Comparison of Dell and WIPROs Implementation of Teamwork

Team means a group of individuals organized together to make efforts regarding some work in order to achieve certain organizational goals.when these team members interact amongst each other and then together they complete some work it is called teamwork.the hardwork, efforts,methods and actions of these individuals when brought together to achieve a common purpose or common goal.

In companies and organizations team work is very essential,all the employees need to understand this that they must have the habit to work in a team because employers in nowadays organistion’s expect their employees to learn and function effectively and efficiently in teams.



IT sector and its industries are playing a major role in India and is growing rapidly over the parts of the world .through IT sector the growth of economic development of India has been increased as well as there had been a lot of help in technical foundation of India.

This sector has largely categorized into:

IT services

Engeering services

ITES-BPO services

E -businesses

The IT professionals in the industry have increased at an annual rate of 14.5% approximately.





The founder and ceo of dell is Michael dell.

Dell is a top player in IT companies and it was founded as PC’s limited in 1984 by university student Michael dell. and it was incorporated as a computer hardware manufacturer and distributor.This company is US’s largest corporation in computer distributors in terms of both quantity of units sold and its gross income.

Dell started from 1999 and till 2006 it delivered more complete computer systems worldwide than any other pc manufacturer.However , due to less customer support Dell created a bad reputation which resulted in market shrink.


The continuous success lies in team work and the opportunity of each team member to learn ,develop and grow.They are committed in developing , retaining and attracting the best people reflective of our worldwide market place.

STRATEGY IN DECISION MAKING OF TEAMWORK IN DELL (REFERENCE FROM ARCTICLE: The characteristics of great teams and the leadership approaches to building performing teams)

TEAM BUILDING – Developing performing teams.

The leadership style method is now unnecessary rather team based approach in work is increasingly becoming popular. The Michael dell founder and ceo of Dell computers believes that business is all about teams and building talent in organization.

It is most important and essential component of success as diversity of ideas and inputs which helps a lot in making better decisions.

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The company Dell its team even if some of their products fail or have to be scrapped.The ceo motivates his team to work better on their next product.


In April 1993, John Medica, who led the development of Apple’s PowerBook, was put in as an incharge of the Notebook division of Dell. By the time he took over, one product had already been canceled and the development of other products was taking longer than expected. After a realistic assessment of the situation, it was felt that only one of the products was under development – the Latitude XP – would be competitive in the market. The company decided to cancel several products that were in the development stage. This demotivated the engineers who had spent a lot of time and energy developing the products that had been canceled. To motivate them, Dell reinforced the company’s strategy to the notebook group and encouraged them to pull together to make the Latitude XP a success.

Dell realized that aligning teams toward a common objective and creating the same incentive system across the entire company would help direct everyone’s talent toward creating value for customers and shareholders. At Dell, people work in teams of two to receive, manufacture, and pack an order for delivery to a customer. The profit sharing incentive encourages them to be productive as a team. Hourly metrics are posted on monitors on the factory floor so that each team can see if its performance meets the company’s goals. Dell also believes that 360° performance appraisals help identify areas that might require further development or improvement and also keep people focused on achieving their goals as a team. He believes that teamwork is all about people who are interested in each other’s growth.


By employing teamwork Dell and global infrastructure consulting services helps spherion upgrade its intranet environment and increase employment by 70 percent.

The challenge faced by spherion was that rapid business growth and a series of mergers threaten to overwhelm the intranet used by Spherion employees for daily access to key documents and applications.

Spherion quoted when Dell helped it as a team

“The way the Dell consultants worked alongside us and shared their expertise felt much more like a partnership than a vendor and customer relationship.” As said by this person;

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– Alex Leon, senior programmer/analyst, Spherion.


The Spherion IT team engages Dell Global Infrastructure Consulting Services to help design and implement an intranet upgrade based on Microsoft office sharepoint server2007 software and Dell power edge servers.


• Get IT Faster: Dell Global Infrastructure Consulting helps reduce implementation time for the solution from one year to 16 weeks

• Run IT Better: Hardware and software upgrade boosts intranet performance by 70 percent; new software running on Dell PowerEdge servers yields 60 percent faster searches; Dell consultants reduce the intranet infrastructure from 10 servers to 6 new servers

• Grow IT Smarter: Dell PowerEdge servers provide processing headroom for future growth



CEO of wipro is Azim Premji.

Wipro is an Indian company which is now going global which was established in was a vegetable oil company to start with and was created from an oil mill established by father of Azim Premji.

It was founde by Demir Barlas.wipro got into e-business

As an offshore centre to which us and euporean companies could sent it customization work and lower levels for deals primarily in software products and related is regarded as a leading provider of integrated business process and technological solutions.


(Article taken from The financial express “wipro inducts Appreciative inquiry for better teamwork)

Analysis of the article says:

In an effort to institutionalise a strong team dynamics within the organisation, Wipro Ltd is now deploying ‘Appreciative Inquiry (AI)’ as a part of its human resource (HR) initiative. Another objective behind the initiative is also to create a culture of internalising a solution-centric approach of conducting business amongst the teams.

Mr.Rajesh Sharma, Manager-Talent engagement and development & Head HR (Finance Solutions) Wipro Technologies Ltd:”The initiative is aimed at enabling the teams in moving towards adopting a solution-centric approach to solving business puzzles.”

This is how the company deploys the entire programme to create a win-win dynamics for one of the project teams in the establishment.

Steps taken in decisions making in team work:

Firstly, there is a facilitator who would enable the group to go back in time and openly share some of the high’s and low’s that they might have encountered in their lives (personal or professional).

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Secondly,the group may also focus on some of their experiential involvements in projects, generic experiences, critical incidents or stories.

They would then be reflecting on how to evolve action plans that can collectively and pro-actively impact the business.

And this is done by deliberating on some of the key questions such as: ‘what have I done better and how can I do things to drive relevant results? Or even some of the hunches like ‘What can I do further so as to be able to deliver a more positive action at the work place? According to the company, the participants and the subjects can revisit the attributes and add anything that is not covered in the entire exercise.

But some consultants believe that techniques like AI cannot carry a direct impact either in triggering performance or in creating an ideal team culture. “All that such techniques do is to allow the teams an open environment to communicate and it would be a tall order to attain some of the strategic deliverables in Human Resource Management”, says Mr.David Robert, managing partner, Talent Trainers Ltd (TTL) a leading HR consultancy that focuses on teams and talent management.

Consultants also affirm that since AI lays too much of emphasis on internal self, there are no foolproof systems to evaluate the extent to which such initiatives have practically enabled the companies in creating business-aligned teams in their respective organisations.


Team work is now more privilent in organiztions rather than leadership and other approaches.If employees in organizations work in teams efficiently and effectively it would be more helpful in achieving success and would focus on attaining organisation’s planned goals. As more and more organizations move towards a team-based approach to work, The leadership style is becoming disused and outdated. Leaders are playing the role of facilitators more and are now expected to teach their team members, and let them make decisions for the team. A team-based approach is expected to improve efficiency and productivity levels in an organization. However, the transformation from a command and control style to the team based approach can be confusing and grueling. Companies expect their middle level managers to transform themselves into team leaders. They are expected to coach, motivate, and empower their people.

Team based practices should be adopted as an culture in IT as well as other organizations for better ,quality and standard work to achieve success towards goals.

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