Career Aspiration For An Appropriate Managerial Leadership Business Essay

Career is just like the journey when you are on the journey; you are maybe start of it, middle of your journey or near to end. In career the past of your career does not determine the future of your career, do you want to go the same direction or want to change your career direction. (Pedler, Burgoyne, Boydel 2007)

Career is the pattern and biography of your working life.

Career aspiration and plan development of my future is the part of this project and this includes the managing my abilities, strengths, weaknesses and all those aspects which are helpful for my career aspiration.

A. Career Aspiration Strategy:

When I talk about my further career strategy then it is clear that what I want from my future designation, status, money, care, esteem, satisfaction. But the question is that how I can get all these desires for this I need a proper strategy, and then I can gain my goals and desires. For gaining my desires or goals I set my Career strategy in such way:

i. Short Term Strategy

ii. Medium Term Strategy

iii. Long Term Strategy

For my future strategy I want to use the following module which is taken from Pedler M, Burgoyne J, Boydell T, A Manager’s Guide to Self-Development, 5th Edition.

Note: Each passage represents a major change in job requirements that translates to new skills requirements, new time horizons and applications and new work values. Based on work done initially by Walter Mahler and called Critical Career Passages.

Figure 1 Critical career passages in large organizations. From Charan, R., Drotter, S. and Noel, J. The Leadership Pipeline: How to Build the Leadership Powered Company. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2001. Reproduced with kind permission

i. Short Term Strategy:

I want to set my short term strategy for my career according to the module (Fig. 1) given above and that also based on my previous experience. As I had the work experience of almost 2 years from September 2007 to till 1st December, 2009 in Pakistan and the experience was related to Manage Self according to the module (Fig. 1) and now I am in UK for Post Graduation.

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In short term strategy I want to start my career in UK from basic level and my career start from now to till the end of my Msc Management Practice program June 2011. Now my career path is Manage Self and does any part time job which I can get from any where and also try to get work as a Team Leader. I try to make myself perfect and strong and overcome my deficiencies in this 1st year strategy for my bright future and to manage others. In UK I had the experience as a Room Audit Officer and as a Sale man.

ii. Medium Term Strategy:

After the completing of my education in June 2011, I change my career towards a new dimension and towards new goals for learning and development. My new strategy is for 5 years. After completing education and when my Visa is near to expire I have two options return to my country Pakistan or stay in UK for my future work. But my first priority is to stay here, then there are further two options for me apply for HSMP or PSW.

I also start to search my job in UK and also send documents for Visa extension. Where I place myself in medium term strategy? According to module (Fig. 1), I must start my career from Passage 2 and start applying for the positions which lead me toward Managerial level. In my next 3 years 2011 to 2014, I see myself as a Business Manager and want to enter in Passage 5.

Which type of Organization I want to work? I just want to start my career in UK and there is no matter for me the organization is big or small but I want to see myself at a place where I learn, self development and good leadership learning. Then I want to move toward good and high reputed organization.

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After getting 2 years experience in any organization, I like to change my preference and move towards more education and must start again the learning process. I must do one more course of Msc as a part time in 2014 which is of two years but if I do it full time then it must be for one year after this I do the PHD in management. It is also possible that I do just PHD in Management instead of 2nd Msc.

PHD is the part of my strategy in medium term planning. After from 2011 to 2016, I see myself as Business Manager and also a PHD holder in Management sciences.

iii. Long Term Strategy:

After the success of medium term planning my long term strategy become very vast and I have a lot of opportunities and career directions. My long term strategy is for the further 10 years from 2016 to onward.

Where I see myself in further ten years?

As a Professor

As a Enterprise Manager

As an Entrepreneur

I have all these 3 choices but also two at the same time. Like if I am working in an organization, then I can also join the university as a part time professor. After gaining the experience I want to start my own business, beside this I also like to join the university as a lecturer.

Desired Job Role:

Fresh Graduate desired job role different from the experience person. When I have done my graduation, my desired job role was to enter in the organization, gain experience and polish myself. As I have 2 years work experience as a Sales Executive and also as a Relationship Manager designation.

According to my strategy my desired job roles are such as:

Marketing Executive to Marketing Manager and Director

My experience as a Marketing Executive is almost 17 months and this is an edge for getting job anywhere and that is my favourite field and enjoys it. And Marketing Executive is involved in developing marketing campaigns that promote a product, service or idea. And in future career development, I can work as Sr. Marketing Executive in 1st year plan and in 2-5 years plan at Marketing Manager the in 10 years plans as a Marketing Director which present my strategy.

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Management Consultant

My desired job role is as a Management consultant because it is related to my field and a Management Consultant is involved in providing objective advice, expertise and specialist skills with creating values, maximizing growth or improving the business performance.

Customer Service Manager

As I am related to marketing field and also from management there fore I know the needs of customer and the services for the customers. Therefore I like to do work as a Customer Service Manager. And the Customer Service Manager ensures that the organization work for the satisfaction of its customers needs. I like this job role because I am a creative, can do planning and problem solving person.

Retail Manager

I also like to do work in a retail outlet because it increases my experience and I met a lot of persons. Because of this job I have the scope as a Retail Manager in my 5 years plan and can move towards big retail outlets like Mark & Spencer, Next, NIKE and any big outlet. And this job role is related to my field because of my marketing experience and my business education.

Higher Education Lecturer

As I explain in my 5 years and 10 years plan that I want to do PHD and this job role help me in my long term planning as a professor or lecturer in universities. In colleges and universities the qualification level is Msc and PHD. In this profession I can progress towards Dean of my department or towards the University Dean.

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