Caring for the Maori in social work


Integrate Theory and Practice in Social work

Task 1

The treaty of Waitaki presents the agreement between Maori and the Crown. The treaty was signed on 6th February 1840 at Waitaki in the Bay of Islands. The Crown signed the treaty with 540 Maori chiefs, and 60 Maori chiefs did not agree about the treaty. The Crown has the right to govern and to develop a British Settlement. There are two texts for Te Tiriti, one in Maori and one in English. The English text is not a direct translation of the Maori text. The existence of two versions that don’t directly translate has caused problems in Aotearoa/NZ as both cede and guaranteed different powers and functions for each party in each of the two versions.


The principle mentions about the relationship between Maori and the Crown. The Maori and the Crown have good partnership. They have different culture, ethics and languages. They can work together in the community. The Triti there should be Interaction between treaty partners must be based on mutual good faith, cooperation, tolerance, honesty and respect. Social workers also apply the implication of partnership in social services.


Social workers imply protection when they provide services to Maori people. In social work practice, social workers need to provide the protection to clients as their safety and wellbeing. The social worker need to follow the code of rights. Social workers protect clients by avoid the risks.

Task 2

  1. Aotearoa New Zealand society

The social service needs to make sure gives different needs. The topic specifies about the multi-society. New Zealand is a multi-society country with two primary societies is Maori society and the British society. New Zealand has a wide range of societies. Social service needs to accessible to all ethnicities inside Aotearoa New Zealand. Social workers need to be capable in meeting expectations with all ethnicities, giving services that meet their needs.

  1. Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The treaty of Waitaki presents the agreement between Maori and the Crown. The treaty was signed on 6th February 1840 at Waitaki in the Bay of Islands. Social service agencies align themselves to the article of Waitaki and the 4 principles contained in the article. The 4 principles are partnership, protection, permission, participation. Social workers must allow and protect Maori Tino Ranatiratanga. Then, social workers must consider culture values, principles and belief. British government initially reluctant to take action, but it will eventually realize that the annexation of the country to protect the Maori.

  1. Te Reo, Tikanga and development of Iwi and Maori

There are between language and culture the language is embedded in the culture, but also the expression of culture. Social service agencies need to provide appropriate culture supervision and training all social workers provide culturally appropriate and safe practice when working with Maori people. The social services should follow all Maori rights as customs, beliefs and values and Maori language. Social service need to have an integrated approach toward Maori wellbeing. We need to understand about Maori.

  1. Gender and sexuality

Social workers don’t permit having separation to customers. So, in the Human Right Act does not allow victimization individuals on the premise of sex or sexuality. We should first consider the social state of mind and convictions identified with sexual orientation. Sex saturates all parts of Maori life, and particularly in the typical representation Social specialists need to remain an expert situation. They need to give and remain focused judgmental, non-one-sided and non-biased administrations.

  1. Human development process through the life span

There are eight spans of human development, including the foetal period, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. Through the life span, social workers always have some changes as growth, maintenance, regulation, and perception. The changes that occur through life experience and always are considered with culture.

  1. Social policy in New Zealand
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It can help understudies comprehend the contention of qualities and points of view in the definition and execution of arrangements, and with the hypothesis of social arrangement and that they will experience in the field of practice. Social services need to comprehend the social arrangements in New Zealand. They need to see unmistakably the standards and systems by which government looks to influence the improvement of society. That social work practice is affected by any chosen government toward its specific standards. Social administration offices re-adjust to the moving approaches of new chose governments.

  1. Aotearoa New Zealand social service

The association is considered to represent the interests of New Zealand’s major institutions of social workers. New Zealand is a multi-culture society. The Aotearoa New Zealand social services are always available to all cultures. Then, social worker should reflect the respect and dignity to all of those who access the services. The organization supports, various forms of contact representatives and advocates for social housing organizations. There are many aspects of the organization of national staff skills in organizational development and health service delivery.

