Creation of an Online Prescence


Assignment No 1 of 1- Sit 1

As an IT administrator for ACS (Awesome Clothing Store), you are responsible for the company’s infrastructure including its online presence. The company has commissioned a new website in order to improve their revenue and reach a higher segment of customers. The developers have delivered the code and database for the website and you are now responsible for bringing it online as well as perform maintenance and adding any additional features that might be required in the future. The website has been developed in PHP and MySQL as well as other technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Please refer to Appendix A for an explanation of the files that you will be given.

You are required to prepare a preliminary report which includes your opinion, and diagrams with appropriate reasons. Following are the questions that you need to answer to achieve the criteria set.

Task 1 – Deploying an Application under a PHP Environment (P1.1, P1.2, M1, D1)

The application must be deployed on the web. Explain what is required in terms of hosting services for your application to work correctly. Support your answer by mentioning a number of hosting services that you can choose, select the best one and justify your answer. Illustrate the difference between client-side scripting and server-side scripting supporting your answers with practical examples used in the application.


Explain the methods and techniques required to host a website. In your answer make reference to registering a domain name and the need to host the website’s files online.

Registering a domain in a jurisdiction is the first step  popular domain are after the .com are .tv (Tuvalu) .me Montenegro one of the most or the most popular domain registering broker is GoDaddy it’s vital to select the right domain name so you’ll ensure that site reaches more hits.

1.Planning and evaluating the best possible route. The site will consist of series of files, so we will need the capacity for files. We can either host them on a local web server or a cloud web server such as AWS.

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2.We need to evaluate all the avail webhosting services and come up with the moist suitable

3Various companies such as godaddy offer domain checker, they can also provide an alternative domain after successfully finishing the registration procedure including WHOIS database assign, where the webmaster information us made public or set in private mode.

4.    Once We have registered we can use the appropriate tools to upload the content.


Evaluate the different types of hosting offered by web host providers. Elaborate in detail on at least 2 hosting services and give examples of actual hosting companies offering these packages.

For testing and development purposes, deploy the given application and database to a local server such as XAMPP.

Currently on the market various webhosting solutions are available

there is:

  • Complimentary Hosting
  • Shared Hosting
  • Virtual Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Collocated Hosting

Complimentary Hosting

Complimentary web hosting is ideal for small pages with low traffic, and not for corporate or business use. Such service include various adds and pop-ups and with limited or no support.

The Good points in free hosting sen/ices are:

  • Free
  • Ideal for personal websites
  • Ideal to learn on them

The Bad points in free hosting services are:

-Usually you cannot choose your own domain

-Few, limited or no software options

-Limited security options

-Limited or no database support

-Limited technical support

-Lack of professionalism


As we can see, there are a lot of cons in going to free hosting, however one has to see his need.

Shared hosting is very cost effective. With shared hosting, your web site gets its own domain name, and is hosted on a powerful server along with other web sites. Shared solutions often offer multiple software solutions like e-mail, database, and different editing options. Normal technical support tends to be good. This is recommended for the small businesses.

The Good points in virtual hosting services are:

  • Low Cost. The cost is usually shared with others.
  • Ideal for small business
  • Multiple Software options
  • You can have your own domain
  • Normal support is quite good.
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Negative  points with virtual hosting services are:

  • Limited security due to shared resources
  • Limited traffic volume
  • Limited support

Dedicated hosting

On dedicated hosting, web site is hosted on It’s ideal for high demand traffic and sites. One should expect dedicated hosting to be high avail bile and more secure, with various platform solutions.


Explain how effective judgments have been made by suggesting which hosting package is most suitable for this scenario and elaborate in detail why a specific hosting package was chosen over another.

Due to the limitation of of our solution For our online clothing website, We can opt to host our own resources, a solution that with we need to procure for resources, where can come result in isses from from ISP or owned  hardware.

We can also opt shared hosting. Where it is more feasible option since it includes load balancer, uptime guarantee redundancy site, SLA and higher avability. For this option, we can partner with amazon AWS

AWS offers a perfect solution for our goal because most of the backend administration is done automatically various geolocation data centres which translates in faster browsing speed, they offer some tools to write and store our website and they guarantee 99.9% uptime. 99.9% uptime means that we can afford 1 min 15secs downtime daily or 7 hours 33min 66 seconds yearly. Although that seems a lot, hen breakdown the expense, It’s more than acceptable for an online fashion store . Of course, the nature of the business is online and the time it makes offline means loss of money, however, taking everything into consideration, we can say this package is the best we can use.

Other packages such as GoDaddy or hosting our own server are too expensive for our purpose. GoDaddy, for instance, offers a 24×7 support to its dedicated hosting. They also 99.9% network uptime, the price will shoot up to €88 a month compared with the AWS which is just €47 a month.

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Show that conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified by analysing:

1. How the hosting services will make your PHP application work correctly on the web.

2. Evaluate in detail the difference between client-side scripting and server-side scripting by giving practical examples from the application.

XAMPP is the tool that is going to be used for our site. After we build the site design and make it available online we are required to create a hosting account, where we decided to make it with on AWS. Then with filezilla (ftp) we need to upload the content to our website. Web Tools such as Dreamweaver have a build in FTP, and one can upload the changes immediately.

When upload is completed, one must preview the project for a UAT (user acceptance test). AWS has this functionality and one can find it by clicking web hosting, next to the hosting account that we want to use

Server side Scenario

The server-side scenario uses a scripting tool on a web server. A user’s request is triggred directly on a web server to create dynamic HTML files. These files are sent to the client browser. It is usually supplies interactive sites that integrates with databases or other data API.

Client’s scenario

Client usually triggers scripts via browsers. This will be processes on the client’s side. The source code is downloaded from the web server to the client’s computer through the web browser

Scripting language tools should be enabled to perform this operation. This might also create a security threat loophole, with various warning messages being displayed on client’s browser.


Explain the legal requirements of hosting an online website.

Once successfully uploaded there is a whole legal framework to be followed.

1.Company Information

2.Web Accessibility and the Disability Discrimination Act

3.The Data Protection Act

4.Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations

5.Electronic Commerce Regulations (EC Directive)


7.The EU Anti-Spam Laws

8.The EU Cookie Directive

9.         Legal information such as trading licence vat, numbers etc.

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