Business Event Management Assignment

Business Event Management

1.1 Carry out an identified event and provide the time scale of the completion of all the factors needed for the event.

– First a preplanned meeting should take place amongst the people in which the agenda should be discussed. How they are going to organize the event.

– It should be flexible, not rigid . Then only the employees will be motivated in completing their task efficiently and effectively.

-Acontingency planis a plan devised for an outcome other than in the usual. It is often used forrisk management, when there is an expected risk to occur , it’s always better to keep an alternative available in order to avoid catastrophic consequences.

-Everyone should be assigned of their duties and responsibilities. Under which department they have to perform the particular task.

– An estimation should be made to see when this task is likely to culminate; A deadline should be given so that they try to finish it on time.

– Everything should be monitored regularly to see whether it’s moving in accordance to the actual plan. If any deviations are there, then corrective action should be taken so that the goal will be achieved efficiently and effectively. Also the environment is so dynamic , changes are taking place at a faster pace , so it will keep us updated and we could meet the changes without any hassle.

1.2 Write appropriate documentation needed for the event.

Letters would be needed for this event, probably a formal one, to invite the manager and the boss to grace his presence on the day of the occasion and also to invite the families as well.

Memoscould be of great help , they are short for memorandum, a document or other communication. Only the important message which is needed to be communicated to the co workers.

Notes also could be of great help.

E-mails also is of a very great help of communicating with the people , though some people prefer to use Social networking sites like Facebook.

Advertisement is required in order to promote this event, though a lot of cost is involved in it.

Agenda is very useful , which outlines the list of the of what is going to take place in the event.

Reports are documents which are made only after the event is over, it shows the feedback or the reviews of the people. Feedback should be giving by people so that it could help them to organize an event better next time if there were any limitations in the current plan.

Working notes is done as a rough.

TheData Protection Act 1998(DPA) is aUnited KingdomAct of Parliamentwhich defines UK law on the processing of data on identifiable living people. It is the main piece of legislation that governs theprotection of personal datain the UK. Although the Act itself does not mentionprivacy,

1.3 Organize the resources to carry out the event.

All the types of resources are required for the event.

Financial resources like Money, the cash funds, which is obviously to carry out the plan. Encouraging members to look at the various types of costs like the refreshment costs, costs associated with the event, announcement costs, and follow-up activity costs. Three budgetary areas that would include specific lists would be venue costs, projected refreshments costs, and program costs.

Human resources are the greatest assets for any organization. This category focuses on recruitment of members for the event , the member who is providing follow-up should possess certain communication skills, both written and verbal, that may complement the audience.

Physical resources like refreshments, the snacks which is needed to be served to the guests. Travel systems, if any guest is travelling from another country to just to make his/her presence on the day of the occasion then a driver should be hired by the people to receive the guest from the airport, then the accommodation, a guest house should ready in order to accommodate the people who are going to stay over for another day or two.

1.4 Perform regular review and evaluations including the methods and resources.

Regular reviews are necessary to ensure that everything is being performed smoothly. Everything should be evaluated to meet changes in the dynamic environment.. Monitoring can enhance your high availability environment by warning you about a single point of failure before it can make an application unavailable.

Six ways which I followed in Monitoring the Project Outcomes

  • To seek most from monitoring and to avoid a last-minute rush gathering evidences and preparing a report, it’s important to start thinking about monitoring from its start, during the project planning stages.
  • Clear identification of the indicators of the outcome you’re going to measure is very essential.
  • As long as I’m monitoring the right things, and have taken the time to think about the best way to measure them, I don’t need to gather huge quantities of information, or use lots of different methods
  • I made sure that all the tools are ready for collecting information.
  • The task of Monitoring can be forgotten, or can fall between job responsibilities. That’s why it’s very important to know who will be in charge of monitoring.
  • As obvious as it sounds, the person whose collects data should know in which format they should report their findings to.
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Task 4

4.1Create clear records of communication both internal and external and team meetings.

I would invite my guests using the following ways of communication


Business letters are used as a source of communication with individuals outside of the office. Recipients consists of the customers, colleagues in other businesses, service providers, professionals who advise the business, government officials and job applicants.


Memos are still used in situations where a message is meant to accompany a specific file and in cases where privacy is to be maintained. Both a memo and an email identify the sender and recipient and contain a subject line. The text is formatted in one or more paragraphs.


  • Business reports convey information professionally and usually longer than a letter.
  • Reports cover a variety of topics, such as safety compliance, sales figures, financial data, feasibility studies and marketing plans.
  • They may consist of statistics, charts, graphs, images, case studies and survey results.


  • Agendas are the documents that give those attending meetings prior notice of what is being discussed.
  • Agendas also give all the relevant details of when and where the meetings take place and who will be attending etc. Normally they have reports attached.


