Charles taze russell


Charles Taze Russell, an American entrepreneur-turned-minister in 1897 had made an early description of globalization. Economists and other social scientists used globalization term during 1960s. (Wikipedia) The use of globalization term was widely used during the half of 1980s. There are numerous people who tried to come up with the definitions of globalization at that time. Globalization is the transactional processes and domestic structures of economy, politics, culture, and social. Besides, usually globalization specifically refers to economic globalization. Economic globalization defined by national economies into international economies. International trade, investment by foreigners, capital flows, migration of nation or foreigners, and the spreading of technology are some of the examples of international economy. Malaysia as one of the countries of Southeast Asian also undergoes the process of globalization. Furthermore, globalization gives effect on Malaysia in economy, political, social and culture.

In 1970s, Bumiputera run the Malaysian firms and enterprises by 35 percent. This is one of the implementation aspects of New Economic Policy (NEP). In addition, Malaysia’s economy has successfully narrowed the gap of income disparity between Bumiputera and other races. Other than that, since 1989, 8% of consistent economic growth was recorded. 9.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew in 1995. During the first quarter of 1996, the growth rate falls to 8%. In the middle of 1997, Malaysia have seriously been attack by tremendous drop of currency that give impact on country’s growth of exportation helps Malaysia recover from recession period. Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad during his career as Prime Minister announced the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) to transform the economic from a production-based economy to a knowledge-based economy (K-economy). Thus, Malaysia undergoes globalization due to the economic expansion although received the recession period and successfully recovered.

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In Malaysia, prime minister should be a member and have the self-assured of House of Representatives. Parliamentary democracy is used in Malaysia to attain the globalization in developing the country with the federal constitutional monarchy. In operating the government, prime minister must be highly responsible to make the political environment in Malaysia to be stable. Due to the political stable, Malaysia has made a good relationship with United States and Europe even in the Asian region, South Korea, China, and Japan. Government in Malaysia, encourage foreign’s investment in manufacturing industries. Thus, nations can get income as an employee to the industries. Since Malaysia gained its independence, our nations have made globalization in political. Political has successfully lower down the poverty in the rural area. Rural development was taken placed since 1965 where budgets were largest allocated to the rural area. Hence, political that are stable is important in globalization of a country.

Educational system in Malaysia has undergoes many changes of reviews and curricular activities to gain high right mentality and good attitudes of students. In order to achieve that, professors, lecturers, and teachers were recommended to find alternative to achieve this goal. Family, entertainment media, government political, and communities play an important role to mould the competitive, good moral attitudes, and more independent students. Malaysia government have make strategies on educational system to support Bumiputera to become an intellectual person. Government produced Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM), universities of science and technology based, and sponsorship for bright students. Furthermore, developing technologies is also one of the Malaysia aims. This aims has contribute the increase of foreigner’s investment. Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC) is providing capital to Malaysian and foreign companies that are interested in investing in Malaysia. So, educational and developing technologies are the aspects of social globalization.

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Malaysia is comprises of West and East Malaysia. West Malaysia can also be known as Peninsular Malaysia consists of 60% of Malay, 25% of Chinese, and 10% of Indian population. Likewise, East Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak consist of Chinese, and Ibans. Islam is the national religion of Malaysia because nearly all Malays are Muslims. Bahasa Malaysia (Malay) is the official language of this country. But in the legal system, English language is used as communication. Mandarin, Tamil and other regional ethnic’s languages also used by nations of Malaysia. Although Malaysia has many cultures, all the races live in harmony and peaceful among each other. This indicator makes other countries interested in investing in Malaysia. Besides, the using of English language in trading makes it easier to foreign investment. Thus, globalization in cultures of Malaysia also makes Malaysia to be a well-known country.

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