Case Study And Overview Of Nandos

Nando’s city restaurant is situated in the heart of Auckland’s CBD on Queen Street amongst many other food outlets. Nandos is a casual dining restaurant group originating from South Africa with a Portuguese/Mozambican theme. Founded in 1987, Nandos operates in 30 countries on 5 continents. Nandos specializes in chicken dishes with either lemon or herb, medium, hot or extra hot Peri-Peri marinades. In some countries, Nando’s has other flavor options like mango and lime or Mediterranean.

Nando’s Restaurant’s is a brand image in the food industry in South Africa and now they have expanded to many parts of the world. The restaurant opened for the first time in Auckland New Zealand in 2001 and has expanded through franchising. Nando’s has touched the lives of every South African living in New Zealand giving them a taste of home. Nando’s has developed from a small retailer to a major business with a strong presence.

For this project the focus is on Queen Street Store. This report provides results and discussions of research conducted in response to Applied Management Assignment PART B. The problem selected from PART A is motivation for Nando’s. In a multicultural organization such as Nando’s a manager must consider motivating his/her staff to achieve their maximum potential. This report outlines the problems currently being faced by staff at Nando’s Queen Street store and what actions management has/are taken/taking to solve issues.

The introduction section explains research processes i.e. Qualitative research methods such as an online staff interview questionnaire was used to gather data to address de-motivation problem and understanding behaviors and concerns in regards to motivational issues in the store. The store consists of 3 Management Members and 4 cooks/food preps. Quantitative methods was using a customer survey of involving a total of 40 customers to gather relevant data to review the current standard of service customers were receiving. Further the methodology is justified and also the strengths and limitations of the project.

The results and discussions section shows how the Fishbone Analysis has been used to categorize problems from the data generated from the questionnaire. Options have been generated with their possible consequences, and then further ‘the four functions of management; Planning, Organizing, Control, Leading’ have been utilized to try and solve issues.

The report is concluded with conclusions on motivation and recommendations of what should be done in future to avoid any such mishaps.


Motivation is a vital component in any organization to succeed. Motivation defines a person’s attitude towards an organization. A manager should always practice motivating his/her staff in the work environment to his/her staff’s maximum potential. It is something that helps employees and the organization to achieve their goal. When employees know what strengthens or weakens their motivational state, they can often perform more effectively and find more job satisfaction in their work. Personal Motivational Quote: Commitment + Willingness + Readiness + Ability = Living the dream.

The problem identified is motivation based on the various issues arising due to high absenteeism, dissatisfied customers, and high turnover, drop in sales, interpersonal staff friction, all of which has an impact on productivity and drop in the sales.

It was necessary to understand human behavior and characteristics to identify causes that promote lack of motivation which is why the proposed and used research method was qualitative. Also interviews and customer surveys were conducted to gather information which in turn is the use of the quantitative method. Using both methods helped to gather appropriate data for the project.

The aim and purpose of this business report is to solve motivational issues in Nando’s Queen Street using management concepts, theories and project plans. This will aid the organization in increasing its productivity and sales.


The following qualitative and quantitative research methods helped to identify problems that can cause lack of motivation in the selected organization.



1) Requested from the Manager to conduct investigations and also took suggestions on how it should be done.

2) I utilized our staff board to communicate with all staffs for their recommendation with the following question:

“How would you like to share your thoughts on working here?”

individual interviews (anonymous or not anonymous)

Team interviews

Questionnaires to be done in your own time

Other suggestions.

Majority responded to individual interview with not anonymous option.

3) I used a personally made questionnaire to interview each staff individually. Management response has also been included in this questionnaire.

4) Fishbone Analysis after gathering enough data

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5) Meeting with manager to discuss possible options

6) Discussions of implementation of ‘The Four Functions of Management; Planning, Organizing, Control, Leadership’


1) I made a small feedback form for customers which are entirely up to them to fill out.

The target of standard of service to meet was 5/5 (excellent) although results of overall average were 4/5 (very good). It helped us to confirm that motivational issues were causing performance. Analysis of results:

Rating System:

Very Poor



Very Good








Level of service you received:

Polite and Respectful Employees

Knowledgeable Employees

33 customers: rated 5

6 customers: rated 4

1 customer: Rated N/A

29 customers: rated 5

8 customers: rated 4

1 customer: rated 3

1 customer: rated 2

1 customer: rated N/A

29 customers: rated 5

7 customers: rated 4

2 customers: rated 3

1 customer: rated 2

1 customer: rated N/A





The staffs were interviewed individually as per their request; this removed any barriers or fears of having to answer in front of others. They chose not to remain anonymous as there are only four staff and excluding three management members. The management responses helped to identify management’s limitations and their considerations of staff’s issues.

