Career Aspirations Of Individuals Commerce Essay

Every individual has an aspiration regarding his or her career. However organisation plays an important role in individual career aspiration. Recruitment plays a vital role in career aspirations because organisation need to be a learning organisation so that when they recruit employees, they have the motivation factor and the employees would have a feeling that they will develop and learn new ways that could be beneficial for their career growth.An individual leaves the company when there is no learning and motivation and he or she gets bored with the culture and environment of the organisation.

Companies should mainly target the high performance of the employees. Good examples for this can the company “Accenture”. Accenture always focus on their responsibility of organisational change and transformational work. They involve talent and organisational performance to make workers more productive even under complex changes taking place in the working environment. Career transitions are result of improper work environment and stagnant learning behaviour of the organisation. The involvement of talent and organisational consulting helps the business operations even under pressure. Accenture also involves the customer relationship management. The recruitment procedure of Accenture is transparent as they look for applicant that has got broad understanding of the business. People who have got multi skills are recruited who are then nurtured by senior leaders of the organisation. Training and development program are one of the best way of retaining staff (John wiley and sons). Accenture provides on job training which helps the employees to learn and reach the top level and help them top grow continuously.(———) Mentoring is the important process which helps the recruitment because Accenture provides the support to their employees. Along with this they provide sound and competitive environment to cultivate mentoring relationship among the co-workers. They also involve the reviews and revising of their product so as to update them according to their taste and demand of the customers. The leaders are always working to implement the new ways for their employees to learn(——-). They also provide online courses so that their employees always undergo the learning process. People from different culture works in Accenture that automatically creates the competitive and learning environment which is the basic requirement for the people to learn and develop their career goals.(

Organisation generally looks for people who can act as team workers. Knowledge enhancement and sharing can be another way of learning because this leads to the development of views from different individuals having different perspective (John Hall and Peter Oppenheim). Organisations search for people having a directed and focused target.

Talent management is another important aspect that should be kept in mind during the process of the recruitment(———-). Accenture process on long term consequences because company’s regret when their decisions prove to be wrong and the employees start leaving the organisation. Implementation of innovative and effective approach to talent management can prove beneficial to improve the condition of the company even in the bad time. Accenture believes that if an organisation response quickly to talent management it can solve problem in much lesser time. Accenture has resource based strategies. It evaluates the talented workers as their asset and not the cost ( By using the workers analytical talent, organisations can expand their analytical capabilities which in turn can increase the KSA of the employees.(———)

New career forms have lot of importance on organisational activities. Recruitment should be done keeping in mind the flexibility for the employees so that employees feel that organisation cares for them. Availability of part time and full time options allows the employees to work more effectively. Job sharing can be a reason for staff retention. Job sharing is increasingly used by companies as broader views can be encountered because this may not be an individual person’s view. Hence, view from different people can be beneficial for the company. Accenture can be a good example that favours for the flexible working. They believe that part time workers are more enthusiastic and energetic as they work for lesser time than a full time employee. Part time working is beneficial for Accenture because it helps to retain people with great potential.Flexi time helps to use the workers more effectively rather than making the employees to work long shifts every day as it decreases their efficiency. Job sharing can be another possible flexible working style. Accenture’s working style is such that the work load is divided among different people because it ultimately involves more external views that can result in the better output. Job sharing is helpful in keeping people in career track(———). Accenture does not discriminate on the basis of sex, colour or ethnic origin, in fact the only criteria is performance and qualification. Career transition can also be another mode of flexible working because in this case the companies send people outside the organisation around different locations of the world so as to get international experience of diversified culture which can be helpful in getting the extra factor for the success of the organisation.

