Communication Between Management And Staff

An inducement is proffered and a good reaction is waited for. Nevertheless, management is not trusted by employees, who see this as a valueless signal, so either they do not make any practical suggestion or they make ones that are shocking!

Overall this scenario, the case is useful example which showed us where and how communication has broken down. First step was a message, it is written in the wrong language. This frequently happens when the sender is a specialist, e.g. a lawyer or engineer.

Secondly, the quality of the language is not right. This can happen in any shape of communication, but is most prone to occur when the message is spoken. In its layout the message is formal and unfriendly. The Managing Director could not even be bothered to sign it- his name was just printed on the announcement.

Finally, the wrong medium way has been selected. You do not leave a message you really want to work to the chance reading of a notice board. The receivers have negative attitudes to the sender and misunderstand the message. They need to be convinced; a more direct and personally involved method was needed.

Post-modern Perspective in Communication

This part of answer considers a range of issues related to why the communication process has failed and analysing the reasons of fail and explains them according to post-modern perspective in communication.

Barriers to effective communication, these are the reasons why communication might fail. Any factor that prevents a message being received or correctly understood is termed a ‘barrier to communication’. There are three board reasons why these occur. They might be in the communication process, physical reasons or poor attitudes of either the sender or receiver.

In the scenario, which is above, reasons for failing the communication are method, attitudes and environment. The medium chosen might be inappropriate. A misleading or an incomplete message would result in poor understanding. If the sender is not trusted – perhaps because of previous misleading messages or unpopular decisions- then the receiver may be unwilling to listen to or read the message carefully. Unmotivated or alienated workers make poor receivers. The sender may have such a poor opinion or perception of the receiver that no effort is made to ensure clarity of message or to check on understanding. Noisy factories are not the best environment for communication. This indicates that the poor quality of the external environment can limit effective communication. Geographical distance can inhibit effective communication -certainly interpersonal communication. Modern electronic methods, such as video conferencing are designed to overcome some of these problems.

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From a postmodernist perspective, before publishing a message and posting notice board, there is a long process which occurs to source organizational culture, knowledge and social system. In this scenario, it seems nothing done before posting the message. Even though they cannot realise how the employees trust level for the top level, may not trust them or different problems are already located. In encoding the message stage, the post modern perspective of view, there should not be neutral access to the world. Instead, our knowledge is always shaped by language, which is itself a product of society and open to variety of meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. In the notice, the message seems clear enough to understand and respond it quickly, but this simplicity might affect the employees in wrong way. Furthermore, written message often might be difficult to read. The message is identical to each receiver. During the process, there might be no body language and feedback will be slower, no immediate response, may be misinterpreted.

In the scenario, receivers might be thinking same by top level of management. However, in post-modern view, it is not possible to see cultures and people as unified wholes. In the scenario, the manager offered a certain amount of money for submission but people did not respond it as expecting. As supporting this perspective, people are individuals and need to be focused on localised practised. This means that it is not possible to make any objective, generalised or unified statements about organizational communication. Instead, research tends to be directed at the deconstruction of particular communication practices.

Question 2

Sitting in your living room watching television either with your family or friends, going out and meeting people or just being alone physical while being with people online, all these involved communication and necessarily related with people, but situation are different and we might follow different processes in each positions. Therefore, inter-personal communication stands for these kinds of activities. It has specific process, rules and setting for each different type, could be individual to individual, individual to mass audience, group to mass audience and might be face to face or with technology helping. Overall everything seems to be clear; factors might affect the process and will make communication fail, such as noise. In this part of answer will be defined the noise and different kind of noise in inter-personal communication, moreover how to overcome them in order to continue good communication.

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Noise, is anything that hinders or blocks our capability to accept or transmit a message. It might distract communicators and direct their attention to something or somewhere outside the communication. In order to be good either good sender or receiver need to find ways to get through the noise. Noise might depend on environment, physical discomfort, psychological state, intellectual ability and also would come from different sources such as external or internal.

For instance, internal noise; personal opinions and feelings, hunger, discrimination or nervousness .External noise; feeling of the atmosphere, sound systems e.g.

There are four types of noise: physical, psychological, physiological and semantic.

Physical noise is external to the sender and receiver. It contains of things such as the sounds of street construction outside the door that make it challenging to receive what is being sent.

Psychological noise is mind nosiness that stops someone from listening. If you cannot be able to stop yourself wandering when someone is speaking to you, the noise in your head is stopping communication.

Physiological noise is any physiological matter that hinders the communication. For instance, if you have a strong headache, it might be difficult to speak to others or listen to them when they speak to you.

Semantic noise happens when there is no collective sense in a communication. This frequently happens when dealing with medical expert, who use jargon that position people may not understand. It can break down the communication rapidly and damagingly. If we are communicating with someone, we need to be aware of any semantic noise that might carry over into our conversations. Oral and written communications are subject to this noise. Everyone has to be watchful to read carefully what written before submitting it. Semantic noise could turn all of hard written work into something that blows the future audience right out of the water. This might make happen future audience to miss the purpose and information in the conversation

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In order to overcome the noise barriers, first of all need to find out their source. This could be challenging, but for effective communication is really vital. Noise occurs in a diversity of methods. It is easy to be distracted, the view from the window, street noise or just a document on the desk. Once sources of the noise have been recognized, steps can be taken to overcome it. The noise barrier cannot always be overcome, even that just the alertness of its survival by either the speaker or the listener of a message can help to get better the communication flow. Furthermore, working at improving communication skills might be important, for instance being good listener and speaker e.g. When the listener and speaker have a good relationship, they are much more likely to achieve their communication aims.

Furthermore, we can never stop hearing all of the background noise, for instance telly, motor engines, mobile phones ringing, crying children, etc. Even our capability to hear is well, overcoming physical noises; we need to try to find a silent place, like the library or a quiet café, turn off the telly and lower the volume of the radio. Achieving these things will help us pay attention to the speaker and will increase our changes of remembering the conversation.

Also speaker might be affect listener point of view then conversation will carry in and it makes barriers overcame. It should be easy to understand who is actually listening or pretending. If speaker realised somebody is just engaging in the conversation by keeping eye contact or nodding his/her head, but what is actually going on in their minds is unknown. However, speaker will be sure that they are not decoding your message and starts making conversation more effectively.

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