Cascade Of Service Delivery Options Education Essay

The basic signal behind IDEA was to enable the disable to have equivalent access to education. It enables protection of the rights of disabled kids, their parents, and over all education of these families in United States. There are six main components of the original 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The first is Entitlements and Allocations and this component provided the plan in order to implement the program. The Eligibility was the second component that provided the regulations for schools in order to implement IDEA. This Eligibility contributed more to the regulations of schools. Third is Application which is about uses and applications of cash within the program. This was also the essential component of IDEA.

The Fourth component was Procedure and Safeguards that offered safeguards for almost everyone under project and hence this component protected the projects. Fifth component was the Evaluation evaluates students entering the program and the final and sixth component deals with the Payments. The sixth component focused the certain proposal. There can be several types of interventions in the system to aid disabled children in getting education and training. Pre-referral interventions were used to make the outline and facilities to students in order to reduce the stress of students. There can be several types of interventions in the system to aid disabled children in getting education and training.

IDEA ensures that the child receives an appropriate, inclusive, multidisciplinary evaluation and assessment.  Multidisciplinary is the evaluation group that evaluates children’s speech and skills. Norm-referenced interventions help evaluate student skills and class using normal distribution methodology. Criterion-referenced tests benefit when comparing the performance to a set standard criteria. It helps find if the student has the special skill set or the knowledge required.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is abbreviation of a law that summarizes rights and regulations of the disabled students needing special education in the U.S. This law enables all disabled children to a Free Appropriate Public Education in the Least-Restrictive Environment (What is I.D.E.A.? 2010).and also this law provided the refute services and other facilities to the development of children.

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Components OF IDEA 1975 (PL 94-142)

There were six key components in original IDEA 1975. The first component Entitlements and Allocations guides the states how to apply the IDEA program. This Entitlement and Allocations provided the details to students in order to gather the implemented program assistance. The second component is the Eligibility that defined the instructions for the schools to work out this program and they must have this program in definite specific dates for the disabled students of specific ages (Protecting Students with Disabilities, n.d.). Program guided the children by means of delivering the requirements and implementing the services for the implemented projects or program. It likewise states that the government is liable for providing all these propositions to the children.

The third component is about monetary aspects where it’s first part deals with uses of money and the applications in program (Mauro, 2012). Second part is about assurances that services and money are all the public property and the third part facts the exchange of the info. State educational agencies are required to provide the details of the disabled students who expected the services.

The fourth component Procedures and Safeguards protects every one contributing in IDEA program. This permits the parents along with the guardians to for interpreting the accounts of students that’s why children can get the guaranteed rights. Procedures and systems are followed by Evaluation, the fifth component and finally there is sixth component Payments that required the Commissioner to provide certain proposals in script for evaluation by the Committee, representatives and the board on Labor and Public Welfare of the Senate.

PL 99-457 Key Components

This reauthorization enables any disabled child for getting the early intervention programs. It allows the babies, infants and their families with an adapted family facility plan. These effects mostly focused on the children with certain disabilities. It is first reauthorization of Act after 1975 for the improved care of the schooling of the infants and babies having definite problems.

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PL 101-476 Key Components

Second alteration was made in 1990 called PL 101-476. It mainly focused in switching the word handicapped with the term disabled. This augmented the privacy level of such disabled students. This plan also implemented several facilities in order to make the satisfaction to students. Consequently the schooling level of such pupils will be impressively improved. This key component influenced more on handicapped students effectively.

PL-105-17 Key Components

This was the essential action that helped to the handicapped students by resolving the educational problems. It was the third action plan telling that the parents will have the rights to resolve the educational matters for their disabled kids. It helps stay informed about routine of their child thus enabling parents to get regular notifications and participate in mediation.

PL- IDEA 2004: PL 108-446 Key Components

This amendment of PL 108-446 was made in the year 2004. This amendment is based on first time tutoring services for the disabled children. This amendment also focused on the disabled students demanding help for doing their education. Hence these disabled children can be motivated. Thus the disabled students will be benefitted away from their educational agencies. This will also offer more flexibility and control over the education of the disabled students.

Pre-referral interventions

Pre-referral interventions are for parents that know that their child is stressed in school. Pre-referral interventions outline a number of facilities and programs that may be there to benefit these children prosper before they are appraised for special education (Cortiella, 2012).


IDEA necessitates a disabled child should receive an appropriate, inclusive, multidisciplinary evaluation and assessment. The objective of the evaluation and assessment is to find out the nature of disabled child’s strengths, interruptions, difficulties, and if he/she qualifies for early intervention facilities (What is a multidisciplinary evaluation and assessment? n.d.). Multidisciplinary is the evaluation group made up of capable people with different areas of training and experience so that they know about children’s speech and skills.

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Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests

This test provided the contribution to students by means of delivering higher ranking. The results are often depiction of normal distribution that requires a few topers and a few “failures”. The majority of the class however lies in the middle of the evaluation report (Danielle, 2008). The Norm-referenced tests are designed to compare the performance of one student with that of the other and this technique helps in ranking of the students. On the other hand, Criterion-referenced tests help compare the performance to criteria set earlier. It also helped for determining if the student has the special skill set or the knowledge required (Danielle, 2008).

Individualized Education Plan

The individualized education program assists disabled students to succeed in their educational endeavors. It describes the aims the team sets for a kid during the school year, along with any special sustenance needed to help reach them (Mauro, 2012). Hence this plan helped to the handicapped or disabled students to come back effectively.

Cascade of service delivery options

Cascade of service delivery guides the placement options for disabled students along the education field. It is opposite to least restrictive environment concept that guides to students an inclusive environment. This service delivery option was used to promote the educational fields of children.


IDEA offers legal guidelines and protections for disabled children, their families and schools to guarantee their right to a free and suitable public education (Protecting Students with Disabilities, n.d.). Law states that children with disabilities must not be starved of the same chances offered to everyone else; everybody gets right of entry to public education and consequently so should children with disabilities. Hence the children with disabilities as well as their parents must be facilitated so that they can achieve a better destiny having themselves equipped with proper education and training.

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