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Job Analysis

Before recruiting a candidate it is necessary to decide the nature of the job. It is necessary to overview what could be the possible output and whether it fits into the requirement criteria of the organisation and the job profile. Some of the ways of finding information regarding this can be interviews and questionnaire. However job analysis should be framed by keeping in mind using the Job/Person specification (CIPD).Job design is a group of motivational work patterns for improving the efficiency and satisfaction (Daft, 1990:530).Due to industrial revolution it is important for companies to switch to new methods that provide job satisfaction for employees which can help in providing positive outcomes (Morgan 1997:15).

Job description and person specification

A job description basically defines the roles and responsibilities of an individual in an organisation. A job description is important because it clearly describes the expectations of the employer for a particular vacancy in the company. A part from this a proper job description is also helpful in attracting the potential and talented applicants because it describes the nature and corporate image of the company. A job description may also be used as appraisal system to evaluate individual’s performance.

A person specification describes the skills and the knowledge required from a candidate to successfully operate a task. It clearly defines the requirement from the applicants and also provides the overall view of the expectations of the experience required to complete the task. A person specification is also helpful for the organisation in recruiting the candidates during the recruitment process.

Person Environment Fit

Person environment fit is the matching or alignment among the company culture and environment with the employee’s characteristics. The more is the alignment, the greater will be the positive the positive result (Schneider, Smit &Goldstein,2002, OStroff,Shin &Feiberg,2002).If there is mismatch among different ideas ,the employees will start to leave the organisation. Sometimes new comers may not be fit he organisational; characteristics and may develop conflicts which may decrease the efficiency of the employees(Chatman &Barsades,1995).Person environment fit further adds to low staff turnover and establishes communication among different levels of the organisation.

Organisational brand image plays an important role in attracting the potential applicants. This is because it is the organisations brand and recruitment image that increases the probability of applicants of contacting the organisation (Gatewood et al, 1993).The mail idea of employer branding is to attract the applicant that have the capacity and ensure that they identify the organisation’s mission and vision and then work to produce the desired outcome (Graeme Martin, 1998)


The purpose of E-Recruitment is to attract the potential employees to apply for posted vacancies. The Human Resource Management plays an important role in an organisation because recruitment is done keeping in mind the vision and mission of the company. The recruitment strategy of any organisation is to first identify the type of person necessary to fulfil a vacancy and then provide them with other training and development programmes to acquire KSA that may be required to deliver the vision and mission strategy. The principle aim of recruitment strategy is to attract quality and potential applicants.

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E-Recruitment is also sometimes known as online recruitment. E- Recruitment is recruitment of potential employees using the latest technology to attract and then recruit the candidates.

There are several methods of recruitment. Internal recruitment is one in which a company find a replacement within the organisation, that is, someone from the organisation fills the vacancy whereas external recruitment is the process in which business works for the suitable applicant outside the organisation. There are several advantages of both the type of said recruitment. Some of the advantages of internal recruitment are that since the candidate is chosen from within the organisation, he/she is familiar with the environment and is quicker and cheaper to recruit. Apart from this company may already know the strength and weakness of the candidate. However there are some disadvantages like no new ideas from outside the organisation is inherited and also it creates another vacancy which anyhow needs to be filled in from other sources. The disadvantages of internal recruitment can be overcome in external recruitment like innovative ideas from outside the organisation can be generated. Another disadvantage is poor availability of people from which recruitment needs to be done, however it is an expensive and time consuming process.

Comparisons of e- recruitment with traditional methods

Companies prefer to use e- recruitment because it is quicker and attractive for applicants. E.g: an employee fills a vacancy application online. Now it is easier to receive the feedback via emails because it is faster and quicker. On the other end if we entertain applications in the form of resumes and covering letters, the first problem is to gather the hard copies. However, if it is online, it can be accessed from anywhere. Apart from this, in order to give the feedback, companies may need to post the letters. Some of the problems with these postal letters may result in delay or loss of the copy. Hence, the employee does not get the good impression of the company since he or she could not receive the feedback. Another possibility is that the organisation may provide the feedback over a phone but telephonic feedback can be more personal and hence, companies tries to avoid it and use it to minimum extend.

