Database Management System DBMS Is A Set Information Technology Essay

Computer science illustrates the development of software design, its application, coding and execution. In the present world database is the one of the key feature for software maintenance and development.


Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of programs that creates and maintains a database in an operating system. It allows user to store and retrieve the information from the database. There are four classifications in database management systems such as Relational model, Network model, Hierarchal model and Object Oriented data model. Relational data model is collection of tables the data will be stored in the table like a database file. In this model use the high level query language. In the Network data model its represent data should be as record type. In the Hierarchal data model the data is like hierarchal tree structure each hierarchy represents the records stored in the database. In the Object Oriented data model database is represent in terms of objects and their properties and operations. (Scribd. 2010)

The advantages of the DBMS are controlling the redundancy of data, restrict the unauthorised access to the database to enter, modify or delete the data. It is given that persistent storage for data structure. The disadvantages in DBMS are it is difficult to access the data from database, security problems. (Scribd.2010).


The Database Architecture is a set of rules and processes to how to data will be stored in the database. This architecture describes organisation of all the database objects. It effects on integrity, performance and reliability. The architecture defines the nature of the data, structure of the data and the data flow. (Wingenious.2010)


The Current Trend in the DBMS is Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS).In RDBMS the data should be stored in the form of tables. This technology is used in various software applications e-commerce, medical records and all online transactions. The important feature in RDBMS is that it is a single data base, it can spread into several tables and each database contains the single table. The whole database is divided into number of tables and all they have relation between them. Now a day’s RDBMS replaces DBMS because in the DBMS model the data should be in single large table they any changes made in the table the database will change but in the RDBMS the small amount portion database should be modified because the database should be divided into small pieces so this will not affect entire database. This model is very popular because of its capability to solve many problems created by other data models. Let’s take an example the student details in the university the key role for the student details database is roll no and using this roll no it access the data of the student.

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“A data warehouse is a subject oriented, integrated, non-volatile and time-variant collection of data in management discussions”. The data warehousing is moulding the data and store the data based on the subject rather than the application. In the subject oriented the prime object for the data warehousing is storing data and providing decision process to the company, the mainly company concentrates on the subject areas. In the integrated the data in the data warehouses is spread around the tables, databases and servers but data should be integrated constantly in the values of variables and data definitions. In the non-volatile the data should not be changed once updated from the operational system. Data warehousing possess multi-dimensioning in their nature so we can easily find the data from the database it reduce the time consumption. (Oracular.2010)


The another features used in DBMS is Data Mining is simply the objective analysis of information already collect such as registration database, membership applications. Data mining is simply a process and series of tools that help to analyze the information use to support the decisions. First collect the database from organisation like registration or membership. So we can easily arrange the data in the form of tables through the database. (Schrift , 2004).


Database Applications are widely used such as banking for customer details, banking transactions, loans, internet transactions. Airlines for reservation and schedule information, Universities for student information, course details, student mails Telecommunications for maintaining the records of customer calls and monthly bills. And credit card transactions for purchase the goods and monthly transactions. (Oracle.2010)

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Database Maintenance has several tasks such as Analyze, Control, Integrity, Load, Unload, Update and Replication. Analyze displays the information about the content, users in the data base. Control manually closes the database for access the database. Integrity creates the backup file for the database up to the last transaction. Load the data should be load into database like tables. Unload data from the specific file. Update this is most important task for every transactions update should the database. Replication there is two types of replications like manually replace and automatically replicate the database. (Oracle.2010)


Database Technologies are presently used mainly Oracle, Microsoft access and MYSQL. Many data bases use the ASCI-Standard SQL.


SQL-SERVER database consist of six types of objects. They are TABLE, QUERY, FORM, REPORT and MACRO. (Donahoo & speegle, 2005).


A database is a collection of data about a specific topic.


We can work with a table in two types. Design View and Datasheet View.

Design View

To build or modify the structure of a table we work in the table design view. We can specify what kind of data will be hold.

Datasheet View

To add, edit or analyses the data itself we work in tables datasheet view mode.


A query is a question that has to be asked the data. Access gathers data that answers the question from one or more table.


A form is used to view and edit information in the database record by record .A form displays only the information we want to see in the way we want to see it. Forms use the familiar controls such as textboxes and checkboxes. This makes viewing and entering data easy.

Views of Form:

We can work with forms in several primarily there are two views. They are, Design View and Form View

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Design View

To build or modify the structure of a form, we work in forms design view. We can add control to the form that are bound to fields in a table or query, includes textboxes, option buttons, graphs and pictures.

Form View

The form view is display the whole design of the form.


A report is used to vies and print information from the database. The report can ground records into many levels and compute totals and average by checking values from many records at once. Also the report is attractive and distinctive because we have control over the size and appearance of it.


A macro is a set of actions. Each action in macros does something. Such as opening a form or printing a report .We write macros to automate the common tasks the work easy and save the time.


The proposals chosen for the field of Database Management Systems:


This project is mainly used to secure the important files of the particular Organization. In first to select the backup files and enter the backup path after complete the process to select any schedule types like Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. The time for backup process, Maximum capacity of the backup is common for all schedules. In this project the used technologies are Microsoft visual studio 2003 as front end, SQL server 2000 as a back end and the code language is VB.NET. (IEEE Explore.2008)

Multiple Conflicting Information Providers on the Web.

The world-wide web has become the key information resource for most of us. The different web sites do not give accurate information about the subject. In this paper we suggest a new problem called Veracity which studies how to find true data from a large amount of inconsistent information on many subjects that is provided by different web sites. We design a general structure for the Veracity problem, and develop an algorithm called Truth Finder. In this project the useful technologies are SQL server 2005, Visual Studio 2005, coding language is c#.Net. (IEEE Explore.2010).

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