Classroom Management And Discipline Plan Education Essay

Students must understand the behaviors that are expected of them. The students will help the teacher make classroom rules the first few days of school. Each student will brainstorm and give a classroom rule that they would like to include. The student will give a rule or rules as the teacher list them on the board and the teacher would consolidate the rules to 4 or 5 basic classroom rules. This will give the students a sense of involvement and acceptance in the class if they help with the rules. The classroom rules help keep the rules simply and the students on task as well as helping the student succeed in the classroom.

Be polite and kind

The teacher will give an example for better understanding of the rule such as no name-calling and listen carefully when others are speaking.

Respect others and yourself as well as their property.

This is a general rule that all students need to understand. Return borrowed materials, do not write on desks, pick up litter, do not use other person’s things without permission.

Talk only with permission. Don’t talk when others are talking.

This rule is another general rule that must be explained such as when the teacher is giving instruction do not talk or interrupt. If you are in small group talk quietly in the group and do not disturb others.

Obey all school rules.

This is an important rule that helps with general school rules such as no talking or running in the hallway. It also suggests to the students that they must abide by all school rules.


Maintaining good student behavior requires good communication, monitoring and consequences. Young children are more likely to follow a rule just by the teacher asking but motivation is a good way to maintain appropriate behaviors. Sometimes a deterrent is needed to avoid negative behaviors of students.


Positive feedback is a great motivation for most students. Explain what is expected of the students.

Positive verbal praise such as good job, way to go, great idea.

Positive written comments on papers such as stickers with sayings such as great job, star student, etc.

Reward improvement

Recognition by giving awards or certificates.

Display student work

Material incentives after earning certain number of points such as pencils, stickers, erasers, other materials

Extra recess time for good work or group cooperation.


Rely on corrective feedback for struggling students

Communicate dissatifiacation with student behavior

Demerit System is totaled daily and weekly (Start over daily)

1st violation – warning

2nd violation – student will have extra written work – such as writing spelling words 5 times.

3rd violation – loss of privileges

4th violation – referral to principal/note sent home to parents

Student grades will be affected, such as reductions of grades for late, missing or incomplete assignments.

4. If the student bring items to school that are not allowed that item or items would be confiscated.

Starting School – First few days of school, learning names of the students, teaching and sending messages.

The first few days are a very important time especially for classroom management. There are several ways the teacher can prepare the students for management. Students will feel more comfortable in the classroom if the learn other student names in the classroom and students realize that everyone has similarities and differences. The main goal of the school year is to obtain student cooperation with following the rules and learning the rules and successfully completing classroom assignments.

If the students feel comfortable and welcome in the classroom they are more likely to listen and respect the teacher and other students in the classroom.

Below is a list of procedures to be used for the beginning of the classroom activities.

Play a game that will help introduce each other to the classroom. Such as introduce myself to the classroom and tell a little something about myself to the classroom. Then let students introduce him or her and tell something special about themselves.

What are my expectations? Introduce my love of music and explain the different activities that the student will be involved in during the school year?

What is the grading system? Keep it simply.

Help students with uncertainties and make them feel comfortable enough to ask questions, etc.

Let the student know that I am available for them, being visible, monitoring the classroom and letting them know the class can have fun and still learn without disrupting others.

B) Starting School – First Day Activities

Greet students

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Welcome students and have nametags on each desk so the student will know where they are sitting.


Brief introduction of myself

Use a game to let students introduce themselves.

Have work sheets or other activities for students to complete after introductions.

Room description

Describe class schedule such as classroom time, lunchtime, recess, etc.

Set a positive tone.

Teach procedures, as they are needed and step-by-step instructions.

Content Activities

Give whole group instruction to the classroom.

Plan activities so students can succeed.

Have extra activities for students who finish early.

Time fillers

Be prepared for the unexpected

Have ideas ready for the classroom such as handouts, work sheets, word puzzles,

coloring pages.

Administrative activities

Complete list of students for the roll book, give out school handbooks and other paperwork for the students/parents to complete and return to school.

Have textbooks, texts, and forms for the students

Materials or supplies checklist for each student

Available conference times and contact information

Special information

Closing activities

Set aside a few minutes before the end of the day and go over with the students before they leave a brief review of the day activities and discuss with the students what they have learned, found difficult, and liked about the day.

Comment on student’s good work and good behavior to reinforce expectations and keep the tone position.

