Chocolate Brand Expansion into India

Whittaker’s is a New Zealand based chocolate company, owned and operated by Whittaker’s family since 1896. This chocolate brand is one of the most popular and trustworthy brand in the country, all the products are made in their own factory located in Wellington. The company exports its chocolate products to countries like Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Middle East and so on.

This evaluation report targets India as its international market, focusing on possibilities of international business trade for Whittaker’s chocolate brand.

Analysis through market research helps a business to understand the kind of the products and services that can help an organization to earn profit and meet customer’s expectations.

PESTLE Analysis:   

PESTLE analysis is a popular business tool utilize to understand the external factors that can affect a business or an organization, say, political or economic factors.

Political factors:


India, one of the world’s largest democracies functions through a federal government. The business environment in the country gets affected by multifarious factors say government’s policies, ideologies and interests of political figures. The political environment in the country can be considered cyclic as the elections are conducted in every few years and there are chances that the selected political party can be different from the previously elected one.

New Zealand:

New Zealand follows democracy strongly creating an environment to business steadily. Here the political system is stable however the Queen supremacies but the government rules. The country offers a supportive tax guidelines for investing and growing a business.


Both the countries follow democracy system of government, though India has a huge population so the chances prediction of political environment gets really tough. Because of re-election process the political factor is least predictable as the rules and regulations can be changed or updated for upward mobility.

Economic factors:


25 years ago, India embarked on a journey of economic liberalization, opening its doors to globalization and market forces. According to a report by International Monetary Fund, the country’s GDP is said to grow by 7.4 percent in the year 2016-17, which will make it the fastest-growing large economy in the world. (Madgavkar, 2016)

New Zealand:

Social factors:


A pleasant arrangement of increasing disposable incomes, changing standard of living and a young population’s rising liking for indulgence has transformed the country as the fastest growing chocolate market globally. The chocolate industry in India is growing nearly by 20% every year. (Karnik, 2015)
India hold a majority proportion of young people, according to CIA, median age in India was 27.3 years in 2015.
India’s urban ranges make a noteworthy commitment to the nation’s economy. Albeit short of what 33% of India’s population live in urban communities and towns, these zones produce more than 66% of the nation’s GDP and record for 90% of the administration’s incomes. Accordingly, urban territories have been developing quickly, with a solid inundation from the rustic populace.

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New Zealand:

New Zealand’s economy is greatly reliant on exchange with different nations. Change in outside request may influence the nation’s monetary circumstance. The nation has bring down spending in R&D exercises bringing about outside reliance for new innovation.
New Zealand has distinctive culture just like the significantly Christian ruled religion. Along these lines, amid Christmas and different celebrations, New Zealand is altogether extraordinary, for example, utilization and imports of nourishments and refreshment and electronic contraptions increment amid merry season.
Future rate is progressively and death rate is low in New Zealand which is useful for nation however not consider so great at association forthcoming in light of the fact that in New Zealand, after retirement, without doing any work individuals get annuity, tip subsidize till long time which influence organization benefit.

Technological factors:


There has been huge sustainable change in technological sector in India, the number of institutions has increased within past years in the country. Also there is easy availability of 3G and 4G network in most places in the country.

Considering total number of startups including both tech and non tech areas the country. As far as aggregate number of new businesses, including both tech and non-tech regions, India again figured among the five biggest has on the planet, alongside China (10,000). IT center point Bengaluru is host to 26 for each penny of household tech new businesses, trailed by Delhi NCR (23 for every penny) and Mumbai (17 for each penny). In the ‘making up for lost time’ class were Hyderabad (8 for each penny), Chennai and Pune (6 for every penny each). (PTI, 2016)

New Zealand:

The country has made noteworthy development in numerous technological products. India is one of the largest and fastest growing economy globally, the country represents enormous chances for line of work and is a significance association for the New Zealand Government.

