Creating An Online Shopping System

The online shopping system is fast gaining media for to sale or purchase items from anywhere and anytime. It is basically based on Internet, It is related with B2C (Business to Customer) model and status of the design and development of e-commerce platform. It can not only save the operating costs of enterprises as well as save the time of customer to go shopping at mall and it is increasing the efficiency of business.

This document shows the status of Online Shopping System and development background and then introduces or discusses the system design, system objectives, system requirements and overall all phases of development or implementation of system.

This system provides good facilities to users with GUI forms to registration, shopping cart management, and information modify etc. for customer. It has also provided some facilities to Admin as add item, update item and etc. It has been designed with B/S three tier structures, JSP technology for dynamic page design and for system security and code reuse the JavaBeans has used. And for better communication between system and easy to access, as well as to store large data of the database has used MSSql Server 2000.

In this basically the two user one is Admin who can add item, update item control over the database or the management of customer information and keep security over the information of the customer as well as products. Second is customer who access the site for his requirement, he can register, search or see the products, details of products and comment for product and can do secure transactions over the internet.

Chapter 1: Introduction

What I am going to do?

In the proposed system , as discuss in the abstract we are going to develop the new website Online Shopping System for computer products. In the website I followed the software development methodology called incremental approach nad according to it the system is mainly divided inot the two kinds of users and three kinds of mechanisms in order to make more sutaible for the end users to fulfill their all requirments from one place with quick and in more understandable manner. Here two kinds of users are Admin and End user means customer. In addition to this, three kinds of methods which considered here are NetUI means make available access to the end users for everything from the net which is developed with help of JSP and HTML, second one is the database which used to store large amount of data and easily can retrieve,update etc, and last one is the controls used for the same. Thus here we followed the model based UI desing approach. The important things which we added with this website is the latest product with latest configuration customer can choose as per configuration of that product, external devices, security for transcation, customer can send their view or comment and many more.


In the current world the rapid development of Internet, the Internet has expressly become the best and fast media for collecting information, communication as well as entered into the commerce means selling, purchasing etc. So e-commerce became more popular and more businesses build an online store to show consumers a new shopping concept.

Online shopping system as B2B, B2C, C2C ecommerce front-end business platform, the whole process of its business activities plays an important roles. In this site or system, consideration is how to build a B2C Online Shopping System.

Online shopping is a kind of interactive features business information which provides users with two types of static and dynamic information resources. The static information are those that change frequently or later that resources, sucha as company profile, management practices and corporate systems etc. Dynamic information is subject to change information, such as commodity quotes, meeting arrangements, and training information. Online shopping system has powerful interactive features to enables businesses and users to easily transfer inoformation to complete e-commerce transactions. This new inter-company transactions to achieve the paperless exchange of documents and funds.

Technologies Selection and Justification

Following is description of technologies which are used for the website work:

1.3.1 Hardware/Software Requirements

Software specifications

Category (Software tools)

Software Name

Operating System

Microsoft Windows, Linux

Designing Tool

MyEclipse 7.1

Front End


Back End

MSSql Server 2000

Hardware specifications:


Minimum Requirement


Intel 3.1GHz processor or onwards

Random Access Memory (RAM)

512 MB RAM.

Hard Disk Drive

20GB (min. free useable disk space).

1.3.2 Technology Description

1) JSP: As there are number of acronyms with which the Internet is packed, another one is JSP. Here the JSP is standing for the Java Server Pages, but it’s commonly known as the JSP. JSP is nothing but the scripting language and very much similar to the ASP, PHP languages. Using the JSP, contents in the website are generated dynamically which allowing the rather than only statically as with the HTML. There are many free hosting available for the JSP websites because of the reason is that JSP is free and open source, simple, robust. There are other web development technologies also available now days such as PHP, etc. But we encountered some problems with such technologies which are presented in following justification for the same:

JSP over PHP:

Both (JSP & PHP) is web technologies are strong. For the most of the enterprise level applications JSP is better way to do because of its security, stability, speed of execution etc and more are the advantages of JSP. We encountered the problem with the PHP is that it becomes not more secure as compare JSP. As compared to the PHP, JSP is more rapid tool for the development of websites, once we know it, we can design any kind of pages which seems to us harder with the PHP because PHP is harder and also fewer objects oriented than JSP. Using JSP, we can develop web application quick by maintaining the level of performance, security for the same.


