Charismatic Leadership And Transformational Leaderships Management Essay

It is the capacity of a person to inspire or attract, negotiate, charm or persuade people or other individual.. Whenever a person has a high charismatic skill level they tend to be given more attention, respected and listened to. A person who has a virtuous charisma they are helpful in leading, selling, teaching and speaking. For an example, Bill Clinton is a man with a very wonderful and strong charisma.

Charisma is an acquired trait. Acquired means that a person improves themselves based on looking how another better person actions or efforts. Looking at another person with a higher charismatic level, people tend to follow them to have a greater charisma and to succeed.

For a person to be an effective leader it’s not important that they have a very good charismatic level. As long as the person has a good idea and a high innovation level they can be an effective leader. To be an effective leader one should have a good communication skill. With this skill they can manage, lead and supervise people under them. The leader has to speak and discuss with their team in order to improve the management level. Other than that, an effective leader should have a consistency in the behavior. The leader has to treat every person fairly no matter in what position they are. Everyone will have to be treated as the same without looking at any condition. Lastly an effective leader has to have a good planning and good idea as well. They have to have an aim regarding their project or management. When they have a good idea they can manage and at the same time innovate more new projects.

Is charismatic leadership the same with transformational leadership? Are both leadership concepts similar or different from each other? How does transformational leadership differ from transactional leadership? Provide evidence to your answers.

(15 marks)

Comparison between charismatic leadership and transformational leadership.



Leaders inspire and charms the followers in order for them to follow

People tend to follow someone or leaders who inspired them.

Leaders use charm and grace to achieve target and accomplish their goals.

Leaders use passion and vision in order to achieve the target and goal.

Leaders will not use power or authority on the followers

Leaders use power on their followers to achieve target or their goal

Charismatic leadership has a short live.

Transformational leadership has a long lasting live because it will be taken over by the followers.

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In charismatic leadership, followers are not appreciated nor given any reward for their contribution

In the transformation leadership, followers are given reward and they are appreciated as well for their contribution.

Charismatic leaders are those who are highly motivated and have a high self-confidence. Their actions inspire other people and this encourages them to follow them. They bring interest in their supporters and this makes them to follow the leaders. Transformational leaders brings out interest and curiosity of the followers to get a bigger view on some perspective and situation, they bring into existence of the vision of the organization and motivates the followers in order to increase their interest to bring advantage in their group.

In charismatic leadership, when the leader leaves the organization or group, the followers who were inspired by them will not be able to complete the target and the vision of their leader. In transformational leadership after the leader leaves the followers will take over and accomplish the target and the vision of the leader. This will be carried on through generation without any problem.

In charismatic leadership, the vision of the leaders is not accomplished by the followers but instead the followers will only give the leaders support and motivation to reach their goal. By getting the supports from the followers, the leader will get more confidence to carry on their ideas on achieving their goals. The example of leaders who used this technique is Mother Theresa and Bill Clinton. In transformational leadership, the leaders will motivate the followers to achieve their goal through the way they prefer. Power is used by the leaders in order to reach the goal and target of the group. The example of a leader who follows this technique is Sam Walton, founder of Wal-Mart. From this we can conclude that Charismatic Leadership differs from Transformational Leadership.

Comparison between Transformational and Transactional leadership

Transformational Leadership

Transactional Leadership

The leaders induce emotions on their followers so that they will be motivated and leads them to act more than what is given.

Leaders are conscious of the connection between reward and effort

Leaders take initiative to widen the interest in the followers

The leaders are responsible to deal with current issues

The followers are giving a chance to learn and solve problems

Leaders motivated the followers by giving them rewards when their performances are satisfying

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Transactional leadership is a leadership where the employees have to agree to whatever idea which is given by the leader when the job is accepted. This leadership talks about the exchanges between a leader and employee. For an example, the organization will give reward to the employee for their hard work in meeting the goal of the company. Other than that, the employee is also given the rights to punish their workers if their work doesn’t meet their expectation.

Transformational leadership is a leadership where the leaders inspire their employees with a big vision of the future. The leaders inspire and give motivation to the employees to go beyond exchanges as well as rewards. The leaders in this leadership will have to increase the motivation and the confidence level in the employee so that they value the importance of their company’s goal and target.

Vision is created through transformational leadership and it inspired the employees to think beyond the expectations. In transactional leadership, the employees are asked to focus more on motivation on job performance. Therefore, transactional leadership involves with the exchange of rewards for the work, whereas transformational leadership involves attitudes in developing the employees to finish the task.

With reference to relevant academic publications, discuss what strong culture means and whether it leads to higher level of business performance. What types of organizational culture identified by academic authors are considered to impede business progress?

Strong culture is an organization in which the values are shared around in wide span. In order for a team to achieve their goal, they need a good leadership team with a good leader. The leaders are not the only person who has to be good in the team but the partners have to take responsibility to work together in the team. Therefore a strong culture is needed to provide confidence and motivation so that the service given will be the best. Strong culture means that it unifies everybody to work together to achieve the same goal. The negative point here is that everybody will have the same way of thinking and the same behavior. All the employees will have the same idea and innovation which in return this slows down the progress of the company. When there is not enough of ideas and new innovation, this can slow down the development of the management and thus performance of business well.

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Organizational culture shows the personal remark of certain organization. It shows the communication between employees and management in a working place. The way the members of an organization thinks and acts is affected by organizational culture. Organizational culture involves with the weakness and strength, life experiences and education as well.

William Ouchi’s 1981, Theory Z: How American Business Can Meet the Japanese Challenge.

Ouchi published Theory Z in 1981 where it explains about the key functions of the organizational effectiveness. In this theory, he talks about the art of the Japanese management as well as explaining how it adapts to the American way of management. The way managers and employees view the company, job and the working style can be changed through the theory of Ouchi. The companies should practice the theory explained by William Ouchi so that the performance of the company can be improved. It has been shown that the company which follows this theory has an improved management level in productivity. For an example, companies such as Procter and Gamble are successful companies from US which practices theory Z similar to Japanese companies.

Terrance Deal and Allan Kennedy’s Corporate Cultures: The Rites and Rituals of Corporate Life .

This book explains about the key function for a business to succeed. The most important keys that the companies have to pay attention on are the company’s culture values, rituals and rites and the influencer of their success. For all the level of management, both Deal and Kennedy attached some guidelines which help the staff to recover their own corporate culture and to use the power to influence business as well.

Mats Alvesson, Understanding Organizational Culture

Culture is always brought up within the management and organization. This book explain on the alternative perspective available, the definiton and how the leadership can be expanded and changed in the management. Alvesson helps the students to understand the field of organizational culture, drawing upon the range of relevant literature within Organization Studies.

Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman’s In Search of Excellence.

In search of excellence a book wrote by thomas peters and robert waterman they talk about 8 themes which is a bias for action active decision making .close to the cutomer ,autonomy and entrepreneurship,productivity through people,hands-on,value-driven,stick to the kniting,simple form lean stuff and simultaneous loose tight properties.this book simplify this eight basic principles wich helps companies to improve the management level.

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