Communication process and the correct message


Communication is a very day routine communicating that can be whether it is talking to people on the telephone or in person ,talking dictation and transcribing business correspondence , listening with colleagues and staff ,writing letter, faxes, reports and e -mail .It is essential to learn from our communications, from our successes and our failures ,and to develop and enhance our communication skills . Communication involves the sharing of ideas and information. While many people think of communication primarily in oral or written form, communication is in fact so much more. A knowing look or a gentle touch can also communicate a message loud and clear, as can a hard push or an angry slap. So, what is communication -an interaction between two people in which something is exchanged. Thus, communication has two important functions in an organization as it enables people to exchange necessary information, and It helps set members of the organization apart from non-members.

Communication may be defined as giving, receiving or exchanging information, opinions or ideas by writing, speech or visual means, so that the message communicated is completely understood by the recipient. Communication is the process of sharing our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with other people and having those ideas, thoughts, and feelings understood by the people we are talking wit. When we communicate we speak, listen, and observe. The process of communication is successful only when the receiver understands an idea as the sender intended.

Effective communication is the result of the most accurate exchange of information, full understanding of the message by hoth the parties, and appropriate action taken upon completion of the information exchange. The basis of effective communication, whether. oral or written, is clarity about· the subject matter. Since communication is the act of creating understanding, therefore, the message should be communicated in such a way that it is received as the communicator intended, without any misunderstanding. Effective communication requires a thorough knowledge of the communication process, the environment in which it is taking place and an awareness about the possible barriers that may hinder the flow of communication. Understanding between the communicator and the receiver of the message is also very important.

Define Question 1:

To answer this question I need to know more details about the communications process. After get the knowledge about the communication process then only I can explain the process that a communication undergoes. For this question I need to draw the communication process. From the figure I will explain the five steps that is involve in the communication process and the function of each steps. Finally, after describe the steps, I need to know the method and process to ensure that the audience has received the right message. I also get to know about the speaker and listener attitude and purposes and channel that can be used to ensure the right message received.

Answer for Question 1:

Communication Process

Sender Message Channel/ Medium Message Audience

Encoding Decoding

Feedback to sender of possible or appropriate

Process of communication and familiarize ourselves with the elements involved in the process. Communication is a five-step process: The sender has an idea, the idea becomes a message, the message is transmitted, the receiver gets the message, the receiver reacts and sends feedback. Misunderstandings can arise at any stage of the communication process and when that happens, the process breaks down. The transmission of the sender’s ideas to the receiver and the receiver’s feedback to the sender constitute the communication cycle or process. This process involves five step:

Sender has an idea:

Conceive an idea and want to share it .The form of the idea may be influenced by the sender’s mood, frame of reference, background, culture, and physical makeup, as well as the context of the situation . Senders are individuals who react to situations from a unique vantage point, interpreting ideas and filtering

experiences through their own perception. The sender encodes an idea or feeling in words or signs that the receiver will recognize and transmits this message to the receiver.

Sender encodes the idea in a message:

When we put idea into a message that we receiver will understand ,we are encoding. Encoding means converting the idea into words or gestures that will convey meaning is translation or conversion of the idea or intention or message into words or signals so that receiver would reconvert the same as intended by the sender. A major problem in communicating any message verbally is that words have different meanings for different people .That’s why skilled communicators try to choose familiar words with concrete meaning on which both senders and receivers agree.

Message travels over a channel:

The medium over which the message is transmitted is the channel. Message may be sent by computer, telephone, letter, or memorandum. They may also be sent by means of the report, announcement, picture, spoken word, fax, or other channel. Because both verbal and nonverbal message are carried, senders must choose channels carefully. Anything that disrupts the transmission of the message in the communication process is called noise. Channel noise ranges

from static that disrupts a telephone conversation to spelling errors in an e –

mail message. Such errors damage the credibility of the sender. The channel we choose depend on our message , the location of audience , need for speed and the formality of the situation.

Receiver decodes message;

The person for whom a message is intended is receiver. Translating the message from its symbol form into meaning involves decoding .Successful communication takes place only when a receiver understands the meaning intended by the sender. Such success is often hard ton achieve because no two people share the same background .Success is further limited because barriers and noise may disrupt the process. Decoding is what the receiver does to reconvert the received words or signals into the idea or intention or message as originally intended by the sender. The problems associated with encoding or decoding are due to the fact that words or signals have multiple meanings and thus there is a possibility of either use of wrong words or wrong signals or understanding them in a way different from what is originally intended.

