Building a Portfolio Style Website

Short History and Development of HTML

HTML, decrypted as a Hyper Text Markup Language.

The first version of HTML appeared in 1986, in 1991 it has been significantly modified. From then until today, there have been several versions of the substantially modified.

In 1995 published a second version – HTML 2.0. After the release of the second version immediately began work on the next generation of HTML. And In 1997 comes the recommendation HTML 3.2, which added a mark-up language tables, frames, images and some other important tags.

The 4th version of HTML 4.01 started in 1997, recent changes appeared 24.12.1999.

HTML5 It is the fifth and current version of the HTML standard; it was published in October 2014.

HTML5 structure consists of a plurality of elements:

<!DOCTYPE html>





Some few examples tags and applicable attribute of HTML 1.

<tagname attribute=”value” … ></tagname>

<img src=”face.jpg”> is mandatory for the image element

<a href=”URL”></a> is mandatory for the URL of the link.

<p title=” This is a paragraph.”>This is a paragraph.</p>

Importance of CSS in web design and outline its evolution from CSS1 to CSS3.

The first CSS specification, CSS1, became a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation in December 1996.

CSS2 came out in 1998.

The work on CSS3 has been going on for years, but seems to advance very slowly

So, what exactly does CSS stand for? It stands for Cascading Style Sheets — and “style sheet” refers to the document itself. Ever web browser has a default style sheet, so every web page out there is affected by at least one style sheet — the default style sheet of whatever browser the web page visitor is using — regardless whether or not the web designer applies any styles. For example, my browser’s default font style is Times New Roman, size 12, so if I visited a web page where the designer didn’t apply a style sheet of their own, I would see the web page in Times New Roman, size 12.

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Examples of rules created in CSS:

  1.  p{

color: #02031c;


B)  body{

background-color:  #caefc6;


Outline the four steps involved in developing a site and choice of web authoring tools available.

  1. Planning, Research
  2. Design
  3. Development
  4. Testing website

Hardware and software tools you need for web design

Web designing takes much more than most people think. It is about ensuring that you have all the relevant hardware and software tools required to design a good and appealing website. One of the most important tools you need a computer. A computer to be used for web design should have a large hard disk and Random Access Memory, high processing speed and large storage capacity to be able to process the large video files. The next thing you need is a server that you will use to host the website. Two servers are needed, the hardware and software servers which are important for web hosting. The relevant software for instance Dreamweaver and Microsoft front page need to be available before any progress can be made in construction of the site.

How the importance of the following will affect in design a website?

Target market

Every website should be designed for the target audience – not just for yourself or the site owner. It is therefore very important to understand who your target audience is.

Site objectives


Navigation means how an user surfs the web pages, different controls like buttons, boxes or how the user uses the links on the pages to surf different pages.

Site structure – option will help users to find content pages that they are looking for easily and quickly. These are all optional items and if present they should be validated. A good site structure is a requirement for Search Engine Optimization. It allows both your users and search engines to find content within your site more easily. A good structure is well categorized, and pages within it only link to other pages on the same topic.

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Access speeds

Check your website’s loading speed. Page speed is an important factors in search engine rankings and overall site success. Pages that take longer than 5 seconds to load can lose up to 50% of users. Faster webpages result in higher traffic, better conversions and increased sales over slower loading pages.

User Interface

User experience design is what makes the layout and organization of a website easy-to-use. User experience is a very important factor because visitors – or potential customers in the case of a business – will usually hit the “Back” button or leave the website completely the moment they become frustrated. While this frustration may sometimes be caused by the website’s content, a far more common cause is a web design that’s difficult to use or navigate.

Sketch a design for the homepage of the portfolio site.

How the site should be maintained and upgraded in future?

What is Website Maintenance?

The activities from which Website Maintenance is composed are:

• Website Publishing: To keep content up-to-date.

• Website Quality Assurance: To spot errors on a site.

• Website Feedback Monitoring: To manage communication with Website visitors.

• Website Performance Monitoring: To measure success.

• Website Infrastructure Monitoring: To supervise hosting.

• Change Control: To manage technical and other changes in a coordinated way.

These activities are usually carried out by members of a Website Maintenance Team.

Owning a website or blog has its responsibilities. You can’t just upload it and forget it. Regular website maintenance is a must if you want your site to be successful.

So, how the site should be tested?

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Accuracy to Original Design: Compare the original design that you approved to the end product to ensure that the coded version is true to the website design you love. Keep in mind that some adjustments may have been discussed along the way, but you should know about them and there shouldn’t be any surprises. Are the font styles right? Do bulleted lists look the way you expected them to look? If you have any rollover effects, make sure they’re working beautifully. Images: Look at the images on your site and make sure they are picture perfect. Check for any lingering watermarks and ensure your images look the way they should and have aesthetically pleasing spacing around them. Content: Check that you have all of the pages you need for your debut and that all have proper grammar, spelling etc. Browser Check: Check your website on multiple browsers. Depending on what level of design and programming you purchased, older or less common browsers may have some compatibility issues, however be sure to check your website on the most common players: Internet Explorer 7 or above, Safari, and Firefox.

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