C) Daily Schedule – times, procedures

A list of daily activities will be posted in the classroom as well as weekly activities

for the students to know what is expected.

Schedule will include:

Reading – This will include language arts, writing skills

Bathroom break

Math – This will include math work sheets and work with manipulatives

Lunch/Bathroom break

Library /computer lab/art or music

Social studies


Time to clean up, get backpack ready

Time to leave

D) Within class and weekly schedule – times for specific activities

Since some activities will change within the daily schedule such as library, computer lab, art and music it is important to highlight activities that will change.

Special activities such as group activities with the school and different groups or clubs that will have special events for the students will also be a change for the classroom. School pictures, field trips as well as other activities will change your schedule. The daily schedule as a teacher will have to be flexible and ready for the unexpected.

E) Procedures and routines for critical times and activities

Beginning – day, periods Each day briefly review major materials and focal points from the previous day.

Ending – day, periods Make sure that each student understand what they are expected to learn form the material and give the students time to ask questions.

Transitions – within day, within class The class will follow the teacher cues and learn routines for changing into whole group and small group instructions. The classroom will also become familiar with centers and time for transitions for lunch, library and other activities.

Planning times Planning times will occur before and after school. In the afternoon to prepare for the next day such as making sure materials that are needed for the lessons are available.

Materials – locations, distribution and collection.

The teacher will have shelves for books, cabinets/drawers for large materials such as paper, crafts, math manipulatives, etc. Each student will have their own materials that are left at their desk such as pencils, paper, erasers, crayons or markers, individual dry eraser boards, etc.

The teacher will also have a center that has extra pencils, crayons, scissors and other materials that would be needed in the classroom.

Collection of schoolwork would depend on the activity or assignment such as individual or group work. Individual work would be collected and graded as well as group work as


Attendances, tardiness , make -up work, etc.

The teacher will keep a roll book of student and take attendance daily, tardiness will also be noted . If a student is absent then the student will complete their schoolwork within 3 days after their return or as determined by school policy. If students are absence for extended periods such as serious injury or illness or surgery for example then the teacher would work with the student and his or her parents on a case by case basic or as determined by school policy, etc.

F) Student accountability systems

Supervision and monitoring

The teacher will walk around the room as necessary for supervision and monitoring of schoolwork. The students will be spaced out for testing such as spelling, reading, science and social studies tests.

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In-class work

Class work will be turned in daily and graded by the teacher or with older students they will self-grade some of their daily work


When introducing new skills to the students or the students need extra practice then homework will be sent home to help with further understanding.

Returning papers

Homework and other papers will be returned daily or the next school day.

Papers will be graded daily and returned to the student so they will know what areas they are doing well in and also the areas that they need to work on.

Communicating grades

Homework and other graded papers will be sent home daily for the parents to be aware of the student’s progress. Each Monday the teacher will send home progress reports with each subject listed and the grade for each subject for the parent to sign and return weekly so the parents are aware of the student’s progress.

Quizzes, other assessments

Quizzes will be given to make sure the students are learning a new skill or skills that is introduced. Other assessments that will be used to grade students activities such as science projects or experiments and students can work together in groups. Other hands -on activities may include reading maps or work globes, etc.

G) Structuring instruction


Notebooks will be used to keep activities and daily homework. Each day the student will place their notebooks in their desks and keep paperwork in them.

For older students, notebooks will be kept for paperwork, materials and other paperwork for each subject.


Individual students folders will be keep and will also be put in their backpack and took home each day with daily work, homework and other paperwork.

Other systems for instructional activities

Weekly schedule and weekly newsletter will be sent home each Monday that lists each subject and the skills that will be taught for the week as well as any weekly reminders of upcoming events.

Filler activities

Activities will be set up in small groups or centers needed for extra educational activities. Education games will be used for the centers such as word games, reading activities, matching games, math games, etc.

Giving instructions – steps, posting etc.

Each activities will be given specific instructions such as verbal or written instructions.

H) Dealing with discipline problems in the classroom

As a teacher there are many ways for classroom disruptions that are beyond our control such as intercom announcements and other classroom disruptions. In order to maintain appropriate behavior it is best to teach desirable responses regarding classroom interruptions.

Reinforcing desirable behaviors

When a student is behaving appropriately let the student be aware of the good behavior. For example, by stating, ” I really like the way James or Sally is sitting quietly and listening”. ” I like the way Molly is raising her hand before asking a question.” ” I am happy to see John, Amy and Matt standing in line quietly in the hallway.” Praising good behavior helps others want to do the right behavior.

