Customer Care And Complaint Resolution Policies Commerce Essay

At Roman’s Pizza, According to Chenet and Johansen (2006) customer care is the ability to inspire trust by being courteous, knowing one’s products and understanding the customer’s needs. Complaint Resolution Policies are defined as

To see the analysis of customer care and complaint resolution policies at Romans Pizza, this project consists of five chapters. Chapter 1 will explain the background and brief description of Romans Pizza which will be including the background of Romans pizza, about the good and the service of the product and lastly about the industry. While chapter 2 is based on customer care policy, vision and mission statement of Romans Pizza and their impacts on customer care operations. In chapter 3 all complaints which Romans Pizza face frequently will be touched and ways of logging complaints by customers and who is responsible for attending customers complaints. Chapter 4 will look at the resolution process followed by Romans Pizza and turn around time taken to resolve the complaints and how the VIP customers are handled while chapter 5 will focus on the review process of the complaints raised by customers including how the escalations are handled and how complaint resolution closed. However as researchers we will also recommend to the management in terms of how they can improve on customer service considering that this is a more competitive and even globalized world .this research work shall be handed over to management.



Researchers used Romans Pizza & Time Beaters (Pvt) Ltd as a case study and conducted a research based on an Analysis of Customer Care and Complaint resolution Policies. This firm was found in 1993 when Arthur Nicolakakis bought over a struggling Pizzeria. He had a vision to provide the best quality product at the lowest price. Its goal today is still to be the best value for money in the industry. Here in Botswana its operations started in September 2010, opening a single outlet in Gaborone which is located at Game City mall. It is said to be opening other operations in Francistown-Blue Jacket Street, Phakalane, and Square Mart Mall. The competition in this industry is very tough as new entrants enter in succession.


It is producing and selling pizzas. They range from sizes small, medium and large. A customer can either book for a pizza over the phone or in person, and it takes about 10 minutes for it to be ready. Various pizzas are produced with different flavours and taste depending on the ingredients used by the production department at Romans Pizza & Time Beaters (Pvt) Ltd. They also sell beverages such as water and soft drinks.


Romans Pizza & Time Beaters (Pvt) Ltd falls under hotel & catering industry. Its competitors include Debonairs Pizza, other restaurants who are selling the same products and Pizza Den. Romans Pizza & Time Beaters (Pty) Ltd has also branches in South Africa. Time Beaters (Pvt) Ltd was incorporated in 2010 to provide timely and precise transportation to product providers.



Customer care policy refers to the guide lines that are adhered by the organization when it is dealing with the customers whenever there is a problem. Usually such issues are expressed in vision and mission of the company in relation to the customers.

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Mission refers to what an organization aim for its purpose and existence as a supplier or producer of goods and provider of a service to the organization, (Schermerhorn, 2008).

Romans Pizza & Time Beaters (Pvt) Ltd mission is’

The Pledge

“Every Romans Pizza meal is made from the finest imported ingredients, all the way from Greece and Italy, as well as the freshest local ingredients. All meals are prepared to order and are therefore guaranteed to be fresh, delicious and straight from t he oven. The staffs ensure that the pizza experience is truly fit for a king. These are pizza perfectionists, it with and can prove it with the proud and passionate price promotion.”

Vision refers to the future predictions of the business in relation to what it offers in terms of services that it offer, (Schermerhorn, 2008).

Roman’s Pizza’s vision is to be one of the best in selling pizza and to provide customers with the best value and to provide the best quality product at the lowest price. Its goal today is still to be the best value for money in the industry.


This mission has a very big effect on customers as what comes into their mind immediately they see the mission statements. They will opt to buy at Romans Pizza because most customers like to be associated with value and quality. So if Romans Pizza does not live up with the expectation of the customers that may work against their success of the business and mission.



Definition of a complaint

According to Chenet and Johansen (2006) a complaint is a chance of introspecting what could have been gone wrong and caused dissatisfaction. It can also be referred to as an expression of any dissatisfaction.

Ways of logging in the complaints

Customers who are willing to complain can pose their complaints via the company’s telephone number

The company also has a suggestion box displayed on the counter. What management do they will summon all the staff and brief them about the complaints raised by customers and coming up with a solution.

The other mode of complaining by customers is through face-to-face. This includes face to face interaction between the customer, and a customer service representative of roman’s pizza, and then the matter is solved in the floor.

The customers are supposed to report their complaints to the sales representative before reaching the manager.

Process of logging in the complaints

Customers have a way or process of complaining that is arranged by management of Romans Pizza.

First of all, complaining customers raise their complaints to the sales representative. The sales representative can resolve the matter at hand if it does not require the top management.

