Legal awareness




Project life cycles
















Handover and closeout




Project reviews




Organisation structure




Organisational roles




Methods and procedures





Happy with my current level of

For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my

For my future career I need to increase my







Governance of project management
















Conflict management








Human resource management




Areas of strengths identified

Gaps identified

Scope Management

Project lifecycle


Project Management Plan

Leadership and Communication

Organisational Roles

Conflict Management and Resolution

Project Management Office

Health and Safety and Environmental Management

Programme and Portfolio Management

Project Management


Project Risk Management

Organisational Structure

Analysis of Project Success and Benefit analysis

Methods and Procedures

Value management

Project Risk Management

Human Resource Management

Technical Competence on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software i.e. Primavera

Professional Certifications like APMP, CAPM, PRINCE 2 and so on.

Section 4: Development Plan


Based on the contents of your current CV and your responses to the CPD Self Assessment Form (Review) in which you have identified the areas in which you need development, please complete your Development Plan.

Where do I want to be in 5 years?

The Postgraduate degree in Project Management has provided me with enough of robust information on managing complex projects within the Project Management constraints of scope, time, cost and quality. I would like to carry on with these skills and be an effective, efficient and smart Project Manager with team building and leadership skills to manoeuvre complex environment of managing range of complex projects.

How will I achieve my aim?

I would like to achieve this aim through Continuing Professional Development in terms of having professional certifications indicating enhancement of technical and behavioural competence. I would also believe that development of interpersonal skills, living in a pleasant ambience would substantially add some benefits in realising my aim successfully.

What current skills and knowledge gaps prevent me from achieving my aim?

Value management

Project Risk Management

Human Resource Management

Technical Competence on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software i.e. Primavera

Professional Certifications like APMP, CAPM, PRINCE 2 and so on.

Out of aforementioned knowledge gaps, Professional Certification is one of the most important knowledge gaps that need to be fulfilled and would substantially provide an opportunity to stand ahead in the competition from other Project Management practitioners.


5.1 Learning and Induction from the Induction Programme

Induction Programme


In the induction programme, a basic overview about the university was addressed i.e. infrastructural facilities, introduction of staff members pertaining to the course, the cultural values that would be gained through interaction between students of diverse cultural background. Also, I was able to learn the basic rules and regulations to be followed in the city/ country and one of the members from the Grampian police had addressed about the social laws and regulations and the Grampian fire service had addressed about the health and safety measures, fire incidents and so on. There were general and academic induction programmes and I was able to learn in both academic and professional way. Also this programme consisted of providing valuable guidance to students to make use of library and other RGU facilities. Infozone provided ample guidance in getting the opening of bank account, health guidance and also about NHS service. International Student Advisors provided/ provides continual support on immigration and visa information.


Through this induction programme, I have had an opportunity to reflect this learning by adhering to the rules and regulations of the city/ country and the lessons learned through working in teams on different academic coursework including project technical implementation can be implemented in future endeavours as well ranging from different complex projects and improve behavioural skills including ethics.

5.2 Learning and Reflection for Academic Activities for First and Second Semester of MSc Project Management

Module 1: Project Fundamentals


In this module, an overview of the basic nature of managing general projects was addressed, not specifically focussed on one type of project. I was able to get a basic insight into the concept of projects and Project Management and learnt the basic difference between projects and Business As Usual (BAU). The module used the concept of project life cycle as the organisational guideline, and provided a brief understanding on the contents of different phases of a project like project initiation, project planning, project execution, project control and project closure that covered the whole process of project management activities like, Project Management Plan, change management, project quality, Stakeholder Management, risk management and many others. From these activities, I basically learnt the concept of business case and its development and its importance as the primary deliverable of initiation phase of project life cycle. In a nutshell, I conclude from my learning that the principles of project management are applicable at all levels of the project hierarchy, ranging from individual work packages through to the provision of responsibility.


This module provided me a lot of insights into different elements of Project Management and I was able to put all these theoretical elements into practice by doing a team project on the construction of Heathrow Terminal 5. Firstly, this project provided me a robust experience of working as a team of varied culture and secondly, it provided an opportunity to understand the application of different project management activities in the practical environment (construction of Heathrow Terminal 5). This project also provided me an opportunity to implement all the learning on the fundamentals of projects and project management into practice and share knowledge between the team members by providing a detailed business case and the project management plan for the project. Having known with the basic principles of project fundamentals module, this learning can be reflected on future endeavours involving all the areas of Project Management.