  1. Organisation and management in the social services

Social work management and administration will find that there is a very good choice for entry-level management works. There are a broad level of social work theory, value and practice in organization and management, so the services provided for public access are of quality and have effect. Organisation and management need to reflect bi-culture polices. Provides a fairly a limited number of links to resources management and materials management of social work in social work.

  1. Research methodology in the social services

The purpose of social work research is to solve practical problems in social work practice or social policy, the establishment of social work knowledge base. Research methodology in the social services need to be performed with purpose of obtaining factual and non-judgemental evidence. Production of general application to other professions and disciplines can guide social policy and social work practice. The research methodology should reflect the culture, economic, political and any other societal needs of people. The study method in related fields, the findings can be applied to the reference value of social work are included in this entry.

  1. Users of the social services

There are lots of users of social services in all over the New Zealand. Huge numbers of users are Maori people. Social services help Maori people to provide access to healthcare services, so that they can increase their knowledge to fight with deadly diseases. Social workers need to make sure the safety and confidentially of consumers. All relevant information of clients do not allow for public. Those who are consumers of social service should be informed of their rights and have their rights adhered.

  1. Law and social work

In social work practice, law and social work is a disciplinary role. Social work and law “refers to the practice of social work and the legal system, including statutes, case law, legal institutions AZZASW provides social workers with a range of services including professional development and competency and re-certification. Each social worker needs to understand and follow the law when delivering care. The law will guide for social workers about the boundaries, safety for clients, the knowledge as Privacy Act, Children, Young Persons & their families Act. The law should provide physicians with knowledge of their rights and obligations of customers in a wide range of practical understanding of social relations.

  1. Personal development

Personal development is a section in social work practice. The personal development will improve the social services expert practice. Self-improvement is a deep rooted procedure. This is a path for individuals to evaluate their aptitudes and qualities that their objective in life. There ought to be an incorporated practice. Through the personal development, it may help social services get to be mindful of blind sides in the practice and learning. It can influence to the reliance and self viability of social specialist.

  1. Social work ethics
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Social workers should relate the code of ethics in social work practices. Then, ethics is identified in social work practice as professional role within Aotearoa. Social workers should respect all ethics. Education Social workers should get concerned and try to understand the nature of social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, nationality, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical disability.

  1. Models of practice, including Iwi and Maori models of practice

Maori models of practice are used within social work practice researched and validated to provide best services. Through the development, Maori people have some models of practice of health. For example, Te Whare Tapa Wha health models that mention about 4 factors as physical health, spiritual health, family health and mental health. Critical Reflection achieve this Kaupapa Maori research practice can help us make the subconscious becomes conscious.

  1. Working with particular clients groups

Maori refers to the act of social work learning or Matauranga Maori is more application to social work. The accomplishment of Maori and exploration extends in 6 parts lodging, social administrations, training, job and preparing, equity, wellbeing. This topic specifies about moral limits. Social specialist hone must reflex moral limits when working with distinctive gathering in light of the fact that they have diverse society. Moral limits incorporate having non judgmental and non one-sided practices.

  1. Cross culture practice

Resources refer to resources and to provide cultural advice and providing cultural services in response to knowledge networks. The social worker competency should include cross culture. Cross culture practice is the ability of social worker to perceive. Identify culture risks and how to avoid the risks to provide culture safety. Social worker services provide and put policies and procedure in placement to monitor the risks. The ability to practice social work in Aotearoa New Zealand different ethnic and cultural groups, thus requiring social workers.

  1. Current issues in social work practice

Social worker need to keep themselves inform the present issues in social work practice. There are many good sources of information, current issues and research about social worker practice that is helpful for social worker to develop the knowledge. How social workers can make a difference in New Zealand global issues not generally discussed daily lunch, or a part of the Foreign Office to talk about them smokers and alcohol.

Task 3

Social work Practice Client/ Situation 1


Agape Care

Client (initials, age group)

Mr. X

Situation / context

Hi likes to wear female cloths.