The feedback form for customers identified if customers were happy with the service. Happy customer’s means more sales in future.

Management concepts such as the four functions of the management, fishbone analysis, and research methods of qualitative and quantitative methods were used to achieve the project’s objectives. The processes used in the methodology helps us to achieve the projects results. The research methods used are appropriate for the problem at hand. This methodology also explains why, when, where, what and how steps were taken to achieve desired results.

Final options were to problems were shared between the manager and I and later with the rest of the team.

Strengths and limitations of the project

Approval from the manager was given to do investigations. Full support and corporation from the store team members and management. Customer involvements allowed me to get information easily. Some limitations were present during the course of this project.

There wasn’t much involvement from the Area manager, had there been would of allowed me to gather more information such as what is expected from them of the store management team. Knowledge and resources were limited within the store and its customers.

Justifying the methodology

The methodology process identified the overall approaches to be considered during the project course. Feedbacks and suggestions were generated from every team member including management on the appropriate procedures. Their responses finalized the method of questionnaires, meetings, and survey form for customers.


I have used the fishbone analysis to summarize staff issues from the questionnaire, from which options to problems have been generated. The customer survey helped identify our store’s current level of service which expected was 5/5 although results were 4/5, one step below standard. The manager utilized ‘The Four functions of the management’ to solve matters.


By interviewing the staffs I have been able to generate information from the questionnaire and categorized with the Fishbone Analysis.



From the data gathered it is evident that majority of the staffs are having problems with their management. Although after the interviews I conducted it would seem staffs lack empathy just as much as they think management do, so evidence of lack of communication seems to be suggested. As per the planning, after discussions with management and conducting staffs interviews we have agreed to have a meeting. I proposed to the management of key issues that should be addressed including possible solutions to problems with during the meeting as discussed below. During this proposal I also took feedback from the manager and later from the rest of the management team regarding the possible consequences that can be to our proposed solutions.


1) Breaks: As per the agreement staff are to get a half hour unpaid break and two 15 minutes paid breaks if they work 8 hour shifts.

Possible Solution/s: Management should adhere to the contract and apologize to staff for not being loyal to them while giving an explanation of why they haven’t been following the agreement.

Possible Consequence/s: Although it should be done an apology from management could mean overconfidence of staff.

2) Salary & Hours: Some staffs feel the management is biased when making the roster and their wages are very little.

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Possible Solution/s: Staff’s hours should be roasted as per their availability to work and each staff should be considered for short and long shifts and given the chance to prove themselves. This should eliminate any biasness. The management should also explain to staffs how they can be eligible to get a pay rise.

Possible Consequence/s: There can still be clashes in the roster as most staffs aren’t available as much on weekdays.

3) Interests & Service: It was found that majority of the staffs lacked the drive to work as all but one were students in different fields and do not see a future for them with Nando’s.

Possible Solution/s: Internal competitions such as IPD competition with a winner every week or month. IPD stands for Items per Docket, it is the staffs’ duty to try and add on to the sales to increase IPD. There should be a good prize for the efforts put in such as a gift voucher. This will create strive within the staffs to do more sales.

Possible Consequence/s: There is a risk of whether the internal competitions can happen or not as they need to be approved from the area manager. This internal competition may create strive among employees but can also create greed which in turn may create conflicts regarding teamwork. Also it will require reprints of receipts, during busy periods this may cause staff to stress as at times we are required to do several things behind the counter not to mention the extra cost of receipt thermal papers.

4) Management Behavior: It has been noted that several staff are unhappy with management behavior. Complaints have been made of lack of empathy, pressuring staff, not understanding/reasonable and the way of their questioning. The leadership style seems to be part democratic and part autocratic.

Possible Solution/s: Again the management should apologize to staff if they have pressured staff too much. It should be explained to staff why they have been pressured to do their jobs faster every time. They can do this by explaining the importance of speed and efficiency. Management should take feedback from the staffs to elaborate more as to why staffs feel management lack empathy and understanding. Management should always consider input from staffs. These inputs may hint how staffs prefer to be asked questions and what is expected from them.

Possible Consequence/s: Management can only bend so little as they are also limited from the procedures and policies of their contracts. Every action will have to be reviewed by Area Manager; this may raise concerns and can be a threat to the manager.


