Betrayal In The Kite Runner English Literature Essay

In this essay I pretend to demonstrate what is betray, in both books it presents a long variety of examples of betrayal, as we know betray is something that had exist in all over the world also is considered as a sin, most of the people had been betrayed more than one time in their lives, but anyone can tell or express their feelings when they feel betrayed, the only way that people can express that feeling is writing, Khaled Hosseini and Ian McEwan show us in their books how betray is presented in the characters.

I had read both books and I love them because present us a lot of themes that I feel related with them, but the most important theme that interest me is betray because most of people had suffered one single act of betray. I can compare these two books because both have similarities and can compare to in real life, in a real context. Also these two books showed us how people betray their closest friends or families. The most important think that I am going to present is the cultural differences between Amir and Bryony and why is the main purpose of acting like that and the Redemption of their acts.

The first time when Amir Commit betrays is when he saw Assef raping Hassan when Amir won the Kites contest because Hassan denied giving up the kite blue of Amir to Assef; when Assef was ripping Hassan he said “A loyal Hazara, loyal as a dog”. (The kite runner pages 71-78)1. With this quote I try to explain how betray is clearly present because he betray his confidence, Amir should try to do something to help Hassan and stop that act of insanity. Also Amir felt that he deserved because Amir comes from and high social class because their cultural differences are so strong, because Amir’s and Hassan’s father is the same but he made love with the servant but Amir is a Pashtu and Hassan is a Hazara.

The Kite Runner pages 71-78)1

In Atonement Briony betrays her sister, because Briony saw her sister having sex in the library with Robbie “When she took another few steps she saw then, dark shapes in the furthest corner. Though they were immobile, her immediately understanding was that she had interrupted an attack, a hand-to-hand fight. The scene was so entirely a realization of her worst fears that she sensed that her overanxious imagination had projected the figures onto the packed spines of books. This illusion, or hope of one, was dispelled as her eyes adjusted to the gloom. No one moved. Briony stared past Robbie’s shoulder into terrified eyes of her sister.” (Atonement page 116)2 , but when the twin’s carrot head escaped to their home, Briony was looking for them and suddenly saw that Lola was being raped by an unknown person, Briony think that Robbie did it because she thought that he was a sexual maniac because she had read the letter that Robbie sent to her sister. Briony betrays her sister because she told to the police that Robbie tried to rape Lola, suddenly Briony showed them the letter that Robbie wrote to Cecilia. Briony never realized that she destroyed two lives (Cecilia and Robbie Lives). Here I tried to explain in both books how families can betray their relatives and destroy a life, also these two books have are related in the same way of betrayal why I said this well, because Briony and Amir had betrayed in one purpose; to feel secure of themselves and demonstrate who is in charge or demonstrate that they are not weak.

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As we know when Amir came back to his real country he realized that his father betray him, because his father Baba had sex with Sanaubar a Hazara servant and he realized that Hassan was his step brother, we realized that Amir’s father betray her family with the Zahara woman. As I said, most of the man betrays women when they feel empties but they forgot the main purpose of got married, when Baba had sex with Sanaubar, he never thought about his family and the consequences that would bring.

Atonement page 116)2 I think that Robbie betrays Briony because she felt in love with him, I realized that because when they was in the swamp she jumped into the lake because she asked him if he will save her, Robbie got angry with her because no one has to do something like that only for love. Somehow this kind of manners will be respected, because children always have a platonic love and are blind when they make or take unexpected actions and do not take a lot of responsibility on their actions, on the other hand children in this case Briony thinks that if she do things to attract the attention of Robbie, somehow children experience the platonic love but when you tell them the reality they get upset and may even hate people that hurt them, in this case Robbie hurts Briony.

