Communication Is A Complex Process English Language Essay

As everyone knows, plants cannot live without sunlight. The existence of sunlight is important, and cannot be easily realized unless it disappears. The same as communication, its importance cannot be dug out easily. Furthermore, communication is a complex process that contains several steps. Primarily, the sender creates an idea, and interprets thoughts into messages, then delivers the messages to receiver. Next, the receiver not only obtains messages, but also copes with them. After that, the receiver responses by giving voice to sender or responses with some gestures and facial expressions. Ultimately, the sender gets the messages and notices the effect on the receiver. It is called reciprocating process. In this way, people communicate with each other effectively. On the other hand, communication can also be divided into two categories: verbal and nonverbal communication. Verbal communication uses words to express thoughts. That is to say, it is the words people speak that convey the meaning. However, nonverbal communication is an action to express meanings without words, which includes body movements and facial expressions and so on. Whereby, nonverbal language can help people to understand verbal language better. There are some reasons why people need communication. First of all, the reason people engage in communication is that they can gain knowledge about another individual to improve themselves. Secondly, people also engage in communication to help better understand what someone says in a given context. Thirdly, the roles people play in their relationships help them establish identity. So does the face, the public self-image people present to others. Both roles and face are constructed on how people interact with others. Finally, people engage in communication because they need to express and receive interpersonal needs. As everyone knows, people talk a lot about what occur in their daily life, they also talk the news happen which are enormous around them. However, there are several major issues has been talked about which include family, work, entertainment, and gossip.

One of the most common issues which has been talked about is family, which is a kind of "unit", forms up a unique and powerful system that the members among them will encounter many similar or specific issues that they usually talk about in their daily time, especially when they are waiting for a train. Therefore, it is important to know what family is. "Family are made up of people who have a common history, experience a degree of emotion bonding, and engage in shared goals and activities. Family issues and concerns may include physical survival, social protection, education, and development. They may involve acceptance, nurturance, approval, belonging, identity, support, and growth of individual family members. The members may or may not be biologically related, and the bonds that unite them may or may not be legal ties" (Barbara Thomlison, 2002). Therefore, there are uncountable numbers of possibilities happening among people. In other words, people will have different reactions when they encounter the possibilities. It is because that "everyone has a different definition and a different family experience" (Barbara Thomlison, 2002: 4). Consequently, different people have their own major issues about family when they are waiting for a train. Based on the result of the conducted research, there are 13 percent of people talking about family or the affairs among family. Nearly 11 percent nonstudents’ issues related to family, however, only two percent of students’ issues are about family. Obviously, nonstudents talk more about family issues than students, because they are more mature that they pay more concern about their relatives and some of them have their own family, while students are more interested in other issues, like movies, secrets, and shopping, which they talk with their classmates, even due to the puberty. Another reason is when some of the students talk about their relatives, others do not know how to react because they do not familiar with the people they talk about.

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Working, one of the activities, where people spend most of their time every day at work place may bring them indirectly to face problems, new friends and relationship with workmates in order to adapt a new life. Generally speaking, what people think about their jobs connects with what they think about their life. According to the conducted research, there are 14 percent of people talking about their work which includes three reasons. During the work time, people have to solve all kinds of problems. Some of the problems make them in trouble. They are willing to tell their friends that how difficult the process of solving problems is and how to solve them. At the same time, people will make a lot of new friends through the teamwork. They are glad to talk everything about their new friends. In addition, as the relationship with workmates important, they do their best to deal with the relationship well. As usual, the relationships with workmates are complex. They want their friends to give them some suggestions." Different jobs have different degrees of importance or value to organizations" (Paul M. Muchinsky, 1987). Everyone wants to promote their own value when they are working. Therefore, talking about the work with friends makes people to perform better in the work.