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Feedback travels to sender :

Feedback can take place immediately or over a long period of time it may be the desired outcome of a series of communication which will take place over several months. Both communication and audience can responds to the feedback. The verbal and nonverbal responses of the receiver create feedback,

a vital part of the entire communication process. Feedback helps the sender known that the message was received and understood .Senders can encourage feedback by asking question. Senders can further improve feedback by delivering the message at a time when receiver can respond. The sender would be communicating back to the sender his or her evaluation or how he or she understood about each part of the message or word before the sender goes

further in acting on the message. Here in the present example the secretary did

not give her feedback about what she understood and thus the intended

message failed.

The communication process is repeated until both are parties have finished expressing themselves .The process is effective only when each step is successful.. In order to send our message it is clear that we need an understanding of the role of the communicator and audience, and then we can select the appropriate channel of communication .That why communication process is important in our life.

How to ensure the intended audience receive the right message?

When we send a message, we intend to communicate meaning, but the message itself doesn’t contain meaning. The meaning exists in your mind and in the mind of the receiver. To understand one another, the receiver and I must share similar meaning of words, gestures, voice, and other symbols.

There a few way to ensure the intended audience receive the right message :

Now who is audience

An audience is a group. My audience might be my instructor, classmates, t

the president of an organization, the staff of a management company, or

any other number of possibilities. Communication will also be determined

by the status of the audience. It different context each of us has a different

status and may represent different market segments.

We need to consider audience

Audience has separate in many way like initial audience is the first

audience to get the message .Sometime this audience tells to write the

message. A gatekeeper has the power to stop you message instead of

sending it on other audience . The primary audience will decide whether

to accept or will act on the basis of the message .The secondary audience

may asked to comment on the message or to implement idea after they

been approved . Finally watchdog audience , though it does not have the

power to stop the message and will not act directly on it .This audience

pays close attention to the transaction between the sender and the primary

audience and may base future actions on its evaluation of the sender


Determine intended audience.

We won’t be able to construct the right message unless you identify the

consumers you want to reach. A sharply defined target audience aids the

development of a sharply focused and effective message to deliver. We

can now from body language .Body language can divide into facial

expression , eye contact , posture and stance , physical contact ,and

gestures or gesticulation. Facial expressions is one or more motions or

positions of the muscles of the face. The subtlety of facial expressions is

determined by the types of eye contact we encounter .It is important to

look people straight in the eye when talking to them .Looking up ,down,

or to the side indicates that they are not worthy of our full attention and

therefore lack significance . Posture and stance physical position or

bearing while standing .Consider the attitudes that the postures is leaning

forward on desk ,perching on edge of seat , fiddling with pens, and paper

and biting nails. Physical contact is much more than firm handshake.

finally gestures and gesticulation is like shaking head indicates

disagreement or collaboration . The same message may be addressed to

different audiences using differing language and channels of

communication and you will require the feedback to be different for your

own internal communication.

Keep the Audience focused

You can also help your audience by eliminating any information that

doesn’t directly contribute to your purpose. Many business messages

contain too much material. The sender, in hopes of being thorough, tries

to explain everything there is to know about a subject, but most audiences

don’t need everything. All they need are a few pertinent facts, enough

information to answer their question or facilitate their decisions. By

keeping your messages as brief and as clean as possible, you make them

easier to absorb.

Message conditions

Make sure your messaging is clear. If you are delivering a message that is

too vague, it will impact how well any channel delivers it. Especially with

multiple channel integrated campaigns, you need a message that is obvious

and apparent enough that it comes across to your target audience

regardless of the interactive channel where they encounter it. The

message can be unclear. If the messenger uses words unknown to the

receiver, expressions typical of an area, slang or too many acronyms for

example, the receiver might have trouble to decode the message. So the

sender need to used simple languages with simple words and can be

understand by the receiver.

Mind of the messenger

The state of mind of the messenger can influence the message. Anger, frustration, joy can all change the way the message will be perceived. The tone used to say a simple sentence can lend tons of meaning, as well as the body language accompanying the words. These play a role at the receiving end of the process as well. If in a bad mood, the receiver might perceive what is being said in a different way than when in a good mood, for example.

Channel used

It is important to ensure that the sender use an appropriate channel to communicate with a target audience. There are various channel of communicating with a target audience such as face to face , oral , written , and visual. If the wrong channel is used for the content and intent of the message the might get lost. For example, when a supervisor asks one of his employees to come and see him in his office, the message might not be perceived the same . If communicated in person or through a note left on the employee’s desk.

