Comparing Systems Theory and Grounded Theory

  • Summarize what you have learned about the similarities and differences among the approaches.

Qualitative research is an activity that locates the observer in the world. Qualitative research consists of a set of material and interpretive practices that make the world visible. They turn the world into a series of representations, including field notes, conversations, interviews, recordings, photographs, and memos to the self. At this level, qualitative research involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world. This means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena regarding the meanings people bring to them. (Denzin & Lincoln, 2005, p. 3). Grounded theory is a set of procedure to conduct qualitative research in order to develop a personalized theory for a study (Charmaz, 2009). Grounded theory is used by a lot of researchers however most have proven to use the theory incorrectly as researchers do not understand the full scope of this method (Charmaz, 2009).

A narrative inquiry is founded on the principle that each person has a story which gives meaning to their life. Narrative inquiry derives from the phenomenology approach, this type of research includes collecting stories, connecting a meaning to these stories and linking them to the research participants’ experiences (Trahar, 2009). Researchers often gather stories through word of mouth, notes or historical references (Patton,2015). Researchers that choose this approach believes that “stories, organize and shape their experiences” (pg. 128). One challenge that researcher has that use a narrative inquiry is sorting through the stories to collect valid data (Patton, 2009). One type of writing that researchers use for a narrative inquiry is autoethnographic, this kind of writing involves writing in multiple layers of consciousness (Patton, 2009).

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Systems theory is the study of multiple systems. Within the Human Service’s field, workers are work to incorporate social science insights toward improving the quality of life communities and individuals (Systems Theory, 2005). Systems theory explores the structure of complex systems, it also explores how each system is comparable to each other and as well as the whole system (Systems Theory, 2005). Human Service workers use systems theory to understand to get a better idea of the relationship between families, individuals, societies and institutions. Workers seek to learn how a system functions, what parts of that system will have a potential negative impact on a client.

Ethnography is a research method that relies on first-hand experiences of participants (Miller, 2015). Some studies require that the researcher engages in the study and only observe (Miller, 2015). Ethnographic researchers typically use observations, documents, and interviews as data collection techniques (Miller, 2015). Participatory Action Research is a subset of action research. Within participatory action research a study is conducted to investigate a social problem with the aim to take action on the identified issue. This approach is more commonly used to solve a sociopolitical problem.

  • Describe how what you’ve learned by developing the matrix has allowed you to choose the approach that you plan to use for your research plan in this course.
  • Identify the approach you intend to use for your research question.
  • Using the phenomenological approach, the research question that this learner will explore is “what is the lived experience of a female, Army, military spouse, coping with challenges associated with their partner’s transition from active duty military to civilian life?” The best approach that fits this research question is the Moussakas Heuristic research approach using qualitative methods. Moussakas has three approaches hermeneutics, heuristic, and empirical phenomenological research (Creswell, 2009). The heuristic approach starts as a question or a challenge that has the potential to an impact of a social issue (Creswell, 2009). In the heuristic approach, researchers gather knowledge by learning about the participants’ life experience (Creswell, 2009). From the life experience of the participants, a depiction is made. In-depth interviews will allow the participants to give details on how the military to civilian, transitional period affects the spouse as well as the relationship; phenomenology would allow for the spouses to provide details of their experience in their words.
  • Describe your rationale for your choice of approach.
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Charmaz, Kathy. “Grounded Theory.” The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods. 2003. SAGE Publications. 24 May. 2009. .

SparkNotes Editors. (2005). Systems Theory. Retrieved July 8, 2016, from

Miller, M. A. (2015). Academic Advisors of Military and Student Veterans: An Ethnographic Study. Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 63(2), 98-108. doi:10.1080/07377363.2015.1042997

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