What are the cultural differences between Kite Runner and Atonement Foremost I’m going to explain what a cultural difference is for me. Well a cultural difference is a another way of think and act referring to another people, in this case referring to their society, religion, race, social class, color and the way you think. Several years the cultural differences had made people create incertitude between people, when people believes in the cultural differences; they create manners, when these manners are out of control in which people lose their values and their culture for one purpose, around the world appeared religions in which creates unconformity between religions and they fight between them and against them, when these cultural differences made that people hate or just get angry without purpose. “When different people of different cultures get together on one platform like in a university, or in some multinational company, and then many problems arise, this is called cultural differences. One thing that is considered good in one culture might be felt as abused in the other culture. Like I have heard in one country green hats are worn by those people whose wives are not happy with them and in other cultures wearing cap of any color is not considered awkward. Similarly many other problems arise as well”)3.

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In The Kite Runner the cultural differences are strong because as I said Amir and Hassan, are from different culture Amir is Pashtu and Hassan is Hazara, both cultures are so different because the Pashtu culture thinks that their religion is the pure and the dominant than the Hazaras, they still thinking that the Hazaras only born to deserve the Pashtu families. We saw the cultural difference when Amir is playing in the Kite Runner contest, Hassan only helps Amir because he wants the respect of Amir, when Assef ask for the kite of Amir Hassan refuses to give it to him the Assef rapes Hassan, Amir witnessed the rape but he was to scare to intervene, but he thought that there is no problem because Hassan is a Hazara. “Hassan goes to run the last cut kite, a great trophy, for Amir saying “For you, a thousand times over.” The Kite Runner page 2 and 67) 4 Unfortunately, Hassan runs into Assef and his two friends. Hassan refuses to give up Amir’s kite, so Assef exacts his revenge by raping Hassan. Hassan did not give up the kite because he wanted Amir’s respect. Wondering why Hassan is taking so long, Amir Searches for Hassan and hides when he hears Assef’s voice “Aloyal Hazara. Loyal as a dog”. (The Kite Runner page 72)5. He witnesses the rape but is too scared to intervene. He

The Kite Runner page 2 and 67) 4

The Kite Runner page 72)5thinks to himself that, since Hassan is just a Hazara.

In Atonement I saw cultural differences in the beginning of the novel when Bryony ask her sister, why she does not talk to Robbie, the answer of Cecilia was because he is not like our social class, why she said this to her youngest sister, she tried to explain to her that exist different social classes, the high social class and the lower social class, Briony understood the differences because Robbie’s family was helped by Briony’s family.

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Another factor that makes the difference in social classes is Robbie family because they live in the land of Briony’s family, Robbie’s mother is a servant because she does the laundry and iron the clothes for the family, Briony’s father helped Robbie to enter the College because he does not have money to support an university, the most important fact is when someone tried to rape Lola they believe in Briony and they really think that Robbie did it. Another factor that I found in the novel is when Robbie is in the Second World War, their partners said to him why a person who studied a lot and speaks other language is a soldier, and he said to them that he was in jail and that is the reason why is in the army and also he said that he is no rich.

In the The Kite Runner present us how the discrimination and social class is presented showing us how people are racist with different cultures in this case Pashtunes with Hazaras, for example Hassan is a Hazara, when Amir is looking for Hassan and he asked to one of his classmates Omar he said to him “Your Hazara” (The Kite Runner page 68.)6 I realized that the cultural differences are strong because the Pashtunes think that they are the highest social class.

Another fact that I realized is Amir asked to the old merchant if he saw his friend, the merchant answered “what is a boy like you doing here at this time of the day looking for a Hazara?” and he told him he needs to find him and the merchant ask him “what is he to you?” And Amir answered “He’s our servant son” (The Kite Runner Page 69.)7 here I am totally realized that all Hazaras are hated by the Pashtunes and they treat them like a thing not like a person or like servants.

When Hassan was trapped by Assef and his friends; Assef told him that “but before you sacrifice yourself for him, think about this: Would he do the same for you? Have you ever wondered why he never includes you in games when he has guests? I’ll tell you why, Hazara. Because to him, you’re nothing but an ugly pet. Something he can play with when he’s bored, something he can kick when he’s angry. Don’t ever fool yourself and think you’re something more.” (The Kite Runner page 72)8 here Assef is provoking Hassan because

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