Demonstrating Empathy

The audience must be able to decode the intent of the messenger. It is necessary to . Understand the reasons as well as the reasoning behind the message. Empathy is one of the first characteristics of a good receiver. To

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respond appropriately, the Audience must try and read the messenger. Body language, facial expressions, Voice and intonation are all clues that can be used in decoding the messenger and his true message.

Shutting Out the Environment

In order to centre his attention on the messenger, the sender must try to

shut off the rest of the world and avoid distraction Listen to the

conversation taking place at the next table and text a friend. With all the

solicitation that the world offers, it might prove to be difficult, but a

genuine conversation cannot happen without real involvement. A

successful audience will learn to withdraw from it and give deliberate

attention to the messenger. Just as one cannot expect to do quality work

in a room full of distraction, one cannot expect to have a real conversation

surrounded by noise and other stimuli. It might be as simple as retiring to a

quiet room or as involved as practicing shutting out outside distractions.

One of the greatest sources of communication problem is noise.

Make the Messages Meet

Conversation occurs when each one of the participants is trying to say something different. Like the messenger, the receiver comes to a conversation with a specific intent. Both intents might meet, contradict or be in conflict with one another. The problems start when the receiver’s intent is different from the messenger and his message’s intent. It is as if there are no receivers, just two messengers trying to get something across to the other. Having a conversation is a two way process. Both participants must come to it with the same openness and availability. The receiver may apply all the rules and tricks possible, but if the messenger is not willing to become in turn a good receiver, the communication process become broken and no real conversation can take place. Communicating, really communicating cannot take place without commitment from both participants. If one of them is not really available, it becomes a bit like talking to a wall, a wall that might provide all the right answers at the right time, but that is not really listening.

Facilitate Feedback

In addition to minimizing noise, giving the audience a chance to provide feedback is crucial. But one thing that makes business communication difficult is the complexity of the feedback loop. If we are talking face-to-face with another person, feedback is immediate and clear. However, if we are writing a letter, memo, or report that will be read by several

people, feedback will be delayed and mixed. Some of the readers will be enthusiastic or respond promptly; others will be critical or reluctant to respond, and revising our message to take into account their feedback will be difficult. When we plan a message, think about the amount of feedback that we want to encourage. Feedback is not always easy to get, even when ours encourage it. In some cases we may have to draw out the other person by asking question. If we want to know specific things, ask specific questions, but also encourage our audience to express general reaction, we can often learn something very interesting that way.

Conclusion, effective communication and conversation more particularly requires an open mind and an availability that the modern world does not always permit. It is the task of both the messenger and the receiver to create conditions that make real communication possible. This can be done through empathy, availability and an open-mind. the communication process is the perfect guide toward achieving effective communication. When followed properly, the process can usually assure that the sender’s message will be understood by the receiver. Although the communication process seems simple, it in essence is not. The communication process is made up of four key components. Those components include encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback. There are also two other factors in the process, and those two factors are present in the form of the sender and the receiver. The communication process begins with the sender and ends with the receiver.

Define Question 2:

In this question I need to explain more about the methods, the mediums, and the vehicles that I would use in my products and to communicate with my target audience. This is to make sure them attract with my company product and to persuade them to buy this products. The products that I will choose is laptop, Ferrari One this is because nowadays laptop are getting popular and used by teenager in college . So to promote my laptop products I need to do a advertisement and explain it.

Answer for Question 2:

As the Product Manager of a soon to be launched the Ferrari one laptop branded product, will use some effective methods, mediums and vehicle to communicate with my company target audience so that I can persuade them to buy my products.

The medium or channels that I will use are Internal Channels, External Channels, and individual contact. For the internal channels, the processing of immediate information to individuals within an organisation will include telephone message, internal memoranda or messages which will probably be written on headed paper to be kept as records of the correspondence later. These will be immediate responses to other information received and be required by specified individuals in a very short time-scale. The communicator can make use of memos, house journals, bulletins, notice boards, meeting formal and informal, and telephone calls or closed circuit television. The recipients will be familiar with the context, background and language used in the communication. Effective internal communication can seen in various instances such as communicating with superiors, communicating with sub-ordinates, communicating with colleagues and communicating between departments.

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External channels of communication need not restrict information exchange to an external organisation. Corporate brochures, sales literature or any paid-for advertising is also accessible to those within the organisation .Besides that, we don’t want our internal market to gain information in “second hand” . In terms of organisation’s success , briefing internally via journals , magazines , staff meetings or newsletters should form part.