Another reason for the companies using e-recruitment is that the companies get the chance to express their brand image via website. More attractive is the website greater will be the application of the applicant. Applicant gets the complete information of the company with its back ground and future goals and also the vision and mission statement to be accomplished. It is easier to post jobs specifications and realistic job previews (RJP) on websites. Companies can represent themselves and can be more transparent using the e-recruitment methods. Apart from this company’s can be more descriptive on the websites.

Another reason for the companies in posting job vacancies on web site is that it is easier and cheaper to advertise on websites rather than newspapers or advertising on hoardings because in the second case they need to first do the analysis as to where are their targeting customers and then need to make postings. On the other hand, posting on the websites is easier and easily accessible from anywhere. Survey suggests that using e-recruitment has almost cut 80% of the input cost as compared to traditional method.

Another aspect of the e-recruitment is that user can use it 24 x 7. However, traditional methods do not provide such flexibility. Hence, E-Recruitment can be a win – win situation for the employee as well as the employer. E- Recruitment is beneficial for the employer because it is easy to check the status of the candidate at the time of hiring.

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However, there are some disadvantages as well of the e-recruitment. Companies need to update their website on regular basis. This is because if there are no new updates on the website this may deteriorate the brand image of the company. There may be occasions where, there can be technical problem on the website which may prove to be disaster because the organisation could not access any data from the website. Apart from this it may require great funds to get technical assistance. Another problem is that websites cannot provide two way communications. Sometimes possibility of passive (duplicate) resumes is also another problem being faced by the companies in e- recruitment and there is no proper solution to this problem till now.

E-Recruitment can be beneficial for a company and the company can learn a lot from it, says the Head of Recruitment of 3’s (U.K Mobile Company).The company states that the principle reason for redesigning of their websites is to attract employee to apply for the job since the E-Recruitment has completely changed the attractiveness of the company. Now new employees can complete a form in very less time as compared to other previous recruitment methods.

3’s online E-Recruitment strategy

In year 2002, 3 (mobile company) started to recruit the employees though online recruitment. This is because they thought that online recruitment can provide more positive experience of the company as compared to other methods. It increased their efficiency and speed of hiring the employees. It helped them to access loads of application systematically. The head of recruitment department further states that not only E-Recruitment has made recruitment easier and quicker but it has also helped the company to improve its brand image which in turn has helped them to attract the potential employees (Rebecca Baker, Head of recruitment department).She continued saying that now candidates can track the status of their application at any stage of the recruitment process. She added saying that in year 2002, company hired 41% employees from the agencies. However these figures have dropped down to only 19% in the year 2007.This is the reason why they rely more on e E-Recruitment rather than other traditional methods. The company encountered a profit of £1760 per year. Furthermore it became easier for the company to post job vacancies on websites rather than posing vacancies somewhere else which was much more complicated and expensive(

Another company named Stonefish Software also experienced tremendous advantages and profit of using E-Recruitment. Caroline Catmur (HR Administrator) states that use of E-Recruitment in October 2007 proved to be a boon for the organisation. Everything looks to be simple and more streamlined after the involvement of E-Recruitment. She further stated that another advantage of E-Recruitment was saving on both time and paperwork. She further added saying that E-Recruitment has been a driving force for the development of their organisation (


The essay briefly describes the career aspirations and the impact of recruitment and selection on individual career. It throws light on the company Accenture that provides flexibility and works consistently for retaining their staff. This describes as to how companies should prepare the job and person specifications so as to attract the potential applicants. The advantages of learning organisation and talent management are explained that helps the company to decide the basis for recruiting the potential applicants. The importance of E-Recruitment, its advantages and disadvantages are explained that helped the companies in recent time to overcome the problems of recruitment and selection. Two companies 3(Mobile Company) and Stonefish Software are illustrated showing their comments on the result of using E-Recruitment in their organisation.

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