ASP.NET is come with the Microsoft product in the VS framework which is also one of the better way to designs and develop our websites, but the problem with such technology is that it is available only commercially means not freely as the JSP. As the we are getting same performances from the JSP as from the, then it’s enough to decide to go with the JSP. Apart from this, there some other advantages which of JSP over the ASP.NET we observed such as:

Freely Avaliable and Platform independent.

Hosting is Cheply available.

Web Server for JSP is free.

If OS is Linux, no need to pay for the antivirus softwares.

Rapid development.

2) MSSql Server 2000:

One of the powerful is MSSql. There are many other powerful databases such as Oracle, Mysql etc are available. But while selecting MSSql database, there are two things which were addressed as compared to Oracle as well as MySql as: database which is best suitable with the JSP and another one is database which have fast speed to retrieve, update or communication with data. While with Oracle, MySqlserver there lot of extra efforts needs to be done before setting up the web application, the MSSql database is easy database with the high reliability, fast performance, and easy to use.

Project Plan

Thus as we used the incremental methodology of the software development, this project is divided into the different phases like requirement analysis phase, designing phase, development phase, deployment phase, testing phase etc. Following chart shows the overview of the proposed project plan with their time durations.

Website Development Phases

1) Table for the Effort Estimate





Existing Website Analysis and comparison with proposed one

4 weeks

Software Development Methodology

1 week

Planning and Designing

1+2 weeks

Flow of System

1 weeks

Modules designing & their outcomes

2 week


design document

Development and Deployment

8 weeks

Primary system

Website Testing

3 weeks

Test Reports



1 weeks

Complete project report


2) Module Description:




Module 1

Information analysis

Gathering of Information as well as analysis related to the online store or website for computer products.

Module 2

Technology & methodology

After conducting the analysis, selection of the technologies as well as methodologies is done by considering all the consequences.

Module 3

Flowchart Designing

Module assignment as well as flow control of process according to the methodologies selected.

Module 4

Website Implementation

All modules code implementation as well as integration of them into one system.

Module 5


Overall website working is tested and conducted.

Module 6


Thesis preparation on the basis of current research results.

3) Project plan








Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Quality Plan

In this section, some of the quality planes which are considered in order to maintain the quality of the proposed website. The major quality measure which we considered for the website is the proper validation for different things and response time of the proposed website because on the basis of this customers attraction is depends. Following is the brief explanation of these terms:

1) HTML Validation

Using this validation we can check the document correctness against the DOCTYPE which is declared. On the basis of this various kinds of reports generated if there are any bugs with it.

2) Validating Links

This is one important issue with the websites. Links of the website are checked against the all links given in the website whether they are working according to the specification given.

3) Validating Accessibility

This is the most important activity which must be included in every website quality planning. It is not enough only to make the website, because people from different places, with different platforms accessing our website. The initiative of web accessibility is the maintaining the resources list which will help in order to designing the websites which will accessible.

4) Response Time

For the websites like proposed one it’s necessary to check up with the response time of server because with websites several shopping transactions need to be done.

Chapter 2: Software Development Methodologies

2.1 Types of Methodologies

The mechanism of methodology is mainly composed of the one or more techniques in conjunction with the one of the models of software development. The prototyping techniques, object oriented techniques which are the multiple ways in order to implement the models such as incremental, waterfall and spiral models. During the single project such kinds of mechanisms are matched as well as mixed. Thus the methodology = techniques + models. Following are different kinds of methodologies which are prepared on the basis of combination of techniques as well as models:

1) Waterfall Model (Life Cycle)

2) Prototyping Model (Life Cycle)

3) Iterative Enhancement Model

4) Incremental Model

5) The Spiral Model

6) Object Oriented Methodology

In the next section, we will see the details of each of these models in brief

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2.2) Introduction Methodologies

1) Waterfall Model:

This model is called as the waterfall model, because in this model the more emphasizes is on the complete phase development before proceeding with the next phase of the development. With the combination with some kinds phase completions, establishment of the baseline is done which freezes the development products at such point. If the current requirement is identified in order to change these products, then the process of formal change is followed in order make the change. Such kind of phases graphic representation during the software development resembling the waterfall model downward flow.

