Challenges For Human Resource Managers

Amit Bhagria picks her stand of the topic by stating that the emergence of globalisation has reverted the way roles were done by the specific parties of the organisation. In this case, the author establishes that it has been difficult for the management to hire the type of employee that has the characteristics they are looking for. The rationale behind this is that globalisation has led to a transformation, which has influenced people’s culture and traditions. Most notably, the author cites some of the firms in India to be affected greatly by the wind of change. The integration of business units (which had their own ways or rules of production) has made it difficult for firms to amalgamate or carry out joint venture. Furthermore, some of the rules governing the human resource section have been jeopardized by the transformation brought by wind of economic change. For instance the five R’s used within this field no longer apply. They include; recruiting the right talent, Resourcing, Retraining, Restructuring and retaining the talent. These strategies need to be revisited as they guide the human resource operations in a given organisation. Additionally, Amit Bhagria observes that incorporating all sub-systems of a firm to the HR and ensure that the organisation reaches its highest level of expectation has also been a problem. This is attributed to the fact that different environments within an organisation do not work under the same environment because they are never tuned to the spirit of working with the same culture. The author also postulates that sometimes the systems installed in the HRM sections of the organisation are faulty and not updated and there is need to change or replace them. They may include the human resource information systems.

Reviewing what the arguments of the author, any wind of change in any given system is likely to change the way the system works. For this reason such shocks need to be provided for or necessary adjustments need to be done in order keep the system on track.

Challenges of the human resource management by Alvin Chan

Alvin Chan introduces the article by stating that most organisations has paid more attention on recruiting and forgot to abide by the rules governing the HRM and those of the organisation at a large. He is not for the idea that recruiting without establishing the value of the employee to the organisation. Arguably, he notes that most organisations have failed to establish right talents based on their job opportunities they have instead, they always keep an eye on the qualifications.

The climax of the article reaches a point where the author notes that any work place is diversified. For this reason, he suggests that the work place diversity is not restricted to: ethnicity, gender, age, educational background, marital status; there are other aspects which need to be considered. Challenges faced by these diversities may also affect the performance of human resource as the department depends heavily on them when recruiting and executing some if its duties. The author also notes that even though a mixture of culture and talents may be might benefit the organisation, it might also breed a seed of confusion in ascertaining which route to follow. For this reason, few organised systems may benefit as result of this by poaching some of this talents.

HRM challenges faced by managers by Sethumadhavan.

Sethumadhavan explain the problem by identifying some of the exact problem faced as far as the HRM team is concerned. He establishes that in managing the vision the HRM team is mandated to ensure that its members play a big role to attain the already set goals. In this case the future of the firm is vested within this section. This is risky and difficult to handle. He adds by saying that creating a conducive environment for members to work is a challenging task as some of the employees may not be contended with given working conditions while others do. The rules of industrial relations apply to all employees of the organisation. This philosophy is sometimes difficult for managers to keep by it as it proves to be daunting and sometimes tricky. For instance, it is said that those who make laws are the same people who break it.

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The management should lead as an example instead of implementing policies they can’t abide by. The author observes that the HRM has a hard nut to crack in terms of monitoring its members to ensure that they stick to the philosophical statement of the organisation in order to embrace change. There might be some group with conflicting interests. Convincing and controlling them may not be easy as they may be backed by the trade unions. Apart from that, designing and allocating job duties to employees may not only be challenging but tricky in terms of experience and division of labour. All employees should at least have knowledge to work in various sections. This is not the case with specialisation. As that is not enough, managing a large work force who knows the rights and boundaries they are operating from is tricky because protests and demonstrations are channelled to this department. Cooling such temperatures requires a person with the highest diplomacy and integrity; most of the top management do not have these etiquettes.

The author is not against the emergence of new technology by stating that the productivity of many firms has gone down because of this. The fact that most employee take long to master and acquire knowledge to use these machines, they make enormous mistakes that cost the company a lot of funds. This has made the HRM to have received many employee- supervisor disputes to be settled. Such tasks require justice and honesty in order to be fair in judging and solving these problems.

Top 5 Human resource challenges for 2010 by Rajalakshmi

After evaluation of the problem for many years, the author observes that there are five major that play a vital role in raising the tide of challenges within the human resource management. These include; the developing of talents and retention, it is the wish of both the employer and the employee in ensuring that the worker improves on his professionalism as well as getting experience by working for a given organisation. The author postulates that after getting greener pastures, employee usually resigns from the very firm, which gave them experience. Others usually wait until the company has trained them thereafter they leave or change their profession without alerting the sponsor firm. This is a very big blow to the human resource manager and the firm. In his article, the author notes that this usually happens especially when there is no binding contract within the two parties.

Furthermore, he notes another challenge related to cost. He says that the business world is dynamic and therefore the work environment. Policies set by an organisation especially those related to remunerations keeps on changing according to the economy. It becomes hard for the human resource management to adjust accordingly due to limited resources. At extremes points, workers have even sued some organisation for not adjusting their salaries according to the wind of economic change. The problem of budgeting for employee and their welfare also crops up due to fluctuation in the economy caused by the forces of demand and supply.