The innovation area is New Zealand’s quickest developing part and backings a huge number of employments. Sends out have multiplied in the course of recent years and are currently worth more than $6 billion. Inside this, the advanced economy and the weightless division is currently assessed to be worth $1.3 billion. It is the nation’s third biggest fare worker behind dairy and tourism and addresses each other real market section. (Macleod)

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Legal and Environmental factors:


An exhaustive lawful and administrative system has made it feasible for business elements in India to flourish. Later charge changes, for example, the usage of VAT, have been fruitful and have expanded aberrant duty accumulations in the nation. The fund service has proposed the execution of the Direct Tax Code (DTC), which means to extend charge pieces and negate the various assessment exceptions that are at present set up. Merchandise and enterprises charge (GST), a far reaching backhanded tax collection framework, is likewise anticipated that would be executed in the close term. Changes in both direct and aberrant duties would supplement the administration assess income considerably by extending the expense base instead of expanding the expense rates. (MarketLine)

New Zealand:

India is the seventh biggest nation on the planet, and Asia’s second biggest country, with a zone of 3,287,263 sq. km. In spite of having just 2.5% of the world’s property range, India represents 7-8% of comprehensively recorded species. The nation is among the 12 uber biodiversity areas of the world, which are accepted to be home to 60-70% of worldwide biodiversity. India has almost 2,400 known types of creatures of land and water, fowls, warm blooded creatures, and reptiles, of which 18.4% are boundless. Of these, 10.8% are debilitated. The nation is home to almost 19,000 types of vascular plants, of which 26.8% are endemic. There are a huge number of advantages of biodiversity including solutions, mechanical materials, and the arrangement of environmental administrations. (MarketLine)


In 2011 Prime Minister John Key propelled the NZ Inc. India Strategy, an arrangement for India to wind up distinctly a center exchange, financial and political accomplice for New Zealand. The NZ-India FTA is a significant stride toward accomplishing that objective.

New Zealand and India as of now appreciate a solid relationship. India was New Zealand’s tenth biggest exchanging accomplice in the year to June 2016, with aggregate exchange products and enterprises worth more than NZ$2.5 billion. Fares to India were worth NZ$1.7 billion (NZ$656 million in products, NZ$1 billion in administrations) with imports worth NZ$821 million (NZ$591 million in merchandise, NZ$230 million in administrations). More than 10,000 Indian understudies came to ponder in New Zealand in 2015, and another 35,000 Indian vacationers went by that year. There are well more than 100,000 Indian nationals inhabitant in New Zealand. (New Zealand-India FTA, n.d.)

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There are certain possible benefits to this agreement, it can create an improved access in the India’s enormous market focusing on the developing middle class and also it will create vast opportunity in various New Zealand’s service sector say, tourism, environmental. Certain clashes like competitors like Cadbury and other well settled brand can be faced.

Moreover vegetable fats can be a content for chocolates internationally but in India doing so is not permitted. Certain number of companies have faced issues as they did not fir the Indian standard requirements.

Social Media:

Internet systems administration is incredibly being utilized these days. Online headways ought to be conceivable by method for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogger and so forth. We can make web diaries, we can make page on Facebook and Twitter. This will help us to exhibit our things among youth masses. Posting progressions on goals that get overpowering human affiliation is one approach to manage get the word out about your business, for example, we can use Facebook having broadcasting programs with headways only fitted to a specific measurement masses. These promotions appear to be recently adjacent profiles that meet the inspirations driving your thing’s objective business section. In like way, we can use Google AdWords association to post online advertisements this organization is extraordinarily to post advancements.


Email is the current electronic media to send message. It is a way to deal with bestow people wherever all through the world for the span of the day and night without holding up the beneficiary to wake up and making himself appear. It can send messages to numerous people in a matter of moments. It can in like manner send records, photos or even video cuts.

Radio and Television:

These two are the wellspring of data. They give us the most recent data in the state of news and commercials and furthermore a wellspring of excitement for us.


Media transmission is the most imperative method of correspondence. It builds up direct connection between two gatherings situated at better places and whenever. Telephone utility was begun in 1881 in India however in the most recent two decades, there has been gigantic development in media transmission division. India has now the biggest media transmission arrange in Asia. Moreover cellular services are at boom in the country.

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