Computer Virus Questions And Answers Computer Science Essay

In the next couple of paragraphs’ I’m going to go over computer viruses. And what I’m going to tell u is that I hade several questions about computer viruses and what they do .computer viruses are vary dangerous to personal information. Computer viruses can steel all kinds of your information they go after whatever they can get a hold of they look for security flaws an mistakes’ in the system. And some of the main questions I had was What is a computer virus? How many different types of computer viruses are there? What are the most dangerous types of computer viruses? So in the following statements I will go through and tell you what I figured out researching these questions.

Computer Viruses

What is a computer virus? A Virus is a program or file that can copy itself to a computer and infect the computer by coping or unleashing all out assault without the permissions of a computer owner and without them even knowing it. Computer Virus have the ability to copy itself and the ability to copy itself to program files and folders on the computer or any removable device hooked to the computer. Every file or program that becomes infected can also become the virus allowing it to spread to other files / computers. The term computer virus is often used wrong as a slang word that includes all types of infections on a computer. 

Were do viruses come from? Virus programs often come from a few sources they are created people or rely smart computer programmers that either have a grudge against the world and its computer users or just want attention and likes messing peoples stuff up. Many virus are created because people are mad and trying to get back at there x company for firing them but they end up spreading the virus around the world doing it so I don’t know what’s wrong with them people are just stupid an like causing people problems. Wherever computer viruses programs come from they are there and more viruses are made every day to cause users problems. so be protected agented the ass holes who don’t do there jobs.

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Who Created the first computer virus? It depends. There were several early viruses created. But the first one seen in that was called Cloner. It was a virus for Macs written in 1982 by a high school student named Rich. but another on of the first type was a worm called the creeper worm was created as an experimental virus by Bob Thomas in 1971. It infected PDP-11 systems. the leader of the Internet in the early 1970. Creeper was an experimental self replicating program Designed. Creeper used the Arpanet to infect PDP-10 computers running the Tenex os. Creeper got access via the Arpanet and replicated itself to the a remote system. but there r many different opinions on this factor.

History on viruses? I am going to go over the history of computer viruses in 1945 Grace Murray Hopper was the first to discover a moth trapped between two switches in a Navy computer. She calls it a bug which is the term used nowadays since the late 19 century to refer to problems with electrical systems. Murray Hopper was also the one to helped name a computer bug a computer bug. The typical viruses common to us now came to are ayes in the 1980s when a computer system runs programs that allows users to dial into the internet over a phone line or modem. In 1990 a new virus was brought to our eyes it was called a micro virus. Microsoft Word was a program that allowed the macro virus to multiply and gain blank information. This can cause major problems to a system. but today it is a lot harder to get rid of viruses with any portion of technology but the new fastest virus is called the Virus.Win32.Virut according to a recent studies an reports. This virus is very good at injecting itself into software of files on a computer on your computer in such a way that it is difficult to remove.

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How many different types of viruses are there? There are many different computer viruses the main ones are Trojans, worms and bots and u can also get a virus from an email. but A Trojan horse is the main types of computer viruses and it is nothing more than a computer program designed to infect and it slows down your computer performance. But these viruses can do any kind of damage it wants to a PC. They are a program that pretends to do something when they are really doing allot damage to that program that it is running on when the user starts it that’s when it infects. Trojan attacks are one of the most dangerous threats of all so these types of viruses can be spread in literally everything. Which makes it almost impossible to notes when you are looking for them? The worm is the most common types of computer viruses these also work by using a computer networks and security to be able to create copies of itself via tracking ip addresses and then copying the same worms and it will continue to scan all the ips till it infects the computer network for any other security Problems. Worms are definitely more defined than Trojan viruses and a computer worm does not need a program run it is able to infect and replicate of its self. When ever and ware ever it wants to or sees a computer hole in security.

What do viruses do to your computer? Viruses are software programs they can do the same things as any other programs that’s running on a computer. The actual effect of a normal virus depends on how it was written. Some infections are intentionally designed to damage files or other programs with your computers operation while others don’t do anything but try to copy themselves to everything. But even the ones that just spread themselves are hazards since they infect and damage files and many other programs in the process of spreading.

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What is the most dangerous type of computer virus? Well it is hard to tell what the most dangerous computer virus on the computer is now days because of the vast amount of information that hits the web every day I can tell you that recently many people have been worried about a virus called Zeus v3. And it works by stealing money out of people’s bank accounts. So I can see why that one would b one of the most dangerous computer viruses. you don’t need any one figuring out all of your personal bank info or any at that note.

What kind of protection should u have to defend yourself form attacks? her are many types of computer defenses you can use win running a pc. And how they work is they have a data base that tracks all the resent infections on the web and then u up date yr software then you run the program can activate the scan. I use various different types of computer virus software one of my favorite r Iobits 360 it is a free download and it comes with a verity of different viruses an security tools but remember not one program can cover all of the viruses so I would suggested running a couple anti spy ware programs you can search the web to research which ones would cover you needs.

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