Entertainment, the activities that bring happiness and relax to people, and remove their pressure from work or difficulties in daily life, is one of the most common issues talked among friends when they are in free time. Entertainment closely related to people’s life. According to conducted research, there are 42 percent of people talking about entertainment. In addition, entertainment that people often talk about in free time can be divided into five aspects: movie, shopping, hobby, food, and holiday. People talk about movies partly because they are about to take a train to watch an exciting movie with friends. They expect what the movie would be like and discuss if there is another good one worth seeing. Another reason is that they finish watching a movie, so excited that they cannot help talking about the actors or plot. Shopping is a good activity female would most likely do when they feel distress or unhappy. They can wander casually in the market, talk with friends freely, and buy what they want. It can reduce their pressure effectively. In addition, "Everybody has their consumer soft spot, that special thing that irresistibly attracts them and that they can’t say no to when they shop"(Pamela N. Danzig, 2006). So shopping is a popular issue, which relates to the nature of human being. People also like to talk about hobby. "A hobby is something you do primarily for a purpose other than to make a profit for example, to have fun, learn something, help your community, or impress your neighbours"(Stephen Fishman, 2008). People usually spend some time on hobby during weekends to relax themselves. For example, they go somewhere to play football, basketball, golf or sing, dance with friends. Sometimes, they join in a weekend class to learn to play the piano or draw. So hobby is the common topic they talk. Where and what to eat is another topic people will talk when they are waiting something. During waiting for the train, they may feel hungry and go to the nearest restaurant, especially fast food restaurant, for "Fast food is now served at restaurants and drive-throughs, at stadiums, airports, zoos, high schools and universities, on cruise ships, trains, and airplanes, at K-Marts, Wal-Marts, gas station, and even at hospital cafeterias"(Eric Schlosser, 2001). People may also talk about how to arrange their time on holiday in train station, because the train will bring them back home after a semester of study.

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Gossip, the most popular issue among female, on which they spend most of their part time every day to make fun of others or satisfy with them, may let them feel happy and proud of them at that time. Almost most of female prefer to talk about gossip. What is the meaning of gossip? Based on the definition of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2005), gossip means "information that is passed from one person to another about other people’s behaviour and private lives, often including unkind or untrue remarks" In other worlds, it means that talking about something have a very bad effect on others. "Gossip is always brewing at coffee break" (E.C. Mckenzie, 1980). This can tell female that when they have a chance, they will catch this chance to talk about someone’s gossip. According to the conducted research, there are 31 percent of females talking about gossip. Why? Why they need to talk about it? Lori Palatnik with Bob burg (2002: pg 22-23) claim that there are five reasons. Firstly, "if I put others down, somehow I will feel "up." The worse I paint the lives of others, the more my life looks better. (Why do you think people watch soap operas? There is a psychological payoff to seeing people with messed-up lives. Somehow it gives us the illusion that our own lives aren’t so bad.)" Secondly, "when I gossip I am popular, and I get everyone’s attention. All eyes are on me and now I feel like a "somebody" (but at someone else’s expense). (You may feel popular at the moment, but you are certainly not the person who others will come to trust and respect.)" Thirdly, "life is boring—gossip makes it more interesting. (Pretty sad if destroying other lives is how we overcome our own emptiness and make our lives more interesting.)" Furthermore, "what else is there to talk about? (How about we can help others, the meaning of life or ten ways to have a more loving marriage—among a thousand other positive topics?)" Finally, "because it is accept. In fact, not only it is accepted, it is encouraged. Some journalists even flight hard to work up to the title of "gossip columnist." Certain television talk shows invite guests on weekly who are "gossip experts." (This may be the most nonsensical title of all. What an awful area in which to be considered an expert.)" These five reasons express why female need to talk about gossip, especially, when they are in the train station, because they have nothing to do.

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After knowing the common issues of communication, female know what others are interested in, so they attract others' attention effectively and have an excellent communication with each other, then they have a wonderful life and base themselves on the society.


  1. Larry A. Samovar and Richard E. Porter (2003). Intercultural Communication: 10th Edition. USA: Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
  2. Lori Palatnik with Bob Burq (2002). Gossip: Ten Pathways to Eliminate It From Your Life and Transform Your Soul. USA: Simcha Press. An Imprint of Health Communications, Inc.
  3. E. C. Mckenzif (1980). 1400 Quips & Quotes for Writers & Speakers. America: Random House Value Publishing, Inc.
  4. Lord Quirk (2005). Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: Fourth edition with Writing. England: Pearson Education Limited.
  5. Barbara Thomlison (2002). Family Assessment Handbook. USA: Pacific Grove, CA Wadsworth Group.
  6. Robert Manis (2001). The Marriage and Family Workbook. USA: Needham Heights, Massachusetts. A Pearson Education Company.
  7. Pamela N. Danzig (2006). Shopping: why we love it and how retailers can create the ultimate customer. USA: Kaplan Publishing, a division of Kaplan, Inc.
  8. Michael Burgoon, Frank G. Hunsaker, and Edwin J. Dawson (1994). Human Communication: Third Edition. USA: Sage Publication. Pearson Education, Inc.
  9. Stephen Fishman (2008). Home business Tax Deductions: Fifth Edition. USA: Delta Printing Solutions, Inc.
  10. Eric Schlosser (2001). Fast food nation: the dark side of the all-American meal. USA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
  11. Paul M. Muchinsky (1987). Psychology Applied to Work: First Reprint. USA: Wadsworth Thomson Learning.
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