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[Ref. ]

2) Prototyping Model:

Waterfall model is basically designed for addressing the issues with the waterfall model. In this model, the basic idea is that rather than freezing the requirements before coding or designs we can proceed, using the throwaway prototype requirements of the development understands. On the basis of requirements which are currently known. The prototype development is inside contains the coding, designing as well as testing. But each of these phases is not done very formally or thoroughly. Thus using such kind of mechanism, end users can get the systems actual feel, only because of the thing that prototype interactions will allow clients to understand the requirements better way for the desired system.

3) Iterative Enhancement Model:

This model is trying to combine the features of models like waterfall as well as prototyping models. The main idea behind such model is that development of the software is done on the basis of incremental approaches, in which each and every increment is adding the some kind of functional capability in the system still the system is fully implemented. During the every step, extensions, designing and modifications are made.

[Ref. ]

4) Incremental Model

Main idea in this model is that during the overlapping sections waterfall is performed in order to attempt projects of waterfall model compensate which is done by generating the earlier usable functionality. This kind of model may be needed the overall requirements set that are small projects series. With the general objectives, initially using the basic objective, incremental model is started.

5) Spiral Model

The model for the incremental is can be considered as the spiral model sometimes. The view of the spiral model is illustrating the one of the strength of the previous model in this section which is: system size grows while the resources can be held on constant. The size of spiral is corresponds to the size of system, on the other hand the distance among the coils indicating the resources. As the name indicating such model has many cycles. The dimension of the radial representing cumulative cost which is incurred while accomplishing the steps that are done so far as well as dimension of angular representing the progress which is made during the completing the every spiral cycle.

[Ref. ]

6) Object Oriented Methodology

As the name indicating, such methodology requiring using the object oriented techniques which can be used during the requirement analysis, designing and implementation phase of the system. Such kind of methodology asking for the analyst for determining the systems objects, their behavior over the time or their behavior in response to the events, as well as what kind of relations and responsibilities an object has to with the other objects.

[Ref. ]

2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Prototyping Model

Early functionality.

Providing the process in order to perfect the definition of requirments.

Providing the risk control.

Main focus of the documentation is on the end product rather than the evolution of product.

Providing the basic specification which is embodied in the operating replica.

Disadvantages of Prototyping Model

This method is less applicable for the existing systems as compare to the existing new systems development.

Suffering from the dirty documentaion.

Bad reputation in between the conservatives because of dirty and quick method.

Sometimes using this method system is developed with the poor performance.

Advantages of Iterative Method

Reliable software production.

This may be intrdouced gradually to an organization.

Disadvantages of Iterative Method

Complete sets of requirements are required.

Disciplined style may stifle creativity.

Advantages of Object-Oriented:

Problem owners can joining in producing the solution.

Maintenance costs are less due to the object oriented analysis which encourages the complete set of solution.

This kind of model expresses the reality of users view.

Disadvantages of Object-Oriented

This is difficult for those methods which is having the structured analysis of background.

This method may be difficult with the DoD-STD- 2167A.

[Ref. ]

2.4 Details: Two Methodologies

In the following section, discussion and detailed working of the two models such as incremental model and waterfall model.

1) Waterfall Model:

As we discussed the basic working this model in above section, in this section we will take the overview of basic steps of the model in the software development:

Following figure shows the different phase in the development of the software. The documentation included the documentation from each phase. The phases below the detailed design phase include software as part of their output. Transition from phase to phase is accomplished by holding a formal review that is attended by the contractor and appropriate government agencies. These reviews provide the government insight into the contractor’s progress. At critical points on the waterfall model, baselines are established, the last of which is the product baseline.

[Figure:1: Waterfall Model]

As showing in above figure 1, as the name indicating waterfall model is made up of sequentially of phases one after the next phase. In comparison with the other software development models, following are some of the salient attributes of this model:

This is the forma method.

This is like top down development approach.

This is consisting of phases which are independent and needs to be completed sequentially.

This model is used in different ways:

Phases are combined,

The starting as well as ending points are different.

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2) Incremental Method:

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As we discussed in the last paragraph, the model of incremental is performing the waterfall in the overlapping sections in order to attempt length compensation for the waterfall model projects by generating the earlier useful functionality.