Module 2: Project Planning and Control


This module provided a basic overview of core activities of the planning phase of the project. I learnt about the fundamentals of project planning like scope management, how to create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the allocation of resources to projects, and an overview to create cost estimation and budgeting and apply IT led resource scheduling and allocation techniques with the help of Gantt chart and Critical Path Method (CPM). Alongside these things, I was able to get a basic insight into critical evaluation of key project monitoring and control techniques and their impact on the successful completion of projects. Finally, I learnt different quality systems and requirements of the project in order to add value to the client and the business as a whole.


This module provided me a basic insight into different elements of Project planning and control and I was able to put all these theoretical elements into practice by doing a team project on the relocation of oil and gas company office. The project involved relocating the employees of different departments and their possessions to a bigger office space. We, as a team, got involved in preparing a project plan to ensure that this project is completed on time, within budget and would not affect the smooth flow of work and interrupt the operations at the existing building. More emphasis was given on project scheduling and provided a detailed Gantt chart indicating deliverables and milestones with a detailed resource histogram depicting the resources. Also, the allocation of resources for different tasks was depicted with the help of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This project provided me a robust experience of working as a team of varied culture and secondly, it provided an opportunity to understand the application of different project planning tools and techniques in this project and having known with these basic tools and techniques, this learning can be reflected on future endeavours as well.

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Module 3: Project Organisation and Behaviour


In this module, basically an overview of organisational learning with roles and responsibilities was addressed and three types of organisation structures were dealt in detail i.e. Functional based, Matrix based and Project based Organisational structures and I learnt that more emphasis would emphasis would be given to project-based and matrix-based organisation structure for the effective implement of Project Management for the successful completion of projects. I also learnt behavioural issues in projects and how these issues would impact in maintaining robust relationship with the client and the constant interaction between conflict management and negotiation in projects and project management environment. During the discussion on behavioural issues in the project environment, emphasis was laid upon the socio-cultural aspect of Project Management and I learnt that the constant development of antagonistic behaviour of the individuals and lack of synergistic behaviour within the teams or in general the organisation structure would affect the project/ programme managers and including the team leader to manage the teams and would result in ambiguities within the team members with lack of knowledge sharing and result in the unsuccessful completion of projects. Hence I learnt that the role of effective leadership right from the strategic level down to the operational level is essential in problem solving and decision making process and develop efficient communication on the technical and socio-cultural aspects of project management within the team members leading to effective organisational learning.


I was able to reflect on the learning that I got from the project organisation and behaviour module in the form of team project on International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The basic reason for choosing this project to put all the theoretical elements into practice is due to its sensitive nature because this project, in the real environment, involved international stakeholders from seven different nations intend to develop fusion energy for peaceful purposes. The purpose was to provide a transformational organisational structure in order to mitigate behavioural issues and manage conflicts within the Organisation.

Module 4: Commercial Realties for Project Management


This module provided a descriptive learning on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the project at the initiation phase of the project life cycle. The qualitative analysis included environmental analysis that in turn included three types viz., SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), PESTEL (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal) and Porter’s Five Forces Model. Quantitative analysis included investment/ financial appraisal and consisted of four types i.e. Payback Period (PBP), Accounting Rate of Return (ARR), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR).

The qualitative analysis provides a detailed overview of merits and de-merits of undertaking a project taking micro, meso and macro factors into consideration. However, quantitative analysis provides a detailed overview on the financial aspects of the project i.e. Return on Investment (ROI). I was able to get a basic insight into procurement and supply chain issues and legal issues in the context of projects and project management. This module provided a basic overview of different types of dispute resolution techniques used in the project environment between the stakeholders.


Based on the learning, I have had an opportunity to work on a hypothetical project. This project is aimed at building a multi-speciality veterinary hospital in Aberdeen and providing all the modern sophisticated medical facilities to the domesticated animals in order to eradicate all sorts of endemic and fatal diseases and provide a healthy environment. The project involved in providing a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis, contracting strategy, procurement plan and dispute resolution techniques in the context of projects and project management. Learning through this module can be implemented in future real time endeavours that range of complex projects.