  • Minutes are the formal record of what was decided at the meeting. They also tell you who all attended.

4.2 Demonstrate good use of information technology where applicable.


The Internet is a global of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve the users internationally. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.


Electronic mail, most commonly referred to as email or e-mail is a method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one or more recipients. Modern email operates across the Internet or other computer networks. Some early email systems required that the author and the recipient both be online at the same time, in common with instant messaging.

Mobile Phones

A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone, and a hand phone) is a phone that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station.

Video Links

TV link up of sound & pictures for meetings without travel.

Application Software

Event management software is the generic term for a wide range of software products that are used in the management of professional and academic conferences, trade exhibitions and smaller events such as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) meetings.

4.3 Produce information regularly and on time.

The Method of Producing Information

  • Information Management includes acquiring information from various sources and then organizing, retrieving and maintaining that information.
  • For small size events, you can do information management all by yourself. However for big and very big events you will require an information manager. This information manager may have several assistants depending upon the size of the event.

1.Relevant :The information obtained and used should be needed for decision-making. Businesses are often criticized for producing too much information simply because their information systems can “do it”.

2:Up-to-date: Information needs to be timely if it is to be taken into action. For example, the manager of a large retail business needs daily information on how stores are performing, which products are selling well (or not) so that immediate action can be taken.

3:Accurate: As far as possible, information should be error free (e.g. the figures add up; data is allocated to the correct categories). The users should be informed whenever assumptions or estimates have been used. Accurate information is usually a function of accurate data collection.

4:Meet the needs of the User Users of information have different needs: The managing director doesn’t have time to trawl through thick printouts of each week’s production or sales listings – he or she wants a summary of the key facts.

5:Easy to use and understand : Information should be clear and specific(e.g. use summaries, charts) .An appropriate medium is required for its communication (e.g. email, printed report, presentation.

6:Worth the cost Often forgotten: Information costs money. Data is costly to collect, analyze and report. Information takes time to read and assimilate. All users should raise a question on the information , whether its worthwhile.

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7:Reliable Information should come from authoritative sources: It is good practice to quote the source used – whether it be internal or external sources. If estimates or assumptions have been applied, these should be clearly stated and explained.

Task 3

3.1 Choose the appropriately sized team who has the knowledge and abilities to fulfill the requirement of the event.

There is no ‘I’ in ‘T-E-A-M’. Teams are made up of people with complementary skills, committed to a common purpose and performance goals, and an approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

The team size that is optimum for team performance is a topic much researched and debated.

  • There was a purpose for forming the team,
  • I have a lot of expectations from the team and its members,
  • The roles have been defined clearly that the team members need to play,
  • The amount of cohesiveness and interconnectivity necessary for optimal team performance, and
  • The function, activities, and goals of the team.
  • So, optimum team size is not an easy answer. From experience and research, the optimum team size is 5-7 members. The team size that continues to function effectively is 4-9 members is what I have chosen a maximum of 9 members.

3.2 Demonstrate team-building skills and how to diffuse anger in case that characteristic arises among the members of team.

The following are the ways of maintaining TEAM building skills.

Establish clear, achievable goals.

A team works best if the goals are clearly established.

Set a clear plan.

Having formed a team for a specific purpose and made that purpose clear, the next step in the process is to ensure that the team is not left to ‘muddle through’. Help the team determine what advice, training, assistance, materials, and other resources it may need.

Define roles clearly.

In the team context, good discussions depend on how well information is shared by its members. Insist that members communicate clearly, listen actively, explore opportunities rather than debate them, and share all information.

Encourage team behaviors
‘T-E-A-M’ means ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’, so make sure the climate of your workplace encourages all members to use their skills to make work an even better place to be. Behaviors will include initiating, seeking information, suggesting procedures, clarifying, elaborating, summarizing, compromising, and recognizing the contributions of others.

Agree on decision-making procedures.
Ultimately, the team has to take decisions, and the way it goes about that will be an indicator of its effectiveness. (Group decision-making considerations are outlined in the e-Book, Problem Solving and Decision-Making.)

There should be also be Group Cohesion

A bond between the members of the group. United we stand, divided we fall should be their principle in life. Cohesion to work as TEAMWORK is very important because

  • Everyone should be willing to work together towards achieving the same goal.
  • A sense of personal responsibility should arise to the group effort.
  • A feeling of letting the group down when failure occurs.

It will lead to satisfaction amongst the members, the group performance will be high and be maintained, and there would be some dynamic changes as well.

The following are the ways in how to diffuse anger amongst the members of the team.