As compared to the waterfall model, a project which uses the incremental model is starting with the general objectives. In this case, some part of such objectives are defined as the requirements as well as are implemented, after that the next part of these objective are considered and implemented, this process is continues until the complete objective is achieved. However as compare to the complete requirements general objectives can be uncomfortable for the management. Well defined interfaces are needed due to the fact that few modules may be completed early compare to others. This model is more flexible for the development of the websites as compare to the software’s. Thus we selected incremental model for the same.


2.5) Methodology Selection

For our proposed application we have to use the method of Incremental approach which is best suitable for such kinds of applications. Because of the following benefits from it:

Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.

More flexibleless costly to change scope and requirements.

Easier to test and debug

during a smaller iteration.

Each iteration is an easily managed milestone.

Due to iteration each phase complete within timeperiod.

Chapter 3: Literature Survey

3.1 Overview of Online Shopping System:

Online Shopping System is the shopping cart system that enables customers to find and purchase the products and services. The system allows customers to get list of item for purchase by placing items into shopping cart. At the checkout the system will calculate a total of the all item which are added by customer and if any applicable taxes, shipping and handling charges will be added.

Mainly three types of shopping cart systems that are used to build better ecommerce stores as,

Ordering systems, online storefront builder systems and third is specialized systems. An ordering shopping system is the most basic that makes it possible to select and purchase online and specialized system basically offers for business to business solutions but we are implementing for customer. So we will use the storefront builder for larger store offerings with combines all of the features of an order system with contact management system. Storefront shopping systems normally include a database as storefront and administrative function area. In the database stores customer data, order information, product details etc. A storefront system displays this information while admin want allows a business to manage the shopping store data as insert, update or delete product information. Storefront has a store catalog that is usefully for presented and pleasing for customers. Good admin functionality have to easy for navigation, manages modules, assign options and flexible to manage all things which needs for shipping.

There many options for hosting shopping cart or website, mainly online ecommerce store will used a licensed or hosted system for shopping cart or website. A licensed hosting system can be installed and downloaded on a web server by associate with onetime fee or charges for hosting.

A hosted system never be downloaded but is hosted through a hosting service providers and it requires fee or nominal percentage of sales as per their rules.

A good website or shopping cart system enables both the ecommerce store; owner and customer have to participate with each other in this business with honesty. Without this the ecommerce business or online business would not be successive.

3.2 Components of Online Shopping System:

Online Shopping processes are comprised of four main components: engage, purchase, fulfill and support, as illustrated in Figure 3.1.

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Information required for customer care is derived primarily from customer data warehouse for linking to multiple touch points and marketing knowledge bases. Furthermore, these must be integrated with (1) enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, (2) partner relationship management systems, and (3) supply chain systems.

3.2.1 Engage Component

E-Business-sizing the engage component means network enabling the process of enticing the right customers to buy a product or service. Some forms of proactive engagement are having your product or service appear prominently in the results of a popular search engine, or via advertising banners pushed to an idle cell phone display. The Online selling system aspect is not only doing online marketing, sales and service but also supporting these functions in traditional channels (e.g. storefront, reseller) through use of Internet and/or wireless technology. Here we focus on Internet supported enablers for engagement. The discussion applies for businesses from pure dot coms, to physical companies with a web channel (clicks and mortar), to net market makers and breakers. Software companies like Netscape used giving a product away “for free” as an effective engage instrument. Revenues could be obtained later through another product. In Netscape’s case, it is the quarter million dollars plus suite of XPert e-Commerce tools. In RedHat’s case, millions were made in escalating share price. Some companies give away “teasers”, or stripped down products or services. After the customer is engaged, revenue may be obtained from the company

Offering billable add-on features. These strategies complement other marketing campaign strategies such as spreads of limited time price reductions, sales, or clearances.

Interactive marketing effectively “tracks” customer movements and pushes suggestions or advertisements out to that customer. Online interactive marketing uses customer profiling, personalization and contextual advertising extensively. When a customer starts looking for product or service information, online or offline, he or she engages in browsing content, searching, comparing, configuring, interacting, questioning, and listening. Online shopping system must support these activities as well as identify needs and solve customers’ problems.