Module 5: Project Strategy and Leadership


In this module, the meaning of strategy was dealt and an overview of the link between strategy and projects was addressed. I learnt that how strategic decisions at the top management level/ strategic level would impact the projects and project management and learnt the concept of Strategic Project Management (SPM). I learnt the concept of Project Portfolio Management that was viewed as a tool/ method of prioritising and selecting portfolio of projects for their successful completion by linking the projects with the Organisation’s overall business strategies. I learnt the difference between Project Management, Programme management and the Project Portfolio Management and the interdependency between them and the overall business strategy. In order to ascertain successful completion of portfolio of projects through decisions taken at the strategic level, the concept of strategic leadership, Project Management Office and project governance were dealt with prime importance. I learnt that the gap of governance between the corporate governance/ corporate level (strategic level) and the Project Management can be avoided by introducing the concept of Governance of Project Management (GoPM) framework that links the strategic and the tactical/ operational level. However to ascertain successful GoPM, I learnt that the three important elements i.e. Organisation structure, people and the flow of information within the framework should be organised well. I also viewed Project Management Office (PMO) as the core department within the business function that maintains the tools, techniques and methodologies of Project Management and also responsible in upgrading the tools and methodologies of PM.

I learnt the concept of maturity model and its impact on all the areas of Project Management (PM) and viewed maturity in the context of PM as part of organisation’s diverse culture and not just a tool/ methodology for managing projects and learnt the concept of Organisational Project management Maturity Model (OPM3) developed by PMI and got an insight into how this model correlates Project, Programme and Portfolio Management. I got a basic insight into the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and how it is going to impact the success of portfolio of projects and the project strategy including the overall business strategy. I also learnt the concept of global teams and their impact on the performance of projects due to varied culture and how this socio-cultural aspect of Project Management should be managed in order to arrive at the desired project outcome. Finally I learnt the concept of Project Performance Management and their impact on meeting project/ organisation goals and objectives in an effective and efficient manner and I also got an insight into how stakeholder commitment is directly linked with project performance management and their alignment with the business strategies.


Based on the learning, I have had an opportunity to work on a real team project. The aim of the project was to analyse, plan and develop the overall strategy for the management of the company’s project in order to meet the company’s budget, schedule and quality parameters set out at project approval but also deliver optimum value to the company. In the project, we assumed the role of engineering directors that had been tasked with proposing a new strategy for the efficient management of the company’s business operations. Though the project was carried out from the university without being there at the client organisation, this project gave us a good exposure in implementing all the elements of project strategy and leadership module into practice and can also be implemented in future professional endeavours.

Module 6: Risk and Safety Management


In this module, I learnt the concept of risk and risk management in the context of Projects and Project management. I learnt to identify, analyse and critically assess risks throughout the phases of the project life cycle. Risks in terms of organisational structure, culture, stakeholders and so on were addressed in the context of projects and project management and learnt on how strategic decisions of the management would be risk-driven in terms of delivering the projects successfully. I learnt more about sensitive projects. It was dealt that projects tend to become sensitive depending on the level/ intensity of risk involved in the project and based on this, I learnt that quantitative and qualitative risk assessment tools and techniques can be used depending on the type of projects and the level of risk involved. I also learnt that how organisation would look at individual’s attitude towards technical and socio-cultural risks involved in projects in the context of project management.

I also learnt the concept of Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE) and the awareness of legislative and statutory requirements and integrate health, safety and environmental policies into Project Management Plan (PMP). I did learn about how performance of HSSE can be effectively and efficiently monitored for successful management of risks and how organisational structure and their responsibilities can affect the successful implementation of effective risk and safety measures within the organisation.