  • Fist you need to Calm Down by being quiet and cooling down your anger which may take an hour.
  • Then you need to listen to the problem stated by your member not necessary you need to agree on it.
  • Confirm your understanding by summarizing it and check whether its accurate.
  • Ask your member to listen to your problem and confirm that you have been understood.
  • Identify the points where you already agree , most arguments get dissolved there ony.
  • If you disagree at some point, state it.
  • Consider the alternatives for example by dividing the jobs between them.
  • Make a plan on how to resolve the disagreement.
  • Finally, Celebrate by handshaking for it was just a silly misunderstanding.

Criticism can have a negative aspect as well as a positive aspect, we should know how to deal with and that could be by defending ourselves or worse yet to lash back.

How to Respond to Criticism?

  • Firstly it’s a form of communication, it’s a way of giving feedback to people on how they feel on what you are doing for them, it’s a good way of learning from your mistakes if commented by them.
  • Secondly it makes your product strong though u might not feel comfortable to listening to the criticism but as result it could gain popularity.
  • Thirdly, It forces your mind to work faster by being objective. Constructive criticism can guide you away from bad practices and towards good ones.
  • Fourthly, you can attain an advantage by the right kind of criticism if you gets customers asking you to provide them the perfect product, you alone are at an advantage in the entire sector and in future your work will get done faster.
  • Fifthly, you should always use positive language though the criticism may blow your mind off. It’s vitally important on how you respond to the criticism and the language used so it’s better to avoid any type of argument and elicit solutions on how to resolve it by getting in to a discussion.
  • Finally, don’t take the criticism personally, even if you feel that your being unfairly criticized. Don’t react negatively else you will lose all your respect with the client your working with and in the organization as well. Turn the negative into Positive always.
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3.3 Show the importance of effective co-ordination and clear communication when liaising with the team.

The significance of effective co-ordination and clear communication when liaising with the team.


Verbal and Nonverbal, oral and written Communication

Verbal communication is the most certain form of communication. It’s a face to face communication. Nonverbal cues include facial expressions, use of hand motions, body posture and eye movements. Leaders should always strive to match their nonverbal cues to their words; then they would be proved trustworthy. Leader must have proper oral as well as written form communication .

Adapting Styles

A good leader adapts his style of communication depending on his audience. When speaking to employees, he may need to have a much more directive style than when he is delivering a presentation to the community or speaking to customers.


An important aspect of communication is the ability to listen. The members should have a good hear and should pay attention to what the speaker is trying to deliver in his speech. Active listening involves focusing only on the speaker and ignoring outside interruptions.

Setting an Example

Leaders and business managers should realize employees will look to them as a role model of how they should follow a behavioral pattern. Employees tend to imitate the communication style of the leaders. If employees see a leader using an active listening style and empathetic tone with customers, they would exactly do the very same thing.


Effective communication skills do not come naturally for most people. Many people need to practice repeatedly in order to see perfection in their skills. In addition to that, leaders should consider training sessions that will improve their communication skills. With the tool known as 360-degree evaluation, every person in the organization is evaluated by one or more superiors, colleagues and employees.


  • One of the most exciting tasks for a leader is to achieve a successful coordination within her or his team. Everyone likes to be friendly with each other.
  • Integration and coordination are significant in an organization because they demonstrate the ability of decision makers to direct the employees in the correct path. When managers are not on the same page with one another and fail to implement the strategy, employees lose faith and hope in the managerial abilities of their superiors.
  • For example, if employees raise questions regarding their role toward achieving a company directive and the managers cannot reply to their questions spontaneously because of issues relating to coordination, which creates misunderstanding between managers and employees and the employees rely on their own approaches.

3.4 Plan the actions and resources needed to achieve the success of the event.

Task 2


  • The main duty is to carry out the event in the best way possible.
  • The target audience has to be identified.
  • Planning and coordination of all aspects before any can be executed is necessary.
  • He or she has to execute the event and ensure that it complies with the local and national safety regulations.
  • Budgets need to be drawn up for the all that is needed and negotiate for low price.
  • Hiring staff and equipment

Coordination is required for any event.

It binds all the activities in the organization such as production, trade etc. It brings harmony between the management and employees.

Several months are needed for planning and coordination and it consists of extensive detail.

The choice of entertainment and invitations are dictated.

Coordinating a successful event consists of booking location and entertainment months in advance.

Addition of the details in the months and weeks leading up to the event.


Arriving at deals satisfying both the parties. Contract negotiations are based on meeting representing to the venue or any provider of the total business value.The greater the perceived potential revenue, the more leverage you will have to receive better rates and concession.


Communicating with the employees regularly about the expectations for their conduct and performance is necessary.

Variety of verbal and written communications, including, performance reviews, policies and day-to-day discussions.

Documentation as an evidence of what communication has taken in the event can be kept.

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