Techniques for dealing with minor disruptions

If minor disruptions occur the first approach would be to response to the student by the following procedures:


Eye Contact

Move closer in proximity

Gesture or shoulder touch


Techniques for dealing with chronic misbehaviors

Dealing with chronic misbehaviors would include using some form of accountability by using a tally or other system to keep up with misbehavior as follows:


Written work

Additional schoolwork

Lose of privileges

Send to principal/Note to parents/guardian

Referral to principal or other personnel

Referral to principal or other personnel would result as a last resort such as student refusing to listen to the teacher or being a disruption to the whole class. If the student were not responding to any action that the teacher has tried or offered then the student would be sent to the principal’s office for consequence of his/her actions.

Techniques for dealing with severe problems

If a student is threatening others, fighting or bringing inappropriate items into the classroom that the school has determined dangerous or illegal then I would follow school policy in regards to inappropriate behaviors. Student actions may result in the students being placed in school detention, expelled for a few days or in extreme cases expelled for the school year.

Desists and desisting

If a student has numerous issues regarding inappropriate behaviors and nothing seems to work to deter a negative behavior and the student still desists then it may be necessary to remove the student from the classroom and place the student in detention. Sending a written letter home to the parent or guardian to explain the student actions/behaviors.

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NOTE: Select the least intrusive strategy to gain student’s compliance.

Avoid lecturing/nagging.

Parent communication

Communication systems- letters, notes, calls One of the easiest ways a teacher can communicate with a parent or parents is to send home weekly progress reports and weekly classroom newsletters with identified areas or skills to learn for the week. Another good way to communicate is through the school website. E-mail is also a great way to communicate but not all families especially in rural areas have Internet access. The teacher can also provide contact numbers or contact hours for parents to communicate with them.

Conferences Parent teacher conferences are a great way to get to know the parent and the type of family that the student comes from. Understanding a students background will help understand their styles of learning and what works best for each individual student.


Teachers can also involve parents in school activities or invite parent if they have the time and opportunity to volunteer for a day in the classroom.

Most parents like to stay involved even if they are unable to volunteer and another way for them to be involved is to donate materials, money or other things needed for the school or classroom.

Dealing with moods, changes in weather, illness, etc.

There are different situations that will affect the school day. Changes in moods are often related to weather. Some children do better when it is a sunny day versus a rainy or snowy day. Another distraction for children regarding the weather is a forecast of snow and the anticipation of a snow day.

Sometimes illness of a child affects the classroom schedule. A child may not be sick when they arrive at school but during the day may develop a fever or sudden illness such as stomach virus or other illness. If this occurs, the teacher would refer the student to the school nurse to contact the parent or guardian to pick the student up from school.

Modification of activities for specific times

There are certain times that modification of class schedule will occur such as field trips, student assemblies, school fire drills, tornado drills, pep rallies or other activities. The teacher will adjust the class schedule and be flexible and prepared for any situation.

Preparation and procedures for substitute teachers

As a teacher I would have lesson plans for each week that would list daily schedule and list subject areas for each day/week. If the teacher is planning on being absent then materials, textbooks, paperwork and other materials would be listed and given to the substitute teacher in advance if the teacher has made plans to be absent. In other cases, if the teacher is ill or has other emergencies then the substitute would follow the lesson plans and use material that are in the classroom to help teach the class.

K) Management of various instructional formats

Whole group instruction

As a teacher I would complete whole group instruction by explaining to the classroom the activity or subject they will be completing. Whole group instruction for younger children learning to read would be completed with the students gathered in a semi circle on the floor the teacher would start with echo reading to help the students with fluency, comprehension and reading with expression.

Another example of whole group instruction in the subject are of math the teacher would use math manipulatives to show fractions using blocks representing how many triangle in a rectangle.

Small group activities (and reading groups for elementary)

Small group activities would include different activities set up for the students to learn computer skills, math games, and reading.

Small groups of reading for elementary students will also allow the teacher to assess the students in the small group reading fluency and

comprehension as well as phonics being able to sound out letters and words.

Other formats particularly appropriate to the grade level or subject matter.

Setting up simple science experiments for younger children to let them explore and complete hands-on activities seem to help motivate children to learn about science and their environment. In older students the students would be able to have a science lab or science workshop to perform experiments to create their own hypothesis.

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