Case Study Behavior Intervention Plan Education Essay

A behavior intervention plan when exactly evaluated and actively applied can be a helpful classroom tool for changing undesired behaviors in any atmosphere within the school setting. Intending a functional behavior plan is a group effort that needs contribution from all participants who work with the learner experiencing behavioral complexities to best ascertain effects that could be forerunners to the undesired behavior (Jolivette, 2000).

Earlier to writing a behavioral plan all groups engaged with the learner in question should accomplish either a survey or be talked about to better determine a theory of the behavior so a suitable plan of amendment can be evolved (Killu, 2008).

I was recently engaged with the behavior group in revising a behavioral plan for a learner whom I will refer to as Johnny Patton. He was enduring two problems, coming to class late and interrupting educator lessons with unfortunate remarks that were affecting his talent to be doing well on campus. Although the problems Johnny was enduring may seem minor at the high school level where classes have particular programs to achieve within a specified time frame, any intrusion can be harmful to the classes’ capacity to stay on track. A functional evaluation inspection tool was provided to all people that work with Johnny to help establish a theory of the behavior so that a behavior intervention plan could be established using exact information to help decide the causes behind the unsuitable behavior (Friend, 2009).

Based upon the data gathered from the surveys, in addition to subjective data gathered from classroom inspection, the behavior group which consisted of myself, Johnny’s other classroom educators, and his parents, encountered to make a behavioral intervention plan that would work as a functional tool for giving Johnny’s educators with a set of policies to apply for redirecting and expectantly abolishing the non desired behavior. Johnny’s behavioral intervention plan is parallel to the subsequent demonstration of a behavior plan using the pattern outlined in the course text (Friend, 2009).

Student: Johnny Patton

School: Kenmore East High School

Date Developed: 03-15-2010

Date Implemented: 03-18-2010

Grade: 10

Baseline Data Results:

Johnny was late to 6 out of 7 classes over 5 consecutive days.

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Johnny verbally interrupted class on an average of 8 separate occasions over 4 days of observing for 45 minutes per observation.

Hypothesis Statement

Johnny will waste time in the lobbies in between classes entertaining which hampers his capability to arrive to class on time.

Johnny will make commentary or noises that interrupt the learning range in order to achieve peer or teacher concentration and avoid an undesired task.

Type of Intervention Plan: Educational Y Behavioral Y

People In charge for Implementing Plan: Johnny’s assigned teachers and Case Manager

Description of the Behavior

Behavior Behavior Defined

1. Johnny is late to class. Johnny enters class after the tardy bell.

2. Johnny interrupts instructor. Johnny created a noise or comment without

authorization that causes instructor to stop lesson.

Intervention Goal:

To stop Johnny coming to class after the late bell.

To reduce the number of times Johnny disturbs a class lesson without permission.

Intervention Plan:

1a. Make available a tinted campus map that explains the most helpful routes to get to each class.

1b. Case Manager or/and class teacher will orally tell entire class to not waste time coming to next class so Johnny is not instructed out.

2a. Johnny will be placed within a group that is comprised of students who display on task behaviors.

2b. Johnny will get individual guidance on self support and satisfactory questioning with his case manager

2c. Johnny will be permitted to finish given assignments with an associate of the special education staff during times of pressure.

2d. Johnny will be permitted the following classroom accommodations:

Provided sketch, graphical organizers and study guides to come with and help Johnny with class work.

Permitted limited comprehensive time to finish and turn in class work.

Permitted to look for a peer’s help on assignment that is not a quiz or test as needed.

When and Where the Plan Will Be Implemented:

All of Johnny’s teachers will put into practice the behavior plan at first for four consecutive weeks at that time the team will analyze and reconvene data to identify the plans efficiency.

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Intervention Data Collection Summary:

Behavior 1

Week 1- Decrease lateness to 4 occurrences.

Week 2- Decrease lateness to 2 occurrences.

Week 3- Decrease lateness to 1 occurrence.

Week 4- Lateness no longer occurring.

Behavior 2

Week 1- Decreased eruption in 5 out of 6 classes.

Week 2- Decreased eruption in 4 out of 6 classes.

Week 3- Decreased eruption in 3 out of 6 classes.

Week 4- Eruption still occurring in 3 out of 6 classes.

Follow-Up and Review Dates:

Follow-up and review meeting 04-18-2010


The plan has been finally helpful in abolishing Johnny’s lateness to class, and partly useful in extinguishing disruptive outburst during educational time.

The group has agreed to modify the IEP to contain a purpose under the time administration objective to address arriving to class within the chosen fixed time.

The team and group will continue the intervention plan about behavioral outburst for an extra three weeks before reconvening to decide if a more restrictive placement is essential for the future 2010-2011 school year due to behavioral demands.

Team Meeting Participants:

Name Position

Sherry Adoya Case Manager

Suzie Milton Science

John Fedderer Architectural design

Jenni Patton Mother

A behavior intervention plan can be a helpful tool for giving a learner in need with substitutes and policies for eliminating or extinguishing an undesired behavior only if all group participants constantly implement and encourage the behavioral plan in spite of their own individual plan which could serve as a barrier to the plan’s achievement (Jolivette, 2000). To be helpful, the plan must be a team effort with all participants agreeing to apply the plan, gather information over the particular time frame to decide progress, and be unprejudiced to the notion that the plan can facilitate a learner achieve behavioral achievement in all situations of the school (Killu, 2008). Without steadiness it is not possible to appropriately determine if a plan is helpful or if the contradictions with the execution and information collection are the basic problem of another concern about the learner with special requirements obtaining success in a comprehensive setting.

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The behavioral problem being dealt with is the major factor in deciding the sort of class training that would be suitable for assisting making the behavioral plan successful. The behaviors I concentrated upon with Johnny, lateness to class and unsuitable verbal outburst, can be tackled through direct instruction and joint class tasks. Johnny’s problem with lateness can easily be addressed during the general closing processes of each class by making a blanket statement regarding school plan on lateness and supporting the class as a whole to not waste time going to their next class. One way to make sure that Johnny or any learner in need received the message, I can walk by their path and make eye contact or simply place my hand on their writing desk, seat, or shoulder as I pass by permitting me to unnoticeably prompt their concentration without singling them out. The second behavior that was addressed about Johnny’s unfortunate outburst can be addressed within the class arrangement, in addition to, joint instruction. Using the class arrangement, I can preferentially seat Johnny so that he is not enclosed by persons who may exacerbate his need to make unfortunate remarks, and instead have him sit near persons who show the behaviors that we want Johnny to show. Within joint activities I can make sure that Johnny has required graphic organizers and study guides that can improve academic stressors which might enhance his need to make unfortunate verbalizations as a way to eliminate him from a task he considers too hard.

When reliably applied, a functional behavioral evaluation and following behavioral plan can be a valuable classroom tool which increases learner success and enables the learner with particular needs to remain in the comprehensive class where study signifies is the best situation for acquiring grade level academic achievement. Behavioral plans can give the classroom educator with the tools and required policies for facilitating a learner with disabilities recognizing that there is a group to turn to when question occur or modifications need to be deemed for the benefit of the learner.

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