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Throughout these stages, advertising is effective to get the customers to look at product. Interacting, configuring, listening and questioning are the ways that a merchant presents personalized views to the customer. This comprises the themes for personalization/trust, marketing and content for points of contact. The themes range from picking and choosing products to pushing specific information to the customer. Personalization in the search context is the process of tailoring information to the specific user. This includes localization of content, contextual presentation of data and iterative learning based on user inputs. Localization of content is the ability to understand the customer requirements at each location and the tailoring of content to suit them. This is made more difficult by the nature of globalization of business. A good example is presentation of prices to a customer. Localized content would be required to present to the customer a true price to them, reflective of all of the pertinent costs, rules and regulations. Locality also dictates how a customer interacts with the presence.

Identifying needs and solving customer problems in the context of engage enabler’s means explaining the product or service to fit the customer needs. Marketing at the engage stage can act as a conduit for new product or service development.

Access to a common customer database allows businesses to more effectively cross-sell and up-sell. The access to complete customer information can facilitate business to create a richer customer experience. Another aspect of engaging a customer is the coordination of effort with channel partners. Most customers do not want to have to say no to the same product or service to multiple companies in a short time period. To avoid potential customer annoyance, channel partners need to share and manage lead information on prospects or potential customers. Another point is that online prospects are directed to the channel partner that can offer the best service to the customer. All online prospects are automatically recorded in a database. The leads are then available for follow-up by sales personnel. Dot com companies also use traditional media such as newspapers, radio and television to engage new customers. In fact, it is well known that dot com companies reinvest from 50 to 85% of their revenues in marketing to build brand. Clicks and mortar companies use the web channel to complement traditional engagement methods. Both types of companies advertise web sites through regular media such as brochures. All types of business use profitability and competitor analyses to target the right prospects, customers, and partners in the first place. Data mining of the customer data warehouse supports these types of analyses and allows the business to effectively create marketing campaigns. Full knowledge management allows personalization and one-to-one marketing. Sales order history can be used to personalize and create a customer service offering by allowing customers to view their past transactions. Best of breed examples include full customer care suites that have integrated sales order history with the marketing systems.

[Ref: [1], G.L, “Service positioning through structural change”, Journal of Marketing (1987), 34-43.

[2] Smith A.K., Bolton R.N., Wagner J., “A model of customer satisfaction with service encounters involving failure and recovery,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, No. 3, Aug. 1999 ]

3.2.2 Order Component

Ordering is the process where a customer selects and makes a commitment to purchase a product. This includes a variety of selection, payment mechanisms, and order management mechanisms. Ordering has traditionally been a sales process. However interactive marketing threads through this process and there is opportunity for service also. The customer does not distinguish between dealing with the marketing, sales, or support areas – he/she is dealing with the business. The web channel particularly blurs these functionalities as customers expect view the business all at once. Product or service selection is facilitated by real-time shopping environments created to give consolidated views of price, availability, shipping and tax rules, and any other pertinent information that would alleviate the ordering process. Customer ordering ties to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) or back office system for dynamic pricing, just-in-time (JIT) inventory control and other logistical and customer-centric mechanisms. This is why supply chain visibility is important in Online selling system. It generates customer expectations that are more accurate because the customer is presented with accurate delivery date and order status information. Customers want to make incremental changes to orders until the time of shipment; they want to see past order history. For these reasons, an order system must go beyond order capture to create real value to the customer. It must access real time supply chain management data -demand planning and forecasting, manufacturing planning and scheduling, distribution and deployment planning, and transportation planning and scheduling data. Supply chain management optimizes the delivery of goods, services and information from supplier to customer. Based on this real time supply and demand data, a business can differentiate itself by creating dynamic pricing, nimble product or service configurations, promotion and product mix optimizations. Global sales drive the integration of other information such as custom and excise duties, and governance rules for export to a country in the order management systems for e-Business. The payment mechanisms for B2C e-Commerce include credit cards, micropayments, and electronic funds transfer and other types of non-cash settlements such as contracts and invoices. These mechanisms must allow for non-repudiation of the transaction.