This module gave me the exposure in implementing all the elements into practice. I completed individual coursework on risk and safety management in the transportation of spent fuel in the United Kingdom. This project focussed on the key risks involved in the transportation activity at the back end operations of the nuclear power plants, key legislative requirements and health & safety measures for the transportation of spent nuclear fuel, decisions concerning top management on the transportation issues and proposal of new strategy for the ongoing monitoring of risk and safety management. In a nutshell, the learning through this module gave a basic insight into different elements of risk and safety management and can be reflected on future endeavours as well i.e. in the real work environment

Module 7: Supply Chain Management


This module provided a basic overview on different supply chain frameworks, supply chain tools and techniques used in the area of supply chain management, design of supply chain strategies and modelling and simulation techniques in the SC. Devising of supply chain structure or supply chain network diagram provided a basic overview of understanding the flow of information (material and financial flow) among stakeholders along the upstream and downstream of the SC.


This module provided me a robust exposure in implementing all the theoretical elements into good practice by doing two courseworks on the module. In the first coursework, the aim was to regulate the variation of demand and supply of electricity with the optimisation of Supply Chain strategies and to bring in coordination and integration among the trading partners within the Supply Chain. This involved analysing the current SC model of the chosen organisation on node by node basis with regards to their existing SC strategies, tools & techniques, SC issues and the SC response on these issues. A new SC model was proposed for the chosen organisation with optimised SC strategies, tools & techniques and improvement in the response of SC. In the second coursework, the aim was to identify and analyse humanitarian supply chain issues at the micro, meso and macro level, identify the current technology application in the humanitarian supply chain of the chosen case study and identify the typical stakeholders that impact the SC response. As time is the main constraint of any humanitarian SC, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a major role in eliminating unethical practices and improves the SC response.

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Hence the learning from this module can be reflected on future endeavours i.e. real time projects in the diversified area (from retail, engineering and so on to rehabilitation projects/ humanitarian based SC projects).

Module 8: Professional Body of Knowledge in Project Management


This module gave an opportunity in learning all the knowledge areas of Project Management, specifically Association for Project Management (APM). This gave me a good exposure to attempt the exam conducted by the university that is tantamount to APM’s APMP exam. The module addressed on all the knowledge areas that covered all the previous modules (seven) on Project Management. This module also provided me the guideline in preparing for the APMP exam to get the professional certification. This module also provided a good exposure in knowing different PM standards and bodies.


The examination conducted by the university on this module would be the stepping stone to many future professional certification exams to boost the CV and ensure continuous professional development through lifelong learning and stand ahead in the competition among other project management practitioners to get hands-on experience on future endeavours on a range of complex projects.


Activity 1: Student Membership for APM and PMI


Holding the student membership for Association for Project Management (APM) and Project Management Institute (PMI) has provided me a basic insight into the happening of events/ seminars/ workshops on different genres of Project Management and I could keep myself updated on the current tools and techniques used in the management of range of complex projects.


By holding the membership for APM and PMI, I have had an opportunity to learn many areas of Project Management through their website, journal articles and e-letter (The membership is still very much valid). As a matter of fact, these learning could be reflected on future career development in the field of Projects and Project Management and provides ample opportunity in doing the certification exams like APMP, CAPM and so on and avail for full-time membership. This also provides an opportunity in networking with other Project Management practitioners and share knowledge on different areas of Project Management.

Activity 2: Participation in CPD Activities


In this session, I learnt about the step by step process of developing the portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This session was conducted by one of my Project Management module coordinators in the academic environment and was part of the Project Technical Implementation (Team Placement Project) module. The module coordinator addressed all the sections and elements of CPD and explained the importance of CPD in the development of one’s career.


The basic understanding of the process of CPD could be reflected on the career development and be considered as the stepping stone to boost the Curriculum Vitae (CV) and provide a platform in achieving the professional certification and mark it as the evidence of enhanced professional competency and can stand ahead in today’s global competition with respect to other Project Management practitioners.

Activity 3: Leadership Style of Workplace Supervisors


In my previous employment, I was happened to work with two managers at Bentley Motors Limited, Crewe, UK. I have had an opportunity to perceive different leadership style of these managers.

Manager A:

I worked under Manager A for about 6 months and got to learn about the Autocratic style of leadership wherein leaders have more powers over their team members. Also the contribution to the process of decision making was limited.

Manager B:

I worked under Manager B for 9 months and learnt about the Democratic style of leadership and had an opportunity to contribute to the process of decision making as a team and the level of enthusiasm was optimal.