His mom is working at daytime.



Situation 1

Law and social worker

The social workers have to understand about law in social work practice. The law in social work practice will direct the social worker avoid the risks. Social workers clients understand the role in work placement.

Gender and sexuality

Mr. X wants to wear female clothes. The social workers do not allow teasing him about the way he wearing. They have to provide a professional behaviour. The Human right Act does not permit discrimination against people on the basis of gender or sexuality. So do not tell him to “you looks like a woman” because he will be upset.

Users of social service

I informed of his rights. Social workers need to know about their rights in social work practice.

Social work Practice Client/ Situation 2


Agape Care

Client (initials, age group)

Mr. Y

Situation / context




Hi wants to learn Maori culture

Situation 2

Cross culture practice

Mr. Y wants to learn about Maori culture. So social worker needs to teach some Maori language. And Social workers also need to know about Maori culture. It’s also help to social worker develop the knowledge Maori culture.

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Te Reo, Tikanga and development of Iwi and Maori

Social workers need to provide appropriate service Maori values, beliefs. Maori language needs to have right used in social work practice. Always think about Maori culture and avoid the big problem.

Models of practice:

Mr. Y is provided spiritual health by respecting Maori customs and values, family health. Mr. Y is provided services which merge of Te Whare Tapa Wha health model that mentions about factors as physical health, and mental health.

Task 4

Part 1:

Situation 1

Theory & Values (two areas)

  • Gender and sexuality

I learn about personal development from Mr. X. because Mr. X wants to wear female clothes. The social workers do not allow teasing him about the way he wearing. They have to provide a professional behavior. I learn about how to be with who has sexuality problem.

  • Users of social service

I informed of his rights. Social workers need to know about their rights in social work practice. I need to know about who is my client user clearly.

Practice skills (two areas)

  • Working with particular client groups.

Social workers have to understand about particular client groups.

Provide good service to clients.

  • Law in social work

I understand when we care client we have to know about Law in social work placement.

I learn about the code of rights.

Human Act and culture practice.

Avoiding the risks to clients.

Situation 2

Theory & Values (two areas)

  • Treaty of Waitaki

The treaty of waitaki is an agreement between Maori and the Crown. I improve my knowledge and skill about the treaty of Waitaki from work placement. Treaty is not only Maori couture. Maori culture is one of interesting knowledge gain.

  • Maori model health practice

I understand the health models of Maori people.

How to apply them in different situations.

Te Whare Tapa Wha, Te Wheke.

Practice skills (two areas)

  • Cross culture practice

I learning knowledge and skill from agape care. Social worker need to learn about other culture. After we can be good clients and social worker.

  • Models of practice

I have got good skill to provide social care from agate care.

I learn about the health model what is good way for clients.

Part 2:

New learning that is what social workers can work experience. New learning can provide the knowledge for social worker. The link between new learning and social work theory and research is to increase new learning to others social work theory and research. Social workers should improve them knowledge and skills social worker theory and research. We can provide the good quality to clients its good experience for social workers.

Task 5

Part 1:

I learn many things from Agape care. Agape Care is Intellectual disability placement for clients. I have experiences about how to be with intellectual disability clients. It was good for my skills. Now I know some important things for example, I should check about clients profile and policies before I meet with clients. This is because if I know about clients, it can be easy to become good clients and social workers. They have meeting with other social worker and team leader and doctor and family that time I knew that meeting is important for plan. So it’s mean we have to check clients every day. Anyway I should to say for Agape care people. “Thank you so much for teach me”. I know about Maori culture and little bit Maori language from my clients. It is really help for my future social worker.

Part 2:

Development for future social work practice I learn about how to be social worker. I theoretical and values learning and practice learning will impact my in terms of personal and professional changes in the way my work in the future. I will keep remember this skill and time. When I time to work with who has intellectual disability I will use all the skills.

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