Customer Services and Organisational Effectiveness Example

Customer Services and Organisational Effectiveness

Image result for images of irish revenue logoImage result for images for customer service[1]





A brief background/overview on The Revenue

The Revenue is a large organisation which operates throughout the country and administers all taxes collected from the state.  It works alongside other state agencies to safeguard against illegal importation and exportation of:





motor vehicles

live stock

There is no competitiveness with other businesses as this organisation is the only one of its kind.


Target market (customer type), how it meets basic and human needs

There is no customer type as The Revenue deals with every individual tax payer.  The target market is:

collecting from a tax payer who has outstanding taxes

dealing with queries from the tax payer

refunds on taxes and arrangement of payments through other Government organisations such as the Department of Social Welfare


How organisation presents itself to customer -v- customer’s experience



The Revenue

The Customer

Printed leaflets with helpful information.

Can be picked up from local tax office.

Online: easy way to check and pay taxes i.e: PAYE, LPT.

Easy access for setting-up payments, expenses against taxes, and submit a query.

Advertising through radio for deadlines on paying certain taxes.

Reminders for meeting deadlines on certain taxes which are due certain times of the year.




The Revenue

The Customer

In general, Government buildings are well maintained both old and new structures for both staff and the public; all meeting Health & Safety requirements.

Walking in to a Government building is:  warm, clean, appropriate lighting, seating in the waiting area, with an electronic numbering system for customer’s waiting time.



The Revenue

The Customer

Some of the various services offered:

Local Property Tax

Motor Vehicle Tax

A customer can either pay online, pay through the post office, Direct Debit or go to the local motor tax office.  The price will be fixed for the type of vehicle or property band.


Employees interact with customer, each other and management

The Revenue

The Customer

The staff and management: Meetings







Employer/management present themselves:  care/hygiene/dress

All employers and management are presentable, clean, smart/casual dress and good hygiene.


Potential positive and the potential negative impact of 1.3(A) to 1.3(E) on consumers and on the business



The Revenue (Positive/Negative)

Consumer (Positive/Negative)

Advertising is made accessible in different ways for the consumer.

Information made easy and reminders sent to consumer.



The Revenue (Positive/Negative)

Consumer (Positive/Negative)

Well maintained buildings.

Walking into a well-maintained building.  Parking made available for the public.

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The Revenue (Positive/Negative)

Consumer (Positive/Negative)

All services made available to the consumer whether online, post office, or setting-up payment.

Consumer has varies ways of paying their taxes.


Employees interact with customer, each other and management

The Revenue (Positive/Negative)

Consumer (Positive/Negative)

Good communication with consumers and other staff members.

When calling it can be frustrating at times as you are dialling a low cost 1890 number which can take up to 40 minutes.  The consumer gives all their details to the telephone operator, then gets transferred to relevant tax department and may have to repeat the same information.

Generally good customer service and always helpful to the consumer.


Employer/management present themselves:  care/hygiene/dress

The Revenue Positive/Negative)

Presentation is good and hygiene is essential as working with other colleagues and possibly dealing with a consumer face to face.


How the organisation caters for disability and diversity

The Revenue are an equal opportunity organisation and does not discriminate against:


Ethnic race




Disability:  if an employee has a disability The Revenue will cater for the needs of the employee by re-arranging and making a comfortable work space for them.  There is no restriction around the office for consumer or employee for wheelchair access, disabled toilets, lift and disabled parking is available.


Disabled Parking and Disabled Toilets

BR109 - Disabled ToiletsTypes of Disabled Parking Spaces[3]





A brief background/overview on The Abbey Medical Centre

The Abbey Medical Centre is a purpose built medical centre which openend in 2009.  It is located in Ennis on the Westgate Business Park.  There is plenty of parking for patients.  Rochfords Pharmacy is located in the same building which is convenient for a patient, as they can walk in to drop-off or pick-up a prescription. [5]

The practice consists of:

3 Doctors

3 Nurses

5 Clerical staff

1 Office Manager


Target market (customer type), how it meets basic and human needs

The Abbey Medical Centre is providing a medical service to its patients’ both private and Medical Card holders in the Ennis area as well as 10 kilometres radius from the town centre.


How organisation presents itself to customer -v- customer’s experience



The Abbey Medical Centre

The Patient

Leaflets available

(see Appendix A)

Patients can pick them up in the practice.

Webpage:  online information from medical guidance; emergency numbers, practical advice.

User-friendly webpage full of information for the patient with contact names and numbers in an emergency, medical guidance and advice.



The Abbey Medical Centre

The Patient

It is a purpose built building.  Brand new fixtures and fittings.  It is clean, tidy and patient friendly.

Patient and can walk into a clean and tidy practice.  The patients’ waiting area has plenty of seating, warm and comfortable with music playing in the background and a few magazines to read while waiting.

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The Abbey Medical Centre

The Patient

Some of the services made available to the patients are:  vaccinations; family planning; well women / man health screening; ECG-24 hour; lung function testing; family practice; and dermatology.

Patient can make an appointment and avail for these services without having to make a further appointment with the hospital or an independent consultant.


Employees interact with patient, each other and management

Abby Medical Centre 

The Patient 

Very helpful, friendly, with a professional manner and empathy with their patients and other staff members.  When you call and make an appointment they will try and fit the patient in the first available appointment.  If it is an emergency, they will see the patient that day.

Patient feels reassured and listened to.  Feels a nice clean, warm environment with a caring side and help with their  needs.


Employer/management present themselves:  care/hygiene/dress

Presentation is good and personal hygiene is essential as working with other colleagues and dealing with patients every day.


Potential positive and the potential negative impact of 1.3(A) to 1.3(E) on consumers and on the business



The Abbey Medical Centre (Positive/Negative)

Patient (Positive/Negative)

Advertising is made accessible in different ways for the patient.

Information is accessible at all times.



The Abbey Medical Centre (Positive/Negative)

Patient (Positive/Negative)

Well maintained building.

Walking into a well-maintained building.  Parking made available and on-site pharmacy.




The Abbey Medical Centre (Positive/Negative)

Patient (Positive/Negative)

All services which are available at the practice are available for the patient.

Services available for the patient’s needs.


Employees interact with customer, each other and management

The Abbey Medical Centre (Positive/Negative)

Patient (Positive/Negative)

Respectful and good communication with both patients and other staff members.

Generally good customer service and always helpful.


How the organisation caters for disability and diversity

The Abbey Medical Centre are an equal opportunity organisation and does not discriminate against:


Ethnic race




There is access for a disabled person entering the building and in the practice itself.  There is wheelchair access, disabled toilets, lift and disabled parking available.

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[2] Amanda Mulcahy 2 March 2017

[5] Amanda Mulcahy 23 February 2017

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