Based on the real-time professional experience with the managers of my previous organisation, and having had a great opportunity in perceiving two different styles of leadership, I would like to reflect these professional learning on my future endeavours in the field of Projects and Project Management and try to adopt the best leadership style in my future career to drive the team to success.


Hobbies and Interests

Developing hobbies provides an opportunity to divert any stressed mind towards a meaningful channel which can evolve a lot of creativity thus helping to do the routine work more efficiently with better efficacy and accuracy. It also helps to gather more information on different subjects which the person would have ignored had he or she continued with the routine work to eke out a living. It also helps in providing relaxation by reducing stress levels and to execute one’s professional work (like managing complex projects in organisation if it is in the area of Project Management)/ personal life.

Take the example of philately where a person in the process of stamp collection gets an opportunity to know different countries and the commemorative occasions to bring out the stamps. It thus helps indirectly to acquire better knowledge through a hobby. When I was in secondary school I got fascinated with stamps of various countries in various sizes and shapes. Hence I started collecting stamps and came to learn the names of various countries which I dreaded to learn in school through geography as a subject.

Rearing pets also helps a person to reduce the stress levels thus evolving a much more composed and cool person able to take on eventualities in life with least emotional outbursts I had a passion for rearing dogs ever since my childhood days. I became very familiar with a Labrador dog named Tessy reared by my neighbour. It used to wag its tail at the sight of me and used to take her for a walk whenever I had time. The love and affection it showers on anyone be it a stranger or its master is something which no man can emulate. That did bring in some changes in my attitude and provided relief when under stress.

Gardening helps to know the nature better as a good bondage existed between man and plant ever since the evolution of mankind. The satisfaction and happiness when one sees the sapling growing into a fully fledged plant bearing flowers and fruits cannot be expressed but only felt A sapling which was planted by the forest department beside my house was almost getting withered when I decided to water it regularly. It did pay rich dividends and in a couple of years it started growing very fast spreading its branches all over. Today it is a mammoth tree providing most sought-after shade during scorching summer and it gave me a chance to come near to nature.

Hobbies thus radically change the behaviour of a person eliminating the shortcomings. It also paves way to gain knowledge on many subjects not through conventional reading but with hands-on experience. Hence developing hobbies and interests on interesting things will certainly have an implied meaning to our personal and professional life as a whole.

Public Service

Serving a Voluntary Organisation

Public service provides a chance to hone behavioural and interpersonal skills. It provides an opportunity to meet scores of people coming from different walks of life. Hence one has to learn to communicate depending on the calibre of the person to whom he or she is talking to. Public service helps to develop good empathy .It also helps to see the realities of life without assuming situations.

A person working for a voluntary organization say, an orphanage gets to know hard realities of life of the destitute. It also throws light on socio-economic problems of the have-nots. There is good scope to learn on running such organizations with no element of commercialization. It will also provide an opportunity to mobilize funds through donors across the globe. An avenue is thus thrown open to interact with people on similar ventures and further gain exposure and experience.

I along with few volunteers decided to visit a home for destitute men mostly physically and mentally challenged kids run by a voluntary organization under the aegis of The Mission of charities founded by Mother Theresa based in Kolkata, India. It was soul stirring at the first instance but more frequent visits made me stronger mentally enabling me to understand the minds of the destitute. Speaking and gesturing to them to make them understand was very interesting and it relieved an iota of pain in them not to mention refreshed me and my thoughts on vagaries of nature.

Public service also helps to acclimatize with the realities of life. While studying engineering I used to teach elementary mathematics and science to young kids coming from economically weaker class. Explaining simple matters in a language and manner easily understood by the kids was real satisfying. Using games and puzzles to explain mathematics and simple scientific facts was real fun for the kids and of course very satisfying for me too. Developing communication skills with different types of people of varied age needs a good adaptation attitude and mental flexibility which can be achieved through public service.

Session on the basics of German Language


I did learn German language while working for Bentley Motors at Crewe, UK. It was a three week session on the basics. The tutor was graceful in terms of guiding us in learning all the basic elements of German language and hence I including other employees of my previous organisation was trying to communicate in German. As I was having couple of German colleagues working alongside me, the situation was so enthusiastic to communicate many words in German with them.