If the sales representative is failing to solve the matter, it is then directed directly to the manager.

At Roman’s Pizza complaint numbers are not issued as complaints which are raised by customers are very average and minimal and they do not take long to solve a complaint so this avoid keeping customers waiting.

Commonly raised complaints from customers

Some of the complaints which are frequently by customers are as follows;

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Waiting period

Sometimes customers say they take a very long time waiting for the pizza to be ready. Some customers order hot pizzas and want them right away but according to the Production manager, a single pizza takes about 10 minutes to be well cooked.


The level of hygiene at Roman’s Pizza does not impress some customers because one of the customers stated that it is not clean since there are always flies in the eating area, and the producers or cooks do not put on their hats properly thus chances of their hair falling in the food are very high.

Wrong orders

Another complaint that is raised is a mismatch of the product that customers have ordered. For instance, a customer might order a pizza in thick flavour and the seller can probably give the customer a thin base. This is usually due to many customers buying at the same time.

The number of complaints that management of Roman’s pizza handle in a day cannot be measured as sometimes there are no complaints at all. In some days, one-two or three complaints can be raised and most of the time there are no complaints raised, they are very average in terms of number.




Complaint resolution processes are the steps which are used by management of a business by way

A company can use the `LIST` method of solving a raised complaint by a customer. What happens is that when a customer is dissatisfied with any service pertaining a company in which he or she interacted he will be listened to. After a customer has complained and listened to the customer service provider will then isolate the core and associated problems by asking the complainer some questions. Then the service provider will then solve the problem as quickly as possible and by so doing the customer will be informed. The last step of this method is to take the feedback from the customer to ensure that he is satisfied.

Researchers have discovered that Roman’s Pizza also use the same procedure while trying to solve complaints raised by customers. First of all management listen to a complaint raised by customers and look at where could have been the problem by asking the customer some questions that are related to the complaint. A service provider will make sort of a dialogue with the customer and if it’s a minor issue that can be solved by a service provider he will promptly solve it and if it requires the manager it will be passed on where he will settle the complaint. After all respond will be taken from the customer and will be informed.

Usually each and every complaint is resolved using this same procedure.

Escalation process

Refers to

Standard Turn around time

Refers to time set to completing a process or an event that was done previously, (Kotelnikov, 2001). As different customers uses different means of logging in complaints so the turn around time also differs at Roman’s Pizza and depend on the type of complaints raised, but usually a complaint that is raised over the phone takes about 5 minutes to be solved and face-to-face complaint takes a very short time which is usually 2 minutes.

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Definition of Deviations

Chenet and Johansen (2006) define deviations as a change from an agreement.

As for the resolution process each and every customer is given the same priority and the process is the same while attending customers, even VIP customers. According to the customer service provider at Roman’s Pizza what the customer asks they provide in terms of services and said they appreciate customers complaints as they help in capitalising the mistakes done so as to work on it so that it can never repeat again.




The staffs of Roman’s Pizza normally handle meetings every week after the complaints have been collected. They then try to come up with ideas as to how to solve those complaints and strategies to ensure customer satisfaction. They can make themselves better in giving the good customer service which makes them a good competitor against other rivals.


Roman’s Pizza normally make sure that those complaints that are frequently raised by the customers are known throughout the company so that those kinds of complaints can be prevented in the future.


This refers to a set offered for completing a process or on event as done in the previous process or an event (Kotelnikov, 2001).

The maximum time taken to resolve the customer’s complaint does not take more than 30 minutes. Time is considered as money at Romans Pizza the moment a complaint arise the customer care providers immediately takes action and if the complaint is not solved the manager is engaged to assist to solve the problem. This process does not take hour since the customer might lose patience and confidence in the company.


At the end the branch manager of Roman’s Pizza should solve customer’s complaint fairly, that is to say the branch manager should be and give the customer compensation to ensure customer satisfaction and create a good image for the company. After the sale customer satisfaction is checked by calling back the customer to find out if they are satisfied with decision taken to solve the complaints.


To sum up the project, researchers can conclude that customer service is an integral part in a business for it to be successful and if it provides good quality service, more customers can be obtained and existing customers retained. That’s what Romans Pizza and Time Beaters (Pvt) Ltd is trying to do and if they keep on serving customers with quality they can gain edge over their competitors.


Roman’s pizza should improve the hygienic state of their company since it is not good for the health of the customer. The waitress must pay attention when the customers place orders and also brief about the variety of pizzas available in order to avoid mismatch in the products. Also the time estimated for the pizza to be ready should be taken into consideration because sometimes the time promised to the customers for the pizza to be ready is exceeded. The Romans pizza should not take more time to place the orders and should not make the customers to wait for a long time


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