To counter the motivation issue the manager has made use of the four functions of the management which is planning, organizing, leading and control. Before getting into that lets briefly understand the scope and responsibilities within the store.

Manager (1) – In the store the manager is actually both a manager as well as a leader. He visions his preferred outcomes as per his/company goals. He assigns tasks to his assistant manager and 3IC manager.

3IC and Assistant Managers (2) – They are the managers of the shop. Their duties are to get their specific tasks done on time with the skills and resources specified.

Staffs (4) – Ensure the daily running of the shop. Without them it is difficult to run the shop.



Communication; delegating management with the following:

Always comment on good work done, encourage staff to do better next time, let them know their importance in our store i.e. if they don’t do sales our store reputation goes down and we (everyone) won’t be rewarded for our efforts. Also take any staffs input seriously, even if they have to ask ten times for something it is better for them to ask instead of not asking and doing something they’re not sure of. Always review their performance. Actively try to listen how they interact with customers, observe their body language as well to suggest improvements. Be sure to always provide feedback

Compensation: Remind staffs of IPD competition and its rewards. Every now and then challenge them to get their tasks done before time and explain how this process helps in their development which will be useful to them now and in future i.e. The faster they become at completing their tasks their speed and efficiency skills are developed each time which are key skills needed in most (if not all) organizations.

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Training: Everyday reminders of what is expected from staffs i.e. communication through verbal and non-verbal ways. Verbal: talking directly with staffs. Non-verbal: passing information through staff notice board, whiteboard and all other reminders around the staff room



The manager has one Manager and one Assistant Manager. He assigns each of them responsibility of two staffs. Assistant Manager is responsible food preps while the line Manager is responsible for the rest. The reason for this is discussed in the ‘control’ section.


There is one leader in the shop and he is the manager. He motivates his Assistant Manager and line Manager as and when needed and gives direction to get objectives completed. He practices democratic leadership where communication flows openly among all employees. Unfortunately the store now experiencing staff motivation problems, He has decided to investigate the problems at his store and implementing best possible solutions to stabilize and improve on any current issues. He has taken feedbacks from everyone to help solve issues while at the same time helping me with this project. He considers his every team members suggestions. He has delegated several duties accordingly to his sub-ordinates and a good plan to help achieve objectives.


Monitoring of the staff’s duties and performance has been delegated to the Line/Assistant Managers, although the manager will take feedbacks from staffs in a timely manner. He has assigned each of his managers with a certain staffs each as this will eliminate any confusion regarding staffs training as both managers may have different techniques of teaching their sub-ordinates even though their objective may be the same. Line/Assistant Managers have their roles to complete as they are expected to brief their manager on progress and issues in a timely manner.


Motivation is critical for all organizations as it helps in avoiding frustration and it also creates a healthy work environment. Motivation is the essential tool for any company because it helps develop employees; employees are the Asset of a company. Motivated employees not only help organizations survive but it also helps to develop the organization’s growth as well. It is what defines ‘strive’ within the organization. Motivated employees are more productive.

In this project the leader has practiced democratic leadership within his store to solve motivational issues caused from miss communication and perceptions. By considering feedbacks from all team members and staffs he has utilized ‘the four functions of management’ to help solve issues. He has also done his very best within his limits in terms of rewarding staffs, recognizing their efforts, and implementing development ideas for his staffs to succeed. The results of the project are rewarding to both staff and management and will be beneficial for the organization in the future.


Every manager should have both interest and concern about how to motivate people to perform task willingly and to the best of their ability. For managers to be successful they should try and understand all aspects of their employees from their cultural background to their future goals. Managers should practice ‘democratic leadership’ as it promotes motivation and avoid ‘Autocratic Leadership’ as it creates friction in the work environment as evident in this study. Motivated employees can be innovators in their field, they will come up with initiatives to get their jobs done in more than one way, and they are quality oriented although a leader must lead the way for their followers by giving proper direction.

In the case of Nando’s Queen Street, employee’s dissatisfaction is not any one issue such as staffs concerns of management behavior but several things that should be taken into account including salary, hours of work and communicating properly. All issues have caused staffs to be de-motivated in the workplace resulting in, overall a poor standard for the store. I would recommend the manager to implement his plan which he has come up with ‘the four functions of management’ to try out and if doesn’t work he may have to make some amendments or changes to it. Communicating properly will be the key to the store’s success.

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