Having worked for 2.5 years in the Automotive industry, knowing a foreign language would benefit me in a better position to develop my future career in all the sectors of projects and project management, specifically, in the project environment of automotive industry. The basic knowledge of German language if effectively polished, could be reflected on future endeavours resulting in the development of my career and explore an opportunity to work overseas.


Project Technical Implementation

Project Title

To provide Sustainable Public Relations for Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games

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The project technical implementation was provided by the University and it was part of the academic curriculum to execute the project with a team of 5 members and a hypothetical client. The project has been successfully executed on time, scope and within budget, and satisfied all the requirements of the client.

Learning from the Project

1) An opportunity to know what mega sporting event is all about and its advantages and disadvantages, and know the roles and importance of PR (public relations) in mega sporting events like Glasgow 2004 commonwealth games.

2) With good PR on ground, the interaction of media with the community/ public and their robust relationship with the people and the PR service providers (Client Organisation) will get robust importance and benefited from the mega sport event project.

3) The aftermath of sustainable PR for Glasgow 2014 CWG would add value through economic regeneration including provision of job opportunities, robust economy, and infrastructure development of the city and creation of business opportunities within the city / country and other nations (enhanced business relationship) including Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in place.

4) Public Relation projects’ life cycle is continuous feed forward and feed backward process throughout the project life cycle.

5) No enough work has been done on detailed project life cycle models for PR projects (preferably mega sporting events) and also the project life cycle models discussed by many authors seldom fit into PR projects.

6) The proposed PR project life cycle framework proposed by the team can be implemented for future mega sporting events in order to have a sustainable PR for their projects and reduce adverse publicity through media.

Learning from Working as a Team

1) With regard to working as a team, initially, there was a sort of antagonistic behaviour between the team members with diversified approach towards the attainment of goals and objectives of our placement project.

2) At the initiation stage of the project, due to some behavioural issues within the team members, there were couple of sessions conducted by the team leader (myself) to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member with regards to different areas of Project Management.

3) However due to constant meetings, there has been a constant coordination and effective communication between the team members with effective contribution as a team and increase in the team morale and the synergistic approach has greatly improved our working environment and made all the team members (including the team leader) to avoid antagonistic behaviour as an individual.

The Overall Reflection:

1) The lessons learned from the behavioural issues of team members can be reflected on future endeavours in managing complex projects and mitigate behavioural issues at the initial stage of the project.

2) The lesson learnt helps us to understand the loop holes in current PR strategies and to overcome those drawbacks.

3) Hence the proposed framework for the pr project life cycle is able to provide the feedback-feed forward response between different phases of project life cycle and it also go through lessons learned from previous mega sporting events at each phase of project life cycle.

4) This would help in reducing the internal and external risks including risk of adverse publicity of the current event (Glasgow 2014 CWG).

5) It also helps in reducing the escalation of Project constraints like cost, time and scope and also reduces the budget allocated in the contingency plan and provides overall support in the successful implementation of this proposed PR project life cycle for future mega sporting events as well.


Activity 1: Success Behind the Movie “Avatar”

James Cameron though conceptualized the making of the movie Avatar way back in 1995 could not materialise for almost over a decade possibly because of lack of technology, skilled manpower not to mention limited publicity avenues.

With the popularization of project management techniques and the advent of innovative animation technology assisted by good leadership qualities Cameron could make the movie in 2009.

The reason behind the delay in making the movie could have been the lack of technology (to be more specific, 3D digital technology) in making of the movie Avatar and lack of sophisticated information technology in the area of project management to improve the collaboration and bring in all the stakeholders of this mega project to coordinate and execute the project on time, within scope and within budget.

The communication skill used by the director or the leader of the team was unique so as to involve every member of the team giving weightage to everyone’s talent. With an array of various skilled people assisting in the making of the movie co-ordination with all of them involved good management techniques and inter-personal behavioural skills.

With a huge number of stakeholders contributing to the movie, assessing each person’s contribution and meeting his requirements in return was a big task without creating any stumbling block. Application of project management techniques was immensely helpful in reaching the goal.

During earlier days, movie- making involved not too many contributors and technology was almost stereotype thus eliminating necessity of implementing project management principles.

Avatar, had it been made with available technology and limited resources a decade ago, it could have been lacking the punch and scientific concept. On the contrary now with modern 3-D technology and innumerable resources not to mention excellent media publicity, the movie created a sensation in the film world.