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The author establishes that it requires the HRM to keep on soliciting for more funds from the finance section in order to keep the system in check otherwise most HRM resolves by retrenching employee which is not a good practice. Another problem noted by the author is that which relates to compensation and benefits; he argues that employees should be rewarded according to their experience and good work they have done to the firm. This therefore mounts pressure on the HRM to adjust the terms of employment so as to make every employee comfortable and promote the spirit of hard work amongst the employees. On factual grounds, an organisation takes a long span of time to revise the terms unless they are forced to by some conditions.

The war between the employee and the human resource management should only be solved if firms allow collateral problem solving and decision making. All people in an organisation should participate or rather given a chance to give their view regarding the problem at the prevailing working condition.

Human resource challenges experienced in 2009

In the first place the author starts by observing that the problem experienced in the human resource management keep on varying year after another. According to the economic factors, political and environmental factors that prevailed during the respective periods of time, problem in this field will keep on advancing as time goes. He identifies the following; the protection of the top potential workers of an organisation is not an easy task. He notes that most of the organisation will always compete to ensure that they acquire a specific person of professional in order to boost their productivity.

Most HRM do not opt for the smart approach; it therefore becomes tricky for the organisations which do not have enough resources to hire some of this “competitive” skills eyed by many firms. Head count freezing is yet another challenge within this sector. Since most of the employee are supposed to be moved or transferred from one department or region to the other, it becomes a daunting task ion trying to execute some of these duties in an effective and fair way. It therefore calls for inducement and influences of any kind from external environment so that these duties are implemented. This is injustice and grossly unprofessional according to the stipulated ethics of working in the human resource management.

In the same year 2009, the author establishes that usually there is a problem of communication between employees and specifically the HRM. These problems usually arise when the system undergoes some form of transformation and therefore the change of roles from the normal. Without any notice, workers are sometimes forced to adapt new working conditions introduced by the HRM (which has been directed by the top management) an instant. Many workers end up working for long hours and other terminate their contract with the organisation for reasons which could have been solved within the firm. In his subject of argument he resolves that HRM usually get pressure and external pressure in executing their duties. They are not independent and therefore do not work effectively consequently lots of blames have been apportioned to them for their inefficiency.

Organizational HRM – Problems for Discussion and Analysis

In this article the author notes the problem of raising supply of firms which has put pressure on the low demand of employee. As the economic world continues growing, the amount of skilled labour force becomes low as most of the firm will be competing for limited factors of production among them labour supply. For this reason he establishes that the law of demand and supply is obeyed and therefore workers are forced to raise the amount of pay they would like to receive from the Human resource management.

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Another problem within this section is that of external pressure; just like others, the author has also shed some light on this topic but from a different perspective. He says that the top management is found of forcing of the execution of some impossible duties in order to meet their selfish motives. For instance, the recruitment or retrenchment of staff needs to be done in a professional and just way not by influence. Also, another established challenge is that the senior employee squeeze cost drastically so as to make the company attractive in the stock exchange market. This is usually done by lowering employee’s salaries or sticking to the old rates or sometimes retrenching others on unknown grounds. As this happens all blames and other challenges are forwarded to the human resource department, which fails to address them because they are past their capability.

The problem of the retirement age has not yet been discussed by the author but it also remains to exert more pressure to this section. In developed countries, many employees prefer to retire early so that they can focus on their own development activities but this is not a reason in developing countries. This conflicting regulation are challenging in this two scenarios and regions as they differ. HRM’s need to coordinate and ensure that they forge a specific common level at which such rules should apply.

Challenges within the Human Resource management by Neil Tocher and Matthew Rutherford

Neil Tocher and MattHYPERLINK “ W. Rutherford”hew Rutherford discuss the problem by considering a number of factors. They argue the human resource management usually face a lot of challenges within its section because of a number of factors. They are for the idea that the HRM team need to be well versed with the knowledge and skills of their practice. Without this skills then the management will be experience frequent problems time after another. It is therefore upon the team to enrol for part time courses in order to advance their knowledge and profession. The challenge therefore is there is no time for furthering knowledge.

The authors also note another problem that relates to coordination of other sectors with the human resource management. For this reason, inaccessibility to advanced knowledge, tools and practice that facilitates coordination within these systems remains to be unsolved. As a result, the HRM team has implemented policies without consultation from other firms for the purpose of clarity. For this reason firms have incurred a lot of costs in bearing the losses.

Some Human Resource Management (HRM)’s problems.

The roles played by the human resource management are usually many and sometimes makes the manager in efficient as he has a lot to deal with within his docket. The role related to hiring, firing, training, and forming rules guiding workers within an organisation are made by the HRM. Working on such demanding tasks requires that the department is split into sub-division in order to share some of these duties for effective working. Most firms do not by this idea and therefore overburden one party in the whole organisation.

The author cites another challenge experienced by the HRM is that of shortage of manpower; most organisations prefer hiring people with diversified skills and talents in order to benefit the firm from reduced costs of operation. It therefore calls for the HRM to look for or train people whom the firm is interested in. This is a very challenging task as all people are not knowledgeable in all or most of the fields

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