If external communication take form of the letters, telephone calls or reports then it won’t be necessary for everyone within ours organisation to have copies , but key personnel in project need to be briefed as to ongoing communication external. Effective communication with those outside a company bring in order build goodwill, and ensures the continued existence and growth of the business such as interacting with costumers, dealing with government agencies and department ,handling suppliers

and dealing with the public.

Individual contact with an organisation can be more effective than broadcast media, where the message is diluted and standardised to suit many rather individuals. Newspapers are out-of-date almost as soon as they are printed, ready for the next news item. Clearly the time-scales of the communication will also determine the channel.

As a starting point, here is a brief description of what are probably the most popular methods for business communication used today. Some of these are universally familiar, others recent arrivals on the scene, but for completeness and to ensure a common understanding. The method is Letters , memos , reports because there is no e-mail link between the parties, because a hard copy is required to meet audit or legal requirements or because the recipient prefers to read from paper than from a screen .

E-mail because E-mail means for delivering short text messages within organisations that are networked or exchange of computer-stored messages by telecommunication. As e-mail between organisations becomes more common, the medium will increasingly take the place of fax, particularly as whole documents can be sent as e-mail attachments. Intranet also method because intranet uses the same technology as the Internet, and private network that is contained within an enterprise . It may consist of many interlinked local area networks .Normally an intranet is used to deliver text and images, although the technology is capable of audio, animation, video and real- time 3D graphics sometimes called ‘virtual reality’. Radio is used almost exclusively for public broadcast channels and has few uses for business communications. And the Phone. Phones are universal and, with the advent of voice mail and mobile phones, it is now possible to reach people practically anytime, anywhere.

Finally, the communication vehicles that use are E-newsletters. E-newsletters are a simple way to proactively reach to our neighbours. Seven reasons for E-newsletters are complement our website, Email newsletters are more cost-effective than print newsletters, E-newsletters are interactive, we can test its effectiveness,

E-newsletters encourage word-of mouth advertising, our preaching to the choir and Starting today will help build our subscriber base. Besides that, Websites also are communication vehicles. Websites allow organizations an opportunity to passively reach their audience. Websites allow neighbours access to organization without attending meetings. In addition, minutes, and files easily uploaded through a fairly

simple interface. Print Newsletters is easy to underestimate the value of a newsletter. But a newsletter allows you to connect with neighbours on an ongoing basis and create a greater sense of community. For a newsletter to succeed it must provide accurate and current information. The information must be relevant to the recipient and the format must be pleasing and readable. A print newsletter can take many forms. They can be in the form of a brochure or pamphlet.

Finally , the are six ways in communication vehicles that is keep it simple ,use metaphors and analogy , use many different forums to spread the word , repeat key messages , lead by example and listen and be listened to. This is the method , medium and vehicles that I will use to communicate with my audience to persuade them to buy my product.

Conclusion , As the product manager of a soon-to-be-launched product , we need to use the mediums , and the vehicles that I would use to communicate with my target audience to persuade them to buy my laptop product . It will help me to sell my product .

The advertisement for my product.

The laptop market is being flooded everyday with new and newer laptops arriving in the market almost every hour. If you are a serious gadget geek like us, you would want to keep track to all of them which is why we have complied a list of the latest laptops in the market and are happy to present them before you. Have a look at these brand new laptops.

Ferrari One

Display : 11.1 Inch 1366 X 768 pixels

Processor : Dual Core 1.2 GHz Athlon X2 L310

ATI Radeon 3200 graphics



Windows 7

This is my product

Conclusion and Recommendation

Understanding communication process is very critical to the managers of the organization. They should understand that communication is rarely understood as it should be. The distortion of the message can happen at any of the stages in communication process-sender, receiver, encoding, decoding, channel, message and feedback. In order to send our message, it is clear that we need an understanding of the role and function of the communication and audience, and then we select the appropriate channels of communication .there will also be feedback from us, as communication, to the audience . Communication within and between organisation is dependent on human relationship and organisational context which influence manner, tone, and style. Information must be appropriate to the context and medium, accessible, clearly presented and attract attention because individual receive so many messages and communication. The credibility of an organisation is dependent on the communication style of the individuals who are its representatives. Successful communications do not usually take place in a hostile environment. We can summarise the key factor in successful and effective communication as relevance , accessibility , precision , attract attention , congeniality , and credibility.

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