Lack of knowledge of modern information technology, was another reason for not making Avatar a decade ago as the movie was entirely dependent on animation techniques and fictional creativeness. Now the most wild and rather weird concept can be conceptualized into a movie thanks to unimaginably grown information technology.

Decades ago, most of the projects were confined to construction and manufacturing aspects. The vision was very limited so as to exclude any alien feature. On the contrary now even a simple job necessitating the involvement of least number of stakeholders can be viewed as a project with application of all the necessary managerial skills.

Activity 2: The Bollywood (India) Movie “Krrish”

The making of the movie Krrish is a classic example of international business strategies involving excellent public relations with scores of supporting elements.

Krrish had few unique elements like international value addition by shooting 60 percent film in Singapore and international and domestic marketing. International value creation including two basic strategies for value creation and attaining competitive advantage — low cost and differentiation strategy. The value creation strategy involved identifying and taking steps for lower costs besides differentiating the firm’s product by offering superior design, quality service and functionality. Product differentiation was achieved through location economies, cost economies, leveraging of core competencies and subsidiary skills and product customisation.

The making of the movie has many elements for the benefit of management students. The research will help students learn about the implementation of the best management practices, global management of business, global factor of production, leadership as well as devising new management strategies regarding industrial marketing, global competition, global penetration and market capitalization.

As the movie was shot in India and abroad, it involved coordination of several agencies having human resources with an array of skills. Hence it necessitated an excellent execution of communication and coordination skills. Public relations too played an important role especially because the technical team included people from abroad.

The movie needed robust publicity through print and electronic media. The concept and evolution of a technically strong movie had to be delivered to the masses who could be novices or a discerning lot. Hence it involved a good role of advertising agencies that had to be briefed on the requirements.

In a nutshell, the movie was a classic example of utilization of project management techniques focusing on public relations, publicity skills and technology to deliver a unique product.

Activity 3: Recognition of NASA for Excellence in Project Management


This article was addressed on one of the important Project Management resources i.e. Project Smart and also on the authenticated website of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and also One of the first major uses of project management as we know it today was to manage the United States space programme. Projects at NASA vary in terms of their complexity and are challenging enough to manage them effectively. NASA has been recognized for 40 years of shared project management success by the Project Management Institute, or PMI.

I was able to learn that NASA and PMI work together toward shared goals of project management excellence. Through NASA’s Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership, or APPEL, the agency has collaborated with PMI on research and educational efforts including project management certification. NASA also has participated as members of PMI’s Global Corporate Council, a group of project-based organizations committed to improving performance on complex projects. 

Mike Ryschkewitsch, Chief Engineer at NASA said, “As our missions have become increasingly international and collaborative, we are grateful to PMI for its tireless efforts in advocating project management competencies and standards that reflect the global nature of complex projects today”.

As NASA is a mission-driven organization, they have to constantly keep up to the excellence of Project Management and manage complex projects by catering to the needs of technical, financial and schedule challenges. 

I learnt that in order to keep up to the aforementioned challenges of managing complex projects in an efficient manner, Goddard’s Advanced Concepts and Formulation Office has established the Project Management Excellence and Innovation Office as a source of project management learning and knowledge sharing. The Project Management Excellence and Innovation Office provide training on variety of courses in different areas of Project Management to different Project Managers regardless of their experience and the training courses involve subjects like Schedule Management, Earned Value Management, and Acquisition Management.


From the above learning, it is evident that implementation of Project Management practices and procedures are very important to implement in mission critical projects at NASA. However, the tools of Project Management must be properly implemented to manage ongoing projects like completion of International Space Station (ISS) and shutting down of space shuttle with the construction of future Space Exploration Vehicles (SEV). However, NASA is facing challenges with regards to schedule, budget and the technology. If proper Project Management practices (which NASA is known for) with lessons learned and sharing of knowledge from previous complex projects are implemented at every stage of portfolio of complex projects with good strategic planning and leadership skills in place and nurturing the project and program managers on Project Management skills and knowledge sharing at Project Management Excellence and Innovation Office, NASA would become one of the complex organisations that has been implementing Project Management practices for many years.



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