Brave New World Irony English Literature Essay

Irony is a presentation of sentiments which focuses on sentences that are explored by virtually existing contexts including a wide array of unspecified sentential patterns. The existence of ironical structures is specifically aligned to descriptive experimentation of collective impacts of the corpus, including utterances that are exclusively based on many disagreements and unwarranted occurrences. The ironical items are non static and exhibit continuous change, with constant variations in all its sentence constructions. The relevance of specific phrases which are internally underlined in orientation explores onomatopoeic expression as well as expressions for laughter, positive interjections and emoticons.

The Brave New World presents situations and utterances that exhibit unspecific elements of Aldous Huxley in his savaged descriptions, plunged by the world that he could barely recognize. A movie-like description provides a long shot that describes a building, “squat” which for its unique character explains the unfamiliarity of the things that are beyond the strength of power. “Begin at the beginning” illustrate an anxious definition of important traits which serves to exasperate people’s thinking. Huxley’s Utopia extracts impractical schemes that identify the unnatural trends in social development. Outwitted by irony, the wickedness of the real world directly imposes sanctions to the normal ways of living. The outcome of events in the prose explains the liturgy of life and the impact of ideas and statements on stability, community and identity. The community is virtually a community but achieving this identity in Huxley’s satirizes Christianity, which according to the author is a form of religion whose ultimate goal to attain a solidarity status through sexual pacification. The dissection of the Indian society into five castes goes against Huxley’s believe in human development and thus encourages people to conform to the unnatural doctrinal growth, which either individualizes people or reduces their impact and hence making others to be oddly outcasts. Though instability in this prospect is mentioned as an important pillar, it is the reason for designing the societal behavior including generating individuals by genetic engineering which would hence make them to be less ‘conflicting’. In equal terms, Huxley believes that stability is a recipe for reduced risks, conflict and change.

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The science theme which acts as control mechanism predict that advances in science would affect human individuals. Despite the existence of nuclear energy and use, Huxley’s experimentations appeared to suggest that weapons and misuse of technology, including psychology and psychology would taint the World State. Ironically, the World State takes a complete control of the entire human activity and which equally destroys the existing scientific progress gained by the scientific world.

However, the case of Miranda expresses the following contexts…. “O brave new world that has such people in it”, to portray the glaring vision of the real world wonders.

The above line presents irony because Miranda’s life was based in an isolated island where she only managed to interact with very few people including her father as well as his servants, besides Ariel, the enslaved savage and spirits. Upon seeing new faces, she rose with excitement, uttering praises including the famed line quoted above. However, her virtual mind is not observing civilized men or once which have been refined, but sailors who are drunken and whose behavior involves staggering and moving haphazardly with the ship wreckage. Huxley’s use this irony in the same way as the ‘savage’ John applies his own phrase about the world, ‘Brave New World.”

However in “…you all remember, I suppose, that beautiful and inspired saying of Our Ford’s: History is bunk.” Pg 34, the utterances exploit ironic/sarcastic context which reveals the inner feeling of the future. The forceful implications suggest that history should be disregarded and the future be pursued in order to remedy new beginnings and explore the needs of people. Such, according to Huxley are part of human progress and human experience fully covers for newer things that, albeit, truly representing the egos and the principles of the society. Huxley’s assertion that history is a cause for hatred, vengeance, anger and temptation ironically violates the principles of societal integration that he has already preached. This further goes against his human frailties such as emotions, love and total happiness.

Huxley indicates…. “The more stitches the less riches…”pg 51… that embeds a level of consciousness for individual persons seeking truth and revelation. The independence of consumer behavior in the Indian castes is hence overblown with a ‘sticky’ Utopia misrepresentation. By view of people’s individual repair of their consumer goods, the buying levels would ultimately be lowered and consequently the economy suffers from less money. The disruptiveness ironically provides a controversial picture of the government as lower castes are employed to keep the buying system ‘continuous’.

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In defining the psychological conditioning, Huxley explains that a person is conditioned by the world to fit into the needs of the society. This adaptive inference ironically labels human embryos as generated from bottles and not from the mother’s womb. The alluded meaning comprehends the biological as well as the psychological conditioning of individual’s intelligence, strength and the ideal aptitude that transforms his suitability and role in the society. The provoking illustration pints the embryos as having been ‘decanted’ from their artificial bottles and therefore conditioned psychologically to uncover people’s abilities and role in the society.

The Indian reservation digs into the ugliness of poverty and a demeaning life that is invoked by smells, sights and the erosions of old age, poverty and diseases. While the assault ironically damns live birth, according to Huxley, seeing a woman nursing a child is not only provoking but is equally disgusting. The strangely occurring pandemonium signals hatred, and though strange fascinations are perpetuated by hate, culture and the soma, the reservations represents the existing symbols of human nature. The episode fine-tuned the level of social differences and an assortment of nativity within the indigenous population. Huxley ironically mediates the modal concentration of humanity’s propensity which separates itself between different castes.

The behavior of the savages is highlighted by Linda… “So they’re having children all the time – like dogs. It’s too revolting…And yet John was a great comfort to me” Pg. 122 arguing that her reservations are extensively classified according to the incomprehensive behavior demonstrated by the savages. However, Huxley explains the parenthood bond as a powerful tool for infuriating emotions. This irony contends that human beings have inborn behaviors that would be unmatched by the society or even by the government.

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Indicatively, John’s experiences with Indian World ravages permeate and adjudicate his hope in the Utopian world. The massive treat of the Indian culture represents opposing values that depict the inactiveness of civilization on one hand and the activeness of civilization on the other. The point of contrast is symbolized by John’s emotions which invalidates the savages that represent the civilized world. A ‘rejecting’ society piles total hatred in John’s hands and ironically, the Indian village becomes the focus of a society with an infiltrating drama, love and conflict. The unyielding behavior of the Indian society does not then enjoins John’s hybrid nature.

This Brave New World plunges itself around conflict and everything that happens is about Utopia and such evils as war and poverty are nonexistent. Huxley’s fantasy and the unseen world not only invoke the process of achieving stability, prosperity and stability but it also recognizes the values of religious parodies. John’s history affirms systematic level of individuality which does not affirm to the normal society. From Shakespeare perspective, he does not augment well with the society due to his emotional misrepresentation. This impact suggests that even in existing cultures such as the Indian heritages, several alienations would shield him from joining the society.

The allusion of existing conflict between knowledge and power is expressed by Huxley as the key conduit to the world’s suffering. The outcome of the conquest is ironically described as the power that represents a downfall and the ultimate failure of the State. Just as outlined by Macbeth, power struggles represent a marginal downfall.

John’s personality in love exemplifies great modesty which encapsulates him from the real world and though he expresses convincing love for Lenina, his imaginations based on inhaled perfumes roles him far away from the realities of life change. This irony demarcates his withering belief in reality and the wagons of ‘impure thoughts’ that reveals him undressing Lenina. This representation of the conflict between the civilized world and the Indian society illustrates a rift that is incomprehensible and which is reserved with the societal norms, cultures and etiquettes.

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