Order management refers to the management of the order details. This varies from single consumer views to corporate views where the details are for a single individual versus a corporate purchasing process. Order entry system must address service orders, not just product orders, justifying the need for warranty management integration within the order management system. Warranty information is the types of warranty that is available to the customer. This is very critical with non-digital goods where the warranty reflects the actions taken for defects and returns. Ensuring the capture of customer information at the point of purchase can be difficult and challenges the online world. Yet, it is important as proof of purchase for returns and service. Retention of sales receipts is bothersome for most customers – the capture of customer information at the point of sales takes the onus off the customer to retain their sales receipt.

[Ref: [1], G.L, “Service positioning through structural change”, Journal of Marketing (1987), 34-43.

[2] Smith A.K., Bolton R.N., Wagner J., “A model of customer satisfaction with service encounters involving failure and recovery,” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, No. 3, Aug. 1999 ]

3.2.3 Fulfillment Component

Fulfillment is about managing information on product or service movement. It is a subset of knowledge management since it requires knowledge of product movement or supply chain information. Many businesses track orders to the point of shipment not to the point of delivery to the customer. The fulfillment role is sending a product, delivering a service or any situation where the terms of agreement are completed with the customer. Your customer cares that you get the right product to the right place at the right time. You want to do all that at the lowest delivered cost. A fulfillment strategy may mean a relationship with your supplier to deliver direct to your customer instead of to your business.

Returns are an iterative loop between fulfillment and support planned for when the customer has a problem, needs to send products back and potentially get replacements. This is often an overlooked area for many on-line businesses. The critical enablers in fulfillment are back end process integration, delivery capability and global sales governance. Back-end process integration is how integrated into the company’s internal systems are the online processes that facilitates access to product availability and information about lead times. All the systems interact with common database(s) in order to gain access to the required data.

Many enterprises fail to capture the true cost of fulfillment since the backend fulfillment process is not integrated, so many think their web-commerce transactions are profitable. Enterprises must plan a strategy to sell products over the multiple mediums and develop a strategy for back-end fulfillment.

Delivery capability is how the products or services are fulfilled. This can range from having a server deliver electronic goods to fulfillment of tangible goods. The digital goods are the easiest to fulfill but might also be tied to an ecommerce transaction engine. The entire procedure for digital goods delivery capability should be totally automated. When goods are non-digital in nature, the equation becomes more complex. Enterprises in a B to C model may employ a “pick and pack” strategy for their fulfillment. Other businesses may require partial pallets versus full loads. These needs have given rise to container aggregation shipping models and e-Businesses such as Many companies are employing the services of outsource fulfillment agencies such as UPS and Fedex who will deliver the capabilities the firm does not have.

Integrated resourcing (IR) encompasses fulfillment and communications with the customer around flexible manufacturing and distribution of products. Key to the success of IR is having multi-modal transportation systems, integrated communications networks and enterprise knowledge about the product. Multi-modal transportation systems include the ability for the organization to interface with many types of transportation components including container, truck, rail, air, and others. Materials handling systems will serve as inter-modal integrators, providing seamless connections among different transport modes and to manufacturing and distribution facilities. Integrated communications networks are the backbone allowing for all components of the virtual integration team to communicate with each other. The openness of the network will allow for interoperability by all versus having a proprietary network. Enterprise knowledge about the product is focused on having a knowledge management system that allows the entire enterprise to tap into the knowledge about the product including design, support, and upgrades. This is important to the integrated resourcing function because it helps dictate what types of fulfillment options are available for delivery and returns. One area of major concern for fulfillment is global sales. Many enterprises get very excited about potentially selling products and services to customers over the globe. The difficulty is that the enterprise may not have all the policies and procedures in place to do global export. They can often expose themselves to too much risk of violating customs or trade compliance laws, which can lead to fines and negative publicity. This is an integration of the governance stakeholder functions. If the back-end integration, delivery and governance factors are not considered, the operation could incur lower profitability and could permanently damage customer relationships.

[Ref: [1] Schneider B., Bowen, D. E., “Understanding Customer Delight and Outrage”, Sloan Management Review, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 35-45, Fall 1999.]

3.2.4 Support Component

The historic term of customer service was to support the customers after a sale. Merchants are now realizing that well executed, proactive customer service can also convert shoppers into buyers, turn buyers into repeat purchasers and even increase the incremental purchase value of each customer . Self-service is an application of personalization and trust that encompasses the ability of the system to handle customers’ desires. Best of breed examples include having all of the information available to the customer placed in a net centric environment with allowances for modifications and updates of customer information to occur at the customer level. Order tracking is one of the best known self serve applications.

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A critical enabler of good customer support is knowledge management in the form of the integration of customer contact points because it is recognizing that customers can speak to an organization in many ways. Product updates and upgrades notification presents another means for support and engagement. From a customer-focused prospective, the customer should be notified when updates and upgrades are available. This is based on the customer contact information that resides in the system. Current contact management software features include collaborative white-boarding, real-time application demonstrations and sharing, text chat, voice chat, form sharing, and website co-navigation. Web site co-navigation or “follow me” browsing is where each web page viewed by a customer or agent is visible to the other party. Collaborative white-boarding allows customers or business partners and agents to draw diagrams or circle and highlight points in real-time over the network. Form sharing enables agents to help customers fill out fields. Some assessment features of contact management software include presentation tools and performance, integration of multiple media, security, ease of use, management, and online help, archiving and reporting. Users can schedule and conduct live (audio and voice integrated) Web based meetings or sales presentations with customers or other business partners. Software demonstrations, document sharing, document annotation, and website co-navigation are supported. Other features include contact routing ability that matches agent profiles to customer profiles. That is, an agent with the appropriate skill level handles the customer calls. The ways in which knowledge management enables support is in the provision of complete customer history in real time, maintenance and access to corporate knowledge bases or industry knowledge sets such as that contains problem resolution descriptions and suggested email responses. The low end of the KM enabler would have contact points with disparate systems and inconsistent interfaces and the high end would have total integration across all customer contact points with one consistent interface to the information.

[Ref: [1] Kasanda, John D., “Innovation Infrastructure for Agile Manufacturers”, Sloan Management Review, Winter, 1998, pg. 76.]

Chapter 4: System Design and Implementation

In this sections we will see the Systems design specifications and the modules structures for the developed Online Shopping System.

4.1) UML Design Specifications

UML stands for the Uniform Modeling Language which is used for the visual representation on overall system processing and functionality.

The OMG specification states:

“The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical language for visualizing,

specifying, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.

The UML offers a standard way to write a system’s blueprints, including conceptual

things such as business processes and system functions as well as concrete things such

as programming language statements, database schemas, and reusable software


Following are basic goals behind using the UML:

Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual modeling language so they can develop and exchange meaningful models.

Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts.

Be independent of particular programming languages and development processes.

Provide a formal basis for understanding the modeling language.

Encourage the growth of the OO tools market.

Support higher-level development concepts such as collaborations, frameworks, patterns and components.

Integrate best practices.

There are various kinds of UML diagrams for the representation of the software such as class diagram, use case diagram, object diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram etc.

Following are the diagrams for the proposed Online Shopping System

1) Class Diagram





Credit card no

Phone no

Customer Registration

Customer Login

View Products




Supporting Team







View Customer Details

View Feedback


Build Customer Profile

Profit Calculation










Customer Details



View Suggestions

View Actions

Set Actions

Add Products

Graphical Reports

2) Use case Diagram

Search for Product

Select or add product to Cart

Create A/c or Registration

Online Shopping System

Give Payment Details/Transactions

Receive Details

Give Feedback


Add Product/Update Product

View Feedback

View Suggestions by Team

Selecting Actions

Create New User/Modify User

Apply actions on Customer

3) Sequence Diagram




Supporting Team


Login Request

Login Response

View all Customers

View Product store feed back /suggestion

Build Customer Profile

Purchase Product

Profit Calculation view all Suggestion

Apply Feed Back

View all Feedback

Set the Action

Set action


View Reports

Send Suggestion

4) Deployment Diagram


Web Browser

Web Browser

Web Browser

Client n

Client 1

Client 2


5) Component Diagram






6.2) System Modules Specification

Overall Online Shopping system is considered the following module structures and working:


Supporting Team


1. Customer

This customer module is the first main module in this project. In this module in fully based on the customer process. This module is start from the customer registration. After customer registration customer can view all product information. Customer can purchase the product whichever customer like and also customer can send feedback to Support team.

Sub Modules

Customer Registration

This customer registration module is used for new customer. New user can register their all information.

Customer Login

This module is containing customer login information. Authorized customer can login.

View products

This module is used to view all product information. Customer can view all new products as well as the existing product information before purchasing.

4> Purchasing products

This module is used to customer can purchase the product which was customer like to buy.

5> Apply feedback

This module is used for customer can send the feedback to the support team. This feedback is used to support team to increase accuracy.

6> Search product

This module is used for customer who can search product .He/she can search Product by

1. Product Name

2. Product Cost.

2. Supporting Team

This Support team Module is the second main module in this project. In this module is fully based on the support team Vs Customer module. This support team module has provision to view all customer details and also Support team member can view all feedback information which was customer send regarding the particular product. This support team can prepare the customer profile for all customers. This Customer profile is contain two main child parts one loyal customer and another one is unloyal customer.

Supporting Team Modules

1>View Customer Details

This module is used for support team to view all information regarding the all customer. All customer information will be sorted in the database for future use

2> View Feedback Information

This module is used for support team to view all feedback information from the all customer. All customer feedback information will be sorted in the database for future use. By using these customers feedback information support team give suggestion to the admin.

Build Customer Profile

This module is used for support team to build the customer profile. Support team can view information about the customer with from the starting date to ending date as an input. This customer profile is used to divide the customer in loyal and unloyal.

4> Profit Calculation

This profit calculation module is used to support team to construct profile for the customer regarding profit. Profit is calculated by giving some inputs like (duration of time, sending time, purchase etc…)

5> Listing Action Sets

Support team can list all action sets and all suggestion will be send to the admin module regarding the action.

4. Admin Module

Admin module is the third main module in this project. This admin is the controller of the all modules. Admin has a full provision for view all customer, Support team suggestions and action set. Admin can select the exact suggestion from the current customer, support team suggestion for increase customer in the management process and also apply the particular action for increase the accuracy.

Admin Modules

View Customer Feedback

Admin can view all customer feedback information to get and set the exact action for the customer.

View Support team Suggestions

Admin can view all support team suggestion. This support team suggestions is used to get the exact suggestion for increase the customer profile and make customer to loyal

View Action Set

Admin view all action sets these action set is made from the support team for the customer.

Selecting Action Set

Admin can select the exact action based on the support team suggestion and the customer feedback.

Apply Actions

This module is used to apply the selected action for increase loyal customers.

Add New Product

This module is used to add new Product in the product list as well as modify existing product.

View Graphical Reports

This module helps administrator to see performance of the product and Loyal and Unloyal customer by graphical representation.

Chapter 5: Testing

This is important part for the any software and web application development process for the verifying the correctness of the developed applications and to fix the bugs in the system. We conducted the various test cases for the developed online shopping system to find out the bugs in the web application. Following are some of them presented:


If – Customer Login => Customer Page

If – Supporting Team => Supporting Team Page

If – Admin login=> Admin login Page

If – Login Input Incorrect – Forward to same Page

Customer Page:

Possible Options:

Customer Registration:

New customer registration page

Customer Login:

After registration customer login

If Login incorrect then forward to same page.

After Customer Login:

View Products:

If click this option customer can view available products

Purchase Products:

After see customer can purchase products using his account


Customer can send feedback using this page.


Search product by product name or product cost

Supporting Team Page:

Possible Options:

View Customer Details:

This team can view registered customers details and purchase details.

View Feedback Details:

This team can view customer’s feedback.

Build customer profile:

Depends on customers purchase level, supporting team will build profile for each customer.

Profit Calculation:

Supporting Team calculate profit percentage from customer purchase.

Listing Action sets:

Apply action sets to customers. An action set means introduce or show products depends on customers.


Support team can send suggestions/Feedbacks about customers or anything else by this page.

Admin Page:

Possible Options:

View Customer Feedback:

Admin can view customer’s feedbacks.

View Support Team Suggestions:

Admin can view support team suggestions.

View Action sets:

Admin can view action sets which is assigned to customers

Selection Action sets:

Action sets assigned to customers can be done by admin too. New actions sets can be made by admin.

Apply Action:

Loyalty of each customers are assigned here depends on customer total login times and